The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, May 18, 1923, Image 4

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IIMniii;niiii "" "
Frances Blayden, '23 Editor
Truman Messenger, '24 Asst.Edltor
Zoe Hiidley, '2 4 Joke Editor
With this issue t
the Utellum will
top dsk, close t
tor a time amont
berry pickers.
le editorial staff of
pull do1
down the roll
or and wander
haymaker and
Thi. r-imnl vwtr of 1923 has pass
ed into history and we wish to thank
the student body and faculty mem
hers who have come to our rescue
when print cony was scarce and hard
to get. We have endeavored at all I
times to maintain a high standard
and to uphold the dignity and honor,
of the lloardman community school.!
May our successors return next year
to unfurl our banner and carry on
the work we have begun. We wish
von all a pleasant vacation.
the state superintendent.
The Seventh grade and a num
ber of their parents went on a picnic
to the "Green House" Thursday.
Games were played and everything
was enjoyed as a real picnic should
f MMM a MatfrC--3i 9 Vt :--. HIMIIIIMItM
M. E. Shurte traded bib I'ord to
Mrs. C. "IOdward, can you tell me
who made the best soldiers?"
Edward: "Why, auburn haired
men, for they're always 'reddy'."
Francis G. "No, Sir, nigger sol
diers are the best, for they are fast
colors and never run."
Glen Brown for his Dodge.
Ira Berger and wife motored to
Portland Monday for a few days'
Mrs. Leo Root and Richard left
for i'ortland on No. 1 Wednesday
(Men Browii has moved the garage
from Messner to the Lee Mead
The graduation exercises at
auditorium Friday night marked
closing ot the Board man school,
large and appreciative audience
ambled and Beating capacity
taxed to the limit.
Every number of the program was
excellent in character and well ren
dered. The program la published on an
t her page of the Mirror.
t he
Some commonly used ads:
Wanted A bright, smart
man to be partly outside and
behind the counter.
St. Benard dog for sale, will
anything) very fond of children.
Great fire sale now going
go elsewhere to be cheated
ea l
me in
Senior Picnic!
accompanied by Mrs.
the names of those
neither absent nor
school year and
perfect record of
Following are
who have been
tardy during th
therefore have
Catherine Berger. Robert
Kathyro Brown, Mildred Allen
Bailey, Harden Beck, Mildred
Avis Brwln
The above
ceivc c'ertifli
i, Oran
ind Verrel Woodanl.
named students will re
in;; of attendance from
! ' Th
McDaniela, Zoe Hadley and Mr. Guy
Leo, spent a most pleasant day down
on the river Thursday, May 10th.
Boats were secured for the occasion
and "eats," too. Sandwiches, pick
les, cakes, deviled eggs and punch,
all of which was devoured hastily
by the happy crowd. The boys
brought their mils and base balls, al
so the 164b abet; which the girls
even practiced throwing.
Irrigon schools closed Friday. May
Mill, and two graduates received
their diplomas from the school. I.. vie
Dean Seaman and Harvey G. Warner.
Prof. Hopkins from Pacific tiniver
city delivered the graduation address
and It was very good. He made it
very plain so that all might clearly
understand him. I'rof.' Grover fol
lowed up with a few words appro
priate for the occasion. Miss ('orri
gan relumed to her home al MrMlnn
Vltte Saturday and Miss Shells on
Sunday night, and Mrs. Eggleslon
went to PaSCO, her future home, Sat
urday, and i'rof. Grover went on a
nip in Washington Monday. Mrs.
Warner the fifth teacher took up her
duties al their home near Bailey.
We expect to be able to announce a
full list or teachers for next term at
an early dale.
. .
rigon berries are of
too. Oregonian, May
First cutting of
Several tracts were
I he past week.
the first class,
hay has
Irrigon red raspberrlt
Price Quoted later.
s June 10th
New potatoes about
Top prices,
Jane sth to 12th
Mis. John Brice left last Friday
for a Viet with her sister, Mrs. Ben
nett of Ridgefield, Washington.
At the haygrowers meeting Sat
urday A. W. Cobb was unanimously
re-elected director for the coming
Archie Cumins and wife are vis
ing here with his father, Eugene
Cumins. We understand that they
will soon leave for California to reside.
gooseberries are now niov-
We are not yet very big but wo are
here w hat I here is of us.
The base ball game between Irri
gon hchool and Fine Gity failed to
materialize Tuesday. The Bine City
boys did net come over lor some
reason. It Is alleged I bat Prof.
Grover notified I hem not lo come be
fore he left but tailed to tell our
hoys aiiylhing about it The girls,
however, had a big feed all prepar
ed and so they had a Hue picnic and
the hoys can say they did not care lo
play ball anyway.
Mrs M. F Wadsworth broke a
muscle in her leg Saturday morning
Jumping over an Irrigating ditch
back oT the house. Seems an addi
tional supply of water come down
without any advance notice and she
made a jump across to head off
some of it. I. vie Seaman look her
lo the dOCtsr at llermislon. She Is
doing nicely al this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe and daugh
ter, from Spokane were Irrigon vis
itors a lew days last week. Their
daughter went on the train to Port
land Monday, while Mr and Mrs
Monroe returned to Spokane in
their auto. Ibex enjoy coming to
Irrigon now and then lo look after
their Interests here and gel their I
minds off their dally work for a da
or two.
Mr. Wright and Son, manufactur
ers of automobile tops In Hood Itiv
or, were in Irrigon Wodnesdax solic
iting business and were very much
surprised lo find that We bad ripe
strawberries. He says Hood Rtvei
berries will not be on for two weeks
To I he Honorable City Council and
Voters of the City of Hoardman:
In dm mattor of the municipal
water supply for the people of Hoard
man, are you sure you are on the
right track? Fan Hie city of Hoard
man build her own water system
and get away with II
Let's see. You are about lo vote
011 tin' proposition of issuing $2500
in warrants tor the purpose of build
ing said system. Can you do it
with that much money, and can you
pay tho first payment of interest
when due? Interest on 2IU the
first ix montha is $100. tyhege
la it coming from?
The city is now In debt some
thing over $300. llesides I his the
attorney lee must be paid out of Ibis
$2500, which will leave barely azimi
lo build and equip said water ss
The lank or reservoir will cost
in the neighborhood of $500, and
the hole in the ground 150 feet deep
will cost close to $1000; the eng ne
and pump and pump house will cost
another $500, which makes $2000
and you are just started.
Itemeber there are no mains on
the west side of town and If you
want the people to take water and
pa for It the water main should be
run to their properly line if
A. T. Irvine and family plan to
leave soon for their former home in
Missouri, making the trip overland
in their car.
L. V. Woodard and family leave
this week in their family car for a
horl visit to Spokane. Then (hey
peel to return here and ship their
household goods lo The Dalles, at
which place Mr. Woodard has accept
ed a position.
Majestic range, brass iron bed
omplete , enamel iron bed, dining
table, three chairs, buffet, couch,
sanitary couch and spread, library
table, hall seat with mirror, one
white dresser, one brown commode,
ill for $125.00 cash. See O. H.
Warner, I'.oardnian, Ore.
Because of the fact that the 8th
.;rade examinations are given the
Urst week of school and there is not
lime to get the returns and find out
who passed successfully no Sth grade
graduating exercises were held. It
ieems as though the dates for the
a minal ions might be moved a week
or so ahead so that such exercises
night be held here.
We hear that Nate Macoiiiber has
been selected for janitor for the
ichool house for Ihe next year. We
know that Mr. Macumber will do his
'est and that if it Is humanly possi
ble we will have heat and light and
Water at all times and the best pos
lble sanitary conditions.
The directors for the Federal
Farm Loan for this dltrict met at
he residence ot 11. 11. Weston Friday
evening to vote on a director for the
orlhwosl District and to transact
ither business. All were present ev
il to Mrs. Watklns of Irrigon. The
gentlemen look their wives with
hem and while the men transacted
iiisiness the ladies enjoyed a visit
.villi the hostoss.
Chas. Dillon took a load of
sheep to Arlington Monday for
Mul key. They were sold to
Mooney, of the meat market,
Weighed 200 pounds each.
Mike Marshall, who took his sheep
to Castlerock to be sheared, brought
them homo last week. He has been
very successful with his sheep this
year and has over 1200 lambs.
Chas. Harrington has four acres of
Water melons planted and is now put
ting in an acre of musk melons.
Irrigon is only one day ahead of
us in the strawberry crop Theirs
v. is on the market May 3rd and
ours on May 4th.
Hillla S. Belts and wife of Grand
View, Wash., old time friends of O.
II. Warner and family, made a fly
ing call at the Hiway Inn last Satur
day. Mr. Bells is the manager or
the Grand View Motor Co., and was
.in his way to Pendleton on business,
hut wanted to see old friends here
and also the Boardman country.
A new garage and milk house have
been erected on the Ray Broxvn
ranch by Messrs. Cohoew and Kutz
ner. When these are completed
they will build an addition to the
barn. Mr. Brown is going into the
dairy business on a large scale and
when all this building is completed
will have one of the finest places on
the project.
O. W. L.
(On With Laughter)
WANTED Men, women and chil
dren In every community to send
a post card for Sunset's big, inter
esting Gift Catalogue just out.
Hundreds of useful, valuable re
wards in return for a little "spare
time". Address Catalogue Dept.,
The funniest thing about us is,
that we always cheer loudest when:
the orator tells us we are a great j
people , jl
Another case of selfishness
Is Jeremiah Heath
He takes his food in capsules
So ho can save hie teeth
! The best equipped
; Shoe Repair Shop
in Pendleton
120 West Court Street
. Chauncy Depew is right about it
when he says the world is getting
better and better. Time was when
men took a bath on Saturday night
and went to church on Sunday. Now
they drink moonshine whiskey and
dance 07 hours.
We pay parcel post
charges, OneWay
Love is the quality that persuades
the stenographer to marry the boss
and work for him thereafter without
a salary. 1
Men's Half Soles
$1.50 I
$1.15 I
don't do
can BX pe
and pay
1 Hit
can 1
see how yOU
o take water
I n
don t
saying the people
are not entitled to
(There is nothing too
Aleck Warren, who has been near
Heppner shearing sheep, spent Fri
day and Saturday with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hendricks took
their nephew, Buster Breeden, to
The Dalles Wednesday to have his
broken arm reset. The bone was
healing nicely, but Buster, who is
only nine years old, was not very
careful in using it and consequently
it now has to be reset.
Bought for Cash A Bankrupt Stock of
Army and Navy Goods
Including a Large Stock, of Shoes, Priced to Meet
the Workingman's Approval.
All leather shoes with Work
heavy soles A good
shoe for rough wear at
a money saving price.
Shirts Men's
blue grey and khaki in
good, materials from
79c to $1.10
All sizes
issue, $100; and then after another
dx months, principal, $IS00, and ln
crest $100. Now that means at the
ind of 12 months, $500. In the bud
get for 102:1 is another 500 tor
he city. That means on all told,
51,000. On the budget lor 1022'
or $025 about one-haU has been
aid in. If the city can't get this
iow are they going to (el any more
in top of that? Hesides, lo come
inyway near making the system
iffldenl the city will need around
"i000 feet of 4-inch water main and
note fire hydrants, hose, etc. How
ire you going to gel them with the
ueasly sum of $2100?
Of course the man who pays ought
to be entitled to the best his money
will buy no more, no less and be
llies, I am not in favor of voting a
tehl on any one else that 1 don't
have to meet and then slide out
from under.
Let's go! I will abide by the de
cision of the majority.
Uespect fully submitted.
O II. Warner,
Due of Boardman'a citizens.
Hotel Dorion, I'endlelon, is still
the house of welcome.
Army and Navy Store
Pendleton, Oregon
In (Jouroy't Grocery Location
eat in Pendleton.
-A good place to
Dr. A. H. Johnston
riiyscian ami Burgeon
Calls answered at all hours
Boardman Wednesday and Satur
day mornings.
Office phone M 151 Res. M 332
Arlington, Oregon.
A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Viee-Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier
Arlington, Oregon
Wool Scoured and Cleaned
for Itntts and Mattresses
MHltresses mill Tails made to order
Try OUT Wool Halts. Tltey satisfy
Wholesale and Ketull
Crescent Batt & Bedding Co i
Mrs. M. K Holde and the children
left Saturdiiy night on No. 12 for
Toucbet, Wash., where she will visit
a few days and then join her hu
band al Pendleton Mr. Laniareoux
look their household goods to i'en
dlelon Saturday by truck
Mr. and Mrs II. C Wolfe and fam
ily motored to Walla Walla Sunday,
returning home about six o'clock the
same night. They report a fine trip.
Irrigon is
and has the
In Oregon's early
first strawberries.
xv rung I am
of lloardman
j; ood water
ood for the
friah.) Hut llermlston's ttral wate
system cost them better than $MM0
and 1 hey still have only a thirty
toot well, and their present system
cost $2S,000 and still a shallow well
tand they are not dying ery faat
on that aeeonnt.)
Noxv get thi-". 1 am In favor of
. mythlng we can get and pay for.
llut I am not in favor of bond inn
the city for M much the Interest
alone can't be paid when It is due.
Tho taxea now are such it is
mighty hard for us to pay them and
If one will go to the postoffice and
look over the list of delinquents
it will look like near Impossible to
get any more.
Let's see now. On the warrants
of $2500, Interest at S per cent
means at the end of six monhs aftr
5 Will
w ind
The current aphis Which causes
the very striking blotches of red col
or on foliage, with cupping and
crumbling or the leaves, can best
he controled with a nicotine dust.
Obtain a four pet eeni nicotine dust
from your spray dealer and apply a
light Coating through a cheese
hag or sail bag. Beat result!
he obtained when there is no
and temperature is high.
The elm leaf beetle, an Imported
leaf eating pest which attacks elm
trees ns a grown beetle and ln'er as
a grub. Is now appearing on the elm
trees of city streets and parks. The
adults should he killed before they
lay eggs. Spray with arsenate of
lead, three pounds to 100 gallons of
liooseberry mildew and anthrac
ite. e leaf spot can be controlled by
lime sulfur spray, using one gallon
of the concentrated liquid or four
pounds ol the dry to forty gallons of
' 1
Umatilla f harmacy
w. B. smith. Prop.
Mail orders
given special nlten-tion.
Quick Service
Sat il act Ion Qunrantevd
Umatilla, Oregon
Ask Wick About It at the
Boardman, Oregon
eii 1 i mo ee
lie Highway
t l Sell
A I'endleton dentist complnir
that his wife made him sleep in tli
coal bin. Well, maybe it was so
coal. and. anyway, no jury la ev
going to feel sorry for a dentist.
J. C. Ballenjrerl
t Boardman - Oregon X
0. H WARNER, Proprietor
Boardman, Oregon
Wholesome Home Cooking
Best place to eat between The Dalles and