The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, June 29, 1923, Image 1

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JJ Feb,
Verdict in McKay Condemnation Suits Given This Morning. This Means That Work Will Proceed at Once
The 1923 road-construction sea
son opens with the prospect that
there will be about the same amount
of road construction as last year,
which was a very satisfactory one,
according to the Bureau of Public
Roads, United States Department of
Returns from 21 scattered States
show that in these States there will
be available $288,000,000 for road
work as compared with $273,000,
000 spent in the same States last
year. On Federal-aid work, which
constitutes something like half of
the total construction, there was un
der construction on Mareh 31 work
estimated to cost $258,000,000 as
compared with $233,000,000 12
months previous.
Wages of l,abor are generally
slightly higher than a year ago, ex
cept on the Pacific coast, where the
same rate prevails. The greatest
Increase is in New England, where
the present level is approximately
30 per cent higher than the level of
a year ago.
The gereral outlook is consider
ably better than a year ago, when
the railroad and coal strike loomed
as distributing factors. Added to
this is the fact that the designation
of the system of federal-aid high
ways is now completed in 33 States
and practically complete In most of
the others. With a definite pro
gram for accomplishment laid out
road work can proceed much more
From latest reports it appears
that 30 States now tax gasoline as
compared with 4 States at the begin
ning of 1921. Most of the revenue
derived goes for road purposes, and
bureau officials regard this as a
step In the right direction. With
road users paying a more equitable
share of the cost, highway finance
is placed upon a firmer foundation.
Mr. Morse, our county agent, spent
a few hours in Irrigon last Satur
day discussing various questions, in
cluding the holding of a fair at this
point this fall. He promises to give
us all the assistance in his power to
make it a big success. Now that we
have a man on the job who will line
things up, why not get busy?
Let us have it a little earlier than
has been the custom while our pro
ducts, are still in .the ring. We
have the old school house which is
fixed up for just such occasions, and
ihe new buildings together with the
sight acres of school grounds, will
give us all sorts of space.
Mr. Morse will be with us again
in a few days when the question will
e further handled with Messrs. Glas
gow, Grimm, Seaman and others. Set
our minds that we are going to have
i fair this year, and get busy.
J J. Sturgill, the principal engag
ed for tile Irrigon school for the coni
ng term, arrived Wednesday even
ing and has moved into t lie Bleck
iey house recently vacated by Prof,
.trover. Other teachers hired for
he coming year have not been an
nounced but we understand that
Miss lllanche Powell and Mrs. L. D.
Ruling are included.
No more plank roads will be laid
In Warrenton, by decree of the city
Thirty delegates attended the an
nual conference of the regional cham
ber of the Red Cross at Salem.
George N. Frazer, pioneer foundry
man of Eugene, died at his home in
that city at the age of 73 years.
With more than 100 members pres
ent the Oregon Deaf association held
its annual convention at Salem.
Organization of the Oregon Logan
berry Growers' Co-operative exchange
was completed at Salem and officers
and directors elected.
Crook county municipal improve-
W, F. Wadsworth received word
Saturday from his brother In San
Francisco, that his father was not j
expected to live long and he left for
that city on No. 1 Sunday morning.
.Mrs. Wadsworth is handling the
tcue and postoffice with Miss Snow
McCoy assisting.
Hugh Grim went to Heppner Tues
lay to attend to some business mai
lers and talk on the Irrigon Associa
,ion guaranteed products. It looks
like melons and cantalopes will come
along in good shape after all, and
that before July is over melons will
begin moving.
Teachers Attend Summer peaeion.
Teachers from practically every
county of Oregon are planing to at
tend the summer sessions at O. A. C. :
beginning June 18. A good many
College and high school students are1
sending in credentials to enter for
special credits. A brilliant array
of lecturers as well as teaching tal
ent has been signed up for evening
and day sessions. Charles I'pson
Clark, formerly director of the
American school for classical studies
In Rome, will discuss the near east
and Balkans, Italy of today, and
Home of the Ceasars Courses in
diet in disease, and principles of nu
trition will be given by Mrs. Jessa
mine C. Williams, head of house
hold science at the University of
Arizona. Some 300 boys and girls
club members are now at the college
for special short courses.
The past week a number of trav
elers who have come over the Blue
Mountains report the roads absolut
ely impassable without help. Cars
are stalled every few rods and must
be towed sometimes for more than
a mile. Not one has expressed the
belief that the highway will be com
pleted for traffic by July 3rd.
Later It was announced in the
Portland papers yesterday that the
road will be fixed and will be passable.
The Irrigon commercial club is
distributing the Oregon Magazine
issue for June, this week with an
irrigon District write-up, and has
also ordered a large supply for fu
ture use. The club is planning on
quite an extensive advertising cam
paign. Who says it is not growing
weather now? However, on account
of the cool weather up to recently,
the apricots have not progressed as
fast as might have been the case in
n ordinary seasons, with the start
they had at blooming time this sea
George Hendricks and Harry Les
ter were on the sick list a couple of
days this week. Probably eating too
much fruit. Get your mix in right
proportions, boys. Anything! may
work the same way.
W fresn
M from the
LX factory
Mrs. Seaman, son.Lyle, and daugh
ter, Margaret, with others motored
o Prosser, Wash., Sunday and had a
picnic dinner In Jacobson's orchard
at Paterson. They report a very
nice trip.
Chas. Markhani, who was hurt In
a fall from a hay derrick pole last
week, returned from Echo Monday
and is home doing as well as could
be expected from the jolt occasion
ed by falling nearly forty feet.
Glasgow, Grim and Hesscock have
C. B. Smith manufacturing them a
partnership hay der rifk this week.
We believe it is going to have five
wheels and eaisly movable.
Mr. Jenkins of Umatilla ha hired
out on the L. A. Doble fruit farm for
the season and has moved his fam
ily into Mr. Doble's house.
Mr Stoddard was an Irrigon vis
itor Sunday. He says everything is
lovely with them on the ranch near
now 1
Ray Lamoreaux and C. W. Powell
were Stanfleld visitors Wednesday on
a trade for some farm implements.
Ri L. Croix Papers AtacKJ
Harold Mumau made a trip to
Pendleton on business matters Tuesday.
A number of Irrigonites are fig
uring on going to Meacham the 3rd.
meni oonns in tne amount ot ssm.uuu
were certified at a maeting of the
state irrigation securities commission.
Due to the many late spring rains
the cherry harvest in the Silverton
communitv will be small this season. '
! says the manager of the Silvertou can-
Annual movement of sheep from the
home ranges in Wasco, Jefferson an
northern Deschutes counties to sui
mer pastures in the national forest
is on.
The cherry fruit fly which cause
considerable damage in the Willam
ette valley a few years ago again ha.
invaded the orchards in the vicinit;
of Salem.
More than 75 teacher students ar
registered for the six weeks' cours
offered by the eastern Oregon brand
of the state normal school being hel
at Pendleton.
A special session of the Wasco conn
ty grand jury may be called to attemp
some solution of the mystery sin
rounding the death of J. P. Agidius
Ortley rancher.
Farmers of Deschutes county wlli
oppose the $90,000 bond issue propose;'
for completion of highways, is th
declaration of John Marsh, president
of the county farm bureau.
According to a statement of Ton
Moore, a pioneer resident of Bakei
county and owner' of a big farm a.
Pleasant Valley, the alflafa wtevi'
has made its appearance there.
Six hundred and seventy-three stu
dents were granted eighth-grade diplo
mas in (T.ickamas county during Mu
and June, according to llrenton Ved
der, county school superintendent.
Portland is to have the receiving
and distributing offices for the depart
ment of agriculture new daily market
service for Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, which is to start soon after
July 1.
J. Finley Mast was killed and Mrs
Mast is in a hospital at Myrtle I'oint
with serious Injuries sustained when
their touring car plunged over a precf
pice along the middle fork of the Co
quille river.
Fruit crop prospects of the Mosier
district are more promising this year
than for the last several seasons. The
apple crop is now estimated at 150,
000 boxes, a 50 per cent increase over
that of last year.
Entries for the big horse show
tourney to be staged at the Top o
Blue Mountains pageant, limited to 25
contestants each from the Pendleton,
Baker and La Grande districts, are be
ing received dally.
Fully 1000 realtors from all parts of'
the Pacific: Northwest and British
Columbia will be in attendance at the
annual convention of the Northwest
Real Kstate association at Portland
July 18, 19 and 20.
W. L. Kuser, until a few weeks age
superintendent of the state training
school for boys at Salem, has accept
ed a position as manager for the Nilee
Sand & Gravel company, with head
quarters in San Francisco.
Supplies for the various state in
gtitutions during the six months start
ing July 1 will cost a trifle less than
for the present six months' period, ac
ccrdlng to bids which were opened b
the state board of control.
Withdrawal of the oleomargarim
and milk substitute referendum petl
tion was demanded of the Associate
Industries by the Oregon Holsteir.
Breeders' association ln resolution
unanimously adopted at its annua
meeting at Ccrvallis.
Governor Pierce has announced the
personnel of the commission which
will investigate the Oregon automo
biie license law and report to the leg
islature at its next regular session it
1925. Members of the commission art
W. B. Dennis, of Carlton, and JameE
S. Stewart, of Corvallis, selected b
the governor, and James H. Cassel
John H. Hall and C. L. Boss, of Port
laud, selected by the dealers' assc
Special guest of honor at the an
nual Linn county pioneers' picnic was
Mrs. Maria Campbell Smith, 82 years
old, whose parents came to Oregon on
board the ship Laussanne in 1840. She
was ihe first child born in the ter
ritory of pioneer parents.
Starting July 1, all operators of
motor vehicles which are subject to
the provisions of the automotive trans
portatloD act of 1C21 will be required
to keep a detailed account of their
activities and file a report of the same
with the public service commission.
The Oregon supreme court has is
iied an order restraining the directors
f the Union high school district at
lermiston, Umatilla county, from
pending any of the district funds nu
ll the court determines whether the
onsolidation was brought about in
oiupliance with the laws.
The flist of four ocean-going log
afts to be dispatched this summer by
he Benson Lumber company to its
ail at San Diego left the Columbia
iier in tow of the Puget sound tug
li'rnaconna, assisted by the Oneorta.
;'lie raft contains 009,000 feet or logs
nd a deckload .of telephone poles.
The third and final survey of cost
f wheat production In Sherman coun
y has been begun by the United Slates
l.'partnient of agriculture and the
tate college experiment station and
xtension service. Reports will be pub
shed as soon as analysed and tabula,
id, to enable growers to profit by the
formation obtained.
Work of securing the trout ess sup
ily for Oregon is now at Its height
n many parts of the state and the out
ook is that Oregon will have the
ar&est blood this year of any state in
he union, according to a report of A.
5. Burghduff. state game warden. Ap
iioximately 39 million eggs will be
.laced in hatcheries of the state,
A certificate of award lias been scut
by J. A. Churchill) s'.ate superlntend
nt of schools, to every boy and girl
n Oregon outside of Portland who
'ias not been absent or tardy
'he past school year. Reports show
i hat 5201 public school pupitS have
arned these certificates. Marion
unity leads with 398, while Jackson
county Is second With a total of 253.
Tile bureau of public roads has
'.?t the contract to the Warren Con
struction coin, any for the building of
the Roosevelt highway between Devil's
ake and Slletz buy In Lincoln county,
the contract price being more than
$200,000. This will complete the
Roosevelt h ghway from Tillumook
ounty to Siletz bay and there Is a
ction of but u few miles to he built
to reach Newport.
The Southern pacific company has
reported to the public hi rvice com
mission that it has a surplus of 939
ars. A similar condition exists on
ihe lines of the Oregon-Washington
tailroad & Navigation company.
Suit to restrain the secretary of
.itate from pla ing on the ballot at the
November election the referendum
measure initiated :igaimt the satte In
ome tax law by tin- Oregon State ln
l ome Tax league, may be filed with
iu the next few days.
The Oregon experiment station work
on poultry breeding is not only the
nest in the United States, but also in
the world, was the judgment express
ed by T. R. Robinson, honorary sec
retary of National Utility Poultry so
ciety of England, and Percy A.
Francis, commissioner of poultry for
the British ministry of agriculture,
after a visit to the Oregon Agricultural
college at Corvallis.
Spend your money at home.
A repre entative meeting of the
hay growers and business men of Kit
titas county, Washington, met and
formulated the plans of the
proposed Northwest Hay Growers
Association were presented by Mr.
Boyd Oliver, of San Francisco, and
L. A. Hunt, manager of Oregon Hay
Growers Association, of Hermi ton,
Oregon. The farmers engaged In
considerable discussion and consid
ered the proposed program and were
much pleased with the prospects of
the association's being able to take
care of surplus hay and to stabilize
the hay market. The plan wan tin
animousiy approved ami an organ
ization committee, consisting of: U.
O. Rorenson, H. H. Adams. A. W.
Gregory, and J. C. Wil on, were ap
pointed to tak. care of the organi
zation work in this county. The
electing was presided OVOr by Mr.
Sorensbn, president of the Washing
ton State Farm Bureau, Growers
Will be permitted to study this plan
before definite sign-up work is un
Typhoid fever Is sometimes called
autumnal fever because of tho fact
that the greatest Dumber of cases of
the disease are reported In the fall.
The disease may become epidemic at
any season of the year where there
Is gross neglect of the water and
milk supplies that have a large num
ber of common users as In cities.
Epidemics of this character, how
ever, have heroine rare within the
last decade. The most recent one
occured al out three ye ars ago in
Saleiu. Ohio. The type of tjpiiold
that is always a source of worry dur
ing the summer and fall is usually
called sporadic or endemic, thai is
llu occurence of one or I wo eases
in localities over a large area and
most of them being derived from
different sources of infection. In
Oregon this type of typhoid begins
to Increase with the advent of May,
gradually increases and reaches the
maximum during the month of Oct
ober. Tin' typhoid bacillus is distinctly
of human origin. The organi in
dO03 not live and multiply in any
Other animal. There are always
a :ong our population people who
art typhoid carriers. About one per
eenl ol all people who have typhoid
fever and recover remain typhoid
' ir.i'ls lor Indefinite periods of
time. Cases of forty years duration
are on record. Such people are cup-O-ble
of causing typhoid In others If
I hey are careless in their personal
habits; and more especially If they
are food handlers in any capacity.
on never know when you are going
10 shake hands with a typhoid car
rier; eat food prepared by one; or
drink vafr that has been polluted
with the discharge from some carrier
guilty of gross carelessness. All
these dangers are very greatly In
creased during the warm Weather
When we eat raw foods, are out of
doom hunting, fishing, and camp
ing. Then, too, the typhoid bacillus
is Very much more prevalent during
the warm season because they mul
tiply much more rapidly in warm
weal her.
Much of the typhoid fever is con
tracted during vacation outings and
picnics, The season for outdoor va
cations Is over with the month of
October and then the number of
cases of typhoid reported takes a
gradually decline until the next Muy.
grocerymaa ought to be able
to select a good date.
ia ' ion
rlt in
to r.
! flSi-
The approval of the Director of
Agriculture, E L. French, to the
contract of the proposed Northwest
Hay Growers' A: social ion, has been
received, according to director of or
ganisation, l!od Oliver, this morn
ing. As the contract, as drawn by
tho organisation committee had al
ready been passed upon by Aaron
Sapiro, and as soon as the contract
can be printed, other meetings will
be held, at which the details of (he
operation of the proposed Organisa
tion will be submitted to the bay
The Committee Is well pleased
with the reception the plan has re
ceived and have yet lo find a hav
man who does not favor the pi....
The provision requiring a minim i "f
. ,"i per cent ol' tlie marketable a;....
fa being parlicullary attractive.
I he etlecl ot the organi
campaign has already been f
the hay market as where up
I few weeks ago all buyers v.r
1 histlO and were prop'i a Ing u '
prices, now the prices hav.' adv.' no d
I from $1.50 lo $250. P' .1 Ion. Buyori
nil realize that organisation mefttM a
j stabilized market.
The plan of tie BCW organisation
ifi lt i relation to the r, owcr may be
j briefly staled as follows:
The management of Ihe o anima
tion will be In the hands of eleven
I directors, elected at large, who will
have general control of ihe activ
ities of the organization.
The grower will pool his hay by
grade; and districts so (hat shippers
; i similar freights will be pool, d
i The local affairs Concerning each
i district pool will be in the hands of
Is local committee who will arrange
for all feeder sales, attend to baling
j and a senibling of hay and supervi
sion of making advances to grow,: i.
I under rules of the board.
It Is expected lhal all hay will be
handled upon stale grade, determin
ed at loading point,
Mr. Oliver slates that the general
experience of such associations ap-
, pear to warrant advances for har
vesting of approximately $2.50 p r
! ton and that where the hav is pro;
; eriy stacked and measured up thai
after the general letior of the hay
market has been determined a fur
ther advance may be safely made.
; This second advance will probably be
given only to those realy In need or
it ami win approximate 50 to oo
per lent of the estimated stack value
of the hav. In addition the SSSO
Lclation will pay baling expenses. All
the growers in Ihe same pool will be
I paiil at Ihe same time and final set
tlement will in no case be delayed
later than July 1st of any year. In
I this wav every grower In the same
' pool will stand upon the same basis.
"Growers should not sell hay for
i less than $15 00 f. o. b. cars," said
i Mr Ollv. r. It Is the Intention to H
nance the opi rations of Ihe organi
sation as much as possible through
local banks I. til the plan of finance
is (i sound thai H is felt thai easy
money may be secured In out: Ide
banks If necessary.
The meeting held last week In
Yakima under the direction of the
Slate farm Bureau was the able t
presentation of Ihe principles and
details of co-operative marketing
ever held In the Nor. hwest It was
clearly shown by the speakers of
this conference thai we are entering
a new day in agriculture, that lip
old system of the rural buyers and
competitive dumping of agricultural
products Is doomed, and lhal we MS
In the perold of evolution at Ihe end
of which the farmer will lake his
rightful stand as an organized mer
chandiser of his own products.
The wave of co-op. rat ivc market
ing has spread from Denmark to
New Zealand, and Is now a recogniz
ed principle all over the world In
the United .Stales lis fundamental
principles have bi ei devoloped In
tie- laboratory of California, and are
now being broadcasted lo all agri
cultural commodities throughout
the entire United States. In Ibis
i ovement the American Farm Bur
eau Federation is assuming a lead
ing role
"Man Is like a tack, good If he has
a good head on him and Is pointed
In the right direction, but even tho.
he Is driven, he can only go ho far
as his head will let him.'