The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, May 25, 1923, Image 1

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VOL. 2
Number 1 1
Moscow. Leonid Krassin, Russian
soviet representative in London, is un
officially understood to have been in
structed to inform the British foreign
office that Russia cannot yield in prin
ciple from its recent note replying to
the British ultimatum. The instruc
tions, it is said, were sent as the re
sult of a soviet government conference
Whi!o wflPig to mak- - '"tnpor-
ary a;'... .ga, regari i.ihlag
rights of the British trawlers off Mur
mansk coast, such as limiting the ter
ritorial zone and adjusting other sec
ondary points pending general negotia
tions, Russia still insists that the dif
ferences between the two countries
can only be adjusted by a conference.
i rho annual meeting of the Or?-
'i Co-operative Hay growers was!
!il in Hermiston Monday, May 21.
A fren oral r-port on the work of
the year showed that the association
i rieclSsd an average of nearly
$15.00 per ton f. o. b. cars for No. 1
hay, which was approximately $2.50 i
above the average received for the;
iame grade of hay from Yakima val-'
' 'V, Which has more favorable freight :
rat es.
II v.ns considered by the mem
bers present that the association this
year had made a very favorable
showing and it was generally ex-
rfi vrth more tonnage bet
tor, 'iricea at less operating cont
could easily be secured.
In ci mil der it Ion of the report that
the Yakima County Farm bureau
had passed resolutions calling a
racking of northwest hay growers to
consider the possil fitly of organis
ing a larger association, it was voted
that the Oregon association send a
delegation of at least five members
io attend this conference. If wn!I
generally expressed that them ms
i t Ha rms mum mi mm
in last
week s Issuo we overiooke.i
g two weddings,
rinia Strader and Wesley
Mow a Debt Can Pe Put to Work to Increase Earnings
Thrift and Loans Go Hand in Hand to
Aid the Industrious.
iTi.d at 1
PIn i
12. h an:'
.1 Beech a i
Hood BiV
Mr. am!
'll nAAfl nf 1111 On o " IWBnlwi
Intensive Military Drill Will Begin tion.
June 17 at Camp Lewis.
Tacomii, Wash. June 17 will find
Camp Lewis and vicinity a scene of in
tensive activity, as approximately 7000
regular army and national guard
troops, arriving on foot, by rail and
by air, will settle themselves int i
quarters for two weeks of energetic
The majority of these men will be
national guard troops of Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana and Wyom
ing about 5000 altogether. Of these:,
more than 4100 will be officers and
men of the 41st division; 700 will b:
officers and men of the 14Gth fieiii
artillery; 84 will come from Walji
Walla in battery A, 186th corps artil
I'nder IV
'i-"1 new di
Baker of F
sorve beaii
npss, Rn
pincQ. i ne directors tor ttie en-nine
car are: F. L. .Tewett. Loe Savelv
e head of election, onlv
meter was elected. F. A.
tanffe'd being unable to
se or other pressing busl
TL TT. Iters taking' his
The true use of debt in personal and busirrss affairs
remains something of a puzzle to many people. To some the
very word "debt" signifies misf&rtune, while others merely fail
to understand the wajs in w.-ikh they can put a debt to work
(or them to increase their earnings. The Committee on Public
Education of the American tankers Association has under
taken in the following discussion of how and why bank loan
money to clear up these misunderstandings:
Some people think that to incur a foi tue ie uf tne ni ,nev. He (,ileu
debt at the bans is unwise, or a r.?- Credits .Mr Smith with tne pr.icee.u
faction on their business Utndln . of ibe note, or 48.1 IVnm H i- not
ihis is not the ca-ie where t!,e debt
Ib contracted for legitimate business 1
purposes, Incurring debt to live b
y u:d one's income Is scmethirg ne
thrifty person would' do. and careless 1
u ;e of credit leads to extravagance i
and disaster, but wise borrowing is
an encouragement to thrift and la j
d us try
The first 'unction of the banker Is
to euro irnge Industry and thrift so 1
that a large fund of bRDH deposits '
may be accumulated This fund is
tawley J Tlnm. A. W. Cobb, .7. A. Often likened to a reservoir in win-ill
.T. A
W. rteddow.
FOBS, N. II. Itees, Geo.
Roger W. Marse, for several years
county agant In Wyoming, has been
named county agent in Morrow
comity following a conference be
tween representatives of the agricul
tural college and the countv court
I nTlfi la rn llii, lK 11,1.. ....l- i 1,
. ... v.. ..... jvi. mi tu rn , llHrmx
Mixing with these men in the traU" j di'von through from Wyoming, ar
lag; scheme will be aJl the regular army j riving in Heppner Saturday. Mr.
units permanently stationed at Camp ; Morse was one of the best county
Lewis. ag ints In Wyoming, according to F.
P. Ballard of the college extension
Idaho Wool Sale Brings $537,000.
Boise, Iduho. Approximately 1,250.
000 pounds' of wool was sold to Qeorg
service. He is a native of the state
of Washington and a graduate of the
Wn hington State College, class of
Colby, representing the American I lfitft. Only the fact that the coast
Woolen Mills, by J. E. Clinton, wo,,
grower of this city. The sale repr.
sents the largest individual sale ev. ;
made in the stata of Idaho. The pric;.
paid for this wool is understood to
have beenS cents a pound, at whici
figure the price would be JfoiiT.OOO.
Seventy-Six Lose Lives in School Fir
Camden, S. C. Seventy-six persons
half of them schogchildren, lost their
lives in a ghastly, tragic fire which
swept through an old country school
house six miles south of here.
The terrible tragedy occurred at
what is known as the Cleveland school.
Between 150 and 200 persons were
gathered in the schuol house for grad
nation exercises.
is his home country and the home of
his relatives made it possible to brinp
hi i from his former position. While
in Wyoming Mr. Morse was directly
responsible for the organization and
su cessfal direction of the first Wy
oi lag State 1'otato Show held last
Mr. Morse will immediately get in
touch with the extension pro1ect3 In
the county wher Mr. Calkins left
iii . i and will give particular atten
iion to seed Improvements, improve
ment in range methods and the de
velopment of copper carbonate as a
treatment for smut. Heppner Her-
At. the call of the executive coin-
Portland 1 mittee, the Yakima Farm bureau
... , .' , . ' held a mass meeting of hay grow
Wheat Hard white, $1.30; soft , f., the Y. M. C. A. uildlng Sat
white, $1.22; westej-n white, $1.23: irday, May 1!) to dls-rss the advis
hard winter, $1.16; northern spring i ' ol organising hay growers
o"i;i;ion upon a wjtte program
Representatives or the Oregon Hay
waier is accumulated for eommunitf
needs. The banker then loans frOOJ
tl'is fund to those conducting the
business of the community.
The bnnker bases credit on what
sre known as the three C's of cred t
-Character, f'apTcity and Captal.
Tharartrr is an Imp ratlvp business
qualification Allied with character
Is Capacity Before making a loan i
bunker takes In'o con ddemtion the
capacltf of the sppl'nsnt that Is, bis
s'lility to earn through his honesty
and his Industry Capital Is a man's
worth In money, merchandise, slocks
and bonds or lands, which may be
?'ven as collateral In securiflV of a
oan to make it snfet "
Let us consider the business trans i
actions of Mr. Smith, the storekeep
er He finds, with h! business In
creasing, that he needs a larger "tock
of gecls. Also. som of his rust.' i
rs do not piy cash. a"d their to
counts must be ear-led until "psy
day." He must have more money f,,r
nil easiness, no be goes to bis bank-r
for advice The banker risks Mr.
Smith i.i subtnll a sta'em nt "f ht
bUSlPenS, s"OWtiiy w! a he owls HPi
what he owes He knows Smith's
cl'irnc'er and responsibility Lorn h's
Observation of his dealings and from
the confidence Ktaei people have in
him. If he finds Mt Smith's state
ment, and the progress he Id maei-.g,
satlsfnctorv he will be gird to con
aider the best method of loaning him
the needed foods
How Morev Is Loaned
Vnney i losnei by hanks on
straight notes, oi lnd"r ert notes, on
n bt"s r eel va hie
i-cepta-ces Mr. j
d hv the hank r
'se he hes infie ent m"n. y
er Rnd mtnases It well,
vri'l ex end him credit srlth '
Utting n" anv security he- i
own wed of holier, evi-
$1.16; red western, $1.15.
Hay Alfalfa, $20 per ton
timothy, $26; eastern Oregon timothy,
Butter Fat 41c.
Kggs Ranch, 2324c.
Cheese Tillamook cream, 2728e;
Young Americas, 28029c; block Swiss.
3335c; cream brick, SI 33c.
Cattle Choice steers, $7.50 7.75;
medium to good, $7.o07.50.
Sheep Choice spring lambs, $11'?;
12; medium spring lambs, $10ig,ll.
Hogs Prime light, $8.008.50 ;
smooth heavy, $7.00 8.00.
Wheat Hard nhite, $1.26; soft
white, western white. $1.24; hard red
winter, soft red winter, northern
spriug and western red, $1.19.
Butter Fat 41 ft 43c.
Eggs Ranch, 2228c.
Cattle Prime steers. $7."08.50;
medium to choice. $6.50 7.50.
Hogs Prime lght. $8.509.00:
jmooth heavy, S7.50ii8.50.
aid on
Smith n
that, her
In his bi
the bank
Olli his
vend lib
derced I;
Let us
mix) in nit
his bm!f
has oon
Hint of
"S A
. rlr ?
, ..... itjipuiu any ,n LllCIi
at ions.
a '"' 'er Su
il' f lira! nger
'1 known agrl-
the O. W. R. R.
or ( -ed "
to the ', i"'
for any pof
ii for an v t'
p'.' tfiine bi
i"i, eia'd
?ke out a
1! of this
ix months
eeds, sny.
nays re win rrc rp r"'m tits e) i
tQKtomers eLough money to re., iv
this- amount. He therefor n.skei a
slx'y day no'p. v.'hi::li tie birkir
"dlsccunts" at the p-eva Hng rate n?
Mtereet, let m s.-iy 6 per cent, and
places 'he procee'ts to Mr. ?mtth's
credit Hew much does e credit to
Mr Sm t's afcount? Six per eent
on $'in(t for sixty days is $5 Tiv
amount thp barker AedUCtl a- Ihe
time the note is made. It helnf the
Interest which hi charg s Mr Smith
Counties Cannct Hire "Dry" Workers
Salem. Or. Neither the county court
nor any other county official has auta
ority to employ investigators to work
on the prohibition law enforcement
and pay them from the general funds
of the county, according to an opinion
of Attorney-General Van Winkle.
S- V. t'o.. Stated that the hay grow-i IS'M He e tl.nnt- e tSit wi'Mn s'rty
-rs inu'-t have stable prices, end that
w rybody knew they had lost mo-e.-for
the pa.t f-everal yean, Be stated
fnr'bir that thr only wav that price-?
Id be si. obliged was by the grow
ers t hem-el'-'s.
One of the representa'lve hav
r of l he valley told th mret-
thai lf '.-fs lt't possible for dal
to StabtlfTte prices unless the
?: lrrs thnmsetreg took the lnltia-1
Ive; tha' dealers must buy as cheap-1
ly as po-i'le in order to compete j
for bttalaoas. He further stated that
ll. Otlly wav to get cort of produc- I
ion was by an scttve oraanira'ion.
POTther disemssion among (he
nerobers brought out the fact 'hp
h. re wa n wide mriMmpnt In favor:
f an orgnnirafioa, provided it i
otild be assured that a sufficient
VoIurm of hn.'iness could be coonred ,
o really stabillrp prices, and that
oiiip System of finanet-ig for the as-'
o - aiion and Its members must he
vorked Oflt, If -was the feeling of
he n resident of the farm bureau
hr this could he accomplished.
After "oin efnr'her rfi.piiFsfon the
-.,r c0,,,o further dl.:cus.'on the
1 to eaj! a larger mm; ng em
reng the er'lre northwest, at
.x-b'rh 'he rot"s'MI!tv of such an or
ganization was to be thoroughly d'
"iissed. pjrh an orcrtnlzation. ff
iiue in sixty days Mr. Smitii has re
reived paym in from bis customers
led he pays the b.:n' 509 Til.
b. nk niar!; Ibe note paid and return.
It to Mr Sm th.
if Mr, Smith's business cotul' Iok
:,re not s-fii-b ntl Strong to war
runt granting iiun unsecured credit ili
bunker might s,ay to Mr Smith, "I J
to help you. but you will have t.i (,'.
tie ludorsemeni of your friend. Mi
Jeues." Jones is known to the bank
er as a very reliable and rep.ns bli
business man S.iou.d be be w I in
to help Mr Smlih he will write hii
name on the back of ..Ir Smith's noli
rfi'ii it Mintli cannot pay Ibe note I
wi.en due Mr Jones will hive to pay
In another case the banker, stil'
anxious to h !p Smith. ilghl say. "1
an w illing to loi n you up to $2 600
but yon must secure the loan with the
goods which you purchar. for tbst
amiunt mid w th sump additional
g(Is" Sir Smith would have t(.
warehouse ibe mi rcbsndlse used a
collateral in such a way thai it nitghi
be easily id n titled tbrougb wikp
bouse receipts as be ng the bank'
iroperty until the note is paid It
jjniltb linally f umd himself unable t.
he banker coffld sell the mer
claudise and use ihe proceeds to pa
tii - note if the gi ,.:!s brought more
than the ani.-ufit of the note the ban1,
would pay the excess to Mr Smith
if the amount were not enough th
hnk would look m Mr Saiiib to
make good lie difference.
Mortage Loan
Loans mkiiiiisi larin lands, called
moitgiue loans, are freipi'-nily made
in Country .lisirl.U. If Mr Smith.
Inching an Indorser or sufflclenj col
la-pral or business stand ng. owned a
farm free of ilebt he might give a
: mortgage on it as security.
The proceduri would be Somewhat
different from loaning against mer
1 Chandlse The law. realizing the use
fu place farm sad borne owners oc
j ettpy, protects llier I, a special man
ner It says to the lender. In case of
; default .n a mortgage lean. "You
must give tl'is owner .if land one
yenr after serving no'K that you ex
peci to sell his land to pay the
mortgage and r deem the d ibt. This
Is called the period of redemption.
Mr Smith has s ill another method
open to ohta'n funds f'em his banker
H ha - so d s-.v. a $r,()0 b'll of mer
chsndlse to Mr Brown, a dealer in a
mailer community, who must sell
the goods to his own customers be
fore he ran t.e.v Smith. Sulth says to
trowT "If u ct, n't pav cash give
me a n!n ty iley no e. I will discount
it and get Immedls'e cash on it from
my bank I will have to pay 6 per
w hi Interest io do so, and I shall
wanl you to pay that interest." Mr
I it-own agrees and makes bis ninetj
lay note for tr.uo with Interest at 6
P t cent. Mr Btrttb talcs this note
to the bank, which advances him
credit r-;r $.100 V.iien t hp liank col
1-cts tiie note fiom Hmwr nln-ty
days later It receives $607.60, the
added $7 B0 being the 6 per cent In
rresl cha.-iTp f-r the use meanwhile
of the money 'or the niu ty day p
rlod of the note.
These are iHp virions ways In
which He bunk serves Its community
by placing, throurb .leans, the accu
uiulated thrift i ' tf e community a
the di poaai 'if bus ueas and industry
! Chanoy are milking their hone
I gi 'r.iiisl Veil for the lres nt Whore
he is ! p'.oyed as a w-.lder with tin
O.W.RR. & Co., and Mr. and Mrs.
v ! ol I .Vot! River, where he is
orklttg as signal man for the same
mipany. The tvo voting couple
"io betit wishes of ilu-'r man'
friends. '
J. I.. Ilullard. in addition to being
ortunate la having his bouse burn I
down a couple of weeks ago, woe
ielt.d up and "i n back kinked
whll leveling land wi !i a four horss
Frssno. He is on a forced vacation
at this writing but says he is Ira-
v is getting house
polished up Inside and
of kalsomlne on thi
applied itiBldr and the
rnished and a couple
paint applied ouiiid.
the work un-
Tha work of making a final suiv. y
i.-.:d classification of the lauds uml r
the greater Wenuichee Irrigation pr. i
.ct Is proceeding as rapidly as possible
under direction ol Bnglnears Appleby
aid Turner. The former is working
tfltb a cr w- on the portion lying east
ji the Columbia ilver ai.d the lattBi"
In the Moses coulee.
K. 1). Handloy, attorney of Portland
and formerly corporation commission
er of Oregon, t.6s arrived In Olympia
to spend the remainder of the month
In assisting Secretary of state Hinkie
in formulating the policy and sysMn
of operation under the new Washing
ton stale "blue sky" law, which ba
ronies eff- etive Jure 7
Of COil's
i. K. Mumau is dotn
der contract.
r",,e man who work
rol for a couide of weeks took sl"t
"Hi decided to go hang hlms-df.
T,o v as a stranger and v-nq found
hanging to e tree In the willows on
f'ni ii .-,!.(:, north of Ballev sid'ng.
Some boys found him two days after
Eat and Dvin's
AT the
B. i. McWKIll.V, Prop.
Indleton, Oregon
Only tile Beat PoodS S.rvcd
Fancy Ice Creams
Furnished Rooms over Cafe
Julofc Service launch Counter
in ronnertlon I' ith MninR rooni
Km Are Welcome Here
e - - -
Dr. A. H. Johnston
Phyaclan ami Burgeon
Calls answered at all hours
In Boardman Wednesday and Satur
day mornings.
Office phone M 151 Res. M
Xi'liniiton. Oregon.
3 3 2
1 f-.
'I bn
Arltngtoo, Oregon
on new ditches and Wool Scoured and ( leaned
UN far lliill, ,! M,u,M
the Inrgo pipe 11n'.i
ii.tiiivNkfH .ui.i run inuile to oiiler
Try our VM Rutin. They sntlsly
Wlicilesnle uml Retail
Id from across the snii'h side
ind hone to gt thl work done in
h i-.-i lew days. Thin once don"
't will . (ii he a grenl task to Irrigate
he whole town in shorl order.
Mr. and Mrs, Olen Brown and Mr,
and Mrs. Hrne-if Prown were mi fro u
rtoardmatl Sunday for a loud of
CnnnlnK powders are unnecessary
'n canning fiuiis and Vegetables lf j
prod ic's nre carefully prepared j
"d scientific directions followed, i
'.dug sue!) powers en'ourages care-
" !"; -s in work and th i use of food
filch 1; unsound and unfit to oat.
'hey may prevent the decay of the
ruM or VSgetabts but tbe'r exten
i e use may be Injurious tO heullb.
The .ore food law prohibits can-:
ling powders in commercially can
icd ''nods in order to protect people
ul it cannot keep woman from ua
R Ihoi i and in this wuy giving thrdr
aminos fi r is which the government
rould not ii rmit commercial con
(d escent Iiatt & Reddinj? Co
ST.YT, )RU(;)N
L'matilla Pharmacy
W. Ii Smith, Crop.
Mail orders given special sttan
Hon. Quick Service
Satisfaction QnnnintoWl
Umatilla, Oregon 1
l- MH e'(..
j; I Sell
I! insurance
Favorable fondi'lrns now prevail i
n the dairy Indu try, due to better I
i i conditions and Increased export i
'rade in the United states during the
set war. Prjoss of da'ry products
v rage higher th-ui last year, be-
" e r-f the Increnee In httvlng power
f laboring mln. Production Is I
homing considerable Increase but It
i believed that consumpllon will
n pneo for Bca-onable sur-j
j J. C. Ballenger
I Boardman - Oregon Z
No Clemency Vdp by Krupp..
Duesseldorf. The saDtsacas imps,
ed by the recent court martial u.o
Dr. rupp von Boh'.eu and thi '
Al en Emplcyes' Jobs Are Secure.
Saiem, Or. The citizenship quail
flcajtiOB act passed by the last legisia
'ire applies only to those who hold
Krupp directcra tried for inst.v.i! ut', public office, either by elect on or ap
opposition to the French at the Krupi pointment, and docs not apply to em
plant at the time of the shooting on p!oy;s of the state or its numerous
March 31, were confirmed by the i .1 ' 'ubdivisious, according to Attorney
of revisions. The. convh tad nun ... 'i nt-ral an V.'mkie, who ho hoids In
be traubferrod to prisons in France
m opinion
to Secretary of Stat.
Stite "Dry" Agents to Govern Doctors
Washington, D. C State prohibi j
tlon directors were authorized by Com
SSlaaiOBM Haines to handle physlcian'f
peimits for liquor prescriptions, a func
or. nd. would nsnire the dairymen of tior. performed heretofore by the pro
i staMinad fnr?g markat, and the b.bition bureau itseif.
hay grower cost of production. J
Bryan Lcs. Ch'jrci Honor.
Irdia iapollg, UuL Dr. Clmtles F.
.Vishr. :. r. s -if Wooslcr college
.VojStr, O., maj eiectsd :-ralo.
f gtser! asscr.tly of the Presby
erJM def.-at i;g W.iliam Jeu
-' It'- th.; J ballot.
Can only fre"h, sound ftul's and
"g. 'tables. The canned article can
ot be any betti r than the article
as befors h was put In the can.
Ifoiis" work Is less fa'lgulng If
he windows are kept open.
Baldwin Made British Premier.
London. - Stanley Baldwin, chan
itllor of the eSChaqusr In the old
knar Law ministry, has been made
remler Of Oreat llrltain to succt-ed
lloiiar Law, who resigned because ol
ill heullb.
ludae Day Resigns Clslrns Comm ssion
W shlngtcn, D. C William K. Day,
ormei asboclute justice of the Unite.,
itates supreme court, resigned as uin
;ilre of the (lerman-Amerlcan mixtu
claims comm ss on.
When Stibecriptliins Kvplre
The Post Office Ruling
The right of publishers t.
extend in good fnllb cretlll on
Subscriptions In recognized uml
in not in- abridged, and nl
thoagb nil TObecriptl ins are
ragrstlad ns evniring with the
period for iiiib tle-y were ob
talnod) in'i-illidis, in order
to give hii opp irtnnlty to se.
i ore renewals, copies of Ibelr
pilblli nl I ins will lie iieeepl.'d
fur niiiiiii.g ga in snbacrfhon nl
the iisimi sooondeliUM rntas of
Niitiigc for n pCfti il of one
yenr fman ibe dste of exrdra
tion, but on pies sesrl to persons
aftef ntM vur ftntn the date
or the explication or their sub
seripHons, gnlens saris ni-
SCriptlOM h" cvpri'.sly ri'iirivcd
for n dOflllttO HlIM, together
with mi in uml payment of iub
n riptiaa or n natM ffdo urotnlse
i nevroent, will not i- aeoaptad
et Ihe nnund rts but ni be
nceepteii nt the transient second
Ihis rule or one rent for each
rmir panoae, or rnution therei
of iiri'iml'l by Ntuuix KfftxadL