The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, May 18, 1923, Image 1

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VOL. 2
Number 15
August T. Seymour, assistant United
States attorney-general, who had
charge of the government's suit to
stop speculation in sugar futures.
London. -The British warship Hare
bell has ber-n ordered to the Murman
coast to prevent further soviet inter
ference with British vessels outside
the three-mile limit and with orders
to use force, if necessary, in perform
ing this mission, the house of com
mons was informed by the under sec
retary for foreign affairs, Ronald Mc
Neill. 'lhe soviet government of Rossi i
in a note replying to the British pre
test against the seizure of the trawler
James Johnson, claims the rlgiit to
fix her limit of territorial waters at
twelve miles from shore, but offers to
submit the matter to arbitration, pr.i
vifled there is no question of any In
fringement of Russian sovereignty
and independence.
The note maintains that Russia b; i
a legal right to establish the 12-mii 1
zone of territorial water which the
trawler was alleged to have violate 1.
It asserts that Great Britain herseil
In practice recognizes various zonrs
exceeding three miles.
tiAiU&S riii RISE
Competition for Common Labor
Is Unprecedented in Ail
Chicago. American Industry is
deadlocked in a billion dollar wage
war to obtain additional skilled labor.
Jtat'roads, meeting the recent heavy
edU s a the steel .and packing In
dustries will, under awards already
granted and others being negotiated,
hand out $100,000,000 or more yearly
to "common labor."
Mftor railroads are awarding main
tenance and shop laborers 3 to 10 per
cent advances on the average of one
system a day.
Labor and Industrial leaders said
this is the first time in paace time
that demands for men who work with
their muscles has completely dominat
ed the country's industrial progress.
Railroads, packers, steel concerns
and manufacturers are fighting each
other in the Chicago labor market in
an effort to fill demands caused by
the "prosperity era.''
Minor industries and small employ
ers, caught in the struggle, are also
advancing pay.
That the higher pay move will soon
involve skilled and white collar work- !
ers as an economic necessity was seen
III the fact that various unions on doz- j
ens of railway lines are negotiating ;
with managers direct for increases. If j
these negotiations are not successful
petition! will be presented by them to
the United States labor board. The
board, preparing to hear pleas of main
tenance and shop laborers on a grou;)
of road.s, expects a flood of petitions
from skilled workers.
r: i r i
Ml i.titi
Exppcts to Sa l From Seattle
for Alaska About June
5 or 6.
The most successful school year In swell, d head and said that college
the history of Boardman closed last v. euld reduce the swelling to normal
Friday evening when the high school or below. The class will by Charles
graduating exercises were held at Ati. ur;, was thoroughly enjoyed as
the auditorium. was the class picture given by Luu-
The largest class yet graduated re- ren Cumins, who mentioned the big
ceived their dip'.omas that night, pest gossip in the class, the biggest in number, five girls and three flirt, the class heavyweight, and ot fa
bo vs. Lyndella Olson, Ethel Broy- ei characteristics.
les, Doris Healey, Frances Blayden,
Dorothy Boardman, Delbert Carpen
ter, Charles Attebury and Laure;i
The Program.
Piano Duet March, Mrs. Lee and
Miss Packard.
Trio "Life's Dream," Mrs. Good
win, Mr. and Mrs. Lee.
Salutatory, Lyndella Olson.
Class Picture, Lauren Cumins. History, Ethel Broyles.
So'o "Journey's End," Wahona
Chiss Doctor, Delbert Carpenter.
Class Poem, Doris Healey. N Prophecy, Frances Blayden.
Trio '"-unset", Mrs. Goodwin, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee.
Class Will, Charles Attobury.
Valedictory, Dorothy Boardman.
Piano Duet "Anil Chorus," Mr;-,.
Lee and Mi s Taekard.
Address, Rev. R. C. Young.
She class prophecy was given by
Frances Blayden and told of the
bliange the years hud wrought by
19 14. Ethel Broyles was class his
torian and Dot is Healey gave the.
cla.s poem. The salutatory was
Jtfell delivered by Lyndella Olson and
the Valedictory by Dorothy Board
man. Musical numbers by Mr. and
Mrs. Lee and Belle Packard and
Wahnona Rands and Mrs. Goodwin
Wire interspersed in the evening's
The address of the evening was
given by Rev. R. C. Young of Wasco
ajnd was followed by the presenta
tion of diplomas by Mrs Shurte the
county school superintendent. The
program closed with the class song
by the seniors.
S ial mention should be made
of i lie dresses worn by the girls of
the class, which they themselves had
made- in the domestic art work, and
wi ieh were pretty, dainty and inox-
Presentation of Diplomas, County pensive, most of the girls graduating
Mayor Hylan of New York issue 1
a proclamation urging the public to
observe Monday of each week ai
"sugarless Monday" until the price of
sugar has been reduced.
Secretary of the Interior Work he ;
issued invitations to 135 prominent
citizens of the United States to forti
an advisory committee to solve the
problems of the American Indians.
Fraud orders were issued by Postmaster-General
New against Dr. Fred
erick A. Cook, of North Pole fame, and
those associated with him in the de
velopment of oil companies in Texas.
George Harvey, American ambassa
dor to Great Britain, declared upon his
arrival from England on the steamship
George Washington that he knew noth
ing about reports that he had resign
ed. The government shortly will reope i
the International Harvester corpora
Hon dissolution case to determine it
the separation of certain of its pro;
ertles has been effected, it was sai-t
at the department of justice.
The government's application for a
temporary injunction to enjoin tra '
ing in raw sugar futures by the Ne.
York coffee and sugar exchange at.
its clearing association was denied I
the United States circuit court of a.,
Moscow. M. Tchitcherln, the soviet
foreign minister, was the chief speaker
at a great meeting held in a theater
The theater was crowded to tho
doors while in the streets thousands
i who had taken part in a great demon
st ation, listened to speakers from
motor trucks and balconies, all of
whom made reference to what they
termed the war threat against Russia
In the British note, in the assasslua
tl: n of v'orovsky at Lausanne, and in
; otlter recent developments.
Regretting the British note, which
he characterized as Insolent, Tchltch
erin said :
"We are getting telegrams that
British warships are already in the
Wiiite sea; perhaps by now they have
opened hostilities against our ships.
"The note contains f..i-e facts am!
m ssages improperly deciphered but
the chief point must he considered the
eastern question. We must reply
calmly and firmly. Russia will not go
beck a single step before the de
m nds."
The foreign minister was followe 1
by War Minister Trotzky. 'bo told
tie' cheering throng that Russia want
ed peace, but the red army was ready,
if necessary.
Superintendent Mrs. Shur.e.
Class Song, Senior Cla'S.
This year the exercises were a
combination of class day and cora
riencemant programs and were en
joyed by the crowd which packed
th a auditorium. Each member of
the. class took sonic part in the pro
gram With several novelties iniro
duced sueh as the class doctor. Del
bert Carpenter, who diagnosed the
class ailments as a case of bad I,.
In ginghams or voile. Much credit
for these gowns is due Mi.s Morcom
ho helped the girls plan and fash
ion them.
Tin? audi tor lom was beautifully
doeorated and the platform where
the graduates and speakers were
seated looked espec'ally attractive.
The class motto "Don't try dying,
but die trying,, was prominently
displayed. The juniors heard much
praise for their work as decorators.
Washington, D. O. Plans for Presi
dent Harding's trip to Alaska prac
tically complete after a series of con
ferences with party leaders, provide
for about a dozen set speeches and an
absence ram Washington of two and a
half months.
The start will be male from Wash
in;, ton on Wednesday, .Tune 20. a-t
origirally planned, and it is not ex
pected that the president will lie back
In the capital before about September
1. On the outward journey he 1b going
by rail across the country. Coming
back he will travel by boat through
the Panama canal. Stopping in the
canal zone and at San Juan, Porto
It Is pD.nned that the president's
League court speech be made in St.
Louis, probably on June 21.
From St. Louis the president will
to to Kansas City, Hutchinson, Kas.,
Denver, Salt Lake City, probably
Helena, Mont., aud Bo'se, Idaho. From
Boise he will jump to Seattle and go
directly aboard a steamer and sail for
According to the Itinerary as now
arranged the date or sailing from S'
attle will be July 5 or 6. This depends
upon whether ;:r not he speaks in Port
land, lie at first had planned to sail
frt m Portia; 1 on July 5. after spend
ing the Fourth th -re. If h- delivers
a speech at Portland, it will be ou tho j
way out.
i Much Interesting speculation is in
dulged in with regard to the topic
the president will choose for his Hoise
address. The invitation to stop at j
Boise was presented by Senator Barah. 1
lender of the fight against the league
court, and the senator will be the chief
executive's host.
I Secretaries Hoover, Work and Wal
lace will he In the presidential party
E. F. Grable, Labor's Membor on Boar
Washington, D. C. President Har
Ing completed the personnel of tl
United States rallrcad labor board i
Chicago by reappoint. ng Judge R. I
Barton and Horace Baker and namir
E. F. Grable, former head of the rai
way maintenance of way employe
Grable will represent labor on th.
board. Barton represents the pubL
and Baker is the representative of th
railroad managements.
Jehnson Inspects Hunr Incognito.
Paris. Senator Hiram Johnson
California traveled incognito tbroug
the Ruhr but refused to discuss win
ha saw upon arrival here.
The st- : tax n gatoline and dis
tillate during March, $92,426.56, ex-
ceded that revenue far the preced
'nv nion'.h approximately 35 per cent,
-ccordiiig to a report prepared by
Sum A. Kozer, secretary of state.
To know
how rood 3 cigarette
really can be maticy
you must try a -
r m
A new Grange contest in which th?
captians, Mrs. Thomas Miller and
Mrs. Thomas Denipsy will choose
sides from the seventy-two 4th de
gree members, though no families
are to be divided. The contest will
be for now applications for member
ship, also for reinstatement of old
members and an entertainment or
program given by the oppos ng sid
for which they will receive the fol
lowing credits. New application I,
25; reinstatement, 20; for best pa
per on "Why the Grange," 20; for
best song, 15; Feleet trading, 10;
dtcliniation, 10; recitation, 10; es
say, 10; all other renditions, 5. Th
side, which under the direction of
the captains, gets the le-ser niinila r
of counts shall prepare and seive a
substantial dinner for all.
The contest will close on th? 1st
Saturday in .September.
Judges for the contest will be be
chosen at our next regular meeting
Greenfield Grange, No. $79, C. H.
Dillabough, Secy., Boardman, Orc
kit axci; RESOLUTION H
At the la-t meeting of tin Green
field ('.range the following R- so n
tions was adopted:
Resolved, that Greenfield Orange,
No. 579, be placed on record as fav
oring State Covernment Reorganiza
tion and Proportionate Occup at l inal
Represitation Amendment wi li
atcd by the Peoples Power League of
Oregon. .
C H. Dillabough. fi
j May 12, 1923, Boardman, Oregon.
If your clover or alfalfa fails to
catch examine the roots of the ; til
for nodules. The failure may be due
to lack of Inoculation. The Inocula
tion with cultures will not lake
place of lime in sour roi's I! cter
ial cultures for Inoculating the
legumes may be bad at low costs
from the department of bacteriol
ogy. Oregon Agricultural roll' ge,
Corvallis, Oregon.
A man may be proof again; t all
other flattery, but bis vanity wiggles
with delight when you ask hi
Considerable interest has been
aroused in this district over tho
school election to be held In June,
for one director to serve three year.)
and one clerk to serve one year.
The directors were fortunal i la
employing an able corps of teacher; ,
giving us one of the most successful
schools in the county for the pan)
T. E. Broyles, the outgoing di
lector, has worked hard to lower ex j
senses and at the same time give
;ood service, and he had said that
'ge would not serve another term.
To show their appreciation of his
fl'orts and their (it sire for him to
ontinue in office, about forty friend) :
;iid patrons of the school met at his i
evidence last Sunday afternoon to
equest him to reconsider Ills decis
on and be a candidate for re-elec-ion.
S. T. Shell and others, in a few
veil chosen words, presented lit" 1
talma of the callers. lb- finally ac
cepted and said that in rase of el c
ion he would serve. The callers also
nit Mrs. Gladys Gibbons as a can-,
didate for the clerkship. It Is ad- 1
isable to have the clerk a resident
af the tofn so as to be accessible
o all school business.
The man who wishes to keep hens
on a city lot or in the back yard
should purchase pallets in the fall or
buy day-old chicks or hatching eggs
in the spring. Well matured pul
lets are the only kind to buy, as
they will begin to lay before the
roid weather sets In The maturity
of pulb'ts is indicated by the red col
or of the comb and by the sftM of the
birds. Day-old- chicks are now a
regular market commodity In all
parts of the country and are shlpp d
long distances. It is much harder
to raise small chi' kens In the small
space of a back yard than out in the
country where there is plenty of
grass range.
Wheat Hard white, $1.32; soft
white, western white, $1.23; hard win
ter, northern spring, $!.lti; red west
ern, $1.17.
1 ay Alfalfa, $22 per ton; valley
UmOthy, $2ii; tSSlern Oregon timothy.
Butter Fat 41c.
Eggs Rum h, I30Z8C,
Cheese Tillamook cream, 27&280.
Young Americas, 2H29c; block Swlse
3308Bc; cream brick, 81 OUc
Cattle Choice steers, $8.75ff9.25 ;
medium to good, $8.00'&8.75.
Sheep Choice spring lambs, llltf
12; medium si;r,n lambs, $1011.
lings Prime 1 giit, If. (008.88 ;
Smooth heavy, 1708.21,
Wheat Hard white, $1.28; soft
while, $1.2i.'; western white" $1.26;
spring, $120; western red, $1 19.
Butter Fat 41 4.1c.
Kggs Ranch, 2228c.
Cattle Prime steers, $809; me
dium to choice, $7.258.
Hogs Prime light, $8.759.26;
smooth heavy, $7. 258 25.
J. H. McCarl, comptroller general
of the United States, who insists that
even cabinet officers must submit to
ihe authority of his office In fiscal
ai fairs.
Los Angeles. Gravity can be over
come ,y (he newly discovered Odlc
ray, Edgar L. rlolllngshead, scientist,
who maintains private laboratories at
Pa .1 1 1 : a. declared In an Interview.
The Odlc ray proves that electricity
is an element, or substance, just as
wood, with a definite atomic speed, he
maintained, saying he based his con
clusions on 20 yearB of study.
He declared that:
By use of the Odlc ray any metal
can be made to have a lighter weight
than any known gas without iu any
way changing its strength.
Hy use of Its radiance a photograph
can be taken through 1 1 V4 Inches of
solid lead and 54j inches of solid steel
with five seconds exposure.
"The new ray," he told the United
Press," is based on the theory that
el.-, trlcity Is an olement or substance
with a definite atomic speed."
U. S. Court to Pass on Right to Land
in Montana.
Kamlah, Idaho. The Nez Perce In
dian tribe, In session here, adopted a
resolution author zing tile signing of
1 contract on behalf of the tribe with
Srven, Joyce ami Barlow and John G.
Carl r, attorneys of Washington, U.
i'., lor the presentation in the United
itiil k OCUrt of claims of the right of
lie tndlsns to a atrip across the state
it M mtana 150 to 200 miles wide from
Is legale, near Miseoola, to M lee city,
jnder ter s ol a treaty of the United
' I'es go. 1 mil,, nl with the ad alls a
'ihe territory to which tit" Indians
ay calm inil-dee Billing., a part of
fae Yelli v. Bto..e national park and the
ountry Sdjaceltl to the Northern Pa
la and Milwaukee transc tttlnSUtal
ailways, and Its value w .11 run into
uai.y in. 11 one.
Rehearing on Wenatc' R?a-d.
Washington, I). C Notice wus given
j that the Interstate commerce c .nimis
(slon would cceduet a hearing at
Ninety m.llion feet or government- I Wenatch e, Wash., inly 23, bef .re
owned timber lying chiefiy In 'ooh, ( 'oinmlssloiier Aitch, an on the appli
Jackson, Josephine, Douglas and Lane j cation of the Vei,..t. Hag Southern rall
cjuntles was sold throagh the Rose-1 road for pa (nls Ion to build a new
burif land office, the urlce realized be- line between Kiinie.v.ek and VVenat-
Ing approximately $200,000.
chee. Application bus been once de
riled, but the case was reopened for
presentation of further evidence. Com
missioner Altcliisoii will also hold a
hearing at Spokane, July 30, to take
evidence In the comiulRsloiierfs In
vestigation into the adequacy of trans
portation facilities In the Pacific northwest.
You notice when the girls took to
ad- long trousers they didn't buy long
baggy ones.
Tnere Mere six lululities due to In
dustrial accidents in Oregon during
the week ending May 3, according to
a report prepared by the state Indus
trial accident coir.m sslon The x .0-
bgM w re Karl Mohorlck, Port Inn 1;
C. C. Stewart, second loader, Yank
ton; Hugh Hurt, truck driver. Prim.
llle; Fred Vanryt, tall greaser, Kate-
uda; Charles Ree l, logger. Portland.
md W. C. Tuf oid, laborer. Po lla ,d.
v total of $8 MCideaU was re, ort
jd durn g thu week.