The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, February 16, 1923, Image 4

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    : : ! :: i-a-s-s
or, '24 Asst.Editor
'24 Joke Editor
En'tt v" hail a Vali
tine 4Kvitt,;i!u,v Wednesday. M(
tvfryw!ii aiad us of 'he malls t(
A dandy wy to peopls what y
think aiwut ttirn.
February is the month of birth
d:os and is often called the Poets'
month. Feb. 2d. Ground Hog day;
the 11th Edison's birthday; the 12th
Lincoln's birthday, the 14th Valen
tine day and Oregon was admitted
into th. Union on this same day.
1859. The fifteenth the .ship Maine
was sunk, the 22d Washington and
Lincoln's birthdays, and tlv twenty-seventh
Longfellow's birthday.
On the twenty-second a general as
sembly will be held to celebrate all
of the important dales of this
Seventh and Eighth tirade.
-Monday, being the anniversary of
the birth of Abraham Lincoln, the
Language classes of the seventh and
eighth Kiades spent their study and
recitation periods writing the story
of his life.
The picture studied by the
seventh grade this week was the
"Song of the Lark" by Jules Breton
and the eighth grado chose "Evange
line" by Faed.
Hector VVleklander spent his
manual training period for two days
doing repair work on our black
boards. They are very much im
proved as a result of his labors.
ThH arithmetic classes this week
are giving special stress to the mak
ing of statements telling how the
problem! should he solved. Tin'
eighth grade are reviewing measure
ment! while the seven! Ii grade are
it tidying interest.
Thi' third grade has taken up a
new book, "Keep Well Storiei."
They say lts's very hard to keep
well in such cold weather, but will
do their best
Both third and fourth grades liaip
finished process work in arithmetic,
d are now solving clothod prob
lems. For language they are learn
ing the Twenty-third I'salm.
First ami Second Grades,
The primary room now has several
beauty spins on the border above
i he blackboards. They have falling
snow, the flakes being cut from
White paper and no two alike.
A typical winter scene, with a
hillside, showing children coasting
and making snow men.
On a sand table the little tots have
i scene representing the arctic re
gions This shows the eskitnos, their
i loos, sledges, dogs, polar bears,
and icebergs.
Nor is this all. There are hearts,
arrows, CUpids to add to the decora
tions and Valentine day was fitting
ly observed with a postofflce. Post
mistress Mildred Allen, Assistant,
Selma Ayers; postmen. Ellis Cahoon,
Paul Mead.
Mr. Mulkey in Civics i law What
Is meant by "cannonlsm?" Chat:
C's when they mount cannons or.
the walls of a city.
A notice on the blackboard Mon
day staled that Student Body Fleas
were due the tenth. A charge of 3
Fleas a day, will be asked if you
don't pay on that date.
The banker lav on Lis death
bed .Many friends had gathered
around him. The attending physi
cian whispered- "I fear lie is near
Ing the great divide. Pell them
not to divide until I gtt there,"
Whispered the dying man
Flunk Hathaway ami his son-lit'
law, Mr BVHitt. hnve bought null
tional acreage since the write-up of
last week. They have taken up a
rhotee tract of railroad land near
(he Otto place and will arrange In
work it this summer besides the
Olio plait ''""I Merrill Doble acre
age south of Irrlgon.
The car of choice s I potatoes
arrived Tuesday and Is being de
livered this week. A number of
Mnardin:n people get potatoes from
this car; also farmers mi the Wash
ington side. It BRtta through in good
shape in fast of the cold weather.
There are a few extra sacks over
and above orders and those who
want seed potatoes as long as they
last, should call on N. Seaman.
J. E. McCoy returned from Port
land Wednesday morning and re
ports Mrs. McCoy doing nicely and
expected home in a few days.
Mrs. W. ',. Alexander's brother
from California,, with others in the
parly, are snipping at the Alexan
der'l Ibis week for a few days They
intended going on after a day's vis
it bul decided best to wail unfll the
weather warmed up a little.
C. H. Steward and son. Wayne,
have helped J. Bullard dig a well
this week.
The government trappers report
this is no weather for them. The
traps freeze up anil accomplish noth
ing. A number of teams and trucks are
expected to arrive in the next few
days to Start work on the highway.
A pit has been located near C. W.
Benefiel'l ranch.
Expressed in a few words would be
Each of us build a home and let the
rest of the world go by.
Much easier said than done.
Nearly all of the strife and unrest
of today is caused by one person (or
group of persons) having what some
Other person (or group of persons)
It makes no difference whether it
Is between individuals or between
nations, the result is the same. Be
tween Individuals it causes fights
and lawsuits; between different
groups of people It causes strikes,
lockouts and feuds.
Between nations it causes war.
Germany had a monopoly on cer
tain manufactured goods that
England wanted; France had a re
publican form of government that
the military' )ader of Germany
wished to crush. Germany wanted an
outlet to the Mediteranean so that
she could have a share In the trade
of southern Europe, northern Africa,
Asia and the Indies. Germany also
wanted a freer (easier) access to the
granary of Europe (Russia).
Uesult The European war,
which is far from being settled to
day, and may not be settled for
A nation of home builders and
home lovers is not a warring nation.
Switzerland, a home loving nation,
is seldom mixed up in war, while
England (The British Isles) a nation
of factories and world rovers, Is
usually a member in all wars of any
A home builder is for the better
ment of himself and those around
A manufacturer is for the dollar,
which he gets by outguessing, or
heating, the other fellow, much after
the fashion of a person that tries to
live by the use of his wits without
producing anything.
The manufacturer produces, but
he must beat the other fellow to
The farm is the natural and only
home colonization. Remove men
from the farm and civilization dies.
Remove man from! the farm; and
i In fifth generation! is unknown,
and even the third generation is
very rare (scarce).
Dut, the farmer of today, under
the present method Is but little bet-:
ter than a slave. Why? Because
when he buys anything he must pay j
whatever the manufacturer asks, 1
when he sells anything he must take
whatever the middle man, or jobber.
many farmers are in the habit of do
ing). Because: By raising a variety
of products he Is nearly always sure
to have a reaay market for some of
them, and the other will make feed
for his livestock.
Have a variety of products and
sell the ones that fit the market
best. (Keeping a few of the best,
that you may produce still better, In
place of selling the best and finally
having scrub stock to produce from).
In proportioning a 40-acre tract
I would suggest at least 15 acre3
of timber, two and a half acres of
orchard, two and a half acres for
buildings, runways, pens, lawn and
berries. The balance of the place I
would divide into eight equal fields,
on which I would practice crop rota
tion, beginning with corn, followed
by truck (consisting of potatoes,
sweet corn, cabbage, tomatoes, and
other vegetables), then wheat
which would in turn be followed
by oats or rye, and seeded to grass,
this would furnish hay the follow
ing two seasons, then it would be
turned to pasture for cows and
horses, and the following season it
would be pastured by sheep and
hogs, Then back to corn. I would
have the planting of the fields so ar
ranged that no two of the fields
would be In the same stage of ro
tation the same year.
The timber (wood lot) would go a
long way toward solving the post,
lumber and fuel problem of the na
tion. Our forest resources are fast
becoming (exhausted and without
lumber civilization dies. With the
large forests disappearing, we must
look to the farm wood-lot for our
futur,, lumber supply, much after
the fashion of France, Belgium or
Germany. They plant a new tree
each year for each one cut down.
W hat we need is not more laws
to curb the existing trust! and cor
Delations, but a system under which
they will become unnecessary. Then,
and then only, will '.he producers
be free of the strangle-hold which
the financiers have upon them.
Boardman, Oregon
ymtsmw iimjmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihmiimhm
K. N. sututtnld. Prealdeat
Ralph A. Holte, Ossfaler
rn.nk Sloan, 1st Vice-President
M. it Ling, Shad Vlce-Presldeat
Rank of Stan-field
Capital Stock and Surplus
Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Certificates
of Deposit.
'ill. Mi .'.ii, . . ,IM
ItiMUllwW .aK.i;(l,!:!t ijlillilfllllllll
A. Wheelhouse, Pres. E. J. Clough, Vice Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier
Chas. T. Story, Assistant Cashier
Is willing to pay.
By each farmer growing one pro
duct mostly, be it corn, wheat, hay,
iilivestock, or any of the other agri
cultural products, he has but the
one chance to make good, and even
at thai, when lie does produce a
crop that has a market, he must
turn around and pay out all he made
for what he must buy.
I claim that the general farmer
has a very much better chance to
make a decent living (without work
ing the extremely long hours that
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, Jan. 31, 1923
Notice is hereby given that
Charles H. Weech of Boardman, Ore
gon, who, on Oct. 31, 1919, made
Homestead Entry No. 021089, for
iNW SWy4, being Unit "E" Uma
tilla Project, Section 14, Township
4 North, Range 25 East, Willamette
j Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make three year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before C. G. Blayden,
United States Commissioner, at
Boardman, Oregon, on the 14th day
of March, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ray L. Brown, Thomas Miller, Leo
Kuizner, W. H. Gilbreth, all of
Boardman, Oregon.
50 Per Cent Off
All sizes in Corduroys and Suit Goods.
A Big Stick of Candy with Each Pound of Royal
Club Coffee.
Standard Seeds
"Seeds that will grow."
Our new Garden and Flower Seeds are now
Schemes to Collect Good Dollars
(ind Distribute Least Desirable Goods,
Are Forbidden In J. C. Penney Co. Stores!
Noah Webster define, the word '.ale" a. "the exchange of a commodity (merchan-
due) for money of EQUIVALENT VALUE"
Note those words, "EQUIVALENT VALUE!"
Shakespeare say. of "" - "work or thing, made for SALE; hence, work
carelessly done."
When an article, value or intrinsic worth is EQUIVALENT or equal to its REGULAR
puce, that price cannot be reduced for a .o-called ".ale" without los. to the merchant -and
merchant, are not in business to lose money!
When the price U high, it is not an "equivalent value." The merchandue i. not
worth the price.
Hence, when high prices are reduced it is merely re-arranging them to where tf ty
should have been in the beginning. Thus, it is seen, that the public is not being give
the same fair, just and honorable treatment every day in the year.
The J. C. Penney Company never hold ".ale." Price, at our Store, are fixed at t .
bottom-notch in the beginning.
Boardman, Oregon
f--:-KK-m teeeeeeee'eeeteeeNi
Wood Coal
Builders Hardware
Boardman, Oregon.
If Highway Inn
O. H WARNER, Proprietor
Boardman, Oregon
Wholesome Home Cooking
Best place to eat between The Dalles and