The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 24, 1922, Image 4

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Editor, Lyndelht Olson, '23
A.--it. '-alitor, Doris Henley, '23
Joke Editor, Dorothy Boardman . 33
Clas Editors:
Hon, h' Hosrdrotn ... Senior Ida Mefford Sophomore X
all ii Keyes Junior Mildred Duncan ,. -Freshman
Dor,'i forget our Thanksgiving pro
gram on
which will loud to give them a better
lodnesdaj afternoon, Nov, understanding of the work, are being
: writ I en up.
M;me tiango wax absent on
Monday. Evidently she wasn't home
oil Sunday.
The frethmart-aopbotnore English
class has taken ui the study of
BhakMPOajro'B "Merchant, of Venice."
We have a ioet in the freshman
class. Treat him well and he'll let
you pans.
The high Hchocl wll be represent
ed in the Thanksgiving Assembly
Wednesday, Nov. 29, by a song,
"Hall (he (iiad Thanksgiving."
There will also he a recitation and
current events.
Charles Aetteberrr of the senior
class, has relumed lo school after
an absence of three days.
Lauren Cumins, senior,
from school ihis week.
iH absent
Dorothy Boardman, former joke
editor of the ITtellutn, acted in the
absence of Lauren Cumins, present
Officer, in writing the Jokes Ihis
Word has been received from
Caryl Signs, former member of the
Junior class, lo (he effect that she
is attending HUlsboro high school.
She has been obliged to drop cook
ing for the remainder of (he semes
ter op account of a conflict with
It was a lesson on punctual ion
and Edward was half asleep at his
"Now." said the teacher, If I
saj. 'I must leave as I have an en
gagement Hy the way, what time is
it?' I place a dash after en
gagement because I he sentence is
broken off abruptly."
.At thai moment she caughl sight
of the dozing boy.
I "Now then, ESdward, you an
listening. What was I saying?'
asked him, '
"Please, Mrs. Crowder," said Bd
ward, you said 'dash' because your
engagement was broken off abrupt
ly." Mr. Lee in Science Class:
Scientists say that sleeping out
door! makes one beautiful. Can you
explain it Doris?
DOTiS (after some thought I
No, but al last I know how to ac
count for the hobo's charming complexion.
Mrs. Crowder:
If a cat in a well climbs up two
fert and falls back one, how 1 ng
will it lake her lo ge out?
I have little or no Interest in such
a cat.
Mr. Mulkey Frances, why wer
you lali'?
Frances- School started before I
got here.
Howard Packard Is absent from
the freshman class
Four new students entered school
Ihis week. They are Holier! Bchull,
Klrby Schull and Irene Durfey, in
ib(. ihtrd grade and rourth grade
loom, also Walter Sehull In the firsi
grade room.
The senior F.nglish class Is study
ing and willing compositions, strict
b observing the four qualities, unity,
proportion) proper arrangement and
such subjects as "Naturalisation",
"Forest Preservation," "Safety First"
and others pertaining to the differ
ent Studies of the class member,
Truman "I put a lack in leachir's
chair yesterday."
Ethel "Did you? I'll bet lie won'l
sit down in a hurry again."
Truman "No, and neither will
"Profeesor," said a graduate try
ing to be pathetic al party, "I am in
debted lo you for all I know."
"Pray do not mention such a
trifle," was the unflattering reply.
Doris "Pat was the goal of my
a m bit ion."
Dorothy "Well, dear."
Doris "F F ather kicked the
goal "
Boardman Paragraphs
Ituy llrown lias been on l lit sick haaai and carnival lo lie given by
list this week. the Ladles Aid on Dec. H, in the
base m en I of the school house.
F. K. Mulkey Is In Portland this
week buying cows. Mrs. Ilallenger entertained the
teachers from the rot lag,, al a din
Don't forget the bazaar on Doo-iit tier Tussdai evi ning.
bet N. Everybody come.
'l ite Bills Qarrsttl are i nlet laining
Jack Oorham made a hurried trip Mr. and Mrs Carretl and family of
lo Pendleton on Sunday. j Auburn, Wajdi , a nephew of Mr.
Kills Garrett,
Mr. and Mrs An Jensen of Qold-
CbaS, La I on nil was over from
!! rimer (he fhsi of the week
enda It- were guests of Mrs Jensen s
son. Oplo Wauuonei- :U Hi.. II.,,,.
Km II., t. II i,.. , . .
"" I drlcks farm on Sunday
this week of Mrs. Dan Kuncier.
Mrs Win II Davis, sister-ln law
J. C, Ballon gar is away Ibis week of Kulph Davis, yud Mrs J V
looking after his agricultural allairs Mitchell ol 1'onland, were week-end
guests or Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis.
Raymond Crowder visited bis wife
over the week end at the Ballanger ''asl Thursday evening Mr and
hum. Mrs, Dan Katu n i had as their din
er guests Mrs llummell and son.
Mrs i. nines of Room veil Is the.1 '':rr'"- Mr" Walking and sons, Dale
iRRieon seiiooc neus
ami Ma.
Mrs Al May and small daughter.
km returned from several moat'
Usit wtth her parents In Indiana,
and are now located wilh Mr 'lay
ut Newport.
guest thin week ot Mrs. Hurt-hell
III nils.
Mr and Mrs J. M Qllbert of Pilot
Hook wer,, uesls of Mrs V A Mu
coluber over I tin week end.
Mr and Mrs. Oscar Waggoner of Mr Rnd M,.s ,,()hoon
Walls Walla, were guest- las, fcesfe ,;,,., ,.,,,,, ,,.,,,,,,.,, ,Ueir
of her cousin, Mrs li. 1, Brown tenth ,i, .. , . .
lenth anniversary last Saturday at
' lh,. home ot Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge
...u ... ".-mi iKiiia, .viiss Meffurtt The re
I'oweil and Mr. Carroll took in the j,
show in Umatilla Sunday evening.
Messrs W A C.oodwln. J C
Mr-. C Depher of S.oa ... ih Ilallenger. Clay Warden and S II
li. r,. Tuesdav and . rfe, lleardmun. representing the Iloard
IHng her daiiiHitei. Mm i'aul man Conimerclnl club. wer,. in at-
A meeting of ths legal voters of
district No. 10, Irrig'on, is called by
the board of directors for Friday
evening, Nov. 1, at 2 p. m., in the
school house to discuss the location
of the pipe line lo the school
grounds. All who are interested are
urged to be present.
A turkey shoot will be held al Ir
rigon Sunday, Nov. 2 0, under the
auspices of the Irrigon farm bureau.
The ladies will serve hot dogs and
Ira Oraybeal returned lo school1
Tuesday alter an absence of two
months. During this lime he has,
been working at Ambler.
Mrs. B. B. Lane vlsiled school
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Hazel Smith, a member of ths
girls' basketball team appeared at
school Tuesday morning with a black
eye. We don't know how she got it
but she said it was after dark.
The garage and car of Prof. C. F.
t; rover was destroyed by l ire Sunday
Ishmael Hendrick has been elected
manager for the boys' basketball
Miss Jane Knight was unable lo
be at school Monday because of ill
ness. Mrs. Merle Doble and Mrs. E.
Chaney vlsiled school Friday afternoon.
Do Your
Our Christmas goods will be on display after
the first of December.
iIjiIO ilj
I DOT! a scrumptious
Mrs F K Mulkey end Mn Rarl
tendance at ihe Open BtVef confer
ence ui l'endleion on Friday,
Crsmer met with Mrs. Herein, W,d- Send In the news- we want them
ntaday to complete plans ,,,r the for Hits mi iter
The conimittee on arrangements
lor the Shooting -match- Sunday,
Nov. Hi, have completed their plans
and requested each member of Ihe
Farm l.ureau lo bring in two chick
ens and oilier birds for the occasion.
Several coops of lurkeys will be
brought in from the country and bold
to meet the requirements of the day.
No matter how big a crowd might
come from our neighboring towns,
there will be sufficient for an all
day shoot and raffle. Various ar
rangements have been made lo en
tertain the ladies loo. Ltlind folded
slaking out games will permit the
ladies lo try their luck. Hot coffee
and dogs and other refreshments are
included in Ihe day's program. Light
rilles will be used for the shool.
Everybody invited.
c. B, Glasgow motored io Board
man on business Tuesday.
C. I'. Adams of Hermlston was an
Irrigon visitor Tuesday.
Messrs. Bbotweil and Doughe.ty
of Hermlston motored to irrigon
Monday on business. Mr. Shotwell
says in- siiii remembers how we were
kepi mil of Ihe war.
George A bad went to Cortland
Wednesday lo attend to some busi
ness matters.
Miss Myrtle McCoy is on the sick
list litis week but is improving.
F. M. Jones of Hood liver is on
ihe Burehett place temporarily bui
expects to buy Improved acreage in
the district. He is delighted With the
country and that is saving something
when you know where he hails from.
Two hay balers ate now working
in Ihe district and if cars can be
had hay will b,, moving rapidly now
Orders placed week or I en days are
slill unfilled. Shippers expect some
difficulty for the present but hope II
w ill improve soon.
Hugh Grim went lo ol'illand Mon
day night with Mr. George Allen who
is very low from the effects of the
CSnser on his lip. Tht. count) has
arranged to lake care of him in the
hospital and this is where he oughl lo
bae been some tim,. ago.
J. T. Billiard who litis been work
ing for Mr. Charles Powell during
Ihe summer mom lis, has Mr Pow
ell's equipment now ami is leveling
the eight acres recenlly purchased
from Mr. Walpole and will seed li
in the spring.
Don't forget the Rod Cross mem
bership drive Mr. Glasgow is the
chairman and says if he tails to find
you, it will be because you were hid
den some where.
C C. Grimm has been appointed in
speeior in charge for the Oregon in-,
speciion department lo handle I lie '
hay shipments from Irrigon.
c. f. 0 rover lost ins Chevrolet
automobile Sunday evening i rire.
He hatl been out for a drive and not
long afterwards discovered ihe uar
age ablaze and too far adv:in-H i
save the car or a thing in the garage
I ' tried no insurance
Mr. and Mrs, Uiehard Howard of
touch' were guests of his son. W
H i ward and wire, a few days this
' 'I, reluming home mi the night
train Tuesdiu
"The Truiir,; Place." ,),
given bj tho Am 'lean Legion at
Moan! inn Satei ,av night, was at
tended by t vera! '.rigon people
Among tl- -e atti - ng were Mr and
Mrs C K. ('' sow George Hand.
Untie Hand Ouid- Hendricks. Ger
trude Oraybeal ira Oraybeal, Mrs
gow and Miss Clara Corrigan
Charles Boise of Salem is at Irri
gon this week on business
Thomas Chatterton of Portland
who has hern visiting- at ihe Knirht
home, returned to Portland Sandal
evening Th,. small ton of Mr and
Mrs, Ohattertoh has been sick.
Mrs. Charles Stewart and daughter
were in Echo on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kulph Fin ley and
Miss Pearl Parks of Sand Hollow at
tended church In Irrigon Sunday
e ening.
Airs. Alex Thompson of Stanfeid
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Ashbey left this week for
Portland where she will make her
w. li. Howard transacted business
in Hermlston on Saturday.
Your inspection invited
We w ill cany a very complete line of toys.
Make your selections early before stock is depleted
Boardman, Dragon
Qeees"eoe" 3i?e,e'o eoesfc'Seoe eoe
Mom Than Seven Million Dollars
Worth Handled Last Y.-ai- by
Farmer Organizations.
The six state-wide cooperative
marketing associations of Oregon
now In business sold last year lor
their numbers more than 7 million
dollars worth of farm produce. These
associations are
Oregon Growers Cooperative asso
cla. Ion.
Pacific Cooperative Poultry Pro
ducer. Piicilic Cooperative Wool Cowers
Oregon Cooperative Hay growers.
Oregon Cooperative Grain grow
ers. Oregon Mint Growers Cooperative
associat ion.
The report of a committee on mar
keting that w-as adopted at the an
nual conference of the college ex
tension service in Ot'lober has been
puMtished and is available to those
interested in this phase of success
ful farming. United states depart
ment of agriculture officers, extension
men. count) agents and station men
joined in the report,
The marketing .situation is Ural
analysed, plans, methods and results
being submitted, Difficulties and how
to prevent them is another phase.
Programs of work for producers,
business men and extension special
ists outlined, following a summary
of accomplishments.
Cooperation with existing market
ing agencies is advocated.
Producers, business men or others
needing the report may get a copy
mi reaaeet to Paul V. Maris, director
of extension, O. A. C , Corvallis.
Crain straw disked In lo Ihe land
in a manuring experiment started
list spring at the Oregon Experiment!
station resulted in better moisture
Rnd tilth during the summer than
was obtained on an ad.iacent plat
that did not have the straw appli
cation. The yield ot clover hay was
increased 1 17 tons, giving a total
M.-ld at three cuttings of tone
,ui acre. The field of four
check plats averaged -t.:!fi torn-. AH
'he plats received two Irrigations
v hich made possible a good second
ml good third cutting
Manure disked and plowed in. is
:,vlne better yields than where It is
-!;sk,d in after plowing or u-ed as
,i top dressing, in this experiment
Straw can hp scattered out and
ii ;ked and plowed in. in the fall or
Cull potatoes, either raw or
Cooked, make an excellent food lor
swine. Cooking greatly increases the
food vi-lue. It is always desirable
,o feed grain with the potatoes one
pound to every four pounds of cook
ed potatoes, or one pound of grain
to two pounds of raw potatoes. At
,!ib season of the year, and particu
larly this year, there are considerable
Quantities of cull polatoes which may
be readily turned into money by feed
ing to swine. If the grain and pola
toes are the only feed given a small
self-feeder containing tankage or
fresh fish meal will be found a prof
itable Investment if placed where the
swine may have free access to it.
- O. A. C. Ext. Service.
Cement, Wood
Building Material
W. A. Murchie
Boardman, Oregon.
'TrT!T:r'TTirr'r n Fin "i iwiiiwrrriii'iii'imwuii ibuhuhiiii i i in i mum nw
agleatoa, Miss OeneVteVe OlaS- it may be spread thinly after seeding
M. L. Morgan, Pres.
as a top dressing.
Beans In a manured rotation gave
vleld of two and one third bu-bels
i.:itn over nnmantired beans, in the
same kind of rotation on ihe same
soli. The gain amounted to $7 per