The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, September 28, 1923, Image 3

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v uriii for YniiR PRnnnrr
Portland, Oregon
Complete Change Saturday. Adulta, Week
day Matinee, 20o; Eyenlnga, 89c. Continu
otu 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 centa all timea.
Shipherd's Mineral Springs
HAROLD BAIN, Manager Carson, Washington
An Ideal Winter Resort. Special Winter Rates.
Routes S. P. & S. Local from Portland to Car
son, Wash. By Auto to Cascade Locks via Co
lumbia Higsway. By Auto via the North Bank
Highway. Hotel American Plan, Modern Hotel
Accommodations. Baths Hot Mineral Baths: Cure
for Rheumatism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach
1 roubles: Skin Diseases. Hunting and Fishing.
If taken in time, prevent operations for Diabetes, Catarrh. Asthma,
Lung, Throat, Liver. Kidney. Rheumatism, Blood. Stomach and all
lenuue disorders. Bladder Troubles.
The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmless, as no drugs or poison are used.
Composed of the choisest medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, im
ported by us from far away oriental countries.
Call or Write for Information
C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company
New Location-262W Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon
Established 23 Years in Portland.
A Good Job With Steady Work
Paper making offers a good opportunity to
strong, intelligent, sober men between the ages of
21 and 50 sure pay and steady work.
Meals 35c each. Plenty to eat and excellent
cooking. Company hotel.
Supply beds 25c, 30c and 40c.
Free hot and cold baths tubs and showers.
Worthy, faithful employees have good chance
for advancement.
Positions given free on application you pay
no fee for your job. Employment Office at Camas,
Washington and 209 Commonwealth Bldg., Port
land, Oregon.
Crown Willamette Paper Co.
A Two-Part
Jl - J-
Gives smooth, Gliding fin
ish to hard or soft-wood
Your druggist has it. If
not, send us stamps, 75c
for one-pound package
Portland, Oregon.
Cascara Bark
We sre one of the lsrgest buyers of
Cascara Bark in the world.
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
llranchat Pocatello, Idaho
Write for Prices and Shipping Tags.
Cut, seam, hem and machine
Dlaafc skirts ready for band.
Hemstitching, picoting nnd tucking.
85 H Fifth St. Portland, Ore.
85 centa
Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fii you np,
we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your
combings. Join our School of Beauty Cultore
400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phons Broadwsj
6902, Portland, Oregon.
Northwest Welding k Supply Co., 88 lit St.
Clarke Bros., Floriata, 287 Morriion St.
All long rye straw stuffed.
Insist on having the collar
with the "Fish" Label. If
your dealer does not handle
thiiTbrand collar, write to u
53 Union Av., Portland, Pro.
Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay
while learning. Positions secured. Write
for catalogue. 234 Burnside street, Port
land, Oregon.
My FREE illustrated book de
scribes the causes, symptoms
ind Injurious effects of Piles;
iko the non-surEicjl methods which
enable me to guarantee a speedy anil
pansaastt cure.
M E N T IQN THIS "AVLH wncr, r-.ii..-
Featherweight Arch Supports made too
order. J. E. Tryzclaar, 818 Plttock Block,
Portland, Ore.
Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces
Lubliner Florists, 4B Morrison at.
Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli
able; years experience; descriptions free,
"The Successful Club," Mrs. Naah, Box 556,
Oakland, California.
Expert fitting at lowest prices. Glasses
In all styles. Lenses duplicated from
broken pieces. Mall in your broken
glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ur,
A. E. Hurwltt. 223 First St., Portland
fnicni ff1 lunnt' ENGINEEH
Protect that Idea with a United Statea
Patent. Others hare made fortunes out ol
Patents. Why not you! Thomas Bilyeu, 201
Stevens Bldg., Portland, ore.
The Little House
A Song by Evelene Calbreath.
Sung by Kathryn Meisle, contralto,
Chicago Opera company.
Osteopathic Physician.
Electronic Method of ABRAMS
Phone Main 2963.
393M Yamhill at Tenth.
Portland. Ore
Ancient Egyptians Used Bark Prom which It was Intended permanently to
a Tree That Flourished Only in
That Country.
Papjmn nw mami.'ncturod by the
ancient KL'.vptinns by takinc a sheet
of thin bark from a tree which it
coms ct'PW eat in Kwnl, and laying
U flat upon a board, and then laying j the writer wished to erase might he
cross later over it, the materials ' obliterated by smoothing over again
having been proviorsly moistened with
preserve, tor ordinary occasion! tali
lets of wax and other similar ma
terials were used, upon which the writ
er traced the characters with the point
of a steel instrument. The head of
this Instrument was smooth and
rounded, so that any words which
water made slightly glutinous
The sheet thus formed was pressed
nnd dried in the sun, says the Detroit
News. The placing of two layers of
the bark in this manner across each
with it the way on which they had
been written.
The Crow Was Lucky, Too.
A cattleman who was "riding range"
near ltoebourne, Australia, says Mr.
other was intended to strengthen the W. . "yce n mm o..k, uiubutoii
texture of the sheet, for the fibers. It I Australia and New Zealand." picked up
araa found, were very easily separated a stone to throw nt a crow. At least
and torn so long as thev lay wholly In I he thought It was a stone, but the
una direction The sheet when dry 1 unusual weight of it made him stop
finished bv smoothinc the surface. 1 nnd look; to his amazement the thine
and prepared to receive Inscriptions
made by means of a pen fashioned
from a reed or a quill.
was a nugget or almost pure goiu.
When be reported his discovery to an
official the fellow, who was Incredu
1 . 1 . .,,. i A nrl n-hut I,
The (Mil Of paper and parchment mere. n,,
were only used lor Important writing 1 of the crowr
Britain Plans to Build World's Largest Plane
London. The British nlr ministry
experts are at work perfecting an air
pi une engine of 1,800 horsepower.
The new giant of the nlr will have
six cylinders, each developing 250
If the present experiment are suc
cessful the experts will begin work on
a 12-cyllnder engine to have more than
3,000 horsepower. Airplanes fitted with
three such englnea will carry 120 pas-
sengers at 100 mild an hour or better.
The aim of British builders for some
time past has been to produce an en
gine which would cool Itself merely by
reason of Its own swift passage
through the air. This would eliminate
radiators, water-jackets and other im
pediments in water-cooled engines.
Some of the best brains In the air
world have been endeavoring to solve
this problem.
Ug, by ilcClurs Newauaper Syndicate.)
"If It's all the same to you s'posln'
we got married," Dennis Bayue said
with an engagingly embarrassed grin.
Ware Norton, his sweetheart, stared
at him as though he were some strange
and repulsive object, answering: "Of
all things ! I like your way of putting
things! Oh, I do!"
"Mighty glad" to hear it hope It's
as much as 1 like you," Dennis re
turned sheepishly he was unconquer
ably shy, withal so naive he had not
sensed her undernote of sarcasm. In
deed, he took all things at face value
being himself almost sinfully given
to speaking exact truth.
"Tell me Just how did you come to
think of It?" Ware queried, amuse
ment drowning out her sense of maid
en outrage.
"Why I reckon it was because you
made me always teasin' me and say
In' no other girl should have me you
know .vou been at that ever since
you put up your hair."
Ware flung up her hands laughing
aloud peal after peal until tears ran
down her cheeks.
At last she gasped : "So my sins are
finding me out! Denny I can't be
lieve it. Can't understand how you
could pay attention to my foolishness
Why don't you know If I really cared
about you that way I'd have been
standotlish and chilly as an Iceberg?
But you tempted me always blushing
up behind your ears and making me
nretend harder than ever. And It
pestered other folks so finely "
"You mean Duncan and Jinny?
Denny interrupted. "I have felt right
down sorry for 'em while do you
mean to say you got pleasure from
makin' those two miserable?"
Ware nodded defiantly. "Maybe It
was wicked," she countered. "But
they've no business to be such softies
couldn't they understand?"
"No more than I could," Denny an
swered dully. He had paled through
his healthy tan, his month had set and
there was a sudden hardening of the
whole face. He lifted entreating eyes
to Ware's face, going on: "Honey
say you're jokin' now. Say you didn't
really play with the three of us? It
hurts to think you could. Whyl I'd
e'en a-most rather see you dead, with
white rosebuds all over you, than
think you could do tills act lies Just
to make the rest of us suffer."
Ware Hushed a deep scarlet.
"If you have nothing better to talk
about suppose you go home," she
said, rising. "If you or any of you
had had common sense you'd have
seen It was all a game one I couldn't
make you play unless you chose to
do It. I liked you that I don't deny.
I like you still If liking will satisfy
you. But when It comes to murrylng
you well !
I "My husband, if ever I have one,
must he a man. You're just six foot
two of good looks, good temper, good
humor with no more will of your
own than a baby not as much as
some babies I've had to wrestle with.
Maybe you can't help It brought up
tied to your granny's apron strings.
I'll be bound she'd have known better
about my fooling and all. If you
had Inherited her grit, as you will her
money, I'd take you whether or no.
But that's out of the question so
here we play quits. The man I marry
must do all his own courting with no
help from me."
"I'll be sorry for him when he gets
you and sorrier for you," Dennis said,
turning from her to walk stately
away. Ware listened to his galloping
horse with a quick shiver, as if some
thing vital, but hitherto unknown had
been violently torn from her con
Orphaned almost from birth, an
heiress, and badly spoiled, she had
given scant promise In childhood of
the beauty that flowered later, an elfin
beauty, something eerie, Indeed, draw
ing almost unawares. It was like a
deadly weapon in hands not criminal
but mischievous.
Moreover her nature had been
warped by pitying comments through
out her childhood, open slights when
she got beyond very small girlhood.
All along she had craved praise, con
sequence, flattery.
To have gone away to her convent
school an ugly duckling and come from
thence a creature of Infinite charm,
had not been wholesome. She hud
chafed at tier environment She fitted
as 111 Indeed among the provincial
gentlefolk as a gorgeous tropic bird
among larks and linnets.
But she did not revolt openly her
grim guardian aunt would have no
other. But once she was free the
world should be her province, all its
wavs nnd wonders she would seize
upon and enjoy.
Meantime she would practice . K
woman arts upon such stuff as late
offered; this not with cruel Intent hut
In sheer youthful selfishness.
Sometimes when Kate shuffles
cards she stacks them unfairly. As
when she threw across Ware's path
Lionel Deerlng, Kngllsh, bigb-bred,
widely versed In all the ways and
wonders of the earth, who being rt
mantlcally encountered, coming to the
rescue when Ware's car had indecent
ly gone amiss, captivated her almost
In a week lie had managed to make
himself free at her aunt's house; he
fore a fortnight ended the pair were
secretly betrothed. The day after he
came hurriedly distrait, and nervous.
begging her to marry him at once he
had everything beautifully planned.
A cablegram made it imperative for
him to go home by the next boat ; If
she would meet him at the little re
mote chapel, a uiile off the road to
town, they could be married, and
away before anybody thought to
hinder them.
Ware listened, her heart beating
wildly. She was under spell, fascinat
ed as a bird by a serpent. Yet she
did not give in all at once; her new
lover had to go Into high heroics be
fore he won her to his will. Money,
what was it? He scoffed at the men
tion of it.
But, If she insisted, she might fetch
with her the bonds Miss Ware kept
always locked In the home safe. They
belonged to her niece, whom she wor
shiped as much as she worried. And
she had hated Deerlng from the very
first, so any appeal for her counte
nance was out of the question.
Possibly Ware was hypnotized. Cer
tainly she was far from happy upon
the October noon when she whirled
away from home and safety, toward
she knew not what. Her heart beat
riotously now galloping, now almost
stopping dead. She was going alone
she had told nobody anything. Deer
lng had Impressed It upon her that
in such secrecy alone lay safety.
He had made It appear reasonable
but away from him something of doubt
and dread awoke. It Impelled her to
something Impossible a telephone to
call to Denny from a roadside shop :
"Meet me at the little church at one
o'clock sharp."
And she knew, as she made It, the
summons would be answered, albeit
she had hardly more than spoken to
Denny since the day of explanation.
She did not know It, but Denny had
but just answered another call one
that made him shudder, then swear
between clenched teeth. And after
Ware's message he did some Inde
pendent calling talking low but
welghtllv to several folk, apparently
in authority, lie might be sol'l but
he could put two and two together.
So as soon as he had set things
properly in motion, he hurled himself
Into his swiftest car and set out at
reckless speed to keep tryst with his
sometime scorner.
She was waiting at the church in
a fever of Impatience, of sick appre
hension. Her straining ears caught
the purring of the car half a mile
away, but the tense face did not relux
until she saw Denny rushing toward
her, his face pale and grim.
Under breath he was murmuring:
"In time! Thank the Lord !"
Aloud he said pitifully, as one
might speak to a soul In grievous
pain: "You need not say anything,
dear only listen I Deering Is going
back without you, upon a requisition
from Scotland Yard. Never mind how
the authorities knew he was here
they shall never guess what game he
was playing. Sheriff Johns will keep
him safe and quiet. We met him
just a mile away ; I took the license
from him It had been left blank.
How about using It to complete the
elopement and stop the mouth of
are bowed her head. Speech was
beyond her. But as Denny handed her
Into his swifter car, she said choking
ly: "Denny I know I don't deserve
you but, oh, I'm so glad to get more
than my desert."
Salem. Two prune driers were dam
aged to the extent of approximately
112,500 as the result of fires in this
vicinity Saturday.
Salem. Approximately $115,000 will
have been paid the 2000 pickers oper
ating in hopyards in the vicinity of
Salem, when the work for the season
is completed late this week.
Sheridan. The bridge across the
Yamhill river In .Sheridan is being pav
ed with a three-inch coating of asphalt.
The expense is to bo borne by the
county at an approximate cost of ?4
a square yard.
Salem. Brown rot has attacked ap
proximately 25 per cent of the prunes
in a number of Marion county or
chards and the loss will be serious,
according to Earl I'earcy of the Ore
gon Growers' Co-operative association.
Dallas. Prunes now being harvest
ed this section are splitting slightly
as a result of the rain that fell Fri
day night and all day yesterday. "
ing skies today gave encouragement to
the growers that the damage will not
be heavy.
Haines. Believing the growing of
sugar beets in tho territory immediate
ly joining Haines Is possible, this com
munity was making an effort to pro
cure a new refinery und manufactur
ing plant to be located in eastern
Oregon during tho coming year.
Salem. A so-called citizens' com
mittee and members of the city coun
cil Saturday adopted the municipal
budget for 1924, carrying estimated ex-
mli; u:i.s aggregating $225,183.40.
Next year's budget will exceed that
for the present year by approximately
Tillamook. Silversido salmon are
beginning to run since the late heavy
rain, and fall Chinook are also com
ing in fair numbers. Bay fishermen
busy, and the Bay City canneries
ire now canning tish. llood catches
ave been reported, although the t&Bln
run has not begun.
Salem. Frances Willard day will be
observed in thfl schools of Oregon Pri
day, October 5, according to announce
ment made by J. A. Churchill, state
uperlntendent of public instruction.
l'he program to be observed in the
schools is now being distributed by
the state superintendent.
Sheridan. Shipments of fruit, in
irload lots were begun from here
last week. First consignment, was a
arload of apples to San Francisco by
the Oregon Growers. Andrews m
Sterling, orchardlstl of the hills north
if Sheridan, have contracted witli tin
California Packing corporation to shin
wo carloads of pears.
W Every Meal
Aids digestion.
Allays thirst.
Soothes ths throat
For Quality, Flavor an
the Scaled Packaze,
K ithe Scaled jrwfl
Ancient Egyptians Used Bark From
a Tree That Flourished Only in
That Country.
Papyrus was manufactured by the
ancient Kgyptlans by taking a sheet
of thin bark from a tree which It
seems grew only In Egypt, and laying
it flat upon a hoard, and then laying
a cross layer over It, the materials
having been previously moistened with
water made slightly glutinous.
The sheet thus formed was pressed
and dried In the tin, says the Detroit
News. The placing of two layers of
the bark In this manner across each
other was Intended to strengthen the
texture of the sheet, for the fibers, It
was found, were ver y i asily separated
and torn so long as they lay wholly In
one direction. The sheet when dry
was finished by smoothing the surfa
and prepared to receive Inscriptions
made by means of a pen fashioned
from a reed or a quill.
The rolls of paper nnd parchment
were oidy used for Important writings
which it was Intended permanently to
preserve. For ordinary occ asions tab
lets of wax nnd other similar ma
teriais were used, upon which the writ
er traced the characters with the point
of a Steel Instrument. The head ot
this Instrument was smooth and
rounded, so that any words which
the writer wished to erase might he
obliterated by smoothing over again
with It the way on which they had
been written.
Gladys May.
An Indianapolis woman had chlded
her colored maid for coming late to
work one morning and the maid's ex
cuse was that she had to Si the new
baby that had arrived at her niece
house the day before.
"I can t tell you how Kmart my
niece Is," she said. "Why she's so
smart, you know, she named that baby
Gladys May. So glad to have her and
she came in May."
He Who Hesitates.
"One should always decide which
side Is right before he proceeds," at.
vised the philosophical friend.
"But. bedud." objected Murph. "the
folght might be over by that time
American Legion Weekly.
Can Join Mica.
A process fur Joining mien 1ms been
.jiiieuted by a Calcutta man. H con
sists in bringing tho parts into con
tact, applying a mica solution, and
subjecting the wholo to heat and to
slight pressure, With borax used as
flux mica may thus bo joined to
The First Tomb.
riie Emperor Constantino, who died
in 837, is supposed to have been tho
first person who ordered his tomb to
be erected in u church. This was done
In the Church of the Apostles at Con
stantinople, of which he was then
Belief Worth Holding.
I believe that every hour of the
day we receive a just toward for all
we do. I believe in the present and
its opportunities, In the future and
Its promises, and In the divine joy of
living. G rover.
Last of Human "Fur Coats."
Hairs of the human body are the
dwindling vestiges of the warm fur
coat of hair Which animals developed
to meet the conditions of tho Ice ago.
Blessed Mirthfulness.
Blessedness be mirthfulness! It Is
one of the renovalors of tho world.
Men will let you abuse them It only
you will make them laugh. Ileecher.
When Life Passes Quickly.
The years between tho ages of
twenty-live and forty seem to pass
more quickly than any other period of
Salem. County tax conservation
ommissions from many sections of
the stuff! arrived in Salem Sunday to
participate in the conference to be
l.' Ill in the state capitol building here
rho conference was called by Cover
nor Pierce, who was instrumental In
having the commissions created
through an act of the last leglslaturt
Salem. The Southern Pacific com
puny Saturdiiy requested the publii
service commission to extend for an
indefinite period excursion rates now
in ellect hetween Cortland and Salem,
Marshfield, Itosehurg, Ashland and
oilier points. Special mention Is mail
in the application relative to maintain
Ing the rate of $2 for round till) ticket
between Salem and Portland
Hood Illver. Apple and pear ship
ments have begun here. More than
75 cars hail been routed by till ship
ping concerns. The bulk of shipments
were reported by the Apple Growers
association, which had forwarded the
following fruit: 43 cars of Bartlett
pears, one of Flemish Beauty and om
iff d'Anjou. Tho association has roll
ed 10 cars of Gravenstcln apples.
Cottage Grove. -One Cottage Grove
contractor has solved the problem of
securing brick masons at a price be
f an afford to pay. When S. L. God
ard, who has the Contract for the Karl
Hill block, found that ho would b
unable If) get skilled workmen at what
he deemed a reasonable price, he
Started a IChOOl of Instruction, taking
five of his Common laborers as pupils
Med ford, The proposal to lssm
$100,000 in bonds to build and equip a
new high school was defeated at a
special meeting of tho taxpayers of
the Medford Hchool district Sat unlay
by a vote of 412 to 304. It was one
of the warmost school elections ever
Bt)Itl in the city, and each faction had
challengers at the polls. Many citi
zens were challenged as not hiring
legal voters. A total of 710 voles
were cast.
By No Means.
Mon of strong character make many
enemies, but that doesn't necessarily
Imply that men who have many ene
mies possess strong characters.
Be Thorough.
It Is better to say, "This one thing I
do," than to say, "These forty things
I dabble in." Washington Chidden.
L. I). Porter
If You Have A Cough
Take this Advice
Salem, Oreg. "Some years ago
I was a farmer in Kansas. Thru
exposure, serving as a Soldier during
the Civil War my health had heroine
impaired. I was bothered with a
chronic cough and catarrhal con
dition; I felt like an old man, al
though I was only forty. I beard
Of Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Uis-
covery, It helped me so much thai
1 continued taking it (I think about
six bottles in all) and felt new pure
blood cour-ing thru my body. The
'Golden Medical Discovery' drovt:
cut the catarrh ami also the cause
of my cough. There are somethings
wc can forget, but when a person
has received as much help as I
did, it is impossible to forget it.
I feci younger and more vigorous
at 78 than I did at 40." L O.
Porter, 451 South 15th .St.
As soon as you commence to take
this "Discovery" vou begin to fee
its bracing, appetizing effect lluy
it of your druggist, in tablets or
liquid. Write Dr. Pierce, President
Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo. N. Y., if
you desire free medical advice.
Is she lineal proiluct of ita kind In the
world. Every woman who haa uer1
It knows this statement to be true.
Arc You Satisfied?
Is th NfffMt, mont perfectly MUlpP'tJ
si. I'.... iina? j-! In the Nortk-
w-Mt. Kit yourself for a hlrh-r position
I'erinuuent positions
assnri-'l our flrnuiiates.
Write ror catalog ounu "
vlth more metiey
P. N. U.
No. 39, 1923