Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1923)
The Boardman Mirror Boardman, Oregon MARK A. GtM 'ELAND, Publisher PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY $2. 00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE- Entered a second-class matter ivb. 11, 192), at the poatDffioa hi Board man, Ore., under act of Mar. 8, 1879 Printing ii the Inseparable com panion oi achievement. R, T. l'orte SIXTH OP Ll E8TOCK IN UNITED STATES The United Slates, with only ono nMeenth of the world's population hafl opc-sivth of iho world's live stock, hays the En i ted Stales departr men! Ot agriculture, li bus one hair of the world's 9,000,000 mules, one third Of i lie 169,000,000 swine, one tilth of the 100,000.000 horses, one Beventh of the 492,000,000 cattle, and one-ninth of the 1 05, 000, 000 sheep. As consumers of meal per Capita, we stand fourth in the, with an average of 112 pounds per person per year. We are exceeded by Argentina With ail annual eon sumption per person of 2 s 1 pound . Australia wilh L'HT: po Is. ami New Zealand with 2 1 '' pounds. Can ada follows uh closely with 137 pounds ami the United kingdom wilh 120. The figures for the Unit ed States' arc- the average of the tQ years from 1912 to 1931, while the figures for all other eotinlries are pie war figures. Indian Lodge Tales By Ford C. Frick DR. F. V. PRIME I) K N T I S T It V Dental X-ray and Diagnosis HKHMIS'JO.V, ORE. Dank Building 'I'hones: Office 93. Residence 751 BOARDMAN MORROW COUNTY, OREGON A NEW AND GROWING TOWN ;iMiiiiiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii? THE LEGEND OF THE LONE WOLF WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS- IT-LAW Masonic Building Henpner, Oregon. T the beg world was PATTEN MVESTOC PEED l!i:,)l IHED To (' VRDOAD OF How much feed dots it take to fatten ti carload of cattle, hogs, or beep? Here are some figures baaed on Invest Imi I ions by the United Stales department of agriculture: siv hundred bushels of corn and I 7 Ions of hay will fatten 260 lambs weighing r. r pounds each and make litem Weigil SO pounds. This will make one double deck carload. Four hundred fifty bushels of corn ami 2, 7.riti pounds of tankage or fish meal will fatten 70 hoc, averaging ino pounds, to 200 pounds, making one carload. one thousand "tie hundred bush els of corn, in ions of alfalfa hay, and live Ions of straw will fallen 20 steers averaging xrin pounds making them gain BM pounds each In i x 0 dayv, This Is an average carload Inning of time, when the ta w and beautiful, all the uulmals dwelt together in one place, There was no trouble between them, ami the Weak lay down with Hie strong ami the strong protected the weak and all was peace ami quiet. In thOae days the wolf was the most beautiful of ill animals, and had long hair of glossy black covering his entire body, and was much favored by .Mnni tou, who wits the ruler of the whole world. (lit' 11 the wolf uud the Miinitnu Aval It ed together and counseled to gether, and they were friends unto each other, and what Ha' Mnnitou ould command, that would the wolf io. Hut one day. as the wolf mis (,'oitiK through the forest searching for his food) Which In those days was herbs and vines ami Unit and corn, there passed u small rabbit, also searching lor food. And the rabbit, not seeing the wolf, stin ted to cat at n spot which I tie wolf bad selected for his own meal, The woif became angry nnil com manded that the rabbit go elsewhere, tor, he said, the fruit belonged to him 1 ml tin- Ileitis also, ami there was mint who dared touch it. But I he rabbit uns unafraid and ht turned to the meat wolf and said, 'Who are you to command me thus': S. E. NOTSON A T T ( It X E Y - A T - I, A W Office in Court House HEFT-NEB - - - OREGON DR. W. W. LESLEY Osteopathic PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Res. 711 Oliice 551 Office over Dank Bldg., Hermisfon. Calls answered at all hours DR. ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon I M.Vi 11,1, A OREGON DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS PHYSIl IAN AND SURGEON HJKHMISTON, ORE. Hank DldK. 'Phones: Oliice 92. Residence 595. Office Hours 9-12. 3-6. Calls Answered Day ar Nife'ht. ie Uanitou, h n iny father, u here to roam the rabbit for d to live In 1 your (other, Is In' who placed cave this spot tome and here sacs and happl- II Me the land Oregon State I, il was at: v. c tde of Portland, a cotonisa Hon man of wide experience, ha been selected to hai set 1 lenient work of it Chamber of Comrnei DOUnCed feci ntly. Mr. Ide was selected following the decision of the stale chamber to Organise all sections of 111,' slate In need of sattlera, 111 anticipation of the statewide development program to be Inaugurated this year by the Oregon Development Hoard. Lands iiiailahh lor colonization in various districts of the slate will be listed and settlers will be placed on spo 1 ell ic tracts of land under the super vision of Hie slate chamber. Heretofore, the land settlement ef forts of 1 h stale chamber have j HUi the wo' ;s even ns the rabbit Jumped upon him am with one snap of bis anil threw his body It then the wolf went hi ami told uo unlinal done. Hut tin' Manlt the sky and was fatll mills, saw the ac) and l;no happened ; and he was very very aliirry and spoke the wolf seised him and, laws, killed him the brush. And i; to ids friends ,f what he hud U, who dwelt In r of nil the aid- what had tngry and irvnnti i 1 brought in man) new horne-sesksrs, hill 11 has been Impossible to check up on the number who have actual- i 1 settled in Oregon, nor the districts! in w hich they have local, d I'nderl the new a rra ui'.emeut , a close con lact will be maintained with each' sctllcr until he is actually located under conditions suited to his menus ami requirements. III I I I I IN I OMMI NITS OF BOARDMAN t ill in 11 si i: tOE :tl a. Ever) Siiud n Sunday School 10; Church Service 1 1 : Ud C! h 1 Iki in 11 Etcle.ivor 7:3 All are welcome .1 (HI1SON, I'uslor NOTICE Kill I'l 111 i no Department of the Interior, r. s. Land Office 111 the Dalles, Ore gon, January 27. 1988, Notice is hereby men that C.len E Brown, of Board man. Ore. who. 011 June 27. 1917. made Home stead Batr) No 018023, for Si'1, SV '4 , brinv. t'nn "1" I'matillii Project, Section 11, Township 1 North. Katmc 25 i'.ast. Willnmeiie Meridian, 'has filed notice of inten Hon lo make three year proof, to .... uiblisb claim lo the land above di scribed, before C (. Blayden, I'n it hI States Commissioner, at Boardman. Ore. on the 12th day of March. 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Miller, J. t Ballener. low ph T Healny, Waller Cordon Coboun. all of Boardman, Ore. J. V. DONNELLY, ,W'L, Iteglster. VNTKD So books for the liii-h school. sent his servants down to brine, the WOlf before him where be lived in the clouds. Win 11 the wolf saw the Muiiiloii Cotlllltg lie was and he tried to hide away could not flnd him. The hair on his back rose up from fright and 11s the servants of Manltnu approached It was seen to turn gray nt Its ends from the (error, for the wolf was very much at. .i d. So the servants seized the wolf and took him before the Ma til tot and the llunltoui who was very angry, looked nt him ami said : "You are the great WOlf and you are my son. Hut you have killed your brother the rabbit, and you shall be punished, even though you be my son iiml of my family." Then he called nil tbS lesser cods of heaven to pass judgment and to the wolf he said : "Heretofore you have been brave and fearless. From this time on you shall lie cowardly and afraid to run by yourself. You mid all your family shall run together in pucka, and your hand shall be against ail the annuals and the hands of all the animals shall be against you. No more shall you eat in peace, but you shall quarrel among yourselves, and the strong win conquer the weak, and to m other ani mal shall you be friend. Your RlflSSJ black hair Which Ibis day has been turned gray from fright shall ever re main gray as n mark of my displeasure, , and all that see It glial know that you j have disobeyed the Maultoii. And now shall ou hunt in pucks from fear of i hunting alone, and must you be on guard always, else you will be killed by your fellows lor the hand of all uulmals will be against you from this time forth, and the Bed Man who bus loved you will come to bate you, and ' slay you, and nowhere In all the world shall , oil tlnd ieace." When tin. Mnnitou hud said these words be caused the wolf lo be set down .1 .in on earth, but nil he said , was true. The wolf no longer walked wiih the other animals, .hut sneaked , sloiii: through He woods, ami never ! more could he associate with Ills 1 friends, but only w ith the other wolves 1 who formed into a puck and came forth only in night and Killed and were ; killed, oven as the Maultoii bud said. Dr. A. H. Johnston Physclan ami Surgeon Calls answered at all hours In Boardman Wednesday and Satur day mornings. Office phone M 151 Res. M 332 Arlington, Oregon. JAMES D. ZURCHER Altornej-nl-l.aiv STANFIEDD - - OHEtiON A. H. SWITZER TTOItEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon Newton Painless Dentists Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr. Cor. Main and Webb Sis. Pendleton i:iiii:iiiii:ii!ii:,ii.i'iii:!;!:;:!iii:::iiHiiiiliniii,;iiii:.'iiiii!i,i!,;,;;i The Only Restaurant in Pendleton Employing a full crew of white help. T H E F It E X C H R E S T A II R A N T HOHBAOH linos., PROPS, Elegant I 'iiriiisheil Itooins in Connection. wmiiuiiiiii' ,;::.''!! fcLjumwRmmteMmMM MmteiMMHtHmH I Umatilla Pharmacy Q w 'o i o o w o -l O c O O o o w o g S3 O u o o I l-H Q w o PQ o o w C W. E. bmltll, I'd MaU orders riven lion. special alien- (Jniek Service Katlsfncl inn Ou.irantced I I mat ilia, Oregon i i ! Sell i Insurance f t Boardman - Oregon Z cj tfSMMtIMM0MM o Voi'K H FOH PrBIJCATION So it s iiiilo this day even us the Mnnitou commanded. If you believe II net. p forth Into the quiet of the. woods and wntch the wolf and see h s hahlls. Aiift be veil always on auiird, for the wolf which was e,"d Is now bud am! bis hand Is against you and Jours is iiKalnst him, and so shall it be always, for that Is the conn mi nil of the Mnnitou who is the father of us all. Note Ibis is a common legend unions the Umatillas and occurs In u llllhtly illffcretit foriu uin.mK the Bluckfect. Iti D i,idvnt.iue. Klndlj I tule l suppose you wish iiml school didn't keep so many hours Schoolboy Yea ! when a feller's pitying l eokey It's hard to put In su much time. Oeiuirlmenl of tin Land Office at Kon, January L'7 Notice Is hereby I' s , Ore- Interior, The Hall. . 1923. ttT0 that Walter t .o ri on cohooD, of Boardman, Ore who, on January 2t. IMS Homestead Entry No, 01K0S P i 1 c rj i lllla i'ro.iect. Section 14, Township 4 North, Ivanuo 25 Kast. Willamette MerldhiB. has filed notice of inten tlOn to nuke three year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before C. C. Hlayden. l"nlt ed States Commissioner, at Board man, Ore., on the 12th day of March. 192:5. Claimant names as witnesses: Karnesl A. rtrown, Olen E. BrOWB, Ka.v Ui Hrown. W. O Kins, all of Hotirdman, Ore. J. W. DONNELLY. .r,2-i Register BOARDMAN MORROW COUNTY, OREGON WHY BO ARDMAN? WinilHH BECAUSE THE CLIMATE IS COOD THE PEOPLE ARE SOCIABLE INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISING TOWN IS NEW AND GROWING LOCATION WELL CHOSEN HALF WAY BETWEEN THE DALLES AND PENDLETON ON O.-W. RAIL ROAD ON COLUMBIA RIVER SOIL WILL RAISE AN YTHING WATER FOR IRRIGATION FROM WEST EXTENSION OF UMATILLA PROJECT McKAY CREEK DAM WILL BE BUILT ASSURING MORE ACREAGE UNDER WATER Boardman is a New Town But Not a Boom Town WRITE SECRETARY OF COMMERCIAL CLUB BOARDMAN MORROW COUNTY, OREGON td o o w ft) o o o cj H o ft w o o o ft) o o ft ft c o o 2 o ft Q O td o ft o o ft ft o o o CJ o ft M O O w o ft o o ft ft o Q O a s O ft R O o k P r1 o o H W O BO ARDM AN MO.RROW COUNTY, OREGON A NEW AND GROWING TOWN Mtajsjisjlj