jjjj L itfd-, , A'j-, V - ; , FRIDAY, and SATURDAY t REMEMBER, We PAY SUBURBAN CUSTOMERS' RAILROAD FARE 33 MILES ONE WAY WITH A $20 PURCHASE OR OVER t 111 mis 125 New Dresses This you'll say is the most astonishing price cut ting sale you've ever had an opportunity to take part in. It's not just a few dresses but several racks loaded down with right smart snappy dress es, in the satin or silk and woolen materials. The same styles, the same shades you will see in new spring dresses only of course at about hall" the former selling prices. IF YOU WANT A REAL TREAT, THEN 1 SAY GET TO THIS SALE THIS WEEK. Ladies' Dresses Ladies' Dresses 3oo Beautiful Gar ments to select f rem Economies that and misses' Coats, to $30 at $19.38 to $40 at $21.07 Ladies' Dre5;ses to $85 at Ladies Dvessis to $50 at $20.98 To $40 Suits $21.67 A beautiful suit for almost a song. Beauties all of them. Slim and straight the lines and long the skirts, emphasizing the most cherished style, de tails sponsored by famous designers for year round wear. Gabardines, Poiret Twill, Imported Velours French and Mannish Serges and the lai will find sizes to 44. This week to v40 Suits at .il" ill by their timliness in lidies' '.ts ard Drosses. This you will find the Read -to-Wear Sale of all times. Think of it, hundreds of beautiful garments placed on sale at far below the actual wholesale price. All former sale prices again take drastic reductions. We are determined to sell every garment during th? nexl four days, and when you see the garments we know most every woman will bin' ore or more. Remember sale starts at these prices Wednesday morning. LOOK! Value's to $83 AW sizes, Styles and shad s Take your choice for $29.89 . 95 Winter Coats LADIES! LET T1L0 BREAKFAST DISHES WAIT! Because if you don't I promise you you'll Surely regret it, because you've read of sales and nri :es but never have you seen tne iincst collection of Women's Co a crime on tne part 0J or is going to need a bast come in ard see Remember oir entire to $30 Et $10.38 r Ladii 1 it of Coats ly so low it is almost nan who need s a coat t season to fail to at 1 1 . ale means to her. triced at tliese prices: Ladies' ( ' its to'$5$ at $26.98 its rift 1? J JP .M J cif wood browns, copper tones, !n lovelv shad Persian blues, etc, The model? with the Balkan blouses the hmg coat d suits the very new stvles with side closirg all go to make the most attractive t j 11 any s ' SOliS, In this large lot of suits that mid to $50 you'll frd tvp'cally smart models, at a saving of nearly half on every garment. S2L67 To $20 Dresses Never have wse offered a better r newer sto I; l Dress s in s?i. Vmi will liml your size here dn Taffetas, Crepe d Chines, alins, Poiret Twills, Seines, etc., in all the newer and most desired shades. In a variety of the lat est winter stiles ami at only t H ; i:;u:;( G UK AT t HI fIBl'ARTMKNT NTORN 11 1 QC I "W' Ha enien! WHKRK IT I'.WS TO I'ltADi: I'nre Pftod OPOWJ H (j)lliJU I laving t People Tlvuv : mis of Doll-u-s Every DayB . . , i MM WWnw tgWMWWB- o explain how hel 'vhind stevrinu wheels. I frorja his eompoeitlon, "la ': ened to mistake the oar for his. works' all one word r '" Hl"'n hut as all i'ords look ullWo in tin. "Wish Roma on;' wo.ild Invent an I it .'i;h a hydrant?" IdSifh it was hut natural ttUM Mr. nlrtll ejo Bfeal K'OUld v.a', n VSi - Hj.:ii.,iack should jiMiip into the i In :o) -.-I I . 1,1 r mmj , fop- cf;' of the mi tutlle things on i.n: Mauirtls, At ton' Ion. : nv i ' ' Fortl ' i 1 1 t -, '-.in You l.li ;t uiu a DariOl I i bellevlns vou are loollni; others. ' no matter what beautiful selections Tho mi Ir.i 8! ro $20 Coats ( ulte a lei. of lie s fonts a iv Nwfclfl t'oa's that are (ll liee i i (jineity and Style as v !ml you will pay (he lull i or more I r In in-t a foW iltwl weeks, All !. are pill ie Oils fttOtip and ever) eaioiiail (o M in the Sflfrfl RIM'H tills vvf'lt ill only irtrtr-! iiru ft of White Owli nuuiM wnuui O. W. L. (On With Laughter) ; I it; 1 1" TBKKW lH': I :t M ATTACK OF IJORK1U lomeone has said there is no usi niing a girl "Queenie" and then l,ou:m Mxnrds, Attention. Vou put a piir In a parlor an no matter what heaittitul s ler:t ion-' are played for hitu on the piano, lr will he Interested in nothing hut urir i.m. ....i wr expectrni her to help with the noi MOOT OWI. ( I.I U One of the first to ma -e t e on , Michigan jury has at least con-: Owl club is Lafe Ila.nmack. real , & q ,n estate dealer of Htanfiefd, mis j detrie hut it was her fathi r- eligibility beine estahlishei the other I . niiit. Fred Thorne came to town j ' and parked his car in front of the Fraternal buildinK and started on i Mmtn IV" On the Hip. some errands. When he came back (Indianapolis Star. his car was gone and no one knew j Terra Hau.e. Ind. - illtam : who had taken it. City Marshal I Krnest was shot four times in the Lane was summoned and with a soft drink parlor. He is I., a critical flashlight he and Fred started to j condition at a local hospital, track the Ford - and where do you .hmt ,hv found it? Over at Lafe t There are some idiots behind tall Hammack'-s. It cost Lafe a 1 box . iron fences and a good many moi as lli;rlrt First Time. do- "This paixtr saysi' girls don't approve of j ude ( witli a reliev d j N'o'hlng. onl; line I hat wai ihoosunil of Nisi Year's I'limling Hiut flight Have lleen Saved Were Win d out. ands of voting fruit trees, i tited lasl spring, were killed dur the summer by ttaek of bor-1 says' A L. Lo'vett, ctii i" rnto 'lnKy ftt Oregon er.p'-;iient 916 ti. This large loss was atuMnkM'1 :ipite of tha fact that borers may tssfully attack any un'hrifty, rly fro wind trees. The excessive mlh conditions of la: t sitmmf.r. sed a severe drain on Ithe vilal of thf trees, part loularly those vie tr-es which had Insufficient is one method. This prevents. SUtl :.culd of the hark which allraet tore) good whitewash is al ;o a pro I .ei Ion against altncks of boring in i t . Ona of I he most successful receipts for making whitewash It ' eight pounds of Quick llmw, one- pound of glue or casein ( pow id), one-fourth pound of copper-1 and one pound of flaked e, with enough wat-.r to whitewash, about the con A pa nt. Carbolic acid al of one-half pint lo eight e illons of v h.'tewttih may be sub Hiitulod for the n:ip:halene. X V. iT MCSs (TJXTltOI- ?"oh3 and lichens on fruit treee nay he ouickly destroyed during th" winter by spraying with ordinary lye Hi the rale of one poind to six or eljrht gallons of water. If Han .loie or other f.ealo Is prerent add I he lye dissolved fn a little watw to the Uf iial winter strength lime sulphur. Thorough spraying of this solution will remove both the moss and scale. Lve removes mow most rapidly bill t v. ;i; i; MfttNti PBOFlTAIHiK Swine raising Is generally proflt ible, accord in k to Hi2i and svn eports of the I'nlted Stales d part ITOl of ngrieiiliure, MtJH H. A. !.ii n. ()ri'n(i agrieulturaJ BX lin ion specialist. Tliese reports, fro i i he corn bell region, show that In 11122 there was an Increase of 27 per cent in tB number of inters of fall pigs farrowed 19 that rsgi at compared with n 'like upon for 1 2 1 , showlnM an increase t,; is per cen i Tin. old rule still applies (hat m, hen I he e.o. i or r, 1 fi pounds of c orn is us low as the market price for 100 pounds of pork, live weight, (here Is a tendency toward an Increased ' production of hogs, but when the ost of 61 fi pounds of com Is more than tl larkel price loi IM pounds of porl the production de-tfraMies. j ing up Hacking the truea are y Mr. Lovett. The plac .rrel stave, or similar ie south 1 ..il'.i Ot 'let a shadow on the trunk tpplied ds the usual llordi tree anth rl, and prune and hi it will prevent ' Hotel Dorlon In I'endleton In still under the management or Dr. Tem ple and you Will still rind It a real house of welcome. 2 1(1-2:! Newton Painlett Dentist! Dr, N. A. Newton, Mgr. lor. Mum ami Wehh s,i. Pendleton 4