D l. ni E S n itb 21 BOARD VOLF.ME 3. BOARDMAj AUGUST 24, 1923. STUDY LEATHER WORK AND RUG MAKING ABROAD by institutions in France and Eng land, three months in study abroad. Two of them, Evelyn Peyton, couny homo demontration agent for Mad ison county, Alabama and ruth Arey district agent for western Tennessee, saled from New York the last week In June; the third, Mary Moretand, specialist in home industries InW., Virginia, proceeded them having gone in April to Yugosallvia to as I 31 in introducing club work under the auspices of the minister of agricul ture: Hug making will be studied by these extension workers in the school of Uodez, Aveyron, France, leather work either in Paris or Rod Z, and cheese making at Roquefort. One month v.T.' L pent in E. ying methods of food pi i vallon at the expermirnent station or Bri -tol University and leather work at the woman's institute of Lotighlon, Essex, one of the purposes of the trip being to learn methods of home utilization of hide., of farm animals which when sold in the raw condi tion, being a very low pi ice. K-vr period of wmw Iji.umilLlllUil ! SHORTAGE IS F AC NUMBER 28 MAKES PROGRESS (HO l bWU AGE IS FACED BY UNITED STATES ie Organ- ; f or.t Ame: nber shor; for sup ! forest d from of re-inevit-s of the 1 MAHii hi proclamation of Governor i, compulsory grading and lab or potatoes wiil be a law of AGRICULTURE DOES NOT TAKE ALL CUT OVER LNDS Bert Richardson was the vie of a pleasant surprise on Tuesday evening, when a few of his naif li tters walked in to help him celebrate ' his birthday. He was indeed suv- 01 prised, having retired for the night: but he "rose to the occasion" and " everybody had a jolly evening. The : self-invited guests were the Root's, co Gchell's and Howell's. "o: Proved "Manhood" by Attack oil OctcgeaaKCiB Indianapolis. It cost Frank Hill ?11 and a six .months' sentence to the state .penal farm to prove his manhood t the satisfaction nf his coiupnn'nn, Ruth Lawn lice, by striking William Hayes, aged eighty-two, during a dis pute in regard to an automobile park ing space in the downtown di-. Sere, The Lawrence girl wns also show you I :'. Ui a man," Hill told ins companion, as he launched his at:.. inn a Ij llow of contracts into fico continues unabated if the fact that much of ow'being done i:i going ratty well canvassed at Pi ig i is the decided change In li.nent which has developed. When i matter was first discussed many growers and business men were ltlodly iu'ce warm to the proposi i. It is remarkable how mam- of so are now taking a loading part putting the association over. Be-' ning wi h tho emphatlcal endorse nt given this plan by the Yakima artng House, followed in rapid Ellens!, urg, Sunnyslde, and Ken vlck, who have also been outspok ln approval of the plan cf the as tatlotf, many business men and Lite formation of tffis association. is now generally realized that problem of market stabilization the hay of this season can only innd'.ed by the growers themielv 'lany dealers would have in the assisted growers in this effort had been possible. iipon the present market, and un the assoelation's plan for Jti tag thfs surplus from the mnr ai.il thru reasonable financing to prevent an early selling pres . the entire crop bide fair to be mat, eventually causes red raspberry, black cap lies, first appears in be grown and Intensive forestry meth ods observed on a:l forest land in the country some 470.00000 aces the Nation's timber proUem could be. alleviated, it is Btat! d. "Three outstanding measures are neceSiarj to bring about he grow ing or tiraber crops en foreat lands," according to the repolt. "The first step ; i to stop unrestrained forest ex ploitation and the denuding which is a (lirt.'t r til; of iiaib r mining. the tiird objective of parmount Im port a ce is to (ngrea e Umber pro duction io the fall caplclty of the land. Protection from fire, insects, ahd disease, of tovrr.e, must go hand in hand with all reforestation pro- "ir. short, with the utmost (hat can be done many years raupt pass before wo can make our fores', s produce ihdu growth as much timber as is now yearly taken from them, and a peroid of shortage is inescapable." TOLIi GATE PICNIC SIXDW WILL BE BIO AFFAIR Oregon on and after September 15, ami in connection with co-operativ-1 over's associations which are er as as i:ig in the state, this law will no .doubt greatly help this industry. i ,1 The new law provides for stand ! "'d grades and labeling, according j to the schedules of the United States I Depart mcnt of Agriculture. Inspec ts will be under the state market dfeent and will be handled in much tli? -ame manner a3 grain is now handled. The government fixes 4 it is n nor pi: It will he sorted would such a e be desirable. Following le No, 1, Which will meet the mients of the most of the po giown in Oregon. Growers I shall consist of potatoes of lar varietal characteristics :h are not badly misshapen, :h are free from freezing in ert rot, and from dant- sed by dirt or other for atter, sunburn, second growth cracks, hollow- tiii t i io i i i lake, at the Toll Gate above ton, wiil be the mecca for thous i of people Sunday. The oc a will be a genera! gathering of duple of Umatilla, Union and ia Walla counties and at 2 o-clock lie afternoon a meeting of the i moun.aln highway association be held. Ttra association is official organisation working for, construction of a good road be in Weston and Elgin. jury and age as eign i growtl h arts, cuts, scab, blight, dry rot, dl ase, insects, or mechanical or other means. The diameter of potatoes of round varieties shall be not less thanl- inches and of long varieties inches. In order to allow for variations incident to proper grading and handling, not more than 5 per cent, by weight, of anj lot may be below the presci ib lise, and in addition, not more than 6 per cent, by weight, may be below the remaining require ments of ih's grade, but not to e c '1 one-third of this 6 per cent tolerance shall be allowed for po "tf.tcA r.ffectcd by soft rot. tin,' that little old man." Mr. lluyes' jaw wug broken nnd s era I teeth loosened, according to testimony. Let us print those butter wrappi president of the association and M. Smith, Weston, is seeretary t urer. Memobers of ih? excti coiv.mittce include those just , d and in addition. Senator It. Uitner, Lea 11. Tuttle, Elgin, and M, Coskbuin, Tdilton. ace they danced a minuet. Now established grades No. 2 and Farcy ' grade is one that d. veloped in this Idaho mils oiit C. experiment station recommends Eli: on did not discover the talk loval of hills thai -l:o- in tkailon :u '.mcb.in?. A fellow named Adam the trouble. beat hiiii to it. ' he other ihree are No. 1, small, -:. 1. The fane; doubtless can be :tate with profit. u fancy grade, every potato being para t el y wrapped In paper like or al ges and these bring a high top price for select markets. Oregon can develop the samo markets as : rancj . toCk can be readily grown i'i many localities. Standard grading and stale inspec B Of !' c :it oi ;; has long been need I in Oregon as an aid to marketing. "1s. s's have long had these stan r'ds and Ore; has been dls- What lie World Is 0. Dei CAS SEEN BY (POPULAR clMECHANICS (lMAGAZINE Perfumes Will Add Reality tc Pleasant odors, typical of the scene being shown, may be used in motion picture theaters shortly, to add reality to the screened picture story. This will be accomplished by working keys at the r "in, which will be connected to suit able spraying apparatus When an ocean scene appears, tho bracing odor of salt BT, with its pleasant, tji.g, will lie wafted through the theater, as a natural ac i . iim ut of the setting. Similarly, a 'i:S y I- . . t iund wiil call forth the i . ri -1 i . iragrance of freshly mown li.-y. Exotic pecfumet and incense will be used ia Oriental presentations. . Use Radio on Motdfrcycles to Catch Bandits E ': --equipped motorcychifl have been put into servico in the East to we with automobile bandits. Aerials in the form of a loop are attached to a sidecar which civ, ...rias the receiving apparatus. Two - the finish of the i friction tape oroum and try again. In nesive clenni rfaco n :th tc r ' in "Lcv.d rspcaker" Guides Vessels to Port Marine engineers at an Enciish rr.rt have devised a voice-amplifying aiijiara tuo, which, it is claimol, grcaily reduces of idents Ui m tl.o 1 solvi d by sliov.n in bcums w tached to the f, r , tbt tl o.-c engine will fit between them. A able rod is th n pui-hrd t! drdlH it. all four beams, to leek U. gcthcr and hold the i nline down W One hole is drilled through cech beam and a scries of hcles throo inner ones so thi the two base m can I 1 ckcd t ether at different to obtain proper belt tension, beams of the hame type are uttachi . ant to k no iv just what they are Ing, and when they do not know pi- : hi y v. ill pay will make m safe and the grower sorry. With central selling agencies In poc a. est the demands of large and guaranteed grades lo th rl son potatoes should conn front. ny farmer, fruit or vi grosser who would like to h : oroand daily luiii ket reporl ; I 1 1 :wb service sent lo'him may have ':ch free ser ice by writ ting to the b e Market Agent, 72:: Court House I'ortland. This service Is completed Wily In Portland by the F. K. Bureau o( Agricultural Economics and thru operation withR, L. Ringer, man ager of the local bureau, this service v ill be gent to thole who desire It. i ion to buyers to the getable ive the One avo a id ma ban ace. of 11 the world it's a work b neb nffi-aamgiiiTT arlKir. 2 km atendent may throw his voice out over a ang stretch of water to tLe helmsman of a incoming ship. Complete .docking lirections can 1 given in m'K-h less time i0z ' for use. An attendant, mounbd on the hoist, points the instrument in the proper iirection. Removing Headlamp Rims When it becomes nccessviry to remove automobile headlamp rims, "it wd! fn quently 1 found tliat they an so rusted ensiucl. vliidt may mar The trad! fores! land, of it, is be tO;u d: n that all cut-over even the greater part : taken by agriculture du; by the facts, says viae, United States D -gi culture. ea of forest lands al burn, d over, exclusive taken tor agricultural use has alrtad grown to 131,000,000 acrej says the; Department. Furthmore, our for est had is being cut over at the rata' of B out 1 0.04 0,000 acr s yearly, audi probably more than hail this area U virgin forest I The depletion of our timber sup plies and tho reduction of our forest area largely thru timber mining ha..: created a national problem that of providing the timber necessary to meet o.ir iu:ure requirements, In ability to utilize cut or burned over r a lands for agriculture has creat ed : second and related national pro iih ii i -that oi land use. Three outstanding measures nr. noceatary to bring about the grow ing of timber crops on forest lands. Ore i to slop unrestricted forest ex ploitation, another is to reduce the Waate in the use of timber, and the third la to increase timber production to the full capacity of the land. "Monk" Coffman combines to inakt his dady trip with his 18 Missouri mo king birds and si veil wagon., from the Weatherford wheal ranch on Shutler flat. One of his wagont I idded off the grada and rolled down the embankment about a week ago, Fortuuatol) he was traveling 81 ipty and r.o damage resulted. Ai ling ton Bulletin. OUEGON HAY OROWEB8 i'LA.N M.; NEW COXTBACT The Oregon Cooperative Hay Oro- v, i i s, who have one more year lo op trate under a new .contract, are plan ning to submit a new contract in Oregon based on a 75 per ci'in signup of the alfalfa hay and to run concur r r.tiy with the Washington contract. A numlv r of hay growers who have so far not united with the Asso ciation met with a COUmittfle Of mem l.i is at the llermision Library Satur day evening to discuss certain chan ge! In the operation plan which would make probable that a largsr meeting will !' held In Echo In the n ar future, at which the feeder sit uation v. ill be given particular atten tion! i, Is generally realized by alfalfa growi is who make a practice of sell ing to feeder! that even for them market Stabilization Is very desirable. 'tii. new arrangements which have been completed for finance with the 1 ol ermediale Credit Hank at Spokane make! It possible to finance a carry o er oi bay with no serious incon venience to the grower. With the present outlook for prices it Is reall :: d thi some systematic effort must be made to lecure better than cost of production. It Is not planned that this cam paign will be pul on until the results in Washington have been pretly well establish d. ,slor has been obliged to oi l hern Wisconsin town. He led so many couples thero f had a fiiend left In the tnd oats are not SO sa l fac pigs on grain feed rape a. id winte. lory to. fattening as alfaifa, clover wheat, as shown by test of l he Ore They P zun experiment station, not stand the grazing t Jo not grow well after am! Chai go from corn silage lo oat! and v- cb silage was made by the O. A. C. daily department in feeding le is, Without any apparent ill effec ts or loss of appetite. An abrupt change from either of these to sun flower silage resulted In refusal to eat, In all but one case. Artificial swarming may be resort ed to .In n b ch persist In their des slro to swarm and moderate increase is not desirable. This Is especially true where preparation for swarming b u in- too far lo be prevented. Mi i hods of ar' if leal swarming are ex plained In the new O, A. C. exten sion si . vice bulletin, "Heckeeplng In Or- gOB," by II. A. Scullen. "Ml key" the printers dlvel says, "Silk stockings seem lo be worn out morn and more lately. EGOISM IS A SiN SAYS STICKER In the small village Where we pmt our childhood days -here lived in agad. white-bearded man who iraoticod medicine. It was said that lie (hose to practice medicine as the esult of a dream. tie went to bed one night and lr limed that he was a doctor. The nexl morning when he got up he ii ight a professional looking satch "1. bpened an office, and was a full tedgi d physician, In those days of ilague and pestilence no other pre paration for the great responsibill lei of the care and treatment of the i i; were necessary. But today in the conceit of our present civilization, we smile as we think in tho words if the cartoonist "Them Days are gone Forever." Our great and be oved State would not tolerate her i ople to suffer such an Imposition it the hands of some Impostor who lacrlflOM human life for personal 'aver and other emolument!. Our iroud boasl, our beautiful words are lurled back like a boomerang to nock us. Listen lo the pitiful com dalnt of a bereaved parent. "On Saturday, June 9, 1923, Dr. ,vas called lo our house because ..f he illness of our little son nine ears of age." Fpon examination he Dr, said, "Well some would call his diphtheria, but I call b a had ase of tonsllltil." We wish o call 'our alien1 ion to the mighty 'I.' the I that ll allotted but a foW ytars1 if egoism, that knows nioro ban all the accumulated scientific knowledge of the e nturl s. Two lays later the Doctor returned and nade a throat culture; tWO days lat r a positive laboratory d gnosis. Saturday night the Doctor call d. he brought some sort Of an electri- al machine with which she has been spi rlaii nl ing for the past rew lOA th!.,, 'I he day the culture was made some medicine was lelt, "which VI I to lake Ii" place of the Onti-tOX- in or serum ti tod by the medical pro ion In the case of diplherla." "On Saturday, June 16th at 1:40 P.M. he lied In my arms." The final paragraph of the latter ii i severe Indictment of those who would cheat the legally constlluled igonciei whose purpose it is to pro lecl i he life and health of our people. Why create such a protecting organ iMtlon and then legalize acts In direct opposition to the purposes of such an organisation 1 "llcallzlng that there Is nothing I tan do for my poor baby, and smis Ing that he sleeps today from a so called doctor's deceit, conceit, and malpractice, 1 am calling your alien Hon lo the tiller lack of co-operation evinced in Ibis case. When she called on Saturday night, her duly to CO-Ops rate With you began, and 'he health authorities should have been Immediately notified, and we would have been advised by th! auth orities what to do to protect him. In stead, light wai made of It; we atten ded the graduation exercises on Sun day afternoon, my wife and boy and I wi re at pi.if. ci liberty to come and go as wa phased until Wednesday evening and baby died Sal unlay. The community, children and parents, ihould be protected against the lr riirri'Mcc of such a case as this, and it this merits a through Investiga tion by you gentlemen I wish you would do so and let me know what von accomplish. It has ruhu'd one 'ife and practically ruined the life of Motorcycles do remind us Wa can rids o'er hill and dell. And, in purling, leave behind us, I'lflv different kinds of sinfll. fresh 1,JC FROM THE FACTORY TOR A ROLL YOUK OWN WITH It I . LA CRUIX LlfUU to