,1 DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone lies. 711 Oflipo 551 Office over Bank Bldg , Hcrmiston. Calls answered at all hours. DR. ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon UMATILLA - OREGON DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS PHYSICIAN AMI SLRGEON HBRMI8TON, DIMS. Bank Bldg. 'Phonos: OlBce 92. Residence 565. Office Hours 9-W. 3-6. Calls Answered Day or Night. The Boardman Mirror Boardrnan, Oregon MARK A. CLEVELAND, Publisher PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE-- j Entered as second-class matter Feb 11, 1921, at ihe postofflce at Board man. Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1879 FARMERS TURN HACKS ON OLD TYPE OF FARMING NOTES Tlirre are fan DR. F. V. PRIME I) K I I S T K V Dental X-ray and Diagnosis RERMISTON, ORE. Bank Building 'Phones: Offiee 93. Residence 751 la comity that u. It is not iary farming, as each year id their bt MOOTS! VVHO-0 The Hereim family is gladly wel comed back to their home In town. Miss Wahnona Keyes is visiting relatives at Hermlston, Echo and Walla Walla. Everybody is invited to this ser vice, which is also Mr. Gibson's last Sunday with us. S. E. NOTSON A T T K N El V - 1 - L A W Office in Court House HEPPNER - - OBEGO WOODSON & SWEEK VHOKM.YS-AT-D.t W Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon. Newton Painless Dentists Dr. II. A. Newton, Mgr. for. Main and Webb Etta. Pendleton JAMES D. ZURCHEB Attoruey-at-Law KCM IE!.l) OK I ICO N BULLETIN OF BOARDMAN COMMUNITY CHURCH SBRVIOI Every Sunday Sunday School 10:30 a. in Church Berries 11:30 a. ra Christian Endeavor 7:39 p, m All are welcome. I. F. OIB80N, Paslor into tho dulry business. This dee;. .it mean ( hat every man who goes into tho dairy business will make a success of it, for there are men who in not make a succors of anything. Hut the dairy business does offer a fine opportunity for tho.-.e who will .. rt their brain and settle down to Steady work. Some of the richest running districts in the United listen are the dairy districts. At I rrir!o City la a creamery. This will buy nil the butterfat (fared. Hero is your opportunity, It ou want it take It, and if you on't, leftVQ it alone and watch the ortgftge on the ranch grow. At ig time this creamery distributed high as ti i.ooo a month among ho farmers. Sherman Davis has taken charge if the operative part of the Prairie Cooperative creamery, A campaign a ill be made to encourage Grant nunty farmers to milk more cows mil eat the products of their Indus-r.-. rarmeri should eat what they iroduoe if they expect others to do he same, and to promote an Indus- Let us reverently honor those who sacrificed for our beloved coun'ry and pay our tribute to those who re main with us. The Parent-Teacher's Assn., will hold its annual election of officers on Friday p. m , May 25 at 2 o'clock in the auditorium. The many friends of Dr. A. H Johnston will be glad to know that he Is convalescing at Seaside and expects to soon return to his home In Arlington to resume his practice S4 BY r O. W. L (On Wta Laughter) The dairy cows of Oregon have liken seriously the agitation for bei tcr production per animal, and have Increased their individual product ion 17 per cent In t lie past ten years. Bought for Cash A Bankrupt Stock of Army and TJavy Goods . of Shoes, Priced to Meet an's Approval. Including a Largo Si the World SPECIALS All bather shoes with Work Shirts Men's heavy soles A good blue grey and khaki in shoe for rough wear at good, materials from a money savi ig price. 79c to $1.10 $2.98 All sizes Army and Navy Store Pcndl: t n, Oregon In Coiiroy's Grocer vocation t I - r V .S 1 T A. f I C . Lx- Denver . yJt i s Oix-thn . 1 N . A) hmmii ( ity v . AlX 1 hlin.ui y Wv.) Urn. .i ialRwi J t'tm-inniill Tw TortMttO . Jt (ft wttheon i 77i.- A. ) WU tho NKMf if i ret f trans' continental route uhvn it was MommI i IS NOW 1 ;;'. :t's easier to "negotiate" now than then, and the REDUCED round trip SUMMER EXCURSION FARES lu cifi t daily b twfrn May 15 and September 15 over the UNION PACIFIC SYS' 1 M will make it very attractive. Study this table. Stil.ot) Buffalo . 11"..H2 67.00 I'm h . 114. 7l . l7.to WaahtnKton 1M.(16 7;.ro rhiin.i,i;.hi iatui-2 . 81 OO New Yurk . I i2.40 UUl.tia Ili.Mi.ui . , 1 ttf.50 iu.;to AiiaiMn . . i ia.rs IHH.75 Montreal . 127.75 utiuK l.ii.a tu i.ilu i iiii(Mit.int i-l. is. unit 1). toner 3tat. Literal &U p over i i.t-tfcn k '".it una rcfutmus. to Vllnwi I...... a on. .11 li.l .1 ' Will alio! ll IV twurnci' ol lit 0 la.,'. Call ua by !! r .: -t !.-! in make all your an iiinemrnt. It iwniw more ami willi.ac you lota ol weiry. RAl.l'll S. DAVIS, AKOllt lViiirdman, DreKOii 6f- 1 Isbmael Hendrlck has heen era ployed as musician by Herman Mark; it Roseburg, Oregon, in Mark's inov ins picture house and left for Rose burs Saturday niht on 23. He writes that he likes the place fine. A Memorial nay service will b( held in the church next Sunday with special music and a sermon by Rev J. F. Gibson In honor of the occas 'on at 11580 a. in. All veterans of the civil war, the Spanish-American war and ex-service men of the world war are invited to meei at me niga way Inn to march to the church. The Lesion Auxiliary la also invited. There will be seats reserved for all these. An Interesting Qathwtag. The last nutritious meeting was teld last Saturday In the cafeteria Of the school house, and attended by a good sized crowd. This Is the last meeting to be held bis spring, and In the fall after ichool opens asaln there will be a final roundup meeting. The meetings have been so help fttl to mothers and housewives, and ill who attended will agree that bone who stajed away missed much iractical information that they ould have had free. This work is ostered by the state for the bene fit of all, and it is unfortunate that anyone missed the meetings. At the meeting Saturday, refresh ments were served and we had the opportunity to test two cakes, the receipts for which Miss Smilh save us. One is a molasses sponge cake, ..iii' h was pronounced most delic ious, and the other was a plain ponge cake, The receipts are Tinted below: Kach, you will find, very delii iuus. The committee take this opportunity to thank all who helped in sewing at this meeting and also all thope who helped to make other meetings so successful. Receipt for molasses sponge cake, with directions lor making: One-tQUrth cup tat, 1-2 teaspoon Innamon, 1-4 cup molasses, 1-4 tea spootl cloven, 1-2 cup sugar, 1-8 tea POOB sail, 1 cup flor, 1 teaspoon I0daa 1-2 cup hot water, 1 egg. Mell fat in a saucepan: add 1110 tasaea and sugar; add flour mixed Mid lifted with spices, salt and soda; add hot water; add unbeaten egg: V'at altogether with egg beater and bake twenty to thirty minutes In a lial low till in a moderate oven. Plain sponge cake with directions: One cup sugar; 1 tablespoon lem on Juice, (rata rind of one-half lem on (only yellow out;ldo of rind 11 Whites of six Fgsa; 1 cup flour; 1-1 teaspoonfull salt. Heat yolks thick and lemon colored, u.iins lover rsg heater. Add sugar gradually and continue beating; add lemon juice and grat ed rind. Ad,i whites of eggs beaten until stiff and flour mixed and sifted with salt. Cut out anil fold mix ture carefully together Hake one hour In slow oven, In angel cake tin or deep narrow pan . Alfalfa la roady to cut tor hay when the new shoots bud out from ' l! w or when the crop 1: about ou t-nth in bloom. Delay In cuttlrnr when Ihe new stems are coming up S'tts baek the next crop several days, letting the a!f Ufa go into late bloom makes coarsa hay. Success with corn depends much OB getting a good start. Plant plen ty of gejad, seed 12 to 15 pounds an acre If It is good in warm ground and do not cover too deeply. e further back they t in h, the closer up they git at a e fashion dictators say bustles toming "back." That's where always were, weren't they? reecntly was suggested that, : the wireless telephone connec with Havana is all right in it's how much more practical would Ft ill waters may run deep, but the UstiUed kitui comes much higher. 10 looks good enough t look r;uite ;o good while What we can't understand is how he movie hero's pants maintain their rease as he emerges from the rag ing torrent. Something for Nothin n i FORTY DOLLARS OR A BIG RANGE FREE t I Ask Wick About It at the I CASH MERCANTILE CO. I Boardman, Oregon 1 HI I MM lllllt I -4-5- --4(HMi-3''J---- ltK-5-M---S-' n 'it V Highway Inn O. II WARNER, Proprietor Boardman, Oregon HOLY SMOKE I Tobacco kings should never moan They learn the ropes when the leaves are ripe, They plug along as they roll their own. Tho lucky guys sure have a pipe. The book of e'J'iuetto doesn't ox- (Inin why the man who howls for lerviee gets more attention than the well-bred chap. You can say for fleas that they on go to the dogs. A native, it seems, is a "guy who as here when you came and will ill be here wHon you leava." 'n after school because father is such : dub at doing arithmetic. "I frequently hear town r.isn criti cize farmers for KQi;.g i.i i t. for lUtomoblles and then conplainir.s , bout hard times. I will venture tha taertion that if these same critics ived' on a farm in a neighborhood rhere all the neighbors had cam, h ey would have one if they had to tbrtgage the last milk cow on the dace." Lord Derby is said to be unpopu ar in England now. Maybe they bine just found out that he in ented the hat of that name. Remember the old-fashioned man fhat used to expect a free pair of "galluses" when he purchases a suil of clothes? Movies are to teach the constitu tion. How abottt a special perform ince for congressmen? esome Home Cooking Best place to e . 1 . jen The Dalles and I Pendleton I I ;itii;iiiMWiiiMiMmiiwM p i R. N. Stanfield, President Frank Sloan, 1st Vrice-lvesrdeiit ' Ilalpli A. Ilolte. Cashier M. It. f.ing, 2nd A'iee-President Rank of Stanfield Capital Stocl and Surplus $37,300.00 i Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit. flllllMM i M M M II 1 1 1 ! M IIMIMC WfH 1 1 1 H4K ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $75,000,00 OFFICERS A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Bossier, Vice-Pres. H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier ARLINGTON - - - OREGON A fly takae a bath In a men's coffee. Breakfaii Is over for that nan. A deceased pig, the mummy of an old Owl, a b composed cat, nd upwards of a million flies, fleas i'id other insects, not to mention a ''ew tondfrogs, may stay for weeks in the barrels of mash that his hlnney Is made from, and thev man k a couple of drinks and ihinks notbbig about it or anything else, 'or the time being. It's funny but upi osed to be a fact. DO NOT Hurry, Just take your iwn time- as long as you do not ake some one's time. Claimant names as witnesses: Kay Li, Drown, Dee Mead, Walter (lordort Cohoon, Frank Cramer, all of Iloardman, Oregon. 15-19 J. W. Donnelly, Register. A ninn of rare gifts is seldom PO liar with the ladles. They miss the fiovrrs and confections. A one-cent stamp on your pa per signifies that you are over a yiar in arrears with your subscription and the postofTice department makes us pay this postage if we continue sending the paper NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, 1'nlted ' Stat,s Land Office at The Dalles,1 Ore., April 20. 102:1. Notice Is hereby i;iven that John Peter OoeboJ, of Irrigon, Oregon, , lite, on March S, 1 0 1 S , made Home- itead Entry, No. oi9fif8, for NWU, being I'nit "A", Umatilla I 'ro.lect. Section 2fi, Township 5 North, Range 2fi Fast. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten ion to make three vnr Proof, to tnhlish claim to the land above (escribed, before C. O. niaydon. Fni i'd States Commissioner, at Hoard -tan, Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 92.1. Claimant names as witnesses: Albert H. Allen. William L. Sud larth, Devi Carroll Nestor Seaman, ill, of Irrigon, Orecon. J. M. DONNELLY, Ues-'tster O'orce Cp.cJ Record EstabliEhrd. I Keep an iron hot to press seams Houston, Tex. Judge J. D. Harvn and folds as you sew. It saves time lu ,l,Tici court here granted 212 di , and tne arc,e when fjnlshed is bet. voices In 2I tBUUlie. This is be'icv ..... ,, , . . . ter looking, od to ihatter all former speed records wttMi,:-;.!!: ::jj:'n:;.:ii.:miitj:.:j!si.:;im;.i ijiifTiLiiiMii; mi.ni.i,;.;.:. ,;;;.;;..if,:.:i:,i::;; m mmaujz .'. ', ,:, : ;,.; ,,j I he Best is none too good Try our Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes. There is none better. .lso NOTICE FOB PCBMCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. May 14. 1923. Notice Is hereby given that Karl nesmondVramer. of Iloardman, Ore gon, who. on December 11. 1919. nade Homestead Entry. No. 021220, 1-2 E 1-2 SW 1-4, being I'nit "A." Cniatllla Project. Section 14. Township 4 North. Kange 25 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before O 0 Rlay den. V. S. Commissioner, at Board man. Oregon, on the 26th day of Juue. 192S. r 'A We have a complete line of Cedar Flume Stock Building Material Builders' Hardware Cement. Lime, Wood, Coal. Posts W. A. MURCHIE Bo&rdtyaa, Oregon. c