The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, March 09, 1923, Image 4

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France Blayden, '23 Editor
Truman Messenger, '24 Asst.Edltor
Zoe Hadley, '24 Joke Editor
1 I Illl' I HI'
In geography, the first and sec
ond grades are now studying Hol
land, the much people, their homes
and environment.
In the sand table they are making
canals, bridges, Dutch maidens with
their wooden shoes. Come and vis
it Holland when it's completed.
They have Dutch maiden's wood
en shoea and tulips for border dec
orations around the room.
Robert Marshall who has been ab
sent from school some time re
turned Thursday.
Ivye Olson, Alvie Mefford, Errett
Hummel, and Kennethi Doordman
have returned to school after a short
illness. We guess It was the flu.
Kenneth and Helen Boardman cel
ebrated their twelfth birthday Sun
day. They Invited their classmates
and teacher, Miss Powell, to spend
the afternoon and partake of a de
licious birthday dinner. The guests
reported an enjoyable time, although
Kenneth escaped the usual "spank
Since the recent epidemic of colds
Is about over, all pupils are back in
school, except Emma Broylea.
KMing Is Here.
The birds are singing merrily
As across the sky they sail;
Soft white clouds float airily.
And one another seem to hall.
Flowers peep from field and hedge
Children Joyously shout and sing
Green bushes appear on hill and
And birdies shout " TIs here! Oh,
Peggy Peek, fiih grade
A Sunny Day Of Spring
Oh, Look! See there, a daffodil,
And there a crocus and narcissus,
And see, up by the mill
A plot of violetB blue.
And do you not hear that sweet
Of those Robins so gay?
Oh, they fear not of any wrong
On this warm and sunny day.
I.oree Caldwell, t'.tli grade.
The seventh grade English class
had an Interesting lesson Tuesday,
when each member wrote and read
his or her life history. For short
histories, their lives have been unite
full of events.
"Tulips" and "Dutch Children"
are much In evidence In our school
room. We are trying to bring about
spring weather as fast aB possible.
The eighth grade English class
has been writing telegrams, night
letters, and advertisements as part
of their English work this week. We
have had difficulty in confining our
VUtl to a few words.
I'art of each boys' school equip
im nt now a-days we see suspended
from each desk a baseball glove or
tip, while the pockets are bulging
with baseballs. At play time, those
are very much in evidence
We wonder whal'N in the bottle
that she Iibb been carrying with her
every since she returned from her
visit. She saya it Is "camphor. "
How ild we know.
Joy riding before breakfast is the
tiling those days That Is Zoe. Mac
and Ftilt thinks so. Mac says he
does this to beat the wind.
There has been some real com
petition this week between the wind
and the weak voice of those reciting.
A little piece of lubber,
A little drop of paint.
Makes a bad report card
Look like what it ain't
Zoe Hadley Is back In school, af
ter a week's absence In Hcppner
Talk about enthusiasm! Say, you
ought to see "Our High School
lioys" when it comes to baseball.
Each one has a mit bulging from his
pocket They are going into it
heavy this year. Let's get behind
them and help 'em out.
The first game of the season is
going to be played at Arlington
March 30. Come and Bee what B.
H. S. boys can do.
After this week there will only
be forty-five school days left. This
includes closing week, so there will
only be about forty days left for
drill on text book work. The teach
ers are all working hard to round
up the year's work and want the
pupils at school every day possible.
Sickness is the only legal excuse
and we trust that patrons will think
twice before keeping children out
for any other reason. The summing
UP of the year's work and the con
stant drill and review is what
counts and makes for thorough
work.. You want your children to
be as thorough as others and1 if
their seats are vacant, what can
the teachers do?
Work on the canal started Thurs
day cleaning out the sand.
Looks like Coue will win out here
yet. Everybody is getting better and
better every day.
We think the sophomore's pen
ant Is pretty, that Is, what we can
see of It. Tho penant is placed on
the south wall of the office, over
the blackboard. There Is one tack
that holds the cherished penant in
a most careless, "I don't care" man
ner. Sophomores, why not fix it up!
When Truman went Into the pri
mary room for news, Mrs. Watklns
old him there hadn't been any
deaths, nor marriages, either: but
that she would let him know if any
thing like that did happen.
Mr. Mulkey "What Is trigonom
etry?" Alton "It's a man that's been
married threes times."
In a recent examination given to
the civics class tho following ques
tion was asked: Name two of the
principal functions of money. One
of the answers was: "To have and
to hold."
Mr. Lee, in science class "What
are the properties of heat and cold?"
Moris "The property of heat Is
to expand, and of cold, to contract."
"Mr. Lee- "Now give me an exam
ple." Doris "In summer, when !'
hot, the days are long; in winter,
when It's cold, the days are short."
Mr. Mulkey rushed Into the of
fice Tuesday noon and asked whie
San Eranclsco lllayden might be
Kdward (who was absent from
lometry class for a week) -"How
did you get over here in the book?"
Mrs. Crowder "Well, you see,
wo had all bright members in the
A TMB little Freshie to the
Joke Box did come;
He dropped in a penny
And waited for the gum.
Mr. Keed "I saw you talking at
my lecture this morninng."
Herbert "Isn't that funny? Dad
said 1 talked in my sleep too."
Mr T. - "Say Gladys, does that
young man know bow to say good
bye?" llladys "Well rather, dad."
Little drops of Knowledge
Little grains of Sense
Make a mighty difference
When the tests commence.
Geoamlnn (cosy parlor daven
port; semi -Indignant feminine
voice! "Now George, yon quit."
Gem ge i magnlflcantly I "There
are no quitters In I'matlHa."
Julian Derby, a pupil from the prl
ninrj room, has moved away.
Plione or scud Mews to lxs Hoot
If you will phone or send In
any new or other matter vou
wish to publish In tho Mirror '
to Leo Root at the postofflce he
will forward It to the office.
Anything he gets before Wed-
nesday noon will be In time.
Send the Mirror to a friend
Little Pitchsrs.
Teddy You liaveu t say whisker
or vry much hair.
Sister's Hero Well, wbst of it?
"Oh, I was only wemterltif how pa
was folnr to manage It."
"Msnage what?"
"H said lis was going to mop the
floor with you. " London Answers.
hut OfT.
Mrs Kie She is reslly the n erst
gossip In the neighborhood Why I
heard this morning that she
ktXO Come, now, my dear, don't try
to beat her at hsr own gsuit
Jay Cox, Glen Hadley and Earl
Cramer were business visitors ,in
Hermlston Saturday.
Elder George F. Watson will
preach at the Adventlst church in
Boardman at 3 p. m. March 24, and
at 8 p. m. on the 25th. All are cor
dially invited to attend.
The business people of the town
are launching a campaign to get
work started on the road south of
Boardman, to give the wheat ranch
ers access to our shipping point.
past three weeks. They report lots
of snow and cold weather on upper
Butter creek.
Last Thursday night Thomas Mil
ler received a phone call from Wil
low creek telling of the serious ill
ness of Mr. Duncan sr., the father
of Roy Duncan, who formerly lived
here, and of Mrs. William Schuell
who lives in the east end, and grand
father of Mildred Duncan who is at
tending school in Boardman, making
her home with her grandmother,
Mrs. E. Miller. Mr. Miller left at
once with Mrs. Schuell and Mildred
Duncan and they all remained there
Until the death of Mr. Duncan. He
was buried in Arlington on Monday.
Janet Gorham has been quite sick
with an attack of the prevaling flu.
Leona Kutzner was quite ill for a
few days and also Basil Cramer.
Nearly every family on the project
has been victims.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larsen were
week end visitors at the Hereim's.
They brought A. T. Hereim jr., back
with them after having had him the
Charles Weech had a narrow es
cape last Saturday when he was
hauling hay for covering some new
ly leveled ground. The bunch, of
hay on which he was sitting slipped
down behind the horses and Mr.
Weech fell between them. This
frightened them, of course, and they
ran away, the wagon passing over
Mr. Weech's head and over his back.
Fortunately no bones were broken
but It might have been a fatal ac
cident. He is up and around now but
still feels the effects of his experience.
IMMMMM Ml I Ml 1 1 Ml j
The Holmes boy, son of Gordon
Holmes of the Irrlgon ferry service,
was in Irriong on business last week.
Mrs. Ricketts of Cody, Wyo., is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ernest
Benefiel, this week.
Wayne Steward has hired out for
Chas. Powell for the season and com
menced work Monday morning.
Tlie commercial club held a spe
cial meeting Tuesday evening to dis
cuss the city irrigation water ques
tion for the coming season. A com
mittee consisting of Messrs. H. C.
Wolfe, George B. Hendricks and J.
A. Gray heal was appointed to Investi
gate the feasibility of concrete pipe
lines and concrete open ditches to
serve all lots on and west of Sixth
Btreet, and the secretary was in
structed to get prices on various
sizes of pipe.
Mrs. Debbie Bell McCune has re
turned and opened her boarding
house again.
Mr. and Mrs. Suddarth are going
into the white leghorn poultry busi
ness on a big scale this summer.
They received 900 baby chickens
Wednesday and expect another thou
sand or better later. They have a
large brooder house just completed
to take care of the bunch.
Rev. J. K. Mumua of Herniiston
has purchased the Farmer Smith
acreage and will move on the place
in the next week or two. He will
plant most of the place into canta
loupes as had been contracted bv
Mr. Smith through the association.
I Sat ie P. Band reports having
: purchased the P. C. Bishop place
j which joins their other properties,
j Mr. Bishop has not been feeling very
I good of late, and did not care to
J handle the farm hipiself.
J. A. Graybeal is building an up
, to-date garage this week. He says
when his friends come along now,
( he will have a good place to take
I care of their automobile while they
are here.
Farmer Smith was in Irrigon Sun
I day and Monday.
Mrs. Nell McCarty spent the week
end with her parents and left the
children here for the remainder of
the school term.
Jail Stormers Face Criminal Charges.
Palatka, Fla. Warrants were sworn
out here for twelve men charging them
with assault with intent to murder,
firing into un occupied dwelling, and
conspiracy to commit a felony in con
nection with an attempt of a mob to
break into the county jail here where
Arthur Johnson, negro, alleged slayer
of H. C. Cross of Albany, Ga., was
believed to be confined.
Crissenger Federal Bank Head.
Washington, D. C. The senate con
firmed the nomination of D. R. Cris
senger of Marlon, O., to be governor of
the federal reserve board. He has
been serving as comptroller of the currency.
Getting Used to It.
Ellsworth had spent two winters In
the West. Where he bad heard a great
deal about people getting acclimated.
When he had been In school a few
days his father asked bliu how he
liked studying.
He said: "Oh, nobody likes It at
first, but 1 think I'm getting 'climated
to' It."
"I suppose the young man though I
b would live with his wife's par
ent s?"
"That's what he thought, but het
father was too smart for hliu."
"What did he do?"
"Before they got bsek from the
boueyuioon be sold the old home placs
and moved to a hotel." Birniiughuui
Act Herald
Umatilla Pharmacy f
W. E. Smith, Prop.
Mali orders given special atten
tion. Quick Service
Sat Isf act ion Qunrnnteed
$ Umatilla, Oregon i
f I Sell
! Insurance 1
I .args
WAXT local salespeople
for new and surpiiNiiig
household article.
Immediate l'rotlts-
inanen t position. If you
can represent ine exclu
sively, I ill make vou
an offer never before
made to salespeople.
Writu at once for rom-
plcte Mii-ticulars.
me all about yourself,
want some one who
not afraid of work for big
CASH returns.
J. C. Ballenger
Boardman - Oregon
Ml Atlitutlc Avenue
Ronton t), Mas.
Building Material
and Ready Cut Houses
Stanfield. Ore.
Jlrmy and navy Store
THIS A R.M Y AND NAVY STORK has opened with a large and
complete stock of Army and Navy goods, including a large
stock of tents in all sizes aiid kinds Tarpaulins, Blankets,
I'ack Sacks. Canteens, Shoes, Shirts, Pants, and other articles.
The heal iest shoe used in the
arniJ'. A practical f !ioe for the Short Rubber Boots $3.90
Fnrmer Kttt.95 Hip Rubber Roots .......... 4.90
All mail orders will receive our prompt attention. References at
the American National bank, or First .National Rank.
Army and Navy Store
Pendleton, Oregon
In Conroy's Grocery Location
A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Vice-Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas.- F. Story, Ass't Cashier
Let The Boardman Mirror Print Your Butter Wrappers
50 Per Cent Off
All sizes in Corduroys and Suit Goods.
A Big Stick of Candy with Each Pound of Royal
Club Coffee.
Standard Seeds
"Seeds that will grow."
Our new Garden and Flower Seeds are now
Boardman, Oregon
See Our Display and Note the Reduction in Prices
Did you ever see one of the new
All you have to do is to dip it in coal oil and you
have an intense heat for 38 minutes. No coal. No
wood. No other fuel but the simple little burner.
Economical and Efficient
Boardman, Oregon
Us Highway Inn
O. H WARNER, Proprietor
Boardman, Oregon
Wholesome Home Gooking
Best place to eat between The Dalles and
Now is the time to Subscribe for the Boardman Mirror