The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, September 14, 1923, Image 2

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    fflU HAPPEN
Two Savants Succeed While Other
Fail Conditions Unfavorable.
I Santa Barbara, Cal. Almost perfect
Brief Resurre Most Important :
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People. Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
the sun's corona dur-
e total etlipse were made by a
headed by Professor James
Worthing of London, a fellow of the
American Society for the Advance
ment of Science, and Dr. Alfred E.
Burton, professor emeritus of astron
omy in the Massachusetts institute of
technology, in lower Lompoc valley.
of here. The photo
eved to be virtually
:tory ones made Mon
unfavorable weather
List of U. S. Destroyers Is In
creased to Seven.
Co mi
battle was reported
ress since Tuesday at
i Sul, Brazil, within a
Uruguayan border, be
aud Brazilian regular
A sanguinary
to be in progr
Bio Grande do
league of the
tween rebels
A new island has emerged near the
Idzu group, according to the Eastern
News Agency, but the report that the
province of Oshima in the southern
end of the island of Hokkaido had
been submerged is declared to be un
true. Groat Britain will not abandon her
right to reparations or her claims to
the debts which other nations owe
her, the Karl of Birkenhead, lord high
chancellor in the Lloyd George cab
inet, declared in an address in Mon
treal Tuesday.
The United States government, un
der President Coolidge as under Pres
ident Harding, will await evidence of
the existence of a government in Rus
sia in accord with American standards
I" fore granting diplomatic recognition
to that country.
The delegates of war veterans' as
sociations, representing seven allied
countries, at their fourth annual con
gress in Brussels, adopted a resolu
tion Tuesday indorsing the occupation
of the Buhr as a legal means to obtain
reparations under the Versailles
William C. Van Fleet, judge of the
United Slates district court in San
Francisco, died in his home Monday
after a brief illness. Death was pre
ceded by two days of semi-consciousness
following a cerebral hemorrhage
suffered while hu was at dinner Fri
day night.
All members of the American em
bassy staff at Toklo are safe. Am
bassador Woods advised the state de
partment Tuesday in the first nies-
sago received from him since th
earthquake that none of the embassy
Btaff was injured, although all of the
embassy buildings were destroyed.
With the Bed Cross appealing for a
rein f fund of 15,000.000 and all ex
ecutive agencies of the government
devoted to organizing emergency aid
in the far east, America has fairly em
barked Tuesday upon a stupendous
undertaking of succoring the millions
of victims of the catastrophe in Japan.
The entire rice crop of California Is
being held for Japanese relief and
there will be no profiteering during
the emergency period, according to an
announcement made by Harry M.
i reeh, attorney for the Rice Grow
ers' association of California, which
controls practically the entire rice
Pablo orders from Kobe. Japan, for
approximately 500,000.000 feet of lum
ber for use in the rebuilding of Yoko
hama, Tokio and other Japanese cities
laid waste by earthquake and fire
. re received tii Francisco Tues
day. according to statements made by
representatives of steamships and
northern Pacific mills.
Colonel Stephen K Uiw of St I.ouis,
member of the Red Cross and at
t ached to the near east relief at Corfu,
reports that altogether there were io
killed by the Italian bombardment
prior to the occupation of the island
Among them were 1 children, most
of them killed by shrapnel which was
fired among a crowd of Red Cross
orphanage children bathing In the
Alter extensive questioning the
Sacramento police Monday released
Hugo K. Bur, said to be a Belgian
painter, who was taken Into custody
last Saturday in connection with the
disappearance of "The Kntombment of
PhriM. a masterpiece by Guido Rent.
Irom the K. B. Crocker art gallery
here. The officer declared they were
coBvtncud that Bur knew nothing of
the theft of the palming.
Under the emergency commandeer
ing act now in operation In Japan,
food, building materials, medicaments
and vehicles, as well as human labor
and services, may be commandeered.
Prefeetual governors are authorlxed
to issue commandeering orders for
good l a price lused on the average
market price. Failure of compliance
will b punished by a heavy fine or
thrve years' Imprisonment.
had deve
would be
of tt
Worthing said that he
Bd four negatives of the
n and that the result
ong the best ever made
corona accompanying a total
The instrument was a specially
built ceolostat with three mirrors
feeding light to four cameras of 17,
14, 9 and 5-foot foci.
Fogey conditions and haze from a
forest fire burning in the Santa Bar
bara national forest prevented suc
NMfa results at any other point in
the Santa Barbara district, although
many attempts were made to obtain
photographs at various places in the
totality zone in the county.
The period of greatest obscurity at
the Lompoc valley observation sta
tion was 2'; minutes.
Los Angeles. Scientific observa
tion ot Monday s eclipse of the sun
- :. rally failed, according to reports
received here, except possibly in the
case of naval aviators who flew above
the clouds and fog at San Diego and
took photographs of the phenomenon.
Clouds or fog obscured the view at
the time of totality at all points from
Santa Barbara, Cal., to Knsenada
Mexico, where scientists had made
preparations to study the eclipse.
These points included Avalon, on
Santa Catalina island; San Clemente
island. San Diego, Mount Wilson and
Point Loma.
Scientists who came from all parts
of the world and who had worked
mouths on their plans took their de
feat gracefully.
All Fatalities on Vessel Which Upset -Two
Minutes After Grounding
- Cuba Reported Sunk.
Tokio. Reports of a threatened
lidemic of cholera in the region de
vastated by the earthquake are un
founded, according to the authorities.
Sharp earthquake shocks again Sun
day night aroused considerable ner
vousness but did not interfere with
the work of reconstruction, which the
end of the first week of Japan's dis
aster shows to be well under way.
Sixty thousand bodies had been re
covered In Tokio and Yokohama up
to and including Monday and the po
lice estimate that 500,000 persons
have been treated for wounds and
sickness as a result of the earth
quake. A landing party from the
flagship Huron of the United States
Asiatic fleet buried the dead from the
Li an naval hospital at Yokohama
ah avauauie snips are removing
the refugees from the devastated cl
ties. The refugees, made more eager
to leave by their fear of an epidemic,
were crowding all the docks waiting
for places on the boats. The Amer
ican destroyers are taking refugees
of all nationalities from Tokio to the
liners at Yokohama.
The authorities have established
public latrines over Tokio and Yoko
hama and are cleaning up all deposits
of filth and rubbish.
Santa Barbara, Cal. Seven United
States navy destroyers and the Pa
cific Mail liner Cuba were wrecked
Saturday night, the naval craft off
Arguello light. 75 miles north of Santa
Barbara, and the steamer on a reef
off the southeast end of San Miguel
island. 35 miles off this port.
Twenty-five sailors lost their lives
in the naval disaster and all destroy
ers involved were reported total
The Cuba was said to have sunk
during the night, but all passengers
and members of her crew were be
lieved to have been landed at Los
Angeles by the naval destroyer Reno
or to be on the way to San Francisco
aboard the Standard Oil tanker W.
S. Miller, with the exception of Cap
tain C. J. Holland, the purser, the
steward and eight seamen who re
mained aboard to guard a shipment
ot" $2,500,000 in silver bullion.
Dense fog was the cause of the
The destroyers Chauncey, Wood
bury. Fuller, S. P. Lee, Nicholas.
Young and Delphy were all beached
within a few niinues of one another,
according to naval officers.
The flotilla of which the wrecked
craft formed a part was in command
of Captain Edward Watson, command
ing officer of the Delphy. The dead
were all trapped in their bunks on
the Young when the vessel struck
and were drowned when the craft cap
sized within two minutes after she
had struck.
More than 500 men were rescued
from the wrecked destroyers, which
were reported to be pounding to
pieces on the rocks, total losses. Of
the survivors, 15 of the seriously in
jured were brought to the Santa Bar
bara county hospital here.
One hundred others were cut and
bruised in their swim to safety over
the jagged rocks.
The destroyers were traveling in
formation at 20 knots an hour in a
heavy sea and dense fog when the
leading vessel crashed.
Carried ahead by a strong tide.
the others piled on the beach in
succession. Lying in line along the
i . j Jjj offip fy I
v r?1 I ITf)
Physician and Surgeon
Physician and Burgeon
Fraternal Buildn.g
Stanfielcl, Oregon
ONE of the best-known of modern
poets, 111 and destitute after a life
time of toil, announces cheerfully that
he Is emphatically not a neglected
True, he has no money, but It was
j not money that he worked for. His
fame is perhaps not as great as his
i talent merited, but he did not work
; for fame. He worked for the Joy of
working, and that was enough.
He looks back upon life feeling that
' it brought him all that he could ask.
Genius is not neglected any more
than diamonds are neglected, and for
; the same reason. This man. had he
chosen, could now be comfortably sup
plied with money.
We believe that he should have
been. Every man owes It to himself
i to gain Independence, and money
, means independence. Our poet's celeb
t rity could have been coined into
; enough cash to ease his old age, but
If he preferred to neglect his oppor
tunities it Is nobody's business but his
It Is his absence of bitterness that
Is worth heeding. He has discovered,
what every other man should discover,
that no earnest effort is wasted. He
has learned that people are only too
ready to recognize genius when they
find it. and to reward it when they
recognize It.
Indeed, so keen Is the hunt for
genius that hundreds of near-geniuses
trOW BfttBSfMI in A nwripn ne c.-,,
shore, at intervals of 250 feet, the : . fnr htrv ti. i.t -
Dental X-ray and Diagnosis
Bank Building
'Phones: Office 93. Residence 7 51.
Newton Painless Dentists
Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr.
Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton
Umatilla Pharmacy I
W. E. Smith, Prop.
Mail orders given special atten
tion. Quick Service
Satisfaction guaranteed
Umatilla, Oregon
boats were slowly breaking up. One 1
of them, the Chauncey, was resting
high on the rocks.
Treasury Wants Cash.
Washington. D. C After remaining
out of the money market three months
the treasury Monday announced a
-s-u- : certificates of indebted
ness, aggregating J200.000.000 and ma
turing six months from September 15.
The notes will bear 4S per cent In
terest. The announcement of the Sep
tember financing programme also
contained the declaration that no fur
ther fiscal operations are contemplat
ed by the government before Decem
ber 15, when maturing certificates of
indebtedness will require new borrowing.
Woman. 110, Still So-.
Chicago. Anna liusso, who has
celebrated her 110th bir:hdar. is a
great grandmother, but she dan.-ed
and frolicked about Monday, to the
envy of women not half her age. All
the women in her family, which Is
Sicilian, have lived to b very old,
but the men die young. Mrs. Riuso's
husband died when he was C5. Her
three daughters, the younges: of
horn is 60. are still spry and all of
them arv grandmothers to 20 or more.
Air Mail Test Planned.
Washington, D. C Plans for a test
lasting probably a month to determine
the feasibility of permanent establish
ment of a 21-hour coast-to-coast air
mail service are under consideration
by postoffice department officials.
Postmaster-General New said Sun
day that the possibility of such service
had been demonstrated during the re-
l'uhllshers and producers hunt for
men who can write. Great corpora
tions send out scouts for men with
executive or engineering ability that
Is beyond the common order.
No musician who Is really gifted
ever fails of an audience. And even
industrious mediocrity will sometimes
be mistaken for genius and have
riches thrust upon It.
Cast the fear that you may be n
neglected genius from among your
worries. If you are a genius somebody
will find it out, and you will have to
hire an office boy to keep people from
cent experiment, but that before I rnvHaing your privacy,
recommendations were made hv lh Even lf ou are n"c
postoffice department to congress it
genius you
are likely to be mistaken for one. But
Ihnr will nor l,nra -.-. .,..1..-..
had been virtually decided that a trial j make the mistak '"t'Z
of one month should be made to as- j fm no, to do that for wm be fauL
certain wnetner mere was sufficient
demand for such service. He Indicat
ed that the month's test would be
made before bad weather sets in this
Hp HEBE Isn't a day In the whole
round year
That Isn't a perfect day ;
Measured and trued and painted with
It glides on Its destined way ;
It is one of the gems that Is given
A pearl in life's necklace rare,
And it hasn't a scar and it hasn't a
Unless you have made It there.
The sun cannot shine every day of
your life,
But the soft clouds have their
If all of the hours were a glitter and
You would weary in each day's
For the eyes must behold and the soul
must feel
The peace of these quiet grays.
That soften the light and refresh our
After the burning rays.
There Is beauty abundant for every
In everj' day of the year;
If you cannot see It, you're blind Indeed,
For beauty Is ever near ;
Whatever your lot, you may freely
In the paintings of earth and sky ;
They are wondrous In worth and
there's never a dearth
Of charm for the seeing eye.
IS by Dodd. Mead & Company.)
Struggled Hard for Life.
Strange evidence was given by the
house surgeon at a Barrow (Eng.) hos
pital at the inquest of an eight-year-old
boy. The boy died from lockjaw
caused by falling and cutting his wrist
on a tin. The surgeon said he died
three times. He stopped breathing
twice and animation was restored
twice. The third time he stopped
breathing It was final.
J . L . vaughanI
206 E. Court Street
X Electrical Fixtures and
Electric Contracting
Eat and Drink
J. OUOBa, Prop.
Pendleton, Oregon
Only the Best Foods Served
I Fancy Ice Creams
t urnished Rooms over Cafe
Xjuick Service Lunch Counter
in connection with Dining room
You Are Welcome Here
Claims Treaties Signed.
Washington. D. C Two conven
tions providing machinery for the ad
justment of claims between the Uni
ted Stales and Mexico were signed
Saturday. When ratified by the Uni
ted States senate and the Mexican
congress, the conventions will lead to
the creation of commissions and the
payment of claims aggregating mU
lions of dollars for damages sustained
in the last half century.
tj1 by John B:kt )
Today's Luxur.ous Travel.
Ten thousand Jiowerlng plants and
ferns of various kinds are required
very year for the public rooms of the
liner Majestic. A heated greenhouse
Is provided on the upper deck, from
which renewals are drawn during a
voyage, and a trained gardener is a
permanent member of the ship's staff.
O .
AHEN, in the
cot iresalooal
Peak Changed By Quake.
Shanghai. A Ninon Dempe news
agency dispatch from Osaka states
that the summit of Mount Fuji, ap
parently as a result of the earthquake,
has undergone a most noticeable
change, the peak now appearing much
flatter than formerly. It was also
sK.-.ed that all the Toki colleges were
destroyed, with the exception of Was
eda and Keio universities.
HE Pi tati on fer be;n3-
Washington, D. C The dog family
line at the White House will not be
broken despite the change in admin
istration. Laddie Boy will be succeed
ed by his half brother as the White
House dog.
midst of a
upon some measure which en
tails the expenditure of large
sums of money In different parts
of the country for example, the
rivers and harbors btll one
member will denounce the bill
as a "poorly disguised pork-barrel",
the meaning Is at once ap
parent to anyone familiar with
American parliamentary slang,
for It has come to be the accept
ed equivalent of an attempt to
secure public ruoney for private
or semi-private purposes. A
"pork-barrel" measure, there
fore, is one which would enrich
certain districts at the expense
of the public treasury, either by
providing for costly Improve
ments or by spending money un
necessarily. To And the genesis of the
phrase we have to go back to
the earlier days of the republic,
when the majority of the citi
zens were fanners who, during
the winter, were forced to Uv
on salt pork. If their supply
was adequate and their barrels
well filled, thev said they had no
need to worry about a long,
hard winter the pork -barrel
would take care of them. In a
similar, but more metaphorical
sense, they now look to their
congressmen to take c.ire of
them by seeurtng at least a par
tlon of the "pork-barrel" legis
lation, which will lead to profits
on labor, land and supplies,
c r WhKr Syadtcat. lac.)
We Specialize in
Take thit next job to your
Home Printer
j R. N. Stanlield. President.
. Frank Sloan. 1st 'ice-Pros.
If. R, Mag, Bad i e-Fres.
Ralph . Hollo, Cashier
Bank of
i Stanf ield
Capital Stock and
Four Per Cent Interest
Paid on Time Certifi
cates of Deposit