w OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU rebels handling BULOARiAiTinirr uinnrinr iHmrr inurouL ON WHEAT URGED Capital Is Blockaded and King Offers lo Resign Communication Cut. A SCHOOL DAIS A PROFESSIONAL CARDS Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. The "Old Curiosity Shop" in Lin coln's inn-fields. London, familiar to nil lovers of Dickens, has heen sold fur $11,250. The purchaser, J. A. Phillips, said he bought the shop to preserve it as a curiosity. Captain liercc Shepperson of Lon don, Kngland, aviator, fell on the Hermitage property, 12 miles east of Nashville, Tenn., Saturday after he had completed a flight in the service of a sky writing advertising company He burned to death. Representations have been present ed to the Jugo-SIavian minister in Sofia against the reinforcement of Serbian troops on the Hulgariau fron tier, Minister l'anretoff of Bulgaria was informed Monday in a cablegram Horn his government, (loncva is developing at such amaz ing rapidity as the great world forum for exchange of Ideas that few, if any of the delegates assembled there for the fourth assembly of the league of nations are able to follow all the activities of this extraordinary mental market. M. Kucharski, Polish minister of trade and industry, passed through 1'aris Tuesday on his way from Lon don to Warsaw. It is understood that the Kngllsh financiers gave him no encouragement for a loan to Poland in the present stato of the London secur ities market. Mrs. Kobert F. Carr, Lake Shore drive resident, Chicago, lost a string of pearls valued at $10,000 three years ago at a hotel at a health resort at Watklns, N. Y. Saturday the gems were forwarded to her. They were found by a gardener trimming a hedge near the hotel. Thirty inches of snow has fallen at Home lake, u summer resort in the lllg Horn mountains in Wyoming since Sunday morning, the custodian at the resort reported. Various ranger sta tions in the Hlg Horn mountains re ported snow depths ranging from two feet to 28 inches. The mother of 25 children at the age of 37 years is the record of Mrs. P. I'ecena of San Diego. Cal., accord ing to a report made Tuesday by a physician to the city health depart ment. The report was occasioned by thu fact that Mrs. Cecena had just given birth to her 25lh child. It died at birth. London. The revolution in Bul garia has burst into full flame and the whole country is in the hands of rebels, according to a dispatch to the Morning Post from Belgrade dated Monday. The dispatch adds that Sofia is blockaded. King Boris has offered to resign but his offer has not been ac cepted. The insurgents are said to have de stroyed all means of communication and the government has lost connec tion with the provinces. The situation of the capital is critical. It is block aded both in a military and economic sense, is short of provisions and is threatened with attack. President Coolidge Is Asked tu Exert His Power. SITUATION SERIOUS Hormun Kwert, "ancient mariner" and globo trotter, who with his son called from Culfport, Miss., recently in the 22 foot boat Sea Foam, Is expected In Los Angeles about Christmas day. Kwert recently completed a trip around the world which took 22 years, during which time he earned his liveli hood painting pictures. Successful negotiations of a con tract with Sicilians Brothers company of London, submurlno cable manu facturers, for more than 1800 miles of guttii percha Insulated cable at a price of $1,214,000 to replace the present worn out government cable from Se attle to Alaska points, was announced Monday at the war department. THIrly persons were slightly hurt Saturday night In the crowd that gath ered In Satkville street. Dublin, to listen to an address by President Cos iove. who has returned from the fourth assembly of the league of na tions at Geneva. The Injured were Jostled and trampled by the crowd iu its enthusiasm to boo and hear the president. Ambassador Woods at Tokio handed to Premier Yamamoto Tuesday a certi fied check for $1,000,000 as the first largo Installment of the relief fund for Japanese earthquake sufferers col lected by the American Red Cross. In reporting to the state department, the ambassador said the premier was deeply moved and expressed his grati tude to the American people. Lieutenant "Al" Williams, navy pilot, Tuesday established two new electrically-timed air s . . ,1 records over the measured one kilometer course at Curtis field. New York. He averaged ii7j miles an hour In four trips over the course and on one flight aided by a brisk w ind from behind, he reached the speed of S6 miles an hour. Both records were accepted by the navy department us authentic. London. Bulgarian communists have held up the Orient express near the Turkish frontier, says a dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Con stantinople. The dispatch adds that telegraph communication is interrupted. Sofia. A semi-official statement is sued Monday evening says that the Communists' movement has been sup pressed a! two points in southern Bul garia and that peace has been restor ed. Several centers of communist dis affection still exist in the north, the statements adds, but attempts to create an uprising have been feebly supported and have not succeeded. Rise Declared Necessary as Protection Against Large Imports From Northern Neighbor. RACING BALLOON BURSTS AT MEET Brussels. Several unfortunate in cidents marked the start of the race Sunday for the Gordon Bennett cup, the American balloons being especial ly unlucky. The United States army S O drifted onto the Belgian Yille de Bruxelles, tearing the rigging so badly that the Belgian balloon was unable to start. The United States A-6699 narrowly escaped catastrophe and had to throw- out ballast wholesale, which fell among the spectators. The Saint Louis, a third American balloon, was caught by a heavy squall and burst ten minutes before the time for her departure. The oalloon race started in ter rific gusts of wind and driving rain. and has already cost three lives. Of the 17 entrants assembled for the race, lg so far as is known, are in the air. One of the balloons, reported to be the Swiss Geneva, was struck by light ning, and Lieutenants Yon Gruninggen md YVhcren were killed. The Spanish balloon Polar caught fire and its pilot, Penaranda, was killed and his assist ant, Comcz. injured. Thus two of the American contest ants are striving against three French, two Belgian, two Spanish, two Swiss and two British. The Italian and Polish entries had already been with- lraw u. Rail Net Income Gains. San Francisco. The net railway iperating income of the Southern Pa- cine company tor tne lirst eic it ninths of 132;! showed an increase of tti.17S.126, compared with the same period last year, the company reports. rhe net revenue from railroad opera tions for August was $7,773,712, an in crease of $1,237,07S over August of last year. The total net railway ouer- iting income for the first eight months' period of this year was $31, 07c", 620. Ex Premier Is Coming. New York. A cable received by the Cuuard line says that ex Premier the Right Honorable Lloyd George, acc ompanied by Dame Lloyd George, Megan Lloyd lieorge and the ex- Mis premiers secretary, will sail from Southampton. Saturday, September !. on the Cunard liner Mauretania, -caching New York October 5. Lloyd leorge will spend a month in this ountry, sailing for Kngland N'ovem er 3. Washington, D. C Sydney Ander son, representative of Minnesota and head of the National Wheat council, disc ussed the wheat solution at some length with President Coolidge Satur day and urged the necessity of using the flexible provision of the tariff law to provide the American wheat grow er additional protection against Cana dian grain. He announced immediate ly afterward that he would urge the matter before the tariff commission early this week. He pointed out the power of the executive under the law to raise or lower duties 50 per cent of the fixed j rate if deemed in the interest of American producers. The duty on wheat being 30 cents a bushel, he re minded the president that without call ing congress in session the rate could be increased to 45 cents. Canadian wheat Is now being sold in Minneapolis in spite of the tariff. Mr. Anderson said he had been ad vised, and that being the case, the first move should be to protect the American grower to the limit before taking any steps to stabilize the domestic market. He said it looked to him like poor business to employ methods to help American producers without at the same time doing some thing to prevent the dumping of large quantities of the foreign wheat in this country in competition at the more advantageous prices. If Canadian growers can compete now, he pointed out, improved conditions in this coun try certainly would do nothing less than to increase the availability of do mestic markets to the foreign product. Representative Anderson declared his opposition to any price-fixing plan but did not commit himself on any of the other stabilization pro posals, of which there are many, ex cept to indicate that they did not im press him deeply. He let it be known that in his study of the grain situa tion in connection with his activities on the wheat council he was convinc ed that rapid improvement in the wheat market is near. He asserted the conviction that in the end it will develop that this country actually lias no surplus of millable wheat. The question of readjustment of acreage in the sowing of the next crop was discussed with the president and was agreed upon as one of the solutions, which of course could not be a help to the producers of this year's crop. He said after leaving the White House there was no (Ioh.h hat with acreage today on the five year average before the war there would be no complaint whatsoever now re garding the wheat situation. The latter statement Is understood to have referred to the figures of government statisticians showing that while 14 states decreased wheat acre age very considerably in 1923. the average planting for the United States as a whole was 13,744,000 acres great ly, POHNO, fconw). fcrf ft Cow fo. nt TWINS (ers HG Teee. rut wh v(. 9 mm -m v . 'MkM . IB , Uncommon Sense JOHN BLAKE DR. ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon UMATILLA - - OREGON G. L. McLELLAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fraternal Building SUmfield, Oregon DR. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-ray and Diagnosis HERMISTON, OltE. Bank Building 'Phones: Offlee 93. Residence 751. Newton Painless Dentists Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr. Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton BUSINESS CARDS Auto Thieves Get $2370. San Francisco. Two youthful auto mobile outlaws Wrove up alongside C I. Quirk, cashier of the tireat Western Smelt lng & Refining company. Mon day while he was returning from a Mexican To Keep Job. Mexico City Adolfo de la Huerta. secretary of the treasury, announced that he has not resigned his portfolio in the Mexican cabinet. Senor de la bank to his office In the industrial dis- J Huerta said he simply requested and trict with the week's payroll of $2370 , received 60 days' leave of absence 1 hey grabbed the sack containing because of illness. He added that for Land Open To Veterans. Washington, D. C Opening of more than 111,000 acres of public lands In California. Nevada. New Mexico and I'tah to ex-service men of the world war was announced Saturday by the interior department. Dates for filing will be made public later by local land offices. The lands comprised in the tracts opened under the orders include 78, 000 acres in Garfield county, Utah, near Hauksville. WASTING ENERGY OINCB the beginning of time men have wasted millions of years of energy in trying to solve the unknow able. The mysteries of life and death, the puzzle of space, these things are be yond the grasp of the human mind. Let them alone. There Is abundant knowledge that can be learned, useful knowledge that will help you with your career. Study that kind of knowledge. Take mental food that your mind can digest. Take It in abundance. Work hard to get it. But do not torture your mind with problems that are beyond your reach. A scientist, searching" for truth, de termines as soon as he can in what directions he can make progress. And his researches follow in these direc tions. Where he sees a stone wall set up against him, he turns aside. There Is no use trying to travel any further In that way. There Is plenty of work to do that can be done. And that is the work that occupies the Investigator's mind. The average man will need all his brains nnd all his energy studying things that can be found out. We do not mean things that are already known. If you stopped with these, the world would forever remain in its present Ignorance, which is vast com pared with what It will know In the future. But where life comes fi-m. why it flickers for a brief space and dies, and what Is beyond the stars is some thing that until we receive hitherto unheard of light, we shall never know. Waste no time on these problems. They are as vain as the efforts of the alchemist to turn base metals to gold, which occupied brains that might have been better used on learning more use ful things. Learn first the limitations of the subject that you study. That will dispose of much puzzle and worry, and enable you to go ahead and give It the time and thought that may add to the world's store of wisdom, and will certainly add to your own. bjr John Blake.) 0 YOUR HAND How to read roar char acterises aad leaden, (in the capabilities or weakattBes that Bake for incceii or failure ai thowa ia rear paid. PREDISPOSITION TOWARD DESTRUCTION SELF- the money from htm and escaped. Wheat Penalty it Fixed. Spokane. Wash. Enforcement of the contract provision of the Wash Ington Wheat Growers' association, whereby a penalty of 25 cents a bushel will be paid the association on all wheat sold by members to outside the present he leaving Mexico. had no intention of Conference Dates Set. Lincoln, Neb. Attorney General Splllman of Nebraska Saturday of ficially set October 15 to 17 as the dates for the national conference of attorney-generals, at whi. h ,. . iin buyers, was decided upon by the board production and consumption will be discussed. The conference will be of directors at a meeting here Monday. held in Chicago. X 7HILE the average student of palmisiry and reader of the hand will have, of course, few occasions to suspect his subject of a predisposi tion toward self-destruc'ion or sui cide, still It is well to enumerate the Indications In the hand which have been found in the past to accompany such predisposition. Who can tell that, such signs being Interpreted with accuracy, the rash act may not be averted? Therefore, It is well to know that chironiants have seen a tendency to ward suicide in the following signs In the hand: An exaggerated first phalanx of the second finger In a hand that is oth erwise weak. A mount of Jupiter (underlying the firxt finger) that Is exaggerated, with the line of the head Joined to the line of health, also a poor liBe of fate and many lines crossing the line of life. If there Is star at the termination of the line of fate, with another star on the mount of the moon. It Is also an evil Ign In this regard. (O oy the Whelr Syndicate. Inc.) O Ninety jwr cent of the workers In the silk and cotton mills of Japan are girls under twenty years of ugtj. Learn to lake yourself leas seriously. Think how little of a ripple it would make on the surface of the universal waters if you were to go under. This Is nothing to grieve over or regret, but It should make us smile at our selves and our exaggerated regard for our own importance. Delia T. Lutes. RECIPES THAT OTHERS LIKE "LTKRE Is a griddle cake for a chilly morning which will be enjoyed by the whole family : Corn Slappers. Take two cupfuls of white corn meal, one cupful of flour, a table spoonful of shortening, one well-beaten egg, one cupful of sour milk, a hulf-teaspoonful of soda and a tea spoonful of sugar. Scald the corn meal with a cupful of boiling wuter, then add the other Ingredients and bake on a hot griddle. Lamb Salad With Mint. Take two cupfuls of cooked lamb cut into cubes, one cupful of cooked peas. Mince a tablespoonful or two of mint very fine and add to one cup ful of mayonnaise. Mix all together and henp on lettuce. Garnish with a spoonful of mayonnaise. Umatilla Pharmacy W. E. Smith, Prop. Mail orders given special atten tion. Quick Service Satisfaction Quaranteed Umatilla, Oregon X Mf MtMtimiMtHIMM I J. L. VAUGHAN 1 206 E. Court Street X I'EXDLETOX, - OREGON t x X Electrical Fixtures and Supplies Electric Contracting Eat and Drink AT THE i NEW FRENCH CAFE . i E. J. McKNEELY, Prop. I Pendleton, Oregon ; ; Only the Best Foods Served ; : Fancy Ice Creams t urnlshed Rooms over Cafe Juick Service Lunch Counter Chill Soup. Take one pound of hamburger steak, fry until brown, cover with two quarts of water, add three large potatoes and three onions put through the meat chopper. Season well with salt and pepper and cook until the vegetables are done. Now add one cupful of kidney beans and a quart of strained tomato with a teaspoonful of chill powder. Simmer one hour. For va riety add a little canned corn and a few stalks of celery. Serve with hot boiled rice or with crackers. (. 1823. Weetern Newspaper L'nlon.) O Cure for Unrest. Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this fuvored land, are still Competent to adjust In the best way all our present difficulty. Abraham Lincoln. O You Are Welcome Here Date Bar. Separate the whites and yolks of two eggs, beat well. To one-fourth of jT in connection with Dining room a cupiui or sugar aim the beaten yolks, flour, one cupful of dates which have been cut into bits after remov ing the stones; add one cupful of chopped walnuts, six tablespoonfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of baking powder, one-eighth of a teaspoonful of salt. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites and spread in a baking pan a foot square. Bake until brown, cut into strips. Cover each with whipped cream and garnish with cherries for special occasions. We Specialize in JOB WORK Take that next job to your Home Printer B. X. Stanfield, l'resldent. Frank Sloan, 1st Ylee-Pres. M. R. Ling, 2nd Vice-lVes. Ralph A. Holte, Cashier Has Anyone Laughed At You Because- By You are always having your clothes pressed? They may say it wars your clothes out, but when you wear them you feel like a "regular feller" whether you are man or woman. A woman in a haggy tailor-made is a thing fit for Internment. The beauty of the tailor maid is her nattiness. The man whose clothes are buggy will rarely get a high post because he looks untidy and uncared-for. It may be the style of some folk to go "unpressed." You'd be depressed If you did or you could make little impress If you didn't. SO Your get away here ia: Pressed clothes make the best impression, and make you feel more like a useful citiian. t by XlcClure Newapaper Syndlcai.) j Bank of ! Stanfield Capital Stock and Surplus $37,500.00 Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Certifi cates of Deposit 1 MMt !