PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon UMATILLA orkoon DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic PHYSICIAN AND SURGBON 'Phone ilea. 711 Office 551 Office over Hank Pldg., Hcrmist.on. Calls answered at all hours. DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS PHYSICIAN AND si'KOKON iiermiston, OKB. Hank Bldg. 'Phones: Office 92. Residence 595. Office HourB 9-12. 3-0. Calls Answered Day or Night. The Boardman ?,l:v:or Boardman, Oregon MARK A. CLEVELAND, Publisher PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE- Entered as second-class matter Feb 11,- 1921, at the posioUice at Board man, Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1879 DR. F. V. PRIME l K N T I S T II Y Dental Xraf and Diagnosis IIERMISTON, DAB. Hank Building 'Phones: Offlee 93, Residence 751 Newton Painless Dentists Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr. Dor, .Main and Webb su. Pendleton JAMES D. ZUR( HER KTANI 1IXD - - OREGON S. E. NOTSON A T T O It N E V - A I - L A V Office In Court House HBPPNER - - - OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-I, AW Masonic liuildiiig Heppncr, Oregon. BULLETIN OP BOARDMAN COMMUNITY CHURCH SKIU ici Every Sunday Sunday School 10:30 a. ID Church Service 11:K0 a. in. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. in All are welcome. J, F. OIBBON, Pastor IRRIGON SCHOOL NEWS will be along later to solicit the bus iness for this fall. Mrs. Harry Brockway Sat Lester arrived trday morning. from Local C ... ipeumgs Send the Mirror to a rrlend. Hotel Dorion, Pendleton, the house of welcome. is still 1 FT i1l M T umainia rnarmacy i Mrs. Ralph Davis went land this week. to Port- minister, Mr. Hughes and his family. I There will also be a short program. V i L. V. Woodard of The Dalles was in town Tuesday. Tom Miller and family were Arl ington celebrants. Mrs. M. B. Signs and children are here from Portland. The Fourth parsed off v-H' re any great excitement, but everybody reports a good time. The apricots are on In full bias! and everybody is too busy to be sure whic h end they are standing on. B I Kennard, of the Washburn and Wilson Seed Co., of Moscow, Idaho, was an Irrlgon visitor Saturday. He looked over the results from seed potatoes furnished by his house and The railroad company has an nounced that complete section build- lngl will he built and a signal main tenance house In the east end of the east park some time In the near fu ture. The Tum-A-Lum Dumber Co., an nounce that they have a carload of kindling coming. You men who have to build the fires, should get In on this, to make the story short, this winter. Mrs. Wadsworth and children, Mr. and Mrs. Van Winkle had their Fourth celebration at the Frederick ton ranch, The Sunday School gave an all-day picnic in the shades on the river and the big feed no one will ever forget. Some games and other amusements made up the day. Others from here went to Meacham ami feci like they have been somewhere. Earl Cramer drove mill for a few days. to Parker's James O'Donnell has been on the sick list the past week. The Warren families motored to Meacham leaving here Monday. Leo Root has traded his old Ford in for a "brand, shiny" new or.e. The Brown families and Cohoons motored to Prosser, Wash, where they met other relatives from Waits burg, and a sister from Ellensburg. and all enjoyed a picnic together on the Fourth. Mrs. Cohoon went on up to visit her parents for the rest of the summer. Boardman was treated to some band music one day last week when twenty little orphans stopped over here on their way to Pendleton. Mrs. Dlngman took them all to the service station and treated them to ice cream, which they greatly en joyed. . W. E. Smith, Prop. Mail orders given special atten tion. Quick Service Satisfaction Quaranteed Umatilla, Oregon i 1 1 ee eeeeeeeee Eat and Drink AT THE 1 NEW FRENCH CAFE jii. .. .iiciv.Miitiiji;, nop. Pendleton, Oregon Only the Best Foods Served t ; X Fancy Ice Creams i Furnished Rooms over Cafe Juick Service LimOh Counter in connection with Dining room You Are Welcome Here ';tltl ievt-'W JUST ARRIVED New Line of The Ballenger and Murchie fam lies were visitors In .Meacham on the 3rd. Mrs. Cummings and Loren have returned from a pleasant trip to La Grande. Mrs. John Brice left Monday for Portland where she will again take treatment. Mrs. Charles Breeding of Mc.Minn ville is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. E. Hendricks. Al. Malcomber and Ida Mofford drove over to Grandview, Wash for the Fourth, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. visiting relatives In Salem this week. Me Daniels are Portland and Many will be interested in know ing that Mrs. H. E. Warren was ap pointed chairman of the historic spot committee by the Portland chapter of the Daughters' of the American Revolution, and was their representative at the Meacham pa geant. Through the efforts of Mrs. Warren, Wells Springs will be mark ed as a spot of interest in relation to the Old Oregon Trail. 1 ummer eats and Wearing Apparel CASH MERCANTILE CO. Boardman, Oregon Dr. A. M. Johnston Physcian ami Burgeon ('alls answered at all hours In Bo&fd Uatl Wednesday and Satur day mornings. Office phone M IK Res. M 332 ArUngton( Oregon. A. II. 8WITZER ATTORNEY AT I, AW Arlington, Oregon Wool Scoured and ( leaned lor Hulls and Mattresses Mattresses mid Pads made (o order Try our Wool Malls. They satisfy Wholesale and li n.u Crescent Batt & Bedding Co stavion, OREGON Be a home town booster. Household Hints The smell of onions may be taken from the breath by chewing a little garlic. Flour adde,) lo dough will be found lo make bread much more P'llalahle. Carpels can be held light to Ihe floor by the use of spikes. II l lie banging of doors bothers win, ihe annoyance can bo obviated by using tin' windows. "Just charge it," said the sweet young thlnfl when she left her stor age battery at Ihe garage. Many people take dope for what they think ails them when all they need is a long walk. When Eve first saw the little hol low between Adam's collar bone and shoulders, she doubtless thought it a nice place lo cry on. Mr. Klages, Louise and Fred, came home to spend the Fourth, They nre working near Yakima. Ira Berger and wife, and Mrs. Al bright, motored to Meacham to see the president and pageant. The Hlaydens are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of California. They Visited the Blaydens al this time last year. William and Mona O'Donnell, with I heir families are visiting their brother James O'Donnell, at the Por ter and Conley ranch. A number of neighborhood pic nics were held Wednesday. The Christensons, Hadleys and King- all picniced together at Kings.' A little thing not dlBtrub sonu ike tin people l.eo Root and son, Vernon, left Tuesday for the Yakima valley, where they will visit for a few days with friends and relatives. truth dm when I hey are trying lo produce an argument. Mrs. R. I ii rued Tui they visite I her. , Smith and children re lay from Spokane where wiih Mrs. Sl&ith'l ino- Among those present at the cele-1 bration at Meacham were Mr. and j Mrs. Dingman, who had the honor j of seeing President Harding and his wife, and hearing the president make his speech, also saw the Indians pre-; sent Mrs. Harding with a most beau tiful hand made shawl, and Mr. I Harding with three pairs of bead trimmed gauntlet gloves, while 5 00 Indians danced the Tom-Tom. They went over the Old Oregon Trail and report the most beautiful scenery. Mrs. Dingman has had the honor of seeing ever president from Cleve land to Harding, both inclusive. We are wondering if President Harding took due notice of all the work that the O.W.R. & N. Co., went to in preparation of his coming. And did he notice that the weeds were cut beside the track. That the white wash crew had been out plying their brushes; that the pump engine was hushed at Messner while his train slopped, lest the noise disturb his auditory nervious system; that every water tank along the line was filled lest thirst overcame htm; in fact that everything was in tip top .shape; that not the least thing should cause annoyance to his royal high ness? We look into the future and see the time when we, too, shall be accorded such honor that our com ing shall cause weeks of preparation. I Sell Insurance J. C. Ballenger Boardman - Oreg n UNivERsiTYof Oregon The UNIVERSITY ol OKLGON contains The College ol Litemtuic. Science uixd the Ails with U departments The ' vhookol Auhi lecture nnd Allied .it.s Ilusiness Administration Ldmntion Ciisd- uHte Stud) Journalism I Medicine Music l'l)uol Ldu cntion Sex tology Extension for a eatoloiu or ang murmunofi UVif 77i- Refiitriir, i i of Orejon. Eun. Otton The 4Slh ru (H' Septi-raher 2S. W What People Say:- Tom Hendricks returned the last pan of the week from a visit will! relatives at Portland and McMlnn-ville. you've heard "I'hat't the ".snappy, ,ius people say urn Haul." light, ureal. HTell the sa the Mime of our sor Ice nnd prices. Wo carr u complete line of Ituililinu .Material. Hardware and IftML We have a large slock of i!H lust ihe thing lor a barn floor al a real iMirgiiin. Try our I'reo Plan Department, Materially yours, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company UUUOON. ORKGON Arlington visitors the Fourth were John denkins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin, W. A. Good win and Ralph Davis. Mrs. Hnulshaw and children of I.a Crosse, Wash., are visiting in BOfcrdtnan. Mrs. Pr.idslinw and Mrs. Beck of this place are sisters. John Price and Children and Mrs. Bice, a cousin of Mrs. Price, who bus bOM Staying with the Prices for several months, made the Meacham trip and Mrs. Claude Myers went with them. Prof. P. J. Mulkey and wife, ac companied by Mrs. Mulkey's mother, were in I'oardman u short lime last week, leaving via Ford for Salt Lake City, expecting to return by way of Yellowstone park. There w ill bo a dinner at the Com munity church Sunday, July S, after morning services. All aie welcome. Come with well filled baskets and lets get acquainted with the new NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. V. S. Band Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 28, 1923. Notice is hereby given that George E. Mefford, of Boardman, Ore., who on Oct. 24, 1918, made Homestead Entry, No. 020131, for El-2 El-2 SEl-i, being I'nit "A" Pmatilla Pro ject, Section 14, Township 4 North, Range 25 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. G. Blayden. I'nited States Commis sioner, at Boardman. Ore., on the 6th day of August, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: W. G. Cohoon, J. C. Ballenger, Florence Root and W. O. King, all of Board man. Ore. J. M. DONNELLY, 22-2ti Register. The H ighway In 0. H WARNER, Proprietor Boardman, Oregon Wholesome Home Cooking Best place to eat between The Dalles and Pendleton !,' nramrfflliTflilliWIIII Ill I I I I l-"m" " " R. N. Stanlleld, President Ralph A. Holte, Cashier Frank Sloan, 1st Vice-President M. R. Ling, Bad Vice-President Bank of Stanfield Capital Stock and Surplus $37,500.00 .cNiii Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Certificates j of Deposit. .'..;:iinili!iii:iiii!:ii!iHii:i:!i;:i::!:-:i;i ARLINGTON NATIONAL I BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $75,000.00 OFFICERS A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Vice-Pres. H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier ARLINGTON OREGON MAKE O. A. C. YOUR NEXT GOAL You have finished high school anil, like all ulle-aake grad uates, are looking to college. The Slate of Oregon otters you the best of training nnd a eol lege degree In the leading pur suit and professions, as follows Engineering, Vgriciilture, OOttH im'ni', I'orivsiry, Homo Eco nomics). Military Science and Tactics. Mining, PhMmacjr, Vo cational Education, ami Music. Mndent lite at CoWegS is rich in opportunities lor leadership niiil personal iiiltiii-e. PALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 28,1923 for information write to THE REGISTRAR Oregon Vgrnillture t'ollegc (01 willis mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The Best is none too good- Try our Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes. There is none bet ter. also- We have a complete line of Cedar Flume Stock Building Material Builders' Hardware Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts j W. A. MURCHIE Boardman, Oregon. m l