The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, January 05, 1923, Image 4

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    Boardman Paragraphs
Mr. James Carty was in town Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands enter-
Tuesday on business.
School opened zgilz Wednesday
with a ecod attends nee
Mr. and Mrs. ,r. C. Hallenger were
Herniiston Isitois Tuesday.
M. h. Morgan was a business vis
itor in l'endieton Saturday.
Mr and .Mrs. Hurehell Hinns 1110-
tained on New Years afternoon at a
0:80 dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham, Miss
Dorothy Boardman. MoMff Wm
Lower, Jess Lower, and M. A. Lee
being the guests. After dinner Guy
and M. A. Lee played several of the
old melodies on the cornet and violin
which were very much enjoyed by
those present.
On Thursday afternoon the Misses
lored lo Heppner last week-end. Nellie Dillon and Catherine Merger
j gave a surprise birthday party to
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hereiffl enter- Mrs. Chas. Dillon. Those who enjoyed
talned the Leon V. Kutsner family I the afternoon wiih Mrs. Dillon and
Stinda y.
Mrs. Hurehell Linns left New
Year's eve tor a visit with relatives
in I'orlland.
partook of the delicious lunch pre
pared and served by the young host
esses were Mesdames W. H. Mel'l'oi d
Clarence Berger, Ira Berger, H. H
Weston and Cason.
On New Years night there ai (Left out last week.)
verj enjoyable dancing part a( the Mr, and Mrs. Glen Had ley acted
Mike Marshall home. Ihe pari, of host and hostess on
Christinas day, having as their guests
The teachers arc sill bad; from Mr. and Mrs. Evan Stoneman of
their vacations ready to lalte up their flardman, Mr. and Mrs. King and
work at Ihe school again. children, and Mr. and Mrs Kristen-
' sen.
Messrs. Wicklander. Mroyles, Al
bright and Weston motored to Herm
Iston on business last Friday.
Tuesday was butchering day at
ihe Win. Wefford home ; they butcii
ered iwo big hogs, a veal and a mutton,
The east end truck carried 58
passengers, to town Christmas night
10 enjoy the Christmas tree and program.
The B. K. Mulkey family and the
.1. Cox family, and Mr. Lytle were
gliosis of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Cramer
Mrs N. A. Illeakney and daugb- ChrlaUttW .4Mf,
ter, Awilda Claire, of Kelio, an
nests ..I Mrs. Bleak no 's mothe, Mr. and Mrs. Hay lirown and lam
Mrs H II Wutnn "J gnesis oi .Mr. ami .Mrs.
Mitchell Christmas day.
Mrs. Kvan StOUeman and daugh
ter, Bemice, went lo IVntlleton
A family reunion was held at I tit
Thursday of last week to have her j u- " wenora nomc unrisimes day
s toated and glasses fitted, Aboui 2 1 were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Kvan Stnnoinan anil
daughter and Mr. ami Mrs. Glen
lladby were dinner gue.ds of Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Cramer on Friday of
last week.
Quy ,ee and M . L. Morgan have
been ho Infested with I he radio bug
thai both Installed sets In their
homes last week.
Mrs. Howell was hoslesH at a din
ner on New Years day lo Mr. and
Mrs. (iarrett, Mr and Mrs. Richard
son asd family and Mr. and Mrs.
Hicks and family
Dece aber 81th Nellie Dillon and
Katherlne lierger cave a surprise
part) in honor Of Mrs. Hillou, whose
birthday was thai day. A very en
jn.ahlo lime was had.
another has fallen victim to the
"ii la Castle" hair cut. This time il
is Mrs. ("has. W ick la niler, who gives
Ihe same alibi as Ihe other victlus
for follow inc. Ihe mode.
w H. Mfefford haa finished the
roof on his new house and if this
nice weather conliues a little longer
he will soon be moved into II.
A I 1 1 1 lid a surprise party was bold
Saturday on Nellie onion, ii being
her birthday Quite a lew of the
young people of tin' neighborhood
were present.
On Saturday night Mr and Mrs
Mcrs cave a house warming in the
new addition lo ilieir home Oane
lni was the principal amusement
of the evening
(lien Carpenter returned Wednes
day from Montana with bis bride,
where he was married on December
-, I'.Vi'i. Mrs. Carpenter was form
er!) Mrs. lluthaway. of Corvullis.
Mr. and' Mrs. Kvan Stoneman and
daughter were guests at lie- Glen
Had ley home during Christmas
week. Mrs. Stoneman is a niece of
Mr. Had ley.
Dr. Wlllluald Weutger, profs isor at
physics, c.-d V. s. Brown, professor
of horticulture, represented Oregon.
Agricultural college at the meeting oi
Ihe Ann i ll an Association lor Advance
ne ni hi Si ii nee, held lu Cambridge)
ik Curworth Flint f Bah tn has
honored with the chancellor's
fi r English eBBuy at Oxford, ne-
lo a in ssage received. This
Miss Iteth lllackman, who was a
guest of Miss .oh Had lev during the
holidays, left Sunday tor her home
In llal'iltnan. She was accompanied
by Mrs Kwut Sloneman, who is j
teaching in the llurdmun schools 1
Mr and Mrs Ira A. Berger left j
New Years day via. the Ford coupe
for a visit of Indefinite length
In the south. Mr. Berger has leased
bis farm to his brother and has alsoi
disposed of his Interest in the Cash i
Mercantile company.
Mr and Mrs. Leslie Packard had
us dinner guests on New Years the'
following: Mr. and Mrs, T K
Rroyles and family, Mr. mid Mm
John Jenkins and family, Mr and
Mis Chas. Nier and Miss Louise
i luges.
The Cash Mercantile Co hit
.loved into the llrovles building j
where It has more room and hettei
accomuiodut ions lo serve the public
It has been suggested (bat ihe com
puny use the mezzanine tlour as n
public rest room, furnishing a few
comfortable rockers, a Yictrols, etc
be. II
prize I
prize, ii was said, is one of the bight sf
honors in I he gift of the i ducat ional
One man ended his life and two oth
ers failed in their attempts at death
In a poet-Christmas epidemic of sui
cide in Portland, k. U Collins, about
4.ri ytars old. shut himsi If t wice
through the heart In a lavatory at the
Mstropolltan dub.
According to the Weekly lumber re
view nf the Weal Coast Lumbermen's
association, 187 mills reporting t the
SSSOCiation lor Ihe week end' d Decem
ber 23 manufactured 69,481,961 feet ol
lumber, sold 12.738,014 ( i, and ship
ped 7S.IHO.C-J7 feet.
Abolition of the voters' pamphlet
Will be BTO Dosed la a hill to be sub
milled to the state legislature at its
coming Session, it was decided at a
meeting at Oregon City of the lo isla
tlVi committee of the Oregon ktats
Editorial seeo iat ion.
The central Oregon Irrigation dis
trict has tiled application with the
state Irrigation securities commission
for certification of bonds aggregating
IMMM. approximately ltt,ooo of
these bonds will lie used to defiav the
cost of the development work.
bra sola's birthday is to be celebrated
by the republican state central com
mittee of Oregon with a large banquet
In Portland, to which republicans from
all purts of the stale will be invited,
according to a statement by WuUer L.
Taeee Jr.. republican state chairman.
I'urchusc b) the stlttS hourd of con
trol of supplies for all state institu- !
tiOSjl and dspertmintS instead Of only
s part of these supplies, us tint hurtled
under the present law. will be rccoiu
luemh d lo the legislature at Its next
seeslee b) lam a, Koeer, seordterj of
That the fire which wiped out the
buslinss district of Astoria December
S was of IniMidiarv origin and that
clues have been found which will lead
to aires, s was ihe information given
out at Astoria following an Investiga
tion by deputies from the state tire
marshal's office.
Carnation King Matador, year-old
Holitela Krleslan, sire oi the Phymere
herd owned by Dr. W. T. lhy of Hot
Lake, died frein acme Indigestion. He
wns the only son of the fatuous Carna
tion King Bylvta tor which the t'arua
Hon company paid Jleti.OOO, and was:
valued at $35,000. I
Mrs. Elanche Watkins, Dale and
Max, spent their vacation at home,
returning to Boardman Monday.
Hay is moving out rapidly now.
Both haling outfits are moving along
at a good rate now and should clean
up this month.
John Beavert returned from Port
land Monday and reports Mrs. Ben
vert as doing uicely at the hospital
and expects she will be able to re
turn soon.
Wadsworth hall' after serving (ill
other purposes. Genevia Glasgow and
Bishop Wisdom carried off the prizes.
Miss Clara Corrigan is on the sick
list in Portland, and is not expected
to return until next week. Prof. G ro
ver is handling the high school
single handed this week.
C. Em Jones of Portland spent a
couple of days with his son, Vernon,
the first of the week.
Farmer Smith, of the Union Pa
cific system, spent a couple of days
in Irrigon business this week. He
expects to farm the old demonstra
tion place this year himself.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howard I
and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Howard, al
so Mr. Wagner and John Parks
were guests at Ben Howard's the,
first of the week.
Special Price
Don't forget, the Farm Buneau
meeting Saturday evening, January! George E. Hendrick and son, Ish
6th. Election of officers lor this year mael who have been on a week's
and, we understand, a big dance is concert tour in the Baker-Prairie
to be pulled off after the business ; cil' country, returned Monday morn
meeting, I 'ns- Tby sav we could enjoy our
j weather after their experience with
The Farm Bureau gave their pro- sleet' Know and cold on their tri,)'
gressive 500 party last Saturday
instead of this week. It was an error j The Farm Bureau car of corn has
of the correspondent due to the fad arrived at last and been distributed
that Wadsworth hall was engaged among the farmers from Boardman
for other purposes. The party was and I'matilla. About eight or ten
held in the auditorium of ihe high dollars a ton was saved in the car
school and dancing followed in lot purchase.
CleanUp Sale jj
Small size Rinso 9c, 12 for $1.00
1776 Soap Powder 13c, 8 for $1.00
Ivory Soap Flakes 9c, 12 for $1.00
Diamond W Baking Powder, per oz. lc
Del Monte Pork and Beans 9c
Curtain Rods, each 5c
Reg. $1 Knife Sharpeners 49c
Heavily Tinplated Stew Pans 49c
14- inch Platters 18c
15- inch Platters 23c
18-inch Platters 29c
t WE GIVE 5 per cent Discount for Cash on all
other goods
Boardman, Oragon
The boys basketball team is ex
pected to play at Kcho Friday of
this week.
Miss Blanch lines spent the vaca
tion al her home near Lexington.
Everyone enjoyed a merry Christ
mas vacation and are back in school
again, ready lo start the new year
Merwin and Reva Kansier, who
have been al lending school at Uma
tilla, entered school here.
Corrigan and Miss Skells, left to
upend the holidays at their homes in
Mc.M innville and Portland, respect
ively. Genevieve Glasgow, Snow Mc
McCoy and others accompanied them
lo the train which was four hours
Batie B. Rand and Charles
report a very cold night.
Friday night, after
program, Iwo of the
the Christmas
teachers, Miss
Ray Lanioreaux's school bus has
been out of order and the children
have been forced to walk.
The Irrigon high school has joined
Ihe State High School Athletic asso
ciaton. Lyle D. Seaman ha.s been
elected treasurer of the high school.
Smallpox has made Its appearance
in Bend.
Residents of Grants Pass have re
ported ripe strawberries in their gar
dens. The Indian school at Chemawa is
at last to have a girls' dormitory at a
cost of 185,000.
Because of the ravages of the heavy
sloe storm of November, 1921, the
lumber cut of Hood River dropped off
materially the last year.
Because of the Increasing demands
for tow, the Willamette Flax and Hemp
Growers' association will not he able
to fill all the orders at hand.
Frank K. Lovell, state tax commis
sinner, who resigned recently because
of ill health, hss gone to California,
where he will pass the winter.
Governor-elect Pierce will arrive in
Salem Friday preparatory to assuming
his duties as governor Monday, ihe
opening day of the legislature.
With the totsl assessed valuation
for Linn county $224.S'78 less for 192$
taxpayers will pay only one-tenth of
a mill more this year than last.
The Roosevelt highway Is definitely
on the map of future construction in
Oregon, the bureau of public reads has
assured Uepresentntlve Hawley.
Oregon now has fifty-four drainage
projects embracing 275,000 acres, ac
cording to W. 1,. Powers, secretary of
the Oregon State Drainage association.
The Woodburn Co-operative Poult iy
association has been termed at Wood
burn w ith O. 1.. Dais as president and
Mrs. Klla Plank as secretary treasurer.
Fred S. Morris. Portland imaiuier
and evmctnber of the firm of Morris
Brothers, inc. died of appendicitis at
Good Samaritan hospital in Portland.
A terrific wind storm struck Tilla
uiook last week, tearing roofs from
barns and other farm buildings, and
caving In the doors of the IfethodletS
ch u rcb.
The Salem postoffiee established a
new record for receipts during the
present o,uarter, according to aiinoimce
ment made by Johu Karrur. post
inasier. The vourt records in m Grande, tak
en during the holiday season, show s
distinct "increase in births, marriage
licenses issued and in arrests for vio
lations of the liquor law.
The Coos county court has let s con
trsot for the coast ruction of a bridge
Wood Coal
Builders Hardware
Boardman, Oregon.
across Coal bank inlet, between the
city of Marshfield and Bunker Hill, 1
to M. W. Payne for $211,796.
Marion county will rank first in the
state in percentage payment of taxes
this year, according to tax officials.
Marion also ranks ahead of al! other
counties on delinquent taxes collected.
The Pacific Spruce corporation's
railroad, operating between South
Beach and Waldport. Lincoln county,
has been declared a common carrier
by the Oregon public service commis
sion. Sin somen plan to have a lobby at
the legislature to see that the bounty
on coyotes is not repealed. Cutting
out the coyote bounty has been sug
gested as one of the ways in which to
William Young Arthur, who wa3
committed to the state penitentiary
more than a year ago from Baker
county for embezzlement, received a
conditional pardon by Acting Gover
nor Kit ner.
Independent loganberry growers
from ail sections of the V'lllamette
valley held a conference in Salem and
discussed plans for the production and
marketing of their berries during the
1S22 season.
J. K. Stearns, city recorder, was ap
pointed as t-mporary city manager of
La Grande to succeed O. A. Kratz,
whose resignation has been accepted,
until a time when a permanent ap
pointnient can be made.
The diphtheria epidemic which has
prevailed at Salem for several weeks
Is now on the wane, according to phy
sicians. There have been approximate
ly 15 cases reported to the health au
thorities, with two deaths.
The jail that served as a place of
incarceration for drunks and other law
breakers during the hectic saloon days !
of Glcnada. the city near th- mouth of
the Sluslaw river, that a few days ago
voted to disincorporate, was sold for
Battery A. 147th field artillery. Ore
gon national guard, the only Oregon
unit preserving Its identity Intact
through the major battles of the world
war. and the oldest military organize
lion in the state, wr.s sienally honored
In ceremonl-s at the armory in Port
land when a regimental croix de guerre
and six sliver battle rings were pre
sented by Adjutsnt-General White.
You Get ALU FOUR ol These
For One
Year Each
FOR $P:55 Order Now
tiubKiipiioua may be new or rcnrwil. AU renewal subcrintion will be cjrendcrl tot or.a
year from present dace of expiration.
M. L. Morgan, Pres.