The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, June 22, 1923, Image 1

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    j JIJLJlLsiS
Many Witnesses From This
County Called Must Be
Settled This Month.
The trial of the thro" -07 "emna
tion suiu brought by Cue federal
government against landowners
along McKay creek are expected to
come up in federal court Monday in
Portland. The suits to be tried first
have to do with land for the McKay
creek dam site and comprise about
7 31 acres.
Of this land, lfiO acres are owned
by the Jones estate, 71 acres by Jas.
C. Anderson, and 500 acres by Loui."
La Dow. The suits were filed by
the government May 9th of this
year. -Other litigation to securt
possession of the reservoir site, which
will extend up the valley four mile:
and include the land between tlx
hills, Is expected to come to trial it
the course of regular business, prob
ably this fall.
The McKay creek project fund:
have money available that will re
vert back to the revolving fund o
the reclamation service if not usee
by July 1st, and the government it
anxious to secure the use of tbest
unused funds.
Further tangles are added to tin
cases due to the fact that not onl:
the rights of the land owners, bir
the rights of the lessees of the land
also have to be adjudicated In th
U Between thirty and forty witness
es from this county will go to Port
land to attend the trial. .
Physician Summoned by Radio.
The steamship Vest Cahous, ly
at anchor in Baltimore harbor
about nine miles from the city, need
ed medical help at 3 a. m., recentl;
and needed it quickly. A membe
of the crew had fallen into the holt
and had hurt himself seriously. S
the captain of the ship sent a wire
less broadcast asking for help.
The call was picked up, not it
Paltimore, nine miles away, but a
at Cape May, N. J., about 100 mile
due east of Baltimore. As Capi
May was separated from the Wes
Cahous by parts of New Jersey am
Delaware and by the eastern shon
of Maryland, nov to mention Dela
ware and Chesapeake bays, no dl
rect help from it was possible.
Hut the operator was on the jot
Promptly he consulted the long dls
tance list in the Baltimore telephon'
directory and called the surgeon i
charge of the Marine hospital 1'
that city, 100 miles west. The sur
geon, roused from sleep to receive
the message, asked him to radio cer
tain emergency treatment to thi
West Cahous and to direct the cap
tain to send a boat to a certain piet
In Baltimore, where he would fint"
a surgeon waiting to go to the shit
with him. And so, in the middb
of the night In less than an houi
a wireless-controlled sea -going am
hu lance carrying an officer reached
the side of the injured sailor anc"
brought him later to the hospital.
t-pend your money at home.
Different Crops ami Improved Va
rieties Inspected lor Use on Theh
I Own harms.
Now crops to replace some of the
old that have failed to make good
on some of the farms in Oregon, and
new varieties of the old standby,
were inspected by farmers from
Rainier to lioseburg on the annual
field days at the experiment station,
Corvallis. Better treatment of soils
to get more profitable yields and
still keep up fertility, and new facts
on fnedftlig handling farm live
stock, cows and poultry, were other
tilings picked up.
(letting bigger yields by chang
ing crops in n gular cycles, was one
thing. The farmers saw fields that
had grown beans every year for 1 4
; :irs and the avera was low,
only about nine bushels an acre.
Alongside other fields wore seen
growing beana every third year with
barley and clover between times, and
the average yield for the fourteen
veers was 1 8 bushels of beans. The
rofit was more than twice as great
n the rota'ion, and the soil is still
-nod, While the all-bean fields are
o run down as to produce five or
i bushels In th? later years.
ITow to increase cherry yields
!000 to 10,000 pounds an acre was
en in the orchard work. The big
weet cherries the best in the
'"nited States are shy baarers and
.to. unlers pollenized by a suitable
variety. Trees planted before this
act was found by the station may
ie top-worked with varieties named
o the farmers and thus get the big
If yon want l,ri pushels more po
atoes an acre, everything else the
ame, cut and plant only the blos
01,1 ends for seed, was one lesson,
''rune your trees right and help
them grow, bear, or both, was an
ither. Throw away, or sell, 52 of
he 63 kinds of wheat grown in the
tae and grow the one or two of
he other 11 best suited to your
tnds for bigger profits, was still a
l'i an attempt to prevent the elec
!on Monday at Hermiston In the
lgh school district there when a
Oard of directors is scheduled to
ie voted on, a motion for a temnor-
ry injunction will be argued before
lie state supreme court at Salem tO-
J. A. Fee, Jr., and Judge S. A.
lOWell, representing the individual
laintiffs, and Boy Raley represent
ig the individual defendants and
he district, left yesterday to argue
he mo'ion for the injunction.-
The legality of the organization
f the union district was recently
ipheld by Judge Wilson, but an ap
ical to the supreme court was filed
n the case Thursday. The litigation
n the case has been extended over
everal months' time
H. E. Warren is in Portland thi
Miss Doris Healey is visiting rel
atives in Portland for a few weeks.
Mrs. Vegas returned Monday from
a months visit with relatives in Port
Violet and Albert Gllbreth are
visiting their grandmother in The
The Albrights and Mrs. Gladys
Gibbons were Hermiston visitors last
Sat urday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam of Hoppner
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Packard home.
Mrs. Clay Warren and son return
ed Friday from Portland, where she
has been visiting relatives.
Mr. Doering left this week on his
vacation, going to Boston, Mass., and
other eastern points of interest.
Miss Edna Proyles returned last
week from the Washington state col
lege at Pullman and has resumed her
duties as clerk in the store.
Mrs. J. H. Johnson of Wasco and
Mr. and Mrs. Eynne Micheal of
Portland visited at the J. R. Jolin
on home a few days latt wusk.
Rachel Johnson returned Sunday
from a weeks visit in Portland.
Helen Boardman fell on the rocks
by the postofflco and dislocated her
knee last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, former
irolect resldenta. were guests at the
Rancier home last week.
Mrs. P. M. Smith aiid children
left Thursday morning for a visit
'.villi relatives in Spokane.
Charles ITiat t of Hermiston visit
ed on Saturday with his sister, Mrs.
Royal Rands. Buster accompanied
his uncle home returning Monday.
Mrs. A. J. Warren, Mr and Mrs:
Richy Jones and daughter and Mrs.
Dalzell of Dry Fork. Oregon, were
Sunday guests at the home of Mrs.
Warren's son, Alex Warren.
Mrs. Earnest I.oy, who has been
visiting her father, Hank Cramer,
left Saturday for her home at Junc
tion City. Miss Zoo Hadley accom
panied her and will spend the sum
mer there ViM'ing relatives.
The soml-annual eleciion of of
ficers of the Odd Fellows was held
last night at the regular meeting,
; E. Pattee was elected N.O.; J. T.
I Brice, V.G.; Clay Warren, Sec ; J.
j T. Hi-ice, Treas.; C. G. Brayden,
Past 'Grand.
The annua! school election was
held Monday and was a mild affair.
Mrs. Gladys Gibbons was sleeted
clerk and Mr. T. E. Proyles was re
SleCted to serve another three years
as director. Leo. V. Root and Jack
Gorham wore the only other nomi
nees for the places which are both
thankless positions, a! the best. We
hope for a not her school year even
better than the one fust passed,
which was the best yet in the history
of the school.
The members of the M. W. A. and
Royal Neighbors lodges enjoyed a
Join! social meeting Tuesday even
ing. Friends here received word tha'
Mti nil,- Morgan had suffered a
broken leg. The Morgans are now
living at Orange, Calif.
Mrs. Edith Crawford and son,
Harry, returned last week in their
home. Harry from a year at Cor
valis and Mrs. C. from Portland.
Rev. and Mrs. Hughes and daugh
ter were here Sunday. Rev. Hughes
has received a call from both Uma
tilla and Hoardman churches and
will make his home at Final Ilia.
The ladies aid met at the church
Wednesday with ten present. Thev
3pent the afternoon working on ar
!lclcs for the bazaar. It was mls
ionary day and the topic was "Mex
io," which was discussed.
-W. O. Goodman completed a neat
screened porch on the Gibbons
house, occupied by the P. J. Mul
kdvs. It adds both to the comfort
and appearance of the house. The
"fpsrengors have built a fine large
porch on their country home.
Mr. and Mrs R. V. Crawford and
ion, Leon, of Franklin, Nebraska,
who were former residents on the
orojoct, were Hoard man visitors ov
r iho week end, Thev were enrou:e
to Seattle and Tacoma on a motor
:ourney. Tbv visited Saturday at
the Ransier home, while here they
lived wlioic Mr. Myers and wife now
reside, Air. Meyers having purchas
ed the ranch from Mr. Crawford.
Charles Skinner, who has be;n
overseeing the building of the gravel
bunkers for the Shotwell Construc
tion Co., at Castle was seriously in
jured Tuesday morning. While lilt
'ng a heavy limber he lost bis foot
ing and fell into one of the trap
openings, the timber falling upon
his back. Mr. Skinner is postmaster
" Hermiston and was spending his
vacation on thus work. Mr. Shol
vell arrived Wednesday morning
with a no- foreman, who will Com
plete the job.
Law Partner of Aaron Sapiro Will
Address Hermiston Fanners
And Business M111.
Mr. Boyd Olliver. who is a mem
ber of the law firm of Aaron Sap ro
and Levy of San Francisco, who are
nationally recognized as the leading
cooperative marketing experts of the
United States, has been persuaded to
hold one meeting in Hermiston to
deliver his famous address 011 Co
operative marketing.
Every farmer, whether he Is a hay
grower, fruit or dairyman, and ev
ery businessman, should plan to at
tend this mooting.
Mr. Oliver has been holding meet
Inga throughout Yakima Valley and
his address has received much very
favorable comment and his message
'.1 038 that roaches 10 the pocket book
of every member of a rural com-inunity.
A large number of meetings have
been held in the Yakima valley
v.'h"ro growers are showing great in-
PrO posed hay "growers
Will Put Reclamation Ser
vice Branch on Business
Basis, He Says.
( O. A. C. Experiment Station.)
Infectious aborlion of dairy cows,
1 disease estimated to cause an an
ual loss of some two million dol
afSi has befa entirely eliminated
rom some herds by application of
he blood tests conducted by the ex
periment station. Attempts are now
tnder way to clean up entire com
nunltiee. No cure Is known but
nethods of spread are and control
9 possible. A new station bulletin
ells how.
a series of years, with oats
second and corn third.
Ton important advantages of crop
rotation are listed by the O.A.C. Ex
periment station soils department in
i new bulletin, "Crop Rotation and
Soil Fertility." As practiced at the
;tatlon it doubled the average yield
if beans over a fourteen year per
iod and greatly simplified the prob
lems of best use of labor and water.
Sunflower silage lacks in palata
bility but has almost the same feed
ing value measured In milk yields
as corn silage. The sunflower crop
yield the best tonnage an acre over
The new Carleton oat developed
at the O.A.C. Experiment station
has proved to be Immune to cover
ed smut as well as the most prolific
bearer. The average yield for nine
years at the Moro branch station
was 4 ft 8 bushels an acre better
than sixty-day and Swedish select,
the varieties commonly grown and
heretofore the best ylelders.
Growing purple vetch for seed 10
sell to California orchardists for eov
er crops Is an established lndu-'i:
in some parts of Oregon IP in
plowed down when grown in the Cal
ffornia orchards, the vetch cannot
produce seed, so a new supply has to
be bought every time a sowing is
made. This makes a steady demand
for the seed a good prices.
Things don't always go just the
way we want them to, or expect
them to, In this old world of OUi
but Just the same, if we will apply
our sk'll we can make them look a
whole lot briter than they do when
we let such things get the best of us.
I he greatest discovery In recent
years in the treatment of disease Is
that of Insulin, a product of the
pancrea;!. used in the treatment of
diabetes. We do not wish to dampen ;
the enthusiasm of those who might I
have oeeaslon to use the product,
nor to discourage those who might
receive benefit from Its use, but on
account of the various statement.')
regarding it, there seeniB to be a
probability as Its being regarded In
the wrong light. To arouse false
hopes In the diabetic would be cruel
Insulin Is not a cure for diabetes,
i It is only a palliative, releavlng the
symptoms of the disease and bring
1 ing al out wonderful improvement In
' the condition of the patient. It does
I not remove the cause of the disease.
The use of Insulin Is successful only
when all other measures of proven
: value to the treatment of diabetes
are utllizzed.
One case of smallpox Is reported
from Umatilla county.
A home town booster Is classed
among the "live ones."
teres! in tht
Sales so far made in the Yakima
valley have been oil a basis of from
$9 to $10 f.o.b. cars. Growers real
ise that this is soiling at a heavy
The organisation committee has
not yet completed final draft of con
tract of membership, but this is ex
pected to be available within the
next ten days.
The National Farm Bureau In co
operation with bankers and business
men and Iho Washington State Farm
Bureau, are holding a marketing
conference of two days ia Yfckttua
on June 20th and list.
The movement for cooperative
marketing seems to be gaining great
headway in the state of Washington,
where sev ral associations are now
In operation.
Talking to Half a Million.
A man has tallied to half a mil
lion people at one time and his vole"
was in the reach of fifty million
more, Impossible? Yes, were it
not for the radio. With the radio
nothing as far SS audiences are con
cerned, la impossible.
A f(tW nights ago radio funs with
in listening-in distance of Minnea
polis heard a real wedding, with
I lU lc, advice and kisses such as are
Common til weddings, all included
The happv couple probably had the
largest gathering at their ceremony
that ever heard a nuntfal knot tied
Even the Imagination cannot place'
S limit on the future development
Of the radio It Is entirely probable
that within the next ten years, radio
equipment in every home will be as
common as electric lights are today.
It will soon have passed the stage of
a novelty and be as much a house
hold necessity as the telephone.
The Meg N t hiol'.
With few ovoepi ions-, says the De
partment of Agriculture, there Is
feed enough wasted on every farm
In the country to make the pork and
pork products consumed that
farm. The hog U more efficient
than oiher farm animals In making
use of the farm by piodttcts. Willi
tttt hen the hog will select and util
ize the wholesome pans of unround
and unmarketable grains, refuse
from iruck gardens and by-products
from the dairy. This Is one reason I
why hogs are used on such a large
proportion of our farms. But the
hOg'S principal article of diet Is corn,
and the secretary of Agriculture has
remarked that "our hog crop serves
as a slow absorber for the variation
In production of our corn crop year
by year, thus Ironing 0111 the If
regularities in corn prices.
The having season Is promised to
be a good one In this community
and Unless .-oioeihlng unforeseen
in the way the growers will ex
perience one of the best years In
Ho- past several. Haying Is still In
full swing In many parts and In a
few instances around Stanfield the
first cutting is all in the stack.
According to advice front Wash
ington under date of June 21st, F.
E. Weymouth, englnesr-ln-ohlef of
the I'niled States reclamation ser
vice was substituted Thursday by
Secretary of the interior Work for
A. P, Davis on the commission which
has charge Of the Investigation of
th" Columbia basin ami Umatilla
I Rapids irrigation projects. The oth-
1 or members of the commission r-"
j Francis M. Goodwin, assistant sec
retary. and David W. Davis. - '0
Wednesday was named COmmlcil li
st of reclamation.1 It became kno u
yesterday that in creating tho office
of commissioner of reclatuat'on I'
was Intended that the lr ' - P?fee
should be entirely ad tlnistr
The office of director Ol r la null :i
was held by Arthur P, Davis, com
bined engineering duties with ad
ministrative respo' rlMlltlos, This
office has been n" ill if d.
Chi 1 Engineer x: 1 loui'
in sole charge of all the 1 "
phases of the work.
"No sweeping changes in
Del are contemplated In the reclama
tion service," said Secretary of the
Interior work. "We are going to
put this branch of the Interior de
partment on a business basis and
operate U in the Interest of the set
1 tiers on reclamation projects, as
we ll as for protection of the govern
ment That's all there Is lo It. On-
I) through a recognition of the fnct
that the Interests of both are (
can the future success of recla .
Hon projects be assured."
Will he
1 know a man who wants to buy
some hogs, and another who wants
to trade livestock for a car. A ! u'
scriber asked me yesterday If !
knew of a farm for sale near Stan
field oil her for Bttle or trade. Al
most every day I am asked about
Hades or business chances.
Why don't you folks who have
anything to sell or trade advertise
It In the paper?
For M or 10 cents you could put
in a want ad and trade ofr a lot of
old junk for some more old Junk;
and also make some worihwbljo
sales and trades.
Try His once you can't go very
far Wrottg,
Thihll of old King Tut! He'd
boon dead for IIOOO years and no
body even I; new he was sick until
Mo broke open bis sarcophagus and
began lo advertise him. Now all the
women in the country are aping the
ancient Egyptian styles and the old
mummy gets on the front page.
Hut Hie results will be nil if you
wait till youv'e been dead 11000
If you have anything lo sell or
want to buy something use a little
printer':; Ink and you will lie sur
prised at the results
Boardman is a good town now,
and will be a better one some day.
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