The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, July 06, 1923, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
yvwv wpvwpv v T
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Forty-eight million dollars of govern
ment capital has been made available
for emergency use of the farmers of
the country by the debentures plan
iif the agricultural credits act of 1921:
ituhhl Martin A. Meyer, 44, one o
the best known Jewish churchmen i
the Welt, was found dead in his study
early Wednesday at San Francisco
supposedly a victim of a heart com
A tOrBftdO swept through Webb City
Mo., early Wednesday night, uproot
ing largo trees and doing consider
able damage. Jt was reported that one
in, hi was struck by lightning and kill
ed anil several persons hurt.
A new and Violent eruption brokt
plit Wednesday morning near the sum
mil on the south side of Mount. Etna
plainly visible to tho naked eye in
Catania, says a Home dispatch. It is
feared tho observatory had been over
Jack Kearns, manager of Jack
Dempsey, has been offered a $200,000
flat guarantee with the privilege of
60 per cent of the gate receipts for
the Dempsey-tilbbons fight in St. Paul
if the promoters of the Shelby fight
are unable to make good tholr con
An interesting and valuable find
was made by a laborer working near
the hamlet of Ognla, Italy. It con
lifted Of two ancient bronze vases eon
talning 300 gold coins dated 200 B. 0
Tho rarity and Intrinsic value of the
find have caused its worth to bo esti
mated at several million lire.
improved economic conditions in tho
United States during 1922 brought the
suicide rato down slightly, tho Spec
tutor, an Insurance publication, report
td Wednesday, announcing that tht
rato for tho year was 15.1 per hund
red thousand of population, as com
pared with a rate of 15.7 In 1921.
Validity of 10 absentee votes in Lin
OOln county Washington, counted for
Charles K. Myers of Davenport, in the
results of the special primary election
Tuesday for tho republican noinlna
tiou for congressman from the fifth
Washington district, will lie contested
by Thomas Corkcry, lie announced.
Two persons were killed In Denver,
Colo., early Wednesday night when an
iilrplane In which they wore flying
over the eastern suburbs crashed to
the ground, l'ersons who assisted in
extricating the bodies from the wreck
ed plane Identified them as Itert Cole,
well known Denver aviator, and tieorge
l.yllle, his mechanic.
An electrical storm which swept
over the metropolitan district early
Tuesday night at Dong Beach, L. I .
killed llert Savoy of the stage team of
Itrenan and Savoy and Jack Oossinan,
also of the theatrical profession, who
was with him, and caused tho death
of a woman in Brooklyn and an 18
year old youth in Yonkers.
Forced to descend at San Diego,
Cal., Wednesday, after less than six
hours In tho air, but having accomp
lished the notable feat of refueling
twice in midair. Captain Lowell U.
Smith and Lieutenant John 11. Hlchter.
army aviators, are going to start again
in another effort to seize the aviation
records for which their flight was intended.
Hie two factious In the town of
Sunnier; Wash - hopelessly and bitter
ly imnieii ror the last two years over
the ipiestlon of pavement dancing
will new have a chance to get together
Main, Judge Card. In superior court
today. Issued a permanent Injunction
on the Sumner officials, restraining
them from permitting any further
street daiues.
A colossal seated statue of Minerva,
carved from colored alabaster, has
been discovered on tho site of Km
porliim. which was a landing place on
the Tiber for marble shipments in the
days of republican and Imperial Home.
Surrounding Kmporium were schools
for marble cutters and sculptors, and
there also were many Hellenls-.tle art
associations. Workmen, digging the
foundation for a building, came upon
the statue, which is carved In tho most
exquisite Hellenistic style. Its color
Is said id make it unique.
Heedsport. An arrangement
been made by local and Astoria fishing
interests whereby a fleet of about 50
trollers will operate between Reedsport
and Astoria during the coming run of
Halsey. About COO persons attended
the sale of the W. A. Carey herd of reg
Istered Jerseys, three and one-half
miles southeast of Halsey, Thursday
The average price paid was ?100. Othe
stock and fanning implements sold
Heedsport. The Heedsport Lumbi
company will install a new log carriage
and connect a new boiler during th
week beginning July 4, during which
time the mill will be closed down. The
boiler will Increase the mill's capacity
from 10,000 to 15,000 feet daily.
Salem. The Irrigation securitie
com mission has certified ?10,000 add!
tional bonds for the purchase of water
rights in the middle fork Irrigation die
trict near Hood Hiver. Last January
the commission certified $55,000 bonds
for Irrigation work in this district
Mi ill'onl. New lias been received
here that A. K. Heames of Medford
well known Oregon attorney, was mar
ried June 27 at the home of his broth
er, Clarence Heames, in Seattle to Mrs
Lillian Opie, daughter of Captain and
Mrs. Edward J. Lannlng of Tacoma
linker. Wltn hope revived by re
newed activity in the mining districts
of Granite and Greenhorn, the return
of a large number of early day claim
locators is noted and some of them
have taken off their coats to make on
more effort to see just what can be
Medford.- Word was received here
Friday at the office of Superintendent
rhomson of Crater national park from
the large laboring force at the park
that the road through the park to tin
lodge is (dear of snow and ready for
travel. The Crater lake season official
ly opens Sunday.
Lugene. Anglers and hunters may
soon be able to drive up the south fork
of the McKciizic river for a distance
of several miles. The forest service is
surveying a road from Belknap's ranch
into the wilds of the south fork coun
try, where the fishing and hunting ari-
said to be excellent.
Salem. License fees aggregating $:',
UoO.UOO have been paid on motor vehl
les in the state during the current
year, an amount, $(157,000 greater than
eceipta from this source during the
orres ponding period in 1922, which
was $2, !ii.!. (Mill, was the statement madi
by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of stati
Eugene. The local lodge of Elks
leered $SU0 on their play, "Ten Thou
sand Dollars," staged two nights at tin
lleilig t ileal er here, according to an
louncemeiit. of the secretary of tin
lodge. The money goes to the lodge't
hurl I y fund. The cast of the play was
made up entirely of members of tht
lodge and of (heir families.
Mood River.- Lundstrom & Carlson
Portland contractors, Saturday com
pleted laying concrete on an approxl
mate mile of new market road paving
n the main west side highway Just
south of the city. The new paving
which will be open to traffic In i!0 days
is an extension of a mile of concreti
laid last year. The cost Is about
Albany, tieorge Parker and Hull
Johnson escaped Sunday afternoon
from the Linn county jail, where they
ere being held for the murder of
Sheriff W. J, Dunlap. Parker was cap-
lured a few minutes after he got out.
lie was Men by Sheriff Richard before
had climbed over an iron fence that
urrounds the rear of the jail. Johnson
us still at large late Sunday.
Seaside. Indignant over the enforce
ment of a new city ordinance prohibit
Ing parking of curs on Broadway, a
principal thoroughfare of Seaside, a
legation of business men waited on
Mayor Williams Friday. Demand that
affie officers be ordered to Ignore
he ruling were made by spokesmen.
who claimed the ordinance was detri
mental to business and unnecessary.
Salem. The Oregon loganberry ex-
ha n go started its first car of fresh
berrl, s to the i astern market Sundav
ornlng. The slump 111 sugar prices,
hili' not yet bringing prices back to
fair normalcy, is expected to make
lie market better for logans. as they
e an acid fruit requiring much sugar.
With the sugar price too high the fru
gal housewife will not buy logans In
nan title.
Newport. The Newport -ConrsJlla
highway was opened the entire dis
tance between the coast and the Wil
lamette valley Saturday. State High
ly Engineer Cllne and Commissioner
Mulone Inspect) d the work Wednesday
and said that the road work on the
highway would be completed in the
near future and that no detours would
be used after the first of the coming
Foreigners Brought to
American Shores.
Only 2067 of Aliens Are Permitted
Land at Ellis Island First Day
Restrictions Are Lifted.
Army Tanks
ow Down Trees
New York. Twelve steamships,
bearing 11,482 passengers, of whom
more than 6000 were steerage, and
9748 immigrants, entered New York
port Sunday morning in a spectacular
rush to take advantage of the new
immigration quota and gave Ellis is
land authorities the hardest July 1
in recent years. Because of the rush,
Major Henry Curran, newly appoint
ed immigration commissioner on Ellis
island, permitted only 20C7 of the
aliens to be landed at Ellis island dur
ing the day. Of these 1660 were ad
mitted. A new lot was landed early
Sunday night.
It was the start of the new immi
gration year and shortly before mid
night 11 ocean liners with full steam
up lay outside the harbor, ready to
dash up New York bay, pass through
tho narrows and cross the imaginary
finish line at quarantine in the annual
mmigrant race. On board four of
these vessels were aliens from Greece,
Asiatic countries whose quota for the
month is so small as to make speed
necessary to escape exclusion. The
number of Greeks arriving far exceed
ed the quota for that country.
Three years ago, when the restric
tive immigration laws first became ef
fective, the boardinir division of the
mmigratlon service in the harbor
numbered 40 inspectors. Today be
cause of appropriation cuts, Commis
sioner Curran has but 30 vessel-board
ing inspectors, and this force augment
ed in the early hours of the rush by
four inspectors from Brooklyn, examin
ed the 6000 immigrants before sun
down. Ten physicians from the United
States health service, under command
of Major J. Corput, aided in passing
physically perfect aliens.
The Ellis island authorities actual
r belli 15,582 persons to examine.
Of these, 4100 were members of crews
of the 12 ships arriving that docked.
1 he ship which won the race to
quarantine, the Washington, of the
Iiooras (Greek) line, flying the Amer
ican flag, but in the Greek trade, was
not one of the four permitted to land
After the 1660 were passed and
ferried to waiting relatives or friends
at the Battery, additional aliens were
permitted to be landed at Ellis island
and every one of the 1500 beds there
was occupied.
"The rest will bo kept on the boats
on which they arrived until we are
ready for them," said the commisslon-
Tho first country to fill Its quota
was "Other Asia," comprising Persia
and several smaller Asiatic countries.
rho allotment of 16 persons to this
territory was covered when the Brest
lent Wilson landed 16 Persians, all of
horn were admitted.
Schenectady, N. Y. Mrs. Anna
iewers, who arrived here Saturday
IkIU In an automobile With one of the
trangest caravans ever known, 19
liildren, most of them babies, one of
hem dead and two suffering from in
ant maladies not yet diagnosed, was
lodged Sunday night at the county
1ms house with the 16 children who
urvived the trip from her Brooklyn
ome without evident mishap. The
wo sick children. Alfred llolim am!
larold Ryan, each but two months
Id, aro at Ellis hospital, where also
the body of Arthur Carpel, nine
montns, w no died or pueumouia
rOUght on during the trip.
Mrs. Siewers told prosecuting of-
cials, who have not yet decided what
"tiou to take in the matter, that she
ft her home iu Brooklyn Friday
Uncle Sam's Mechanical Ele
phants Stage Show for
Staff College Students.
Washington. Uncle Sam's herd of
mechanical elephants recently showed
off at the army tank school. Camp
Meade, Md., in a demonstration put
on for the benefit of some seventy of
ficers and Instructors from the staff
school at the army war college.
Half a dozen of the huge, lumber
ing "Mark VIII" giant tanks devel
oped during the war, but too late
to share in the fighting, and a whole
flock of the six-ton French type which
did get into action participated In the
The demonstration is one of the
series of educational exhibits for the
staff college students, all of whom are
experienced officers whose military in
struction is being rounded out to in
sure an adequate supply of general
officers and men with general staff
Tear Down Trees.
To Introduce the student officers to
the possibilities of modern tank war
fare, Col. S. D. Itockenbnch, com
mandant, of the tank corps and school,
sent two of his huge 40-ton "Mark
VOT' monsters skirmishing through
the heavy woods on either side of a
narrow roadway. When the signal to
advance was given, the land battle
ships surged forward reslstlessly,
tearing great swaths as they passed,
as though twin, narrow gauge cy
clones had cut parallel paths of wreck
age through the woodland. Towering
trees went down before them like
reeds, the tanks grinding them re
morselessly under the steel-shod run
ners. At times each tank was knock
ing over half a dozen trees at the
same time, literally rooting them from
the earth and lumbering forward over
prostrate trunks a foot or more in
diameter. The sheer power of the
geared liberty engines overcame every
obstacle of ditch or bank or brush or
tree clump, and not an Inch to right
or left from the selected course were
the monsters forced to swerve.
Later a miniature tank attack was
delivered over the rough, sandy field
that Is the playground of the school
herd. Thre "Mark VHTs" led the
drive, their stx-pourider guns roaring
and machine guns snarling as they
crept forward behind n smoke bar
rage hurled from their gnns. They
looked like crawling dragons, breath
ing smoke and flame as they shoul
dered their way over ditches and sand
dunes to disappear over a ridge be
yond In clouds of dust and spouts of
flying debris flung up from land mines
that gave a realistic battle picture.
Little Fellows In Wake.
Behind the big fellows came a far
flung line of the little slx-tonners,
spitting with machine gun and one
pounder fire. A dozen or more of the
two-man tanks made up this line.
Colonel Roekenhneh explained to the
visiting officers that what they had
seen thus far were tanks developed
during the war. He recalled that In
the first requisition from General
Pershing for tank equipment, the call
had come for the elements which
would make up a land fleet, the fight
ing tanks with auxiliary equipment of
cross country, rough-going machines
to bring up the artillery nnd supplies.
Since the war, he added, some prog
ress toward filling that requisition
had been made.
At a signal the new type, the 15-ton
"medium tank" of the future, charged
out Into the rough field. It fairly
raced over humps and hummocks at
a 12-mile gait, twisting and turning
like a motorboat. Behind It came a
"seventy-five" gun riding n similar
mechanism and plunging about the
field at high speed regardless of holes
or ditches. It traveled with equal
speed In either direction. Behind
these two came the cross-country
truck for ammunition, gusollne, oil and
supplies. These three, Colonel Rock
enbacb said, were the beginnings of
the American land fleet that would
play a great role In any future war.
None of them was perfected as yet,
he added, but within them were the
elements of a new day in battle when
machines would take more of the bur
den from the fighting men.
Says 49,000 Lives Can Be
Saved in U. S. Yearly
Louisville It Is possible to reduce
the number of deaths from industrial
accidents at least 80 per cent; to re
duce the number of deaths from auto
mobile, railroad and street car acci
dents by at least 00 per cent, nnd to re
duce the number of deaths from acci
dents in the home and in public places
by at least 50 per cent. It is possible
to save 49,000 of the 80,000 lives lost
through accidents In the United States
each year.
Thrs statement was made here by C.
W. Price of New York city in an ad
dress in connection with the opening of
Louisville's "safety week." The state
ment was bused, Mr. Price said, on the
experiences of New York city, Boston,
Cleveland, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Balti
more, Milwaukee, Detroit and Wash
ington. "A careful study of the experience of
these cities," Mr. Brice said, "reveals
the significant fact that there are three
determining factors which are respon
sible for the success of any community
public safety campaign. These three
factors nre: Systematic dally safety
instruction in the public schools; a
continuous safety poster campaign on J
Horse Travels 500
Miles to Old Home
Barls, Ky. William Haag, a
farmer, who came here from
Jefferson City, Mo., several
weeks ago, has received a letter
from a Jefferson City man.
clearing up the mystery of a
horse which disappeared from
Hang's barn. The horse is ut
The animal was purchased by
Haag from a Jefferson City
neighbor in whose fumily it had
been for eight years.
When the horse was missed
Haag advertised throughout this
section and offered a reward. He
had lost hope of recovering the
animal when the letter came
from Jefferson City.
The horse had traveled alone
500 miles between the Haag
farm In this county and its home
In Missouri The letter said the
horse was thin and exhausted.
the streets, and un intensive safety
education campaign In the dally press."
Inventor Predicts Radio Films.
London. A British inventor has
produced what he culls the "televi
sion," an apparatus which, he claims,
will transmit sounds and images sim
ultaneously without the use of wires.
One can see the singer at the same
time one hears his voice. He pre
dicts the broudcastlng of films by
Wins $50,000 Heart Balm.
Omaha, Neb. Miss Violet Johnstone
of New York city was awarded $50,000
"heart balm" In her suit against Dr.
Karl Connell, her former employer, In
District court here. The verdict called
for the entire amount sought in the;
SYear01d Girl
Mascot of Ship
Sea Captain's Daughter Has
Crossed Pacific Twice and Is
Master of Geography.
San Francisco, Cal. Suppose you
were a little girl five years old, and you
lived in a small apartment, nicely fur
nished though a little crowded, with
your mother and futher, and suppose
that when you walked out of the front
door you found yourself on the long,
narrow deck of a ship, with clouds and
clouds of white canvass overhead, and
nothing, as far as the eye could reach,
but the sea.
Suppose that Instead of learning to
play tug and hop scotch you learned
how to box the compass and knew
every line and rope and stay and sail
and piece of rigging on a ship ; that In
stead of entertaining yourself with doll
house and playing grownup and going
to kindergarten you were amused by
being tuught the difference between a
skys'l and a tops'l, a spanker and a Jib,
a brlgantine and a bark.
Suppose you were a little sailor lass,
daughter of a ship captain and grand
daughter of a master and owner of
ships, born within sight of the sea, and
never out of sight of it and most of
your life upon It.
If you were all these things you
would be exactly like Margaret Ster
ling, mascot, favorite, tyrant, pet and
plaything of the ship E. It. Sterling,
the largest six-masted bnrkentlne In
the world.
Father Is Captain.
Margarets futher is Capt. It. M.
Sterling, master of the big barkentlne,
who is, in turn, son of Capt. E. R. Ste
mils. iuuiiuiuituiiu(j owner or the ves
sel and one of the unusual and pic
turesque men of the sea.
Here Is a Real Pair of Kings
Scores Hurt in Riot.
Sydney. X. S. Scores of rioters
ere injured, several of them serious
ly. In a ( lash Sundttv nicht with n.dir a
nd soldiers near the coke ovens of
the British F.mplre Steel corporation
plunt. The fighting started about 1:1(1
hen soldiers, preceded by mounted
police, charged tho mobs with fixed
bayonets. The disorder continued in.
rmltteiitly until midnight when the
hostilities ceased and the soldiers and
police retired.
' " "jg
S- ill -H ,1 j"
Margaret has been twice ncross the
Pacific, and into and out of most of
the ports of the South seas. She
knows more about geography than the
average college graduate, in short,
Margaret Is a daughter of the sea.
The whole family Is p remarkable
and Interesting one. Captain Sterling
might have stepped right out of one of
Peter B. Kyne's "Cappy Ricks" stories,
for every minute of his life Is full of
the sort of modern sen business of
which Kyne writes so interestingly.
His son, Capt. Ray Sterling, would
have come from one of Joseph Con
rad's tales. He might have been the
young master In the story called
"Youth." He Is quiet, reserved, solidly
built, clear-eyed, capable, thoughtful
and a master seaman.
His wlte, Margaret's mother, might
have come out of a novel by Kath
leen Norrls or by Willing McFie. She
Is too pretty for any possible ship
master's wife; she is a gracious hos
tess, a pleasant, well read, cultured
quiet voiced little Australian girl, full
of fun and Jokes, an ideal mother and
an unusual wife. Her romance with
the silent, grave, strong young Captain
Sterling Is a story by Itself. She was
one of the belles of Australia before
her marriage, and it is safe to assume
that the captain's luck left more than
one young landsman in the Antipodes
forlorn and bereft.
Life Full of Thrills.
There have been enough adventures
packed Into the lives of these people
aboard the E. R. Sterling to make sev
eral books. They think little of them.
Margaret, the baby, is as blase as an
old salt.
"I'm getting perfectly tired of this
life," she said, with a yawn. "I pre
fer to stay ashore and I'm going to
make daddy give up the ship and come
with us to live In a house soon."
She talks like a woman of twenty at
times. But who wouldn't, If she 'had
only old snllors and mother and father
to learn with and from, and only saw
other little people once In a blue moon,
when the big barkentlne is tied up at
some pier or In some dock discharging
or taking on cargo.
Margaret says she is going to make
the captain stay ashore swn so that
she can go to school and have a back
yard and a sand pile and play with
ttle girls of her age as much as she
New photograph of Knit; aiioumj
Ol SOSlU l-fM .,,.! k inn All . ..
K" 7 , IT"" lo nj er King Alfonso most
led of modern monarch, an occasional visitor to his own country."
Angry Bull Smashes
Two Red Automobiles
Two automobiles belonging to
Ernest and Earl Blalsdell of
Wolcott, N. y., were badly dam
aged when charged and butted
by an enraged bull which broke
dewn the fence of his pusture
when he saw the offending cars.
The Blalsdell brothers are twins
and each painted his automobile
a deep red.
When farmers came to the
rescue of the motorcars they
were forced to retreat until
pitchforks and stout clubs were
obtained with which to beat the
animal back into the pasture.
The curs had been left parked
beside the fence.