PORTLAND OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE : e ) ' a','1. ' Jr' v.'. AUDEVILLE PHOTO. PLAY. oinii I. riant- saturla hn-lr ea, K .,,,,,,., j P. m. Children 10 MM All 1 Al .lm, Vi,. day CStfrituft 1 to 11 IMA A First-Year Happening By BE-.THA M. JONES Northwestern School of Commerce The ProgMiv Business College of thu Wont PORTLAND, OltEliON. Has a Good Position for You It. VMS. m "Mortng ?,, cut:Jr, for- 7nrl" tt:ll you Uut it. Wntn Today. ru.iin Hot and Cold Water and Phone in Every Room. Comfortable Accommodation at Moderate Prices. European Plan HOTEL MORRIS MR. AND MKS. II. M. BRANSON. Proprittm, Phone Broadway 1270. Tenth anil Stark, Free Gavaje PfiTtland. Oregon A GREAT CUP of COFFEE A Lunch that Lasts and Sat sfys; at a I'rice You Will lie Clad to I'ay. AS YOU LIKE IT 10G Fifth Street New Cill Building PORTLAND, OREGON HOTEL ALDER Cor. 4th and Alder, Portland, Ore. REOPENED AND NErYLY FURNISHED Fairneaa. Cw,rt7. C,tA Service. Bill mi ll Plan hxcluaively. Katea.l.vi. 11.50 and ISLM. Mwit Central llfti in Portland, YY.Y.X) SMITH. Mjr BAB'S RESTAURANT I A food bf-M jq tat and L.yej W,i. friari,, tv,c tuii .r.m at noon. 0MM 1 . m. to 2 a. m., MM Yamhill St A JOB WITH A FUTURE use men between ages of 18 and 50. pay 40c per hour a.s minimun wage, give best of meals at 85c each, supply beds for 25c, 30c and 40c. have FREE hot and cold water baths, advance employees rapidly. give positions FREE on application. have Employment offices at West Linn, Oregon, Camas, Washington, and 209 Commonwealth building, Sixth and Burnside, Portland, Oregon. Crown Willamette Paper Co. We Pay Same Day HIGHEST PRICES FOR HIDES. PELTS, WOOL, MOHAIR. CASCAKA BAHK. Portland Hide & Wool Co. 105 UNION 1VENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, OREQON. Branch at Pocatello, Idaho. Write for Prices and Shipping Tags BRAZING, WELDING CUTTING Northwest Weiding & Supply Co. aa 1st St INFORMATION DEPARTMENT ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Par.-.ri We fix you up, we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture- 400 to 4:4 Dekum Bicg., Prion Broadway 6902, Portland, Oregon. CUT FLOWERS L FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Pros., Florists, 287 Morrison St PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine QC r autft a pleat akirta ready for band. v' w" IlemBtitchinir. picotinst and tucking. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. B5V4 Fifth St. Portland. Ore PATENT ATTORNEY MECHANNr.ER Protect that Idea with a I'nitril States Patent. Others have made fortunes out of Patents. Why not you? Thomas Bllyeu, 202 Stevens Bldg-, Portland, Ore. I WILL guarantee to rernun ently cure your Piles without operation, anaesthetic, pain or confinement. Write today for my FREE illustrated book which contains letters from acores of former patients. CHAS. J. DEAN 2NO AND- MORRISON PORTl AND. OREGON MENTION THI5 WHEN WRlTlNp DRr FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Worka. ith & Madlion. FOOT CORRECTIOMST Featherweight Arch Supports made to order. J. E. Tryzeiaar, 618 P.ttock Block, Portland, Ore. PERSONAL Marry if Lonely, most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich, confidential: reliable; years experience; description free. "The Successful Mr. Nan, Box 55S, Oakland, Cai fcrnia. Wedding Bouquet f3 F-t-a- Pieces Lubllner F.oriats. Hi MssitSSSl SL MONUMENTS E. ij and Pin St, otto Schumann Granite oc Marble Works. Wanted! Timber Fallers and Buckers. Contract work. Near Coast. Applj 209 Common wealth building, Port land, Oregon. Stanfield. At a dinner given by Vancouver.-Clarke county ofticiala the Stanfield community club Friday jaw in a quandary over a new state evening Nicholas J. Sinnott, represen-1 law which sets the legal age of girls tative In congress, was the guest of at 21 years or more, instead of 18. as honor and pledged his whole-hearted formed The obscure wording of co-operation with the directors of the j the law has brought much confusion newly formed irrigation district here to the prosecutor s and auditor's of in It. onHoavm- tn net the eovernmcnt fices here, which are at a loss to do- tn .V. nver the uroieet and make it termine how IS year-old girls coming unit of the Umatilla project. here to set married are affected. FOUND THE POSITION OF NEPTUNE Young English Mathematician Solved What Was Long a Mystery of the Sky. According to in English writer, many years ago astronomers were puz zled by the weird Wandering Of the two gigantic planets, Jupiter and or nun. Sometimes tliey arrived at points In the heavens long before they were due; tit other times I bey were unac countably lute. Their paths, too, were strangely crooked. No one could furnish an exp'aj'a tlon. A voting English mathematician named Adams set himself to tackle the problem. If these worlds out of their courses, be argued, some thing must be pulling them astray. After nearly two years of WW BP figures be w as convinced of I he exist ence of some still unknown planet, whose mighty bulk was responsible for the apparent confusion. Ho calculated HOI only lis size and the P. It must follow In the skies, but als. ti c exact places It would occupy on certain .future days. As he had no telescope of Ills own be sent Ids calCUlatlotU to the Astron omer Boyal asking him to search the part of the sky he had indicated. At tirst the authorities were skeptical, nnd would not make the search, but eventu ally they decided that there might be something In It. The huge telescope was swung to the proper quarter of the heavens, and there, precisely In the spot Indicated, was a dim point of light. Subsequent Observation showed that it was mov ing. In this way Neptune, most dis tant of all the planets that swing iiroun! the sun, wus discovered. Its size, 1" times that of the earth, was found to correspond almost exact ly with Adams' predictions, nnd he had calculated its year, which is al most lli5 times as long as our twn. Formation cf Habit. The more Irksome uny habit Is in Its formation, the more pleasantly and satisfactorily it sticks to you when formed Thomus Hughes. Scientists at Odds Over Relativity Theory Paris. A division Ir. scientific cir cles has been made here by 'lie rela itlvity theorv of Klnslein. challenging old conceptions of time and space. Painieve. first a mathematician and later a politician, is threatening to drop politics long enough to prove the earth lias stopped turning. In , be asserts It never did turn. M. I I n- leve has a brand new tl ry of the universe, bused M mechanics. He says Einstein Is right, except that he Is not right enough. I.angevln. physicist of the College of France. Inventor of the sounding ma chine by which ships may be piloted In any sea, has mnde what his friends describe as a religion of the Einstein theory. Director Italllaud of the Paris ob servatory says that In many respecta science la still like Diogenes. : : e ' i,. i'i'ii, by AlcCiure Newspaper Syndicate.) Thursday was the day, and clothes washing was Mrs. Andrew Ayer's oe CUpatlon. Now Thursday was not Mrs. Ayer's usual wash day. Monday was, and on that very Monday the regular laundry, which now lay neatly folded In drawer or clothes-press, had been washed and dried as per schedule In that little home. And yet this morning, a dark, foggy, hopeless sort of morning it was, too, found Mrs. Ayer splashing and rub bing clothes over a wash board. A checked house dress, a pale blue after noon dress, a striped street dress and one of Mr. Ayer's best shirts were be ing treated to an Impromptu cleaning. A picnic, perhaps, was coming the Ayers' way when the sky cleared, or an evelnng at the theater If the moon broke up cloudland. Oh, no! Mrs. Ayer's plans were as gloomy as the morning. She was pre paring to leave Andrew forever, and to make; her way alone In the world. She had arrived at this decision the night before as she lay sleepless, listening to the angry shuffling of leaves as Andrew progressed with the book he was pretending to read, and to the tower clock nearby which thun dered its strokes (forty-eight In all) directly at her aching bead. Even the clock seemed to have turned against her, and was driving home the terri ble words Andrew had hurled at her that evening: "Go I If you don't like my ways, go I I've lavished my love on you and done everything I could do, and you don't like my ways, and you don't like my friends." "Go! Go! Go!" thundered the tower clock. And Mrs. Andrew lay with a great big hurt on her heart and pondered wayi and means for living without Andrew. Morning came early In the Ayer household that Thursday, for neither of Its members had had a night of rest, but only horrible, black waking hours. Mr. Ayer descended to the kitchen in semi-darkness, and. starting the gas, prepared his light breakfast. Mrs. Ayer followed, and found her hus band seated sternly at the bare dining table, eating toast and drinking strong coffee. On happy mornings he was never so hurried that he could not wait for Mrs. Ayer's pretty touches to the table and her fragrant, steaming breakfast dishes. "Have an omelette this morning, An drew?" asked Mrs. Ayer casually, as she passed his chair on her way to the kitchen. "No, thanks," was the cold response. "Don't let me make you any trouble. I'm going at once." "Good-by," crustily, a minute later. "Good-by," floated pertly in from the kitchen. Mrs. Ayer was busy cleaning up the mess that her husband had left on the kitchen table when he made his toast. She came and stood In the dining room door. Mr. Ayer stood In the hall way, hat in hand. They looked at each other for a moment. It was too dreadful, parting this way Mrs. Ayer impulsively held out her arms. Her husband crossed the little room In two strides, and she put her arms around his neck. They kissed each other, though not so warmly as usual, and the door banged after Mr. Ayer. To Mrs. Ayer it was their last part ing. She turned nnd looked out of the window hopelessly. The yellow cat was sitting Just outside waiting for Its breakfast. She had always dis liked the thing, but now it assumed the proportions of a dear pet. The tiny backyard garden w hich An drew had helped her to make Into vegetable and flower plots never be fore seemed so alluring. How beau tiful that ugly board wall would ap pear when covered with sw eet-pea and morning-glory vines, the seeds for which she had tucked Into the little trenches Andrew had prepared for them. How delicious the fresh let tuce and radish would taste Just a few weeks later! How Andrew would exclaim with delight when he came home and found them gurnlshlng the dinner table! These were yesterday's thoughts. Now her world hud turned upside down. She had fallen hopelessly among her broken plans, and t'.ie only way out of the mass of troubles had a gloomy, forbidding appearance. She turned resolutely from the win dow and, opening the kitchen door, gave the yellow cat bis breakfast. The fog had raised slightly by the time her dresses were ready for dry ing and she bung them on the clothes line outdoors. Then she took the morning paper, which came from a nearby city, and Hudled the adver tisements asking for domestic help. At last she found ne that seemed to I meet her needs. It stated that the family was small, the wages large an I no references required. Of course Mrs. Ayer did not intend to be a domestic Indefinitely. But In this way she might earn some money till her once beloved studio work could again be located. She shuddered at the thought of being alone In I strange city without money or work She shuddered still more at the thought of muklng her escape from Andrew and home. The telephone bell called impa tiently. "Yes," she replied forlornly, "liello. Flo I I've a rush order of stock to get out and won't be home for lunch." "When will you be here?" "Not till six o'clock." "All right, we'll have dinner when you come." After all, she could stnrt away to morrow easier than today. Perhaps the more she thought over her new plans the more natural they would be come. Anyway, her dresses were not drying quickly enough to be ironed und packed In time for the ufternoon train. The afternoon was spent In sorting out clothing nnd preparing a ward robe for the strange new work. Then she mnde the rooms neat and went out to find something especially appetiz ing for the last dinner she was to pre pare for Andrew. The mist had scattered and a bright strip of blue sky fringed with golden shone beautifully above the chimney tops. It looked like a good omen in a weary world. Mrs. Ayer stopped at the florists and bought a pot of mauve tulips. The greeting between Mr. nnd Mrs. Ayer that evening was Just a trifle warmer thnn the morning's farewell. The dinner wns eaten In almost con tinual silence, but It certainly was a good dinner, and seemed at last to warm Mr. Ayer's thoughts into speech. "What would you like to do this evening? Take a walk, eh? The weather is clear again." "Oh, yes, do let's walk somewhere so we can see the sky and river." They strolled out on the busy street nnd turned across the Common. The fields were clothed In pale green, and in the western sky were golden clouds which marked the close of a dark day, No one was In sight. Mr. and Mrs. Ayer looked at each other with much hopefulness. "How beautiful the world is," mur mured Mrs. Ayer. "Great! What .1 lot we were miss ing by staying In. He found her little hnnd within her- enpe-eontee nnd nestled It hnnly In his own. "Isn t this better than quarreling?" he sug gested, after a long pause. "Oh, see the river!" exclaimed Sirs. Ayer as they ascended a slope of the field. "Magnificent !" "It's like love, our real love, strong and bright and tranquil," Mr. Ayer remarked. ' And quarrels are like the froth In a storm, forgotten next day," said his wife decisively. And there in the twilight their kisses were warm and tender again. P r STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. n ODD WAYS OF FISHER FOLK Silverton. Due to the many late spring rains the cherry harvest in the Silverton community will be small this season says the manager of the Sil verton cannery. llillsboro. With the close of the strawberry season approaching and the first pack of loganberries arriving, the local cannery has found it neces sary to operate overtime. Bend. Petitions are being drafted hero for immediate circulation to be presented to the county court asking for a special election about August 1 at which a G per cent $130,000 road bond issue will be voted on. Astoria. Although the catch of sal mon is not large the take during the week just closed has been the beat of the season thus far. As the tides will be lavorable during the coming week some good catches are looked for. Hoseburg. Eight crates of China pheasants were released near Hose burg Saturday under the personal sup ervision of Gene Simpson, state super intendent of bird farms. The pheas ants were from the spring hatch and were about the size of quail. Hillsboro. Announcement from the southern part of the state Sunday morning that loganberry and other vines were threatened with decay, the result of some unknown cause, became a topic of much interest In this sec tion, where these plants and their products are a factor. Stayton. Employes of tho Santiam woolen mills held their first annual picnic Saturday at Taylor's grove, above Mebana. About 150 employes of the company and their families were in attendance. A women's baseball game opened (ho program, Which was concluded with a dance. Salem. A number of changes have been made in the game laws for this year, according to information receiv ed here. The open season on deer throughout the state will be from Sep tember 10 to October 31. Open season on silver-gray squirrels will be from September 10 to October 15. BOY-SCOUTS (Conducted by Nntlonal Council mt tha Boy Scouta of America.) Habits and Customs of Dwellers on the East Coast of Scotland Are Peculiar. The fisher folk of the east coast of Scotland have habits und customs dif ferent from those of any other section of the working classes. Except in selling their llsh or pur chasing the actual necessities, or oc casionally borrowing from the bunk when ussistunce Is required In the buy ing of un old or the building of a new boat, they have next to no traffic with the outside world. It is seldom that u fisherman marries other than a fisher lass, and even should she allow her affections to w an der, the line is (irmly drawn at a cooper or other fish-worker with the "codling bleed," which means that he belongs to a fisher family. There is a distrust of the "frenit" as outsiders tire termed almost amounting to a racial distinction, and this is emphasised In the Implicit con fidence one fisherman will place In an other, although they may be utter strangers to each other. It is b ife to say that the majority of the Scott Ish fisher folk are teetotalers. An odd Kaherman may be met in most of the vl lages who is teetotal until asked to. b.ive something. Then It Is: "Well, I'm n teetotaler In a kind o' a way. Nae bigoted, ye ken ; I never took ony pledge. A mun's aye best tbut cun templar hlmsel' I Oh, I'll drink yer health no' that I care a preen p'nt for 't. Na, thiuik ye, I never tak' water." And bulf a gill of mountain dew that could peel the bark oft a granite monu ment vanishes. The fisherman Is emplintlcully of a re ligious turn. As u preacher he Is a marvel. With fewer opportunities than most men for the cultivation of cor rect sjieaklng, he cun go out Into the square at Stornowuy or Fraserburgh, where thousands of Ids fellow have gathered for the summer herrlng-llsh-lng, and discourse on u text for twenty minutes or so with an eloquence and grip of his subject which might be envied by many members of the cloth, says a writer in Mac Mutters. The fisherman bus his share of weak nesses, and not the leust of these ure the superstitions, long discarded by others, und some pi cullurly Ins own, to which he still clings. 98,360 Animal Killed. The number of fur beefing animals trapped or killed in the Fort William district of Ontario for the season of 192'J was MyMO. The total value of pelts, Including bounty received by local trappers on ir.,000 timber and bush wolves, wus 11,020,760. Some of the more valuable catches were: Beaver, 30,000, value $4'JO.(H); silver fox. 100. $7,500: mink, 7.0OO. $49,000; ! timber wolves, 3.7.V), $150,000, and 1,000 fisher, $50,000. Dread Subject. "Don't you Just adore a bright, sun shiny ilay in winter?" "No; It starts my Wife talking about housecleutilng." Boston Evening Trail scrlit. Eugene. A mosaic, diseaso is caus ing many loganberry and raspberry vines in the valley to die, according to C. E. Stewart, Lane county fruit in spector, who with Dr. Zeller, patholo gist at tho Oregon Agricultural col lege, made an Inspection of several of the berry patches in this locality Sat urday. Salem. The Southern Pacific com pany Friday reported to the public service commission that it has a Bur plus of 939 cars. A similar condition exists on the lines of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation com pany. Two weeks ago the Southern Pacific company reported u shortage of carriers. Mill City. Frank Hughes, 14, was placed under arrest here, ( barged With having slabbed Ted Fox, 12, last Thursday following a boyish quarrel. It was alleged that Hughes attacked the Fox boy from behind Willi a large skinning knife, making a wound which necessitated attention for the victim at a hospital. Marshfleld. A summary of new buildings, development at the Indus tries, construction of new homes anil Improvement' by public servico com panies in Murshfiold shows that the outlay, most of which is to he complet ed before September 1, runs over $914, ooo and will greatly exceed a million before the year ends. Bend. That farmers of Deschutes county will oppose the $90,000 bond issue proposi'd for completion of high ways, was tne (lei'larat Ion rrliluy or John Marsh, president of the county farm bureau. Marsh has been feeling out the sentiment of the farming com munities for several days and finds it definitely opposed to a bond issue Salem. Governor Pierce Friday an nounced tlie pe rsonnel of the com mission which will investigate the Ore gon automobile license law and report to the legislature at Its next regu lar session in 1925. Members of the commission are W. B. Dennis, of Carl ton, and James H. Stewart, of Cor vallis, selected by the governor, and James H. Cassel, John II. Hall and ('. L. Doss, of Portland, selected by the dealers' association. Salem. Operating ratios of three railroads operating in Oregon for the year 1923 were less than In the year 1922, according to a report filed with the public service commission Satur day. The operating ratio of the Ore gon Short Bine In 1922 was 79.2, while In 1923 this was reduced to 77.4. Tho South'-rn Pacific ratio in 1922 was 72.5 as against 71.3 this year. The. operat ing rutlo of the Union Pacific In the year 1922 was 75.5 and 70.0 for the year 1923. ARMY MEN TO AID SCOUTS General Pershing has accepted the Invitation of the Boy Scouts of Amer ica asking for the army's co-operation, and has slated formally: "After care fully reviewing the activities of the Boy Scouts of America, their program, objectives, leadership and actual ac complishments, I do not hesitate to say that I should be very glad to see members of the army everywhere tuko such active part In scouting us olll clal duties and local conditions per mit. "Having kept In close touch with the work of the boy scouts, I thorough ly approve of It as a soldier for the good it does to those who may bo called upon to serve as our future de fenders, and finally, as an American citizen. I approve of it for the train lng It gives In preparing the boy to be a worthy citizen of his country." The army men who become scout masters will act In the same capacity as civil scoutmasters. No military tactics will be taught, and there will be no attempt made by the soldiers to militarise the movement. The above-mentioned invitation to General Pershing proceeded from the following resolution, unanimously passed at tho March meeting of the national council : "Whereas, The Boy Scouts of Amer ica is Donmilltary in spirit and in program ; nnd "Whereas, For this reason officers nnd former officer! of the military es tablishment have In spite of their genuine desire to do so, expressed a hesitancy to serve as scout leaders for feur that Ittch connection might cre ate n public misapprehension. Be it "Resolved, That we reaffirm at uds time our policy that the scout pro gram is and shall continue nonmlli tary, although encouraging at all times the virtues of courage, loyalty, obedi ence and endurance; qualities that are no less desirable In civic than In military life ; and it Is further "Resolved, Tbut we express sincere spprectatton for the splendid co-operation which has been given us by offl cers of tho army and navy nnd by members nnd posts of the American Legion nnd others In military and naval service and express hope that we shall continue to enjoy their co-operation In the future to an even great er degree." BOY SCOUTS AID IN RESCUE When fire broke out in the infirmary of the state sanitarium at Undercllff, Conn., a few weeks ago the Institution's scout troop blltsed instantly and rendered valuable assistance In help lng to curry to safety the 7." sick chil dren from the wards, which occupy three floors. A Merideii (Conn.) pa per Commenting on the Incident says: "The fire drills which have been fre quent enabled the officers and em ployees of the institution, assisted by the scout troop, to bundle the situation without assistance from tin- lire de partment. None of the Children suf fered any 111 effects from the sudden evacuation of the building into tho cold outdoors, tbai.ivs to the prompt tiess with which the boy scouts con veyed them Into the warm dining room." SCOUTS BEAUTIFY CAMPS Seattle's ambition to make Its auto mobile tourist camp the most beautl (Hi In the West was actively furthered . by local boy scouts, who with other ' residents, aided In planting scores of j flower beds. "1 sincerely iienevt stated Camp Manuger Gates, "Hint ns j i. .1 .. .... rmapntlftn f 1 1 1 1 1 1 M - jl u result "i io3 iv-uii-ti.v.. ... ,...ntn.l K c.i.Hli. rum TiMv or:-:nii t niton. " J '.-." j - - tttlOM and paternal bodies, the tourist camp will become famous for lis beauty throughout the entire United Btates. I wish to 'bank everyone, especially the boy scouts, for their participation In the ceremonies." Measures Character. With an Instrument be bus Invented to measure men's heads accurately a German scientist claims to he able, to determine moral character by phj li al measurements. Removing Glass Stoppers. To remove it glass stopper from a bottle when It has become fast, tap the stopper gently with another glass bottle The ton then will come out easily. la needed In every department of houai keepins. Kuually food tor towel, table linen, aheeta anil pillow caaea. Ctuctn 5 Are You Satisfied? KFMNKE.WAJ KRH BUSINESS COLLI.GI l the nigi"', most perfectly mutr Ituslne Training Hcnool in ma nuriat m,.m wit vijurHf.if fur a hlsher 0lua with more mny. reraatnenl iioalth,. aaauteil our (iraituate. Write for tUos Korta and TaatklH PSjMSM- P. N. U. No. 26, 1923