The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, May 25, 1923, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted .People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
The gov eminent will attempt to
break up a country wide ring of boot
leggers, with headquarters in New
York city, which is charged with oper
ating the maritime liquor mart off
Jersey's three-mile limit.
The Florida senate has adopted a
houso resolution which declares it to
bo "the sonBe" of tho legislature that
Darwinism, atheism and agnosticism
should not bo taught as "truths" in the
public schools or institutions of the
W. 11. Nusseyi member of (he terri
torial house of representatives In
Honolulu, Tuesday pleaded guilty in
federal court to violating tho national
prohibition law ami was fined $25 and
cost, liotli the fine and costs were rc
President Harding has decided defin
Itely to make his contemplated trip
through the west and In Alaska, leav
lug Washington about June 20 and 1
lug absent from tho capital about 00
clays, it was announced Tuesday at the
White House.
The Prussian diet, discussing art
questions, confirmed the report that
Coslma Wagner, widow of the great
Wagner, is living in distress at Hay
reutli. The diet unanimously asked
tho nation to help support the widow
of tho great master.
Discussion by President Harding
and his cabinet Tuesday of the situa
l ion with respect to homing of govern
ment activities, principally in Wash
logton, led to a decision to present to
congress next December a program to
construction of more adequate fa(
The balance of International trade
turned sharply against tin- United
Slates In March and continued so dur
hlg April, according lo estimates Just
made by tho commerce department.
which valued March Imports at $402,
ami, lion ami exports during (he monlh
at S41,1M,000.
Upton Sinclair, author and socialist
and three' companions were arrested
Tuesday In San Pedro, Cal., whero u
strike of the marine transport workers
branch of the Industrial Workers of
tho World has been in progress since
April 16, and tho trio was picked up
by police on strike duty.
Tho death list was Increased to 21
Tuesday by tho finding of four addi
tional victims of the tornado which
swept Mitchell county, Texas, Monday.
Tho list of Injured contained about
200 names, a large majority of thorn
Mexicans. Property loss probably will
reach $500,000, according to latest esti
mates. The Standard Oil company of New
Jersey Tuesday made public the con
solidated Income aCCOUnt for 1022 Of
its own and affiliated companies, show
ing total earnings of 149,241,411 as
ugalnst ,845,0:10 in 11)21. The com
pany's own earnings In 1022 totaled
12.8S7.74l and those of Its affiliated
companies $3a,354,6M. dross assets
taken at book value totaled $1,123,700,
8U0 as against $1,115,030,077 the year
Indemnity Pay Kef used ; Hal tie Pre
ferred- Lausanne Gloomy.
Mystery surrounding a sugar secret
meeting cm the floor of the New York
coffee ami sugar exchange Tuesday
was dispelled when It was learned that
John W. Davis, ex ambassador to Great
Britain, now counsel for the exchange,
hud appeared on the floor and an
nounced the taking or an appeal by the
attorney general against the refusal of
the federal district court to grant the
fcoverninont's petition for an injunc
tion against trading in sugar futuroa.
Tho children of tomorrow will get
their educatlou at schools In which the
motion picture screen will supplant
the blackboard and the motion picture
film will take tho place of textbooks.
Thomas A. Fdlson predicted Tuesday
at tho investigation by th,e federal
trade commission of charges that the
Famous Players l.asky corporation and
six allied organizations constituted a
motion picture trust. Tho famous In
ventor, w hoso rece nt questionnaires
have led him to say harsh things about
present educational methods In the
I'nlted States, was called for the pur
pose of developing the importance of
the film industry and lis possibilities
for the future.
Lausanne. If Turkey insists on war
to settle the question of indemnity
she claims is due from Greece, then
Greece will accept the gage of battle,
M. Alexandria, the Greek foreign min
ister, told the foreign correspondents
Monday night.
I"he Greek delegates, he added, will
be withdrawn from the near eastern
conference this week if Turkey per
sists in her reparation demands.
Ihe Turks have given no indica
tion of an intention to recede from
their reparation demands and M. Alex
andra declaration mat Greece was
resolved not to pay one cent of in
demnity brought increased pessimism
in conference circles.
The Greek foreign minister denied
that lie had come to Lausanne in a
bellicose mood, but said the Greek
army had been reorganized since the
overthrow of Constantine and was
now well equipped and able to take
care of itself.
I think," he said, "if the worst
comes to (lie worst, the Greek army
will be able to defend its honor."
M. Alexandria added that ho would
like; tiie American people to realize
Greece's position, especially that, al
though. Greece had numerous provo-
IS $1,479,064,313.92
Settlement Up to Mixed Claims
Food Research Institute Puts
Loss Each Year at From Five
to Ten Millions.
America Leads Those Who Ask Com
pensation With $336,113,000
Army Bill.
Washington, D. C. America's bill of
'ar claims against Germany amounts to
$1,479,004,313.92 as it has been present
ed to the mixed claims commission for
The United States government itself
is the largest claimant, asking for
$336,113,000, while the smallest of tho
12,416 claims filed with the commis
sion is for $1.
Heading the list of claims by individ
i iiiuns which would reasonably Justi- uals are those growing out of the sinl
fv Iwir" in annanlwi' Cl,r, an n.lcl, Tn, I , a .
' " - "'" 1M, IS oi ine i.usitania by the German sub
l.'f- .ltn li!.,l irn,r,.,l tlw.m ..11 I ..
" ' " vl" marine Thnv tr,C;.l,l w tnr nnn ,
nut,. clw. .!t,.l ,1, .),. p ' """ ,wvw,wwv UIlll
DSace. "lay be disIJ0Sl of first by the com
The seizure by the Turks of the mission. Germany already has admit
Impoverished refugeeB' funds in the ted liability but not in definite amount
Bank of Constantinople, continued the The stunendous total tvnio.t
proceeding is revealed for the first
time in a report made to the state do
ijuiuneiii uy itoDert u. Morris, agent
for tin; United States before the com
mission. Work on determining the
amounts Germany must pay already
has been begun by the commission
minister, and the abominable treat
incut of Greek prisoners of war re
cently arrived from Asia Minor con
tltuted such provocations. The Greeks
and Turks had signed a separate con
lit ion at Lausanne in January for
the compulsory exchange of popula
tions with the distinct provision that
It should be inoperative before May 1.
et the Turks have sent an additional wmcn organized last October, and
711.000 refugees since the signature of which is composed of Edwin B. Parker
the convention,
its terms.
in gross violation of
of Texas, American commission, and
Dr. Wilhelm Kiesselbach, German com
mission, with ex-Justice Day of the su
preme court as umpire
Tho American claims are to be dis
posed of without regard to the alliei
reparations claims, tho report of Mr
Morris disclosing that the commission
has entered a formal order that "the
21 Moros Killed in Row
.Manila, P. I, Twenty-four Moro re
Unions fanatics on the island of l'ata
near Jolo (Sulu), were killed Monday
by a detachment of insular constabul
cry, according to a dispatch received
ii the office of Governor-General Leon- machinery provided by the Versailles
ird Woo, I. The dispatch said that treaty and the rules and methods of
KDara, wlio styles himself a prophet, procedure thereunder eovnrninir th
ni. I his followers, attacked a constabu- disposition of claims, including renara-
u.-i.m ii in miner i-ieiueiiani au- tions claims, so-called neutrality
teiesac me Village 01 Kiput. claims, claims growinir out of evnen
dispatch said that 24 Moros tional war measures to be dealt with
were killed, but that there were no hv mlviwl Kli1 ,-n, i u,, ,
... i .ii i-.ii.ii iiiuuuuia, ftiiuii iuce
tiualtiea among the constabulary I no application to, and are not bind-
troops. Akbara is widely known among ing on this commission
.a . . . . - l -
me Moros as ;t ivImioiiH i'iii it who. Wither ic h i it..
-. su (hm-i oiiut ,i..,iiir LlltJ
through his preaching, has gathered United States or its citizens increas-
Umllt ''lowers around him. They Ing the amount of tho claims present
-ooclltlv lipnnnin mniu I !, m hmmIIv I .J t. , . .. .
" ...... u 11.-111.111.7 ra, mr. iviorris Having stlpuated, on
irtive. Akbara told his followers he behalf of tho American government
was a prophet, descended from heaven, and Germany having accented a nro
and thai ho was bulletproof. Today's viso permitting the claims to bo chang
dispatch did not say whether the latter ed in amount later If circumstances
Statement was borne out. The fanatic and the facts disclosed should reuuire
also said he had power lo cause air- Tho largest claim listed In th
plains to fall. report Is that bv tho IkiwImk
covoriior (.eneral Wood announced eminent for srr.r. r,4t sm r.i tn
sterday lie bad ordered all forms of of the army of occupation in Germany
lawlessness practiced by tho Moro now tinder negotiation with tho allies
topped and that he had sent a con- in I'arls by Assistant Secretary Wads-
. . . m. . . I - m - -
sianuiariy torce to Pata to enforce the worth of the treasury. It is under
. - -
OrQGr. stood. hAmvAv tlilu Alaim rMi k
, .w w , w. , iiwiui n in uwi uc
Pay Dearly for Hast v Train in ir. I PrMMJ the event the Paris nego
W ashington, i). c. Army statistic-1 ll8U0n raauit in an agreement
ins see some significance in uost-war 'uner government claims are for
figures, which show that with a total t!728MMJ for general damages
mobilization of 22,850,000 soldiers for Krwl"B out of German submarine war-
central powers, 22,000 000 casual- r'1" ' WMMJM by tho veterans' bur
can for war risk premiums; $5,3SO,000
by tho railroad administration, and
$40,073 for warrlsk premiums of ihe
shipping board
The $1 claim is presented by Pinery
Roberta for loss of property while
German prisoner of war.
n-i ...
iiicie are a lew otnor small claims
of 1,50 and $2 for loss of parcel pos
properly by shippers, but most of the
el. cms run into hundreds of thousands
and millions. Kverv class of Amerl
an shipping, manufacturing and busi
in is . oncern is found among the long
list of c laimasta.
M were inflicted on tho allies, while:
mi 42,1S'.i.Oiio allied and associated
men under arms, the central powers
list. lined only 1 r,,.0."..0u0 casualties.
he war department chart shows that
per thousand mobilized, tho central
powers forces Inflicted 906 casualties.
wane the corresnomlinir flmiM for
iheir opponents was MS,
In this connection It Is pointed out
that the Gorman and Austrian armies
ere produced under a universal mili-
tary training system, while the allied
and associated forces, with th n.
PtiOB of tho Freud) army, had no
such background of training.
I'hus the great mass of soldiers
f the central powers," the official
ommcut says, "had been finliio.l nnd .
, ciureq
l'"l'peu prior to the ouilireak of Ihe
ar, while the soldiers of the allied
and associated powers were to a great
xtent hastily trained and equipped
ifter the outbreak of war."
New Tork. Waste in stalg bread
costs the bakers and consumers of the
country from $0,000,000 to $10,000,000
each year, according to the Food Ke
seurch Institute, which has Just com
pleted a study of the problem, says the
New York Times. As a means of re
ducing tliis loss, non-acceptance of re
turn loaves, either through new laws,
or action on the part of bakers, more
efficient deliveries and better quality
of output, are suggested by the institute.
The principal source of loss is the re
turn of bread to the bakers after It
has become unsalable. The institute
quotes the United States food adminis
tration as estimating that in 1017 the
loss from the return of stale bread
amounted to "upward of 000,000 bar
rels" of Hour a year.
The loss varies greatly In different
bakeries In the same city, and at vari
ous times. Replies to questionnaires
sent out by the institute indicated a
very low average on the Pacific coast
and a relatively high percentage In the
northeastern states.
The Food Research institute was es
tablished at Stanford university In
1921, at tho suggestion of Herbert
Hoover, by the Joint action of the uni
versity nnd the Carnegie corporation,
for the study of problems In the pro
duction, distribution nnd consumption
of food. It Is concentrating Its efforts
for the present on problems related to
wheat and wheat products, and it was
as a part of tills work that It studied
certain economic phases of the baking
Losses From Stale Bread.
"Losses from stale bread constitute
an important item of cost for large
numbers of wholesale bakers, and to
some extent for retail bakers as well,"
says a summary of the survey. "Large
stale bread losses tend to raise the
price of bread to consumers and to
threaten the linanclal position of the
baker. Moreover, since stale bread is
largely used for animal feed, or even
for fuel, whenever considerable volume
must be disposed of the loss occasions
a needless waste of food.
"Our study leads to the conclusion
that, under proper conditions, stale
bread losses exceeding 1 per cent of
production are excessive, nnd that a
figure of one-half of 1 per cent is an
attainable standard. Losses above 1
per cent retlect objectionable trade
practices, poor business management
or both.
Acceptance of returns of unsold
bread from dealers is by nil odds the
leading factor in such losses wherever
the loss Is high. Where this practice
prevails the loss is almost sure to be
excessive. The abandonment of the
common practice of taking back un
sold bread from dealers Is essentinl
to the solution of the stole-bread prob
lem. This change of policy would re
duce certain dangers of food contami
nation as well us tend to cut clown
waste. The success of a no-returns
policy, however, requires careful atten
tion to other measures calculated to
Insure that bread reaches the con
sumer fresh.
Needed in Sale of Bread.
The principal requirements are the
following: Dread of a high-keeping
quality must be baked, so that bread
I clay or two old may be readily salable
ns fresh. Keasonnble effort must be
made to keep down the time between
the baking of bread nnd its purchuse
by consumers. Dealers' requirements
must be gauged closely from day to
day, with salesmen's orders at a basis
but with adequate use of weather fore
ousts and other Information concern
ing coming events that affect bread
sales. Production must be adjusted
carefully to requirements, both in
Discarded Fiances
Fly to "Green Peas"
Berkeley, Cal. And now
comes the "Royal and Mystic
Ordei of the Green Pea."
The latest secret society has
been formed on the University of
California campus by discarded
Its object, according to George
Smith, its president. Is to fight
the wiles of cruel co-eds who
play up to men students only to
cast them aside.
The constitution of the order
defines a "green pea" as "one
who has had a hard fall, who
has suffered at the hands of
woman, a man who has been Jilt
ed in love."
The constitution provides also
that the "greenest of the green
peas" shall automatically become
own sales force In securing this ad
justment. Experience In the trade
shows clearly that ;hese measures are
entirely practical.
"If they can meet these require
ments, Individual bakers can success
fully enforce a no-returns policy, even
when competing bakers take tack un
sold bread. Competition, however,
makes it difficult for concerns to adopt
nnd enforce this policy single-handed.
Local agreements among leading
wholesalers not to exchange unsold
bread often afford a practicable
method of abolishing this objectionable
practice. Such agreements are in the
public interest, but they are not easily
adopted, cannot always be enforced,
and tend to break down.
"Stnte laws prohibiting returns of
unsold bread lave recently been
adopted in six states. Their constitu
tionality is sometimes culled in ques-
Here is Mrs. Herbert M. Milan, who
was Miss Claire Lasslat when she
married In San Francisco following a
romance that had Its inception when
she was caught in an animal trap in
the Sierras. She married the man who
came to her aid.
tion, but has not yet been tested. Al
though not yet fully observed, they
have clearly facilitated reduction in
stale bread losses."
Oyster Beds in Atlantic
in Danger of Extinction
Washington,,!.). C. Extinction of the
oysters in Atlantic coast waters is
threatened by continued pollution of
the oyster beds through industrial
wastes, Dr. Thurlow C. Nelson of the
board of shell fisheries and state ex
periment station, New Brunswick, N.
J told delegates to the seventh an
nual convention of the Central Atlan
tic States Association of American
Dairy, Food, and Drugs Officials.
Sixty Days in Jail for Two Kisses.
Des Moines, la. Sixty days In Jail
for two kisses is the price paid by L.
Sharfman, a photographer. Two girls
testified that he had placed the un
welcome caresses upon them.
Alaskans Honor
iarly Explorer
Hospital to Be Built in Memory
of Hudson Stuck, Cowboy,
Reporter and Clergyman.
Seattle, Wash. The Alaskan Indian
and Eskimo friends of the late Hud
son Stuck, cowboy, newspaper re
porter and minister, and finally mis
sionary, explorer and author, are
planning a hospital to bis memory on
a knoll overlooking the Yukon river,
four miles Inside the Arctic circle.
Archdeacon Stuck is the man who
first made the ascent of Mount Mc
Klnley; or, as he called It, Mount
Denali, giving it the Indian name.
The official records of the climb are
among the archives of the American
Geographical society, of which he was
a member, and to which they were
turned over, on his death, two year3
ago, by the Episcopal church, In
whose missionary service he was en
gaged the greater part of his life.
Stuck, who was also a Fellow of the
Royal Geographical society, has re
lated the story of his perilous adven
ture in "The Ascent of Denali," which
was published in 1914.
Distinguished Ancestor.
The blood of Hendrik Hudson
flowed through the veins of Hudson
Stuck. It was probably from this dis
tinguished ancestor that he Inherited
the love of adventure, which carried
amount and In time. Bakers must cul- j him nil the way from cowboy, post
tlvnte the support 01 dealers end their 1 rider and newspaper man in Texas, to
Uncle Sam to Make Fine Dairy Display
Ex-Officer Surrenders.
Boston William R. Allen, ex lieu-
nant governor of Montana, surrend
ered to the police here Monday night.
Indictments churned him Willi l;irc.,nv
f 1600.000. the property of the Bos
on Montana Corporation and eonnnlr.
to steal monies of the Boston-
1000 Macedonians Slain.
Vienna. A dispatch from Sofia de-
1000 Macedonians were killed
and I00C taken prisoner during a battle
Sunday between Bulgarian regulars
nnd tVniitatcht bands. The battle
took place on the rocky mountain, Irln
I'lanlna. Premier Stamboullsky has
ordered the urrest of the political lead
ers of the Macedonian separatist move
ment, including Thomas Koladoehe-
noff, ex general procurator of Bui
Two I. W. W. Sentenced.
Sacramento. Cal. William Flanagan
and Albert Strangland, members of
Mic.ui.1 i.ewiopmcnt company, the the Industrial Wnrt f ...u
Montana Southern Railway company were aentnoH s,,i,,hv ,...., , '
MM the Boston Montana Mining i one to 14 years in San nr.
an mree suDsidhir es Thev wor.. vi,..,.i i.. ........
..t .1. . i w u,"i
K"" i orporation. charges of criminal syndicalism
6 - ,.:
his life work for the Episcopal
church in the frozen north. An arch
deacon of the Yukon, Stuck, In 1917,
established St. Stephen's hospital at
Fort Yukon, and through that unpre
tentious institution, was instrumental
In saving the lives of hundreds of In
dians and Eskimos, and not a few
"bite men of a dozen nationalities, to
whom the little log hospital was the
finn 1,... .... m . . .
.,u,cii ui saiety and succor with
in a radius of a thousand miles of
Arctic wilderness.
During his career In Alaska, Stuck
covered literally thousands of miles
In his journeys by dog-sled and motor
launch and not Infrequently afoot
ministering to his charges, extending
a helping hand to all In need, and
noting by the way those details of
life and adventure which, in "Ten
Thousand Miles With a Dog-sled,"
"Voyages on the Yukon nnd Itm Trihn.
tarles," and "A Winter Picnic r....
Arctic Coast." have been read by thou
sands of lovers of the open road and
the upward trail. Long before his
fame ns an explorer nnd an author
bad spread over the civilized world he
had become known throughout the
territory for his humanitarian work,
nnd it Is chiefly ns the missionary and
friend of the nativ- that he Is known
In that region today.
Stuck's Grave Indian Shrine.
When he died two years ago and
was burled, according to his wish, In
the native graveyard not far from the
hospital and church which he had es
tablished, the natives erected a cross
over the hillock, which Is today their
shrine. Stuck Is to them a "dry
wood" man. Among the 81 wash, the
wise man In making camp selects, In
stead of green or soggy timber, that
which is dry nnd seasoned nnd will
therefore burn kri and furnish both
light and heat. So. in tl.o T,b..t,
i u rv iiiiii
1 language of the Yukon the native
prnying at the grave of Stuck say of
him. thnt "His light burns bright and
won't go out."
Not content with the cross which
marks his grave, the natives at t re
cent meeting determined tn oni.,.
and improve the hospital which he
founded and make It n permnnont
memorial to him. Th
mos. Indians, trappers, traders and
miners present at the meeting as
well as representatives from the adja
cent posts of the Presbyterian Rom in
Catholic. Methodist and 'Baptist
churches, in all about thirty or forty
men, nnd within a few minutes $l Toi)
was subscribed toward the fund of
$25,000 necessary for the purpose
Since then, according to Dr. Grafton
Burke, the physician in charge nt
Fort Yukon, contrihut'ons received In
sums of from 25 cents to 10, anrl
coming mcstly from the natives, have
swelled the amount to $9,000 ' It a
expected that the friends and admlr-
ers or nu.ison Muck, those who hav
Preparation of the largest and most extensive single exhibit feature ever
undertaken by the I'nlted States Porttif ml of Agriculture Is now under way
In the office of exhibits in Washington. It Is being constructed to portray the
development of the dairy Industry of the country, and will be shown at the read and entoved his tank
National Dairy show In Syracuse. N. Y.. in October. The exhibit will com- , .," ' an'' M,
bine model of a dairy farm and a background painted so as to complete the iCal societies of the CeiteH J" gra,)n"
Illusion of a vast farm. Charles A. Corwin Is shown above working ou the tm.l.n,i .m tea states and
, "I'ctTiujr maKe up the
balance of the fund.
treat puluting.