pni?TI AWn offers a market & Va Jl JUmil FOR YOUR PROni 1PF wmmi Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adults, Week day Matinee, 20c; Evenings, 89c. Continu ous 1 to 11 p. tn. Children 10 cents all times. BiV IKS! Shipherd's Mineral Springs IAIi;9LD BAIN. Manager Carson, Washington An Ideal Winter Resort, Special Winter Rates. Rou,t.e8Tb' p- & s- Local I Portland to Oar son V ash. By Auto to Cascade Locks via Co lumbia Highway. By Auto via the North Bank Highway. Hotel American Plan, Modern Hotel Accommodations. Baths Hot Mineral Baths: Cure 5 I'neumatism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles; Skin Diseases. Hunting and Fishing. Hot and Cold Water and Phone In Every Boom, Comfortable Accommodation at Moderate Prices European Plan HOTEL MORRIS Free Garage mil. aru MRS. H. M. BRANSON, Proprietors. Trath and Stark Portland, Oregon Phone Broadway 1270. ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES If taken in time, prevent operations for Diabetes, Catarrh, Asthma, Luiik. Throat, Liver. Kidney, Rheumatism. Blood. Stomach and all female disorders. Bladder Troubles. I he C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmless, as no drugs or poison are used. Composed of the. choisest medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, im ported by us from far away oriental countries. Call or Write for Information C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company New Location 262V'a Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon Established 23 Years in Portland. A Good Job With Steady Work Paper making offers a good opportunity to strong, intelligent, sober men between tbe ages of 21 and 50 sure pay and steady work. Meals 35c each. Plenty to eat and excellent cooking. Company hotel. Supply beds 25c, 30c and 40c. ' Free hot and cold baths tubs and showers. Worthy, faithful employees have good chance for advancement. Positions given free on application you pay no fe-i. for your job. Employment Office at Camas, Washington and 209 Commonwealth Bldg., Port land, Oregon. Crown Willamette Paper Co. N DTCINO ft J CLSANINS .MINT Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND. ORE. EXPERT Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE "At Your Beck and Call" Cascara Bark We are one of the largest buyeri of Cascara Hark in the world. Portland Hide & Wool Co. 106 UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, OREGON. llraneh at Poeatello, Idaho Write fur Prices and Shipping Tairs. Patent Attorney1 r MECHANICAL ENGINEER Protect that Idia wilh a United State. Patent. Others have made fortunes out of Patents. Why not you f Thomas Bilyeu, 202 Stevens Bldg., Tortland, Ors. g... ...... ....... ............ The Fairchild Donation By JANE OSBORN INFORMATION DEPARTMENT PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machina qk jtanfa pleat skirts ready for band. 0 Cen Hemstitching, picoting and tucking. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. 85 H Fifth St. .Portland, Or. ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you op, we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture. 400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Pnon Broadway 6802, Portland, Oregon. BRAZING, WELDING & CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co.. 88 lit St. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros.. Florists, 287 Morrison St. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learning. Positions secured. Writ for catalogue. 234 Burnslda street, Port land, Oregon. Mm My FREE illustrated book de scribes the causes, symptoms and Injurious effects of Piles; also the non -surgical methods which enable me to guarantee a speedy and permanent cure. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN 2ND AND KORKISON PORTIAND.OREGON MFNTiOJ" TMI5 PAPER WHEN WRITING FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Wurks, 7th htk! MndUorL FOOTCORRECTIONIST Featherweight Arch Supports made to order. J. E. Tryzelaar, 618 Plttock Block, Portland, Ore. PERSONAL Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli. able; years experience; descriptions free, "The Successful Club." Mrs. Nash, Box 658, Oakland, California. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Plecei Lubliner Florists, 348 Morrison St. GLASSES WILL SAVE YOUR EYES Expert fitting: at lowest prices. Glasses In all styles. Lenses duplicated from broken pieces. Mall In your broken glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwltz, 223 First St., Portland. EVAN G. HOUSEMAN Osteopathic Physician. Electronic Method of ABRAMS Phone Main 2963. 393Va Yamhill at Tenth. Portland, Ore To Try to Scale Roof of Continent in Plane Anchorage, Alaska. Mount McKIn ley, tin.1 highest elevutlon on the North American continent, will he scaled for perhaps the first time soon, if the at tempt of Carl E, Kffelson, former army aviator, and C. ,T. Uncles, Anchorage newspaper man. to land in an alrplune on the frozen plateau at Its summit proves successful. The start of the trip will he made at McKlnley station, at the ent'unce to the park, where there is a natural landing Held. Other landing places are also being located In various sections of the park. Entering tbe park, they will spiral to an altitude of perhaps ".o.OOO feet, re connolter over the plateau, several miles square at the summit, and, If the Ice permits, usually make a land ing on the "roof of the continent," 'JU.oOO fee. above the. set. HANDY FOR FOUNTAIN PENS "Filling Stations" Are an Institution on the University of Chicago Campus. AVhat do you do when your fountain pen runs dry at the most inconvenient possible moment as It always does? If you are a student at the University of Chicago, you patronize the nearest filling station; the campus Is sullied with these quite as freely as the Lin coln highway with tilling stations for the tourist. A penny In the slot ope rates the machine, and enables the owner of the most voracious pen to ap pease the thirst of his Instrument. The machine works with self-filling pens ami with the old style that fills from a dropper provided the user has his own dropper. The dropping of a coin and the turning of the handle re leases the Ink from the reservoir, and the fluid flows Into the right hand well, whence It can be sucked up by the iien'ltself of by the dropper. A slot In the upper left hand corner of the outfit contains a wtper with which any damage done by spilling or slopping may be repaired. If one drink turns out not enough, a second penny will, of course, turn the trick. Scientific American. Worries of Mr. Toodles. Movies were very real to tender hearted Mrs. Toodles. She always wept freely through the sad scenes and considered that her favorite ac tress was nothing short of an angel with a baby stare. So when she came home looking grave Mr. Toodles knew that something serious had hnppened. "What's wrong, my dear?" asked be. "I don't like this. My favorite hero ine is playing a vamp." she replied. "You mustn't let that worry you. It Is only pretense. You know that." "Maybe so. But where did she learn to smoke cigarettes!" Big Fees for Trucks. License fees up to $250 a year are now imposed on motor trucks which carry enormous loads over the costly modern highways In Indiana. A new law limits the total weight for truck and load to 12 tons in that state. Showing Up "Boaredrs." By showing farmers the "boarder" cows that should be gotten rid of and encouraging the feeding of balanced rations, testing associations are prov ing important factors in building up tb dairy herd. I i n .3 t(c) by McCiure Newspaper Syndicate.) "Miss Monroe I say, Miss Monroe I" George Fairchild was impatient as he stood at the threshold of his office about to depart for a luncheon at a business men's club. "H'ni?" absently h'med Miss Mon roe, looking up from a folder that was apparently more absorbing than her employer at the moment. "My, that must be interesting," Cleorgo Fairchild said a little testily. "Listen, please, to what I have to say, and don't forget. I don't expect to be back until three or four. In the meantime some boys will come over from the Boys' club. They are fitting up their new headquarters and they've made an appeal for old furniture and pictures and things. No one will be home at the house my aunt is still at the shore and It's Hannah's day out. "I went over tilings last night in my rooms and I put some things In the hall between the bedroom and my study. They are things that are pretty battered and I'll never want them again. Glad to get rid of them, In fact. "In the other hall, from the study to the main corridor, there are some things to go to the repair man. Here's the key to the house, and if the repair man rings up and says lie wants the things, lock up here and go over and show him what to take and when the boys come with a truck take them along and show them their things. That's perfectly clear, isn't it, Miss Monroe?" "Um-hum," said Miss Monroe with lagging attention as she took the keys offered by her employer. "What's got Into you?" asked George. "Ever since I've been run ning for mayor you've seemed so alb sent-mlnded Just when I need your help and sympathy most." There seemed to be something of boyish dis appointment in this complaint not quite in part with Mr. Fairchild's re lations as employer. But If Laura Monroe noticed it she did not show it "Maybe it's the weather," offered Laura. "You're sure you understand and you won't forget the keys?" "I understand all right," was Laura's rejoinder, and as George Fairchild closed the door she delved even deeper Into the map that unfolded from blue leather cover. The map that proved so absorbin showed the various electoral divisions and ward boundaries of the city, with the voting population of each section numbered In by hand. Laura had borrowed It from a lawyer friend of Mr. Fairchild, who supposed it was George who had asked for It. And now Laura was doing what Fairchild had avoided doing all along going over the ground of the city step by step figuring out to a nicety the votes that would be cast in each district for her employer. She laid hands on paper and pencil beside her desk, drew a rough little diagram, Jotting down some figures did some lightning calculation In her active young brain, and then sat mus ing with the map open in iter lap. She was not entirely optimistic. Then the door opened and two young boys of sixteen or so shambled in, awkwardly dolling caps and edging to the wall before speaking. "Mr. Fairchild said he had some thing for us," they said. "We're out with a truck should we go over to his house to get them?" Laura explained that she would go with them. "You don't want to to sit in the truck with us, do you?" grinned one of the boys. "It's Just an old truck you know without any seats. Us boys are Just sitting on the bottom." "Of course I wunt to go with you," said Laura with a smile. "You wouldn't want me to walk, would you? And If I start to slip out, I guess you boys can manage to hold me In?" "Sure thing." "You hot," from the two boys. "Mr. Fairchild is so Interested in your club," Laura fibbed on the trip to the old Fairchild homestead on the outskirts of the city. "He was telling me about your plans wants to come around and visit you some night. After he's mayor maybe you'll want to have him come and make i speech." "He'll never be mayor," was the vc dlct of the youngest boy, looking very wise. "He's all right but he Isn t pulling any votes In the Sixth ward or In the Third. Us fellows knows. I'm sorry, if he's your boss, but, honeM, Isn't he stuck up? Now, he wouldn't a done a thing like this I mean rid ing over in this truck with us." "It's Just exactly what ho would have done," lied Laura. "Why, he's the most un-stuck-up person I know -and you can Just tell those men up In the Sixth and Third wards that 1 said so. I guess the poor girl that bai to work for him must know as well as any one." Laura deftly used the keys at tbe Falrcluid door and led the gang of four boys they would need all hand to move the things up the wide old stairs. She made a quick Inspection of the collection of furniture In tbe two passageways. "If there's anything In that bunch there that you want," she said, point ing to the group that Mr. Fairchild had picked out for his donation, "you can have it, but it's mostly rubbish. But here are soma nice pieces tbis library table and these easy chairs and this big reading lamp and this lounge and and, yes, he said to let you take this set of Dickens, if you like do you boys like Dickens?" "Gosh, do we!" said one of the boys. "Say, we'll eat that alive. Gee, but this is swell furniture. Fairchild Is some prince here, boys, let's give three cheers for Fairchild, the future mayor I" And the lofty ceilings of the old mansion resounded with the quavering but lusty cheers from the young quartet. Laura detained the boys after their last trip upstairs. "Come on into the pantry," she said. Mr. Fairchild said there was a cake or something. The cook's out. but he had her leave It for you thought maybe you'd be hungry." Greatly to Laura's relief she found a freshly made chocolate cake In the pantry made, to be sure, for George and some political cronies he expected after dinner but Laura cut into it bravely and then poured out four glasses of milk from a quart she found In the refrigerator. "Gome on, let's sit down in the din ing room and have a real spread," she suggested and when they had as sembled she lifted her glass of water there wasn't milk enough to go gen erously around and proposed a toast to her employer: "The man who isn't stuck up," and this refrain echoed through the rooms of the old house. Laura let the boys out of the house and then remained only long enough to wash the dishes and put the dining room to rights. She had never 'been inside the Fairchild house before and she was tempted to make a little tour of inspection, but she was also eager to be back in the office. She had Just time to tnke her place at her desk and to settle back com fortably In her chair when her em ployer returned. "The boys came," she said, "and, goodness me, I think I may have made a misl.ike. Did you say to give them the things In the corridor between the main hall and the library?" "Great Scott, no!" "Didn't you say something about giving them that set of Dickens?" "Lord, no those boys wouldn't have any use for Dickens." "The boys thnt I saw would and, oh, Mr. Fairchild," said Laura with a little tremble in her voice. "I nm so ashamed of myself. I gave them the wrong things. It was all my fault. l!ut they were so appreciative and they cave three cheers for Fairchild the future mayor the man who isn't stuck up. I'm sorry I'll pay for the furni ture and Hbooks." "Those boys come from the Sixth and Third wards," snid Fairchild. "They aren't cheering for me. Those wards are going against me, sure thing. That's why I didn't want to waste any really good furniture on that club house of theirs. Don't you see, Miss Monroe?" Laura let her pretty head hang. Then a large tear trickled down one cheek. George sprang to her side, hesitated a moment, then laid a strong arm on her shoulder. "Miss Monroe, Laura whatever you did Is all right. Oh, I can't keep It from you any longer. I love you that's what makes it so hard, your In difference and your Inattention to everything I say. If you cared for me at all, you would be Interested, Luura, are yon absent-minded because you're thinking of some one else?" Laura did not answer. She quickly wiped the lears away and straightened her shoulders. "I'm sorry," she said. "But you mustn't talk that way now not until after the election. Meantime Just for my sake, don't tell anyone it wus my mistake about your donation to the hovs. 1 liked them so much of course, I don't understand politics, but I know they are all your friends." "They're not voters," .said Fairchild conclusively "No, but their fathers are and more than that their mothers are," said Laura stoutly. Bat George only smiled incredulously. Then election came and Fairchild, "Fairchild, Who was never stuck up," "Fairchild, the working boys' best friend," was elected. He had a phenomenal victory In the Sixth and Third wards. No one of his party had ever Dade a showing In that section, and It was that fact, said everyone, that swung the election away from his Influential opponent. The next day George and Laura met as usual In the office. Both were very tired, but they were not late. "Yon know, I've been thinking," said George. "I've tieon wondering, Laura, whether maybe after all you aren't a better politician than L I owe this whole victory to you and now you've got to marry me before I go Into office, to show me how to live up to the fine reputation you've given me." And Laura said she would. skukVA fcAAAAAAi AA AA A AA WW WW WWWWWW x OTATC TVTTTT TC IN BRIEF. Mrs. Eva Ferraer Way It Goes. "Hear you had In an efficiency ex pert." "Yep." "What does an efficiency expert dor "Well, he comes In and looks your establishment over. Then, for In stance, If you have a lot of marbles that won't move he tells you to bore 'em, string 'em and sell 'era for beads." Louisville Courier-Journal. Not So Shy. "She was ao shy and diffident that I hesitated to ask her for u kiss." "Well?" "Her reply startled me." "And that was?" "To tbe effect that I must make It snappy, that her mother was snoop ing around." Louisville Courier-Journal. Salem. Fifty members of the Mod ern Woodmen of America assembled at the state fair grounds here Sun day and practically completed the new Woodmen home which has been under construction the past few weeks. Pendleton. An increase for Uma tilla county for 1924 of $27,213.30 over 1923 is included iu the tentative bud get adopted. The total cost is placed at 1542,183.81. The general road fund was increased to pay three special road districts. Hood River. County Judge Has- brouck Saturday announced the ap nointment of W. J. Kocken of Mel rose, as county fruit inspector, to suc ceed Ferris M. Green. The latter re signed to accept a position on the faculty of the Colorado Agricultural college. Salem. The local branch of the Sal vation Army Saturday raised by popu lar donations approximately ifSO for the relief of the Japanese sufferers. An effort will be made by the army to raise $300 during the campaign for donations, which will ho continued here this week. Hood River. Professor L. F. Hen derson, who on Thursday of last week celebrated his 70th birthday, Satur day swam across the Columbia river from Rubers beach. Professor Hen derson had planned to celebrate his 70th anniversary by the feat, but a strong wind prevented the attempt, Corvallis. Hogs entered at the I. inn county fair by the college depart ment of animal husbandry won a ..nil championship, three champion ships, eight first prizes, and 10 sec onds. Poland-Chinas, DurocJeraeys, and Uerkshires were represented, a Poland China sow winning tho grand championship, Pendleton. The cost of operating the Pendleton schools during the com ing fiscal year will be slightly lower than they were this present year, ac cording to a statement made Friday following tho meeting of the budget committee last night. The costs pro vided for in the budget adopted by the committee, total $131,500. Salem. Thomas Tallon, X-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tallon of this city, was at lacked by a baud of yellow jackets Friday and for a time it was feared that tbe boy would die as a' result of his injuries. Ho was slung about the bead, arms and legs. Physicians reported that tho boy was asleep and probably would recover. Salem. Local hankers, in a state ment issued here Friday, lot it be known that they stand ready to fi nance thti prunegrowers of this sec tion in harvesting their 1!)23 crop. Tho statement wus forthcoming after an attempt wus made by a non-resident concern to contract for tho Wil lamette valley prunes under terms not satisfactory to the growers. Oregon City. While employes were engaged in pumping water out of a scow near the ('rciwn-Willa'iette mills a fish, measuring uhouf 4 feet in length Jumped out f the water and onto the scow. It was killed wilh a club by K. Daugherty, night, watch man, who believes the fish is a shark, and that it was attracted by the light which was being used on the scow. Salem. - A total of 4501 loans have been authorized by tho world war vet erans' state ftld commission under the so-called soldiers' bonus anil loan act, according to a report prepared bare Friday and filed with the governor. These loani amounted to $11,241,350. Repayments aggregated $325,033.07, including interest in tho amount of 1170,014.47 and principal, totaling 1155,608.89, Kalnier. Tho water shortage has become acute in Rainier, Patrons liv ing On the hills are left without Water a greater portion of the day. The water commission bus Issued an order prohibiting tho uso of wuter for sprinkling purposes, under penalty of prosecution, The City reserve reser voir has not been used yet, the com mission deferring such action until ab solutely necessary. Salem. As a result of the flax har vest, which Is now at. Its peak, anil general fanning operations, there Is a labor shortage at the Oregon slate penitentiary, Johnson Smith, warden of the institution, announces, Prac tically every convict. In the prison, With tint exception Of those serving terms for grave offenses ure working in the fields. "We could use ut least 50 more men if we had them," said Warden Smith. Pendleton. During the summer season there have been 41) fires on the Umatilla national forest, accord ing to reports received In tho office of the forest service here. The fires have all been small and the actual damage done was only $11.40, it was estimated. Ten of the fires were caused by men, and three persons have been convicted as a result of their responsibility for starting the fireH. Other cases nro pending. Oregon is Famous Foil Its Beautiful Women Salem, Orcg. "Last year I be came in an extremely run-down con dition, my appetite failed me and I became very nervous. A friend advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery as a tonic and I was very thankful to her for her good advice. One bottle of it made me feel like a new person; it strengthened and built me up into a perfect state of health, my appetite returned and all nervousness dis appeared. I have no hesitancy i.i saying that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the very best tonic I have ever taken and I am glad to have my testimonial nub E'hid if it will be i f bcnoii to others who have become run-down and weak." Mrs. Eva Ferraer, -l-4 Water St. Obtain the Discovery in tablets or liquid from your druggist or send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce's In valids' Hotel. JJuiTulo, N, Y. Denominational Privilege. "We were out in the park ono day, my little girl and I," writes Mrs. I!., "when wo came to a path with a sign over it. Glancing up at tho sign my little girl said: "Oh, mamma, wo can't go down there - it says, "For Pres byterians only. Boston Transcript. Formation of Mercury. Mercury occurs native in tho me tallic form, hut by far Hit! larger part of it is obtained by distilling the na tive sulphide, cinnabar, in a current of air so regulated as to burn the sul phur of (he sulphide while leaving the mercury in the metallic state. Oldest Trade Union. Tho oldest, unions in tho world nro the trade guilds of Constantinople, centuries old. All workers, no matter how humble their positions vendors, porters, barbers and postmen belong to a guild. Essential to Progress. Progress which will march if wo hold an abiding faith iu the Intelli gence, the Initiative, the character, the courage, and lite divine touch of the Individual. Herbert Hoover. A World Need. What t his poor old world patiently awaits is an alarm clock that will ring when It's time for us to go to bed and keep up the chiller until wo do. Cincinnati Umiuiror. Superiority Brings Earnings. You have lo earn what you gel. Anil to earn more than tho ordinary man you must study ami plan and scheme and work and sweat and plod more than he does. -A. ('. (iilhert. New Salmon Packing Method. A new melhod of packing salmon for tho foreign trade, which consists in chilling the fish without actually freezing them, has been Introduced by the fish packers in Labrador, After Every Meal Have a packet in your pocket tor ever-ready refreshment. Aids digestion. Allays thirst. Soothes the threat. For Quality, Flavor and the Scaled Package, get .IT used lor baby's clothes, will keep them wM and snowy-white until worn out. Try Usnd se. for yourself. Atiratrt Are You Satisfied? BHINKT. WAI KF.K BUSINUS COM.ECI Is the biggest, most perfectly sulpp.d KiiHlrieiM TralhlriK Hchoul In th North west. Kit yourself tor 11 hlicher position with more money. I'ermnnent positions assured our UrndUBtes. Write for catulog ouilu ut.u 1..111I.I Portland. P. N. U. No. 37, 1923