DftDTI A Nil OFFERS A MARKET rvRl ILAnEJ FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland. Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAY Complete Change Saturday. Adult. Week day Matinee. 20c: Evenings, 3Hc. Contlnuoua 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents all times. Northwestern School of Commerce i, as a Good Position for You m Tfo itde-ip k,i, "r : v c..i " -j uvuft Miuvjitj iuur r uium rur- ward" telta you about it. Write Today. No Obligation The Progressive Business College of the West PORTLAND. OREGON. Hot and Cold Water and Phone in Every Room. Comfortable Accommodation at Moderate Prices. European Plan HOTEL MORRIS Free Garage MR. AND MRS. H. M. BRANSON. Proprietor. Phone Broadway 1270. Tenth and Stark. Portland, Oregon HOTEL ALDER Cor. 4th and Alder, Portland, Ore. REOPENED AND NEWLY FURNISHED Fairness, Courtesy. Good Service. European Plan Exclusively. Rates 1.U0, $1.60 and J2.00. Most Central Hotel in Portland. FRED SMITH. Mgr. BAB'S RESTAURANT to Eat and Live Well 40c luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m 364 Yamhill St A JOB WITH A FUTURE W W T use men between ages of 18 and 50. m I J pay c per hur as minimun wage. jBf 9j give best of meals at 35c each. If Of supply beds for 25c, 30c and 40c. V Ma have FREE hot and cold water baths. 1 W Mmi advance employees rapidly. give positions FREE on application, have Employment offices at West Linn, Oregon, Camas, Washington, and 209 Commonwealth building, Sixth and Burnside, Portland, Oregon. Crown Willamette Paper Co. We Pay Same Day HIGHEST PRICES FOR HlOilS. PELTS, WOOL. MOHAIR, CASCARA BARK. Portland Hide & Wool Co. 1W UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, OREGON. Branch at Pocatello, Idaho. Write for Prices and Shipping Taga INFORMATION DEPARTMENT BRAZING, WELDING & CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st St 8UT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESIGNS larka Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St, PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine pleat skirts ready lor band. 85 cents Hemstitching, picotinjr and tuckinff. LAS 1 LKIN INUVtLlY MFG. CO. 86V4 Fifth St. Portland. Ore PATENT ATTORNEY mechanecnagineer Protect that Idea with a United States Patent. Others have made fortunes out of Patents. Why not you? Thomas Bllyeu, 202 Stevens Bldg., Portland, Ore. I USE no knife, anaesthetic, clamps, ligatures, stitches, burning or other disagreeable or dangerous methods, and GUARANTEE to permanent ly cure your Piles. Write today for my FREE illustrated book. KtfAS. J. DEAN 2ND AND MORRISON PORTLAND, ORECOM Ml N T(ON'"THlS PP WMjN WBliNd DR ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you up, we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture. 400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway 6902, Portland, Oregon. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. FOOT CORRECTIONIST Featherweight Arch Supports made to order. J. E. Tryzelaar, 618 Plttock Block, Portland, Ore. PERSONAL Marry If Lonely; most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reliable; yearB experience; description free. "The Successful Club," Mrs, Nath, Box 556, Oakland, California. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Piecae Luullner Florists, 341 Morrison 8L MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts. Otto Schumann Oranlte & Marble Works. Wanted! Timber Fallers and Buckers. Contract work. Near Coast. Apply 209 Common wealth building, Port land, Oregon. A Hopeless Job. Ever since the world began men have tried to invent something that women would refuse to wear. Thus far they have not succeeded. Outlook. Placing Btudio3 on the roof of New York warehouses may be taken as evi dence that industry is elevating art. Boston Transcript. An interesting device that motor truck which "walks like a man." Now for a pedestrian who can run like a motor truck. New Orleans Times-Picayune. When a Girl Is an Old Maid. She isn't really an old maid until she begins to dream of a cute kitchen instead of a handsome knight. San Francisco Chronicle. A tropical fish, whose fins become bright blue in moments of excitement, and whose young hang from aquatic plants by hooks on top of their heads, is now exhibited in the London zoo. It Is not only difficult to say the right thing In the right place, but, far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting mo ment. Anonymous. w I MOTHER RESORTED TO NEW TEST Further Proof That There Are More Ways Than One of Proving a Supposition. A peculiar custom of the women of Burma Is disclosed by Mr. K. Whiting, who has been traveling in that country with a camera, lie says : At Yawnchww I got some excellent child studies. They are fascinating lit tle creatures, Burmese babies, very round of "tummy," the result of their diet of rice. Their mothers have a delightfully simple expedient for gaug ing when their offspring have had enough to eat. Round the protuber ant lower chest of the Infant is fastened a kind of twig,, which stretches as the feeding process goes on. When it breaks, the child has had sufficient. I remember one anxious mother eye ing a twig which apparently refused to break. The child went on lapping up the rice until a paddy famine in Burma appeared imminent. Fascinat ed. I wondered when the limit of ca pacity would be reached, but the moth er dealt with the crisis in masterly fashion. Giving the child a huge drink of water, she placidly awaited events. Everyone, of course, knows the action of water on rice, and before long that twig Hew off like a broken bow-string I Usually these children run about In the garb of nature, but If they think they nre going to be photographed they manage to produce the most won derful clothes from nowhere. A suit will clothe an entire family, one wear ing the coat, another the waistcoat, and a third the trousers. Cream of Tartar From Wine Vats. One by-product of wine manufacture is cream of tartar. In making wine a crystalline salt separates as the amount of alcohol Increases during fer mentation, which when deposited In the wine vats, Is known as "argol," and when purified becomes the cream cf tartar so largely used In baking powder. California Is a large pro ducer of this salt New York Man Predicts End of World in 1926 New York. F. I.. Rawson, healer, metaphysician, Inventor.-author, elec trical and civil engineer, violinist, head of the Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True I'ruyer, who main tains offices In London and in seven teen cities in the United States and Canada, prophesies the world will end In or soon after 190ft, The world may, .Mr. Kawson admits, manage to stick It out a few years be yond the time set, but even with every thing In its mundane favor, It cannot last longer than in:;:. That Is the absolute limit, he said. Mr. ftawson first made his end prophecy recently at the League for the Larger Life, a new thought organi zation with headquarters at ttt West Seventy-second street. Members wtre surprised by the announcement. STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. I . ...... i ffTfWfTfWff""'''' WWW Pendleton. The official high tem perature here Saturday was 101. Wheat Is not being injured in any appreciable degree by the heat, ac cording to farmers. Bend. Plans are now being com pleted for the erection of a modern $20,000 hotel and boarding house of brick construction, near the city park here for M. A. Clark. There will be 20 rooms, and the building will be of Georgia nand Colonial architec ture. Tualatin. Haymakers of this local ity have been aided by the daily weather reports received over the radio. Charles Geiberger and August Blank got in practically their entire crop of hay without getting it wet by following radio reports. Salem. The Oregon public service commission has been asked to act as arbitrator in the settlement of demur rage claims filed by the Southern Pa cific company against Charles K. Spaulding, the Spaulding-Miami Lum ber company and the C. H. Wheeler estate. Salem. Keeping in close personal touch with the convicts In the state penitentiary with a view that pardons and paroles shall be granted to only those men who are deserving of the concession, is the policy adopted by Governor Pierce during the past few weeks. Baker. The Sumpter Valley rail road made effective July 9 reduced tariffs in ore shipments between Baker and Sumpter, according to schedules just announced. The new rate is $1.30 per net ton of 2000 pounds for values between $15 and $35 per ton. Salem. It was announced here Sunday that approximately $7000 has been subscribed toward the comple tion of the new Salem hospital, which was started several months ago. It will require $35,000 to complete the structure, members of the building committee said. Salem. Jay H. Upton of Prine- vllle, president of the state senate, was arrested here Saturday night charged with speeding. He deposited $10 to insure his appearance in court. Officers said Mr. Upton was on his way from Salem to Portland at the time of his arrest. Salem. With weather conditions favorable to bumper crops through out the state, exhibits at the annual Oregon state fair, to be held in Salem, September 24-29, promises to exceed any previous event. Accord ing to officials there has been to date a 20 per cent increase in entry in many of the departments. La Grande The Grand Ronde val ley is experiencing one of her best years as an agricultural center, both relating to grains and similar crops and fruits. The cherry and apple crop promises to be far heavier than usual and grains, especially wheat, are giving indications of a satisfac tory return at harvest time. Baker. That the Oregon irrigation congress, while working for the de velopment of irrigation in Oregon, is also promoting betterment of farm ing conditions generally, was the statement of James Kyle, of Stan field, president of the congress, at the meeting of the executive com mittee of the congress this morning in Baker. Salem. Inspectors of the state seal er of weights and measures depart ment visited 403 towns and cities in Oregon during the three months end ing June 30, held 14 conferences with business men and discussed the new bedding Inspection law with 45 firms engaged in that business, accordng to a report prepared here today by W. A. Dalziel, in charge of the weights and measures department. Salem. Receipts of the state in dustrial accident commission during the past fiscal year ending June 30, 1.923, aggregated $2.80fi.f,80.lR, or an Increase over the preceding year of $727,041.08. This was set out in the annual report of the commission, completed here Saturday. The ratio of administrative expenses to r cenits was 6.99 per cent, as compared with 9.17 per cent for the previous year. W. Helens The field work of as seslne pronert yln Columbia countv 's practically complete and the coun tv fissecsor estimates that the a opmment roll will show approximate ly 1.nnnn0fl Increase ovpr last year Td brine the valuation of taxable ""wrlT ir to HR.0On.nno. The in Increase Is due to many improvements In the county fnd especially in 'Vr"nnl nnrl tho Nehalem vallcv. fcrm mnfh dpvelnnment has taken florin the put year. Farm. ef1e nrt other nrnpertv are assess or! nn thp oame baels as last year. Y v Extravagance X By MARTHA M. WILLIAMS ? () by McClura Newapaper Syndicate.) Everybody knew Miss Jessie Kap per for a person of the highest prin ciples; what was not so well known was that her thrift, which was alike hereditary and habitual, forbade use of the principles for every day. She spoke eloquently of the larger vision, world humanity, harmouy with cosmic law, above all, the crying need of the uplift. She was, further, more than generous of her time and her breath for all manner of causes that might serve as pedestals. Notwith standing, there were chuckles from the unregenerate mass over the wash erwoman's verdict : "Hit ain't only that she wants to be bell-wether or no sheep somebody else must pay for the bell." She looked exceedingly well to the ways of the household her mother was an invalid, her father away half the time in congress. That gave her added prestige. If she didn't go to Washington with the general. Her mother was excuse quite sufficient and daughterly devotion was thus an added asset. She paid cash for every thing save her subscription to church and charity for them she set Spurt the increment of her small economies. She loathed extravagance espe cially the Carroll Benton sort. Car roll also kept house for a rather help less family a pretty, frightened, In capable mother, and a scientific fa ther, who lost himself In his work. Luckily they had a fixed Income a fairish one but Carroll wore clothes It pained Mrs. Grundy to see, admit tedly because she could not afford bet ter. Yet she bought the best of every thing In market not always the cost liest rarities, but the best of its sort. She kept a maid for her mother, and a man-cook, who also looked after the lawn and the laboratory both, at wages that seemed fabulous to Allyn town, the while doing her own sewing, and even making over her hats. She had little parties, too very simple cake and Ice cream or tea and snnd wlches In cherry or strawberry time the fruit serving In place of sweets. There was dancing, too, on the piazza or the grass, to the phonograph that was Mamma Beaton's consolation. New records for It, costly ones at that, further Jarred Miss Kapper's amiabil ity. So badly, indeed, she said out right to her gossip, Miss Susan Fife: "If ever anybody needed a guardian it Is Carroll Beaton unless she gets one of some sort, she'll die on the) town." "She can get a mighty fine one, any minute she'll say 'yes,' " Susan re turned smiling slyly. Miss Kapper bridled, saying acidly: "You don't really believe John Hunt ly has serious intentions? I know he goes there right along but It's to see the professor, same as It hns always been " "Maybe he's saltin' the old cow for the calf but I have my doubts," from the gossip. Miss Kapper opened bar Hps to speak, but shut them with s snap of the jaws on what she had meant SD say, running on after a min ute to Bier fall clothes which meant making some few new ones and mak ing over many that had seen service. Dyed, re-ut and refurnished they would look new and wear just as well and sock s saving! Jennie Brltt, the 1 1 (He old maid dressmaker, charged so moderately even Carroll Beaton could afford her if only she would. And so obliging always ready to turn, and contrive, make the most of every fcersB) of lace or trimming and never send In a bill till the end of the quarter. Jennie was an Institu tion, said Miss Kapper, and "John Huntly'U agros to that," said Miss Susan. "He goes there every little while to bear her toll about his moth er they were little girls together, and went to the same school. She gave him his first case when he started law-practice I shall always say she'd never a-gone and sued the Prices on that last land note If she hadn't want ed to show folk what John COUld do." The land money safe In a 7 per cent mortgage, Jenny Hrltt felt she could let it ride, a sure provision for age or Illness, meanwhile earning n trifle more than she spent to live If she did work so cheap. She had rooms downtown two, shabby but clean al ways and rather cheery by lamp light. John Uuntly found them so upon g rainy October evening, whose early luck had Bomehow made him lose relish for work. Aunt Jennie would brHce Bin up she was so birdlike, al ways cheery, no matter where the wind sat. She would give him ten, Just the sort he liked not too strong clear and very hot, with rose leaves she had candled herself, flouting In It, dark blurs against her single- eggshell cup. They were In the kitchen brew Ing It when there CUBS a merry rata plan upon the outer door Miss Jennie smiled to hear It. "Sit still here und don't jpa peep," she adjured her first visitor over her shoul der as she vanished, leaving the door ajar. Next minute he heard Carroll sav ing gayly: "Ah, ha. Keeping Blind Jack's holiday, Miss Jen ! Don't blame you rain always mukes me lazier than usual. So I had to rush out In It to bring you these Just a few late peaches, and some pears not yet mel low. Mother said you must have some the minute she saw them. No can't sit down company coming to supper onIgnt glve-Nd&aeft-. my- basket IT want to fill It for somebody else." Word rushed on word Huntly could picture the speaker's vivid face. He had known her all his life. He had never dared tell her his hopes and fears. Possibly because having still his way tq.make, he had felt her beyond his reach. Miss Kavper, of whom he saw a good deal, both In business and socially, was perhaps to blame for the feeling. He liked her COMA ally she was so sensible, like wise so kindly always Interested In his prospects,- and overflowing with woman-sympathy for cases of need. She had shed the balm of her sym pathy even upon Carroll such a pity, the dear, brilliant girl was hampered as she was no chance to train herself for a career what would become of her when her mother died, and the an nuity with her. Miss Kapper could not guess, unless Carroll were wise and lucky enough to make a good mar riage. All this was nebulously at the bnck of Huntly's mind, when he heard Aunt Jen, saying briskly : "You've got a new frock, child never mind Mow I know so you bring it here tomorrow. I'll make It In time for the Aliens' party if I have to sew Sundays." "Get thee behind me, Britt you know I can't afford It," Carroll Inter rupted. "There'll be nothin' to pay I'd love to do it good as you are to me," from Miss Jennie. "Bless your heart, I can't afford that any more than the other thing, you angel-spiirrow I" from Carroll. "One reason I've never come to you for work was It hurts me to see you get so little you cheat yourself in every stitch you set." With that she rushed away, heed less of Aunt Jen's protests. But that lady was scarcely settled to tea cups before another knock, solid, precise but Imperative, Half a minute later Miss Kapper was saying softly : "You put In that lining so beautifully, Miss Blitt. I've brought another Job of the same sort. And I shall tell everybody how reasonable you are. Why, the tailor asked eight dollars to rellne the coat and you did It for three. Now, If you'll put the oid lining It Is perfectly good except t the neck, and there's plenty of It, In this other coat, I'll be quite willing to pay you the same price." "You ought to be!" Miss Brltt said firmly. "But I don't put In old linings they never fit. If you're In a hurry I've some stuff would answer " "Not for my purpose," from Miss Kapper freezlngly. "You may like to practice extortion I'll be no party to it. Either you use the old material or I'll take the work to somebody else." "Good rlddnnce !" Miss Brltt ejacu lated. A half minute later the door slammed hard. At the sound Huntly came from the kitchen snylng with an angry laugh : "Aunt Jen my coming tonight was purely providential " "I reckoned so myself," from Aunt Jen. "Gave you n chance to see the difference. I've been scared you'd marry that smooth-tongued skinflint ; now, you let her slide and do your best to make a match with Carroll." "Just what I shall try to do with your good help," Huntly answered, giving her a hearty hug. 1 After Every Meal WRIGHTS Chew your food well, then use WRIGLEY'S to aid digestion. It also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. The Great American Sweetmeat Man Falls In Hot Pool. Klamath Falls, Or. Patrick Ilar.li gan, 50-year-old conductor on a log ging railway, suffered serious bums when he fell into the "Devil's Punch Howl," a deep spring of boiling water In Hot Springs addition. He was taken to a local hospital, where little hope was held for his recovery. Hardigan fell into the spring to his hips, but also sustained burns on the arms and back. He managed to climb out and crawl nearly half a mile down the Southern Pacific track, where he was found by a watchman. One death and several Injuries have resulted previously to persons falling into the boiling spring. SMELL CARRIED BY CURRENTS Experiments Have Been Made to Show the Time Taken for Vari ous Scents to Travel. The rapid propagation of smells no ticed In the oHn air appears due en llrely to currents, since In small tubes, where currents do not exist, the rate Is found to be very small. Expert- rnents along this line were first under taken in England, and additional data h ive been reported In this country. With ammonia diffusing through a tube n meter and a half long, more than two hours elapsed before the smell could bo detected at the other end of the tube. Using different lengths of tubing, It was found that Hie time required for the diffusion of the smell was roughly proportioned to the square of the length. Ammonia and hydrogen sulphide were used for these experiments The presence of ammonia could he delected chemically at a point In a lube after about the name time as when the sense of smell was used for a detector. The rate of propaga Hon of the smell of ammonia was not markedly different when this bud to puss nlong ttie same tube cither hori zontally or vertically downward With camphor, however, while, the rates horizontally and downward wen about the same, the speed upward was about twice as great. The smell given to iron and brans by rubbing these with the fingers was also tried, hut gave no definite results. Queer Sheep. You are so used to seeing our domes tic sheep with talis which nre "nothing td speak of," that you will hardly be lieve that there nre sheep In som parts of the world with tails which weigh as much ns 40 to 80 pounds I These "fat-tailed sheep" are found In northern India and Kgypt. The tall Is considered a greHt delicacy, arid the Arabs cut It In slices and fry It, but someone who tasted this delicacy said it was very much like fried tallow. In Shanghai there Is a breed of sheep which has no external ears, and neither MS has any horns. The Initial Consideration. Lady I want to sue rny husband for divorce. Lawyer- What are your charges? I,ady What are yours first? Boo- tin Evening Transcript. Fast Mail is Wrecked. Wenatchee, Wash. Two men were injured when the eastbouud fast mail on the Great Northern line was wreck ed early Saturday morning at Trini dad. The wreck, It Is said, was caused by a washout duo to heavy rains. The injured men are L. Becker, engineer, and J. P. Grimm, fireman. rhS former suffered fractures of sev eral ribs and other injuries. Grimm suffered a broken leg and other In juries. Both men are from lllllyard. Wash. Two locomotives and two cars left the track. Reports of consumption of private liquor stocks by passengers ou board government owned ships have brought before the shipping board the ques tion of Its Jurisdiction In tho matter with tho resulting decision that Its authority, as exerclsod through the ship's captain, does not run to the extent which would permit any In terference with the passengers' actions. Bore Rocks for Homes. Pholnds, delicious oyster-like bi valves related to tho ship worms, maku their homes insldo seashore rocks, Into which they boro holes by means of the drill like edges of their shells. Their Secret Discovered. Men who have the reputation of knowing their business havo not wast ed their time meddling In the business of other people Boston Transcript. The Black Letter Type. The black letter was first employed in printed books In the middle of the Fifteenth century. Tho first types were Gothic. Pliny's "Natural His tory," printed In 1409, was printed lu Rinnan type. Makes for Better Chickens. crowing tournaments lor roosters havo been popular diversions In the village of llrackel, Belgium, for many genSfStlOni, Poultry breeders say that tho contests develop better chickens. America's First Almanac. The first almanac published In America appeared In 16:19, but no copy of It Is extant. It was compiled by William Pierce, a mariner from New Knglaud. William Bradford's almanac was published lu 1085. Straight and Narrow Path Best. Let no man turn aside ever so slight ly from tho broad path of honor on tho plausible pretext that ho is In spired by the goodness of tho ends. Charles Llckcns. uaed for baby'a clothe, will ke.p tbam iwhi and Mowy-whlia until wore out. Try It and aaa for youraalt. At grocer I Are Yoa Satisfied? RSW&Soi Is the biggest, raoat.prf(ntljr equipped XwHliKHH Training K' hool In tha North w Ht. Ij'ii yourself for a hlghar poaltfou with morn money. Permanent positions laaun i our Crttaufltea Write for catalos 1" ourli. unu i unite Portland. P. N. U. No. 29, 1823