The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 24, 1922, Image 1

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    SotsonEs liffb j
bia and the Snake rivers. The gov- and Oregon in the national congress, EAST ENDEKS ALL EXCITED
eminent, he said, is anxious to han-iaad also that copies be furnished to
die such development so that the s-! the commercial bodies represented
Delegates from Three States Gather and Endorse
Umatilla Rapids Power Project As Step In
Opening of the Columbia River.
Endorsement of the
ids power project as
Umatilla rap- seeker for home or investment,"
the first sttp calling attention to the great und-
in the open river program for the
Columbia, endorsement of the Smith
McNary bill now pending in con
gress and request for the appoint
ment of a board of engineers by tile
secretary of war to make a survey
of the Columbia river from Van
couver, Wash., to Priest Rapids, in
Idaho, as directed, was the outstand
ing action takih by the Open River
conference in Pendleton last Friday.
The three-in-one proposal for the
canalization of the river, the devel
opment of hydro-electric power and
irrigation of adjoining arid land was
unanimously backed by del gate
from all the Columbia basin poin's
attending from three states.
A stirring address by Joseph N.
Teal on "What shall we do with th
Columbia?" opened the conferenc
in the morning, lloth this speaker
and A. H. Devers of Portland who
called the conferring to order urged
government aid for the opening and
development of the Columbia.
Co-operation with railroad trans
portation and not necessarily com
petition, was advocated by Mr. Tea! ,
In explaining the proposal to open
the river tor water transportation.
The speaker showed the great benefit
to be derived by the railroads, by the
electrification of the lines through
power development on the Colum
bia. "Right improvements of water
ways is the most important part of
my subject," the speaker stated.
Clearing away of hitches in gov
ernment action which might hinder
the application of the three-in-one
proposal, and thus :uake the whole
problem of water transportation, ir
rigation and power development, one
movement, was the argument of the
speaker. The Importance of the (1 -velopment
of lhe down river cargoes
by the itnprovment of the arid lands
on both sides of the Columbia, was
emphasized, to work with the up
river cargoes to the "bread-basket"
Major George Mayo, 1'nlted State,
engineering corps; F. C. Schubert,
civilian engineer of the same corps,
spoke on the problems of rendering
the Columbia navigable and told of
work already accomplished by their
depart tnent,
At the luncheon given by the Pen
dleton commercial association, Judge
Gilbert W . Phelps 01 the circuit coi.rt
and president of the I'matilla Rap
Ida Power State association. Attor
ney Fred Steiwer and Judge Stephen
A. Lowell, presented the program of
the proposed Umatilla project and
sketched the importance of its de
velopment to the entire inland em
pire. The delegation was enthusiastic
over tying up of the gigantic scheme
to link irrigation and power d. ri 1
opment with the open river program
lor transportation.
Judge Phelps outlined the birth
veloped area of the three states tribu
tary to the Columbia and Snake.
The "great opportunity", Judge
Lowell pointed out lay in the fact
that the I'matilla rapids proj.ct more
nearly fills the requirements of the
federal power act than an) other
known project, in that it appeals to
the department of agriculture be-
cause of its promise to improve the
condition of the farms of the three
tatei through the possibility of
cheap power for the electrification
oi tuc lines ot the S. P. & S the
O.-W., and the K. P., because of
their proximity to the site of the pro
ject, thus enabling them to provide
Cheaper and more rapid transporta
tion facilities. The interior depart
ment, through its reclamation serv
ice, will find, said the speaker, that
the proposed I'matilla dam would
irrigate 250,000 acres with a gravity
system and approximately the same
amount more by the use of a pump
ing system. The removal of the great
est obstacle to the navigability of the
Columbia and its tributaries, through
the canalization of the river at the
site of the proposed I'matilla project,
opening the Columbia to navigation
for a distance of 700 miles and pos three times that, distance when
Its tributaries are included, is of de
cided interest to the war department.
The "great problem", concluded the
judge, is to determine a method of
reaching the federal power commis
sion so that an investigation shall
be made and the commission satis
fied that the project possesses all the
features which seem to demand its
Attorney Steiwer discussed briefly
the i'matilla proposal from the
Standpoint of agriculture, mercan
tile, social and industrial welfare.
Delegates from the various sec-
t ion
tablished lines of railroad will not
be damaged for frequently the
damming of the stream causes the
water to overflow rail lines along the
river. The government is friendly,
Mr. Dater said ,to hydro-electric de
velopment but is proceeding careful
ly and is also finding the problems
of financing serious ones.
C. C. Clark of Arlington said that
In Gilliam county opposition com 's
from large land owners who fear the
expense necessary to the construction
of irrigation systems.
Following are the resolutions
adopted :
Whereas, The secretary of war is
authorized and directed to appoint
a special board of engineers to e x
amine the Columbia river from Van
couver, Wash., to Priest Rapids, and
the Snake river from its mouth to
Asotin, Wash., to study and report
With a view to the canalization of
these rivers for barge navigation and
ioi the development of hydro-electric
power in cooperation with local
interests in connection with such can
alization to be used for the irriga
tion of arid lands adjacent to these
rivers. j a
Whereas, the board shall also con- j ae uuu
SIder any proposition on the part of j aiio. Uave
local interests to construct dams fori until u c
development of water power for irri
gation before a project is adopted by
the 1'niled States, with a view to 80
Opi ration of the government in the
cost of the locks required for navi
gation where such dams are to bs
ins; ailed, and
Whereas, the secretary of war is
authorized and directed to appoint a
board of engineers to study and n -port
with a view to determining the
most comprehensive plan for the can
alization of these rivers for barge
navigation and lor the cooperation of
ihe United states with local inter
ests tor the development of hydro
electric power, in connection with
such canalization, to be used for the I
irrigation of the arid lands adjacent j
to these rivers. In making said re
port the board shall submit an esti
mate of the probable cost of such Im
provement, the length of time re-
ln this Open River conferenc with
ffle request that they take ratifying
afition and hold themselves in readi
ness to join with their influence the
furtherance of a campaign tor the beating their way
Object above set forth, and be it fur- Mont., to Portland
The East Enders were treated to
quite a little excitement Saturday
night. 'Tis quite a tale to tell. Tnere
were three young chaps who wire
from Lewiston,
ind BOtneVi here
Resolved, That the thanks of the
delegates to the Open River confer
ence be tendered the Pendleton Coi t
merclal association, to the Pendleton
lodge of Klks and the press of Pea
dleton for courtesies extended.
Gy One of Our staff Correeponden s
The fashion for Lobbed litttr a
ia Gastie lias hit
i uel Ltieasi
a tread let
fashion desired but.
worn matrons who
to once more have
i .ii
the yonfag
MM ttU iOii
, n grow
i U 111 nloSl al...
now l lie ear -have
a longm;
beaut it ui loo) a
of various shades and hues have ta
en to bobbed hair until one wo oers
"Who next ."' Mrs. W. Cohoo.l
at:., .'.'r. B-erger were among ll
; lirst who had sufficient courage j,
year or so ago. Mrs. Hereim an 1
Mrs. Binns had their sheared sever.. I
months ago but the number who have
I undergone the process at recent dates
' Is alarming. Sometimes it is a devot
i ed husband who takes the scissors
in hand and beats the barber out
i of 50 cents. Sometimes it is a gen
erous neighbor who does the deed
i no matter what the method, results
are the same and in the course of
three or four years many
Hoardnian women will be
along the line one of them fell off
(he train anil wandered around all
night, arriving at the lleivitns at
breakfast time Saturday morning,
He was given breakfast and direct! d
lo a place where he might find work.
Meanwhile his two pals had dropped
off at Messner and were endeavor
lug to locate him. They went up to
Coyote where Dale Albright's gave
them some breakfast and Mr. Al
bright tried 10 help them find their
pal. They apparently weren't profes
sional hoboes, any of the three. Being
unable to find the chap who was lost
they continued their journey lo
Portland via a "side door Pullman"
leaving at Messner the address of
the brother of the boy they had part
ed from during the day. This young
man whose name is Fitzhugh, had
found a job on the baler and in 111,.
afternoon he began acting aueerly
and did all sorts of queer things. I'in-
M 1 1 ally crawling on his hands and knees.
'Ile was obsessed with 1 1n- idea that
1 11 i officers were after him and he want
ed to run away. When he came to the
canal he threw off his mackinaw and
waded straight across and disap
peared A search was made for him
that afternoon but he wasn't seen
again. In th,, evening when the bus
was returning from the dance, the
antics of this man were the main
topic of conversation and everyone
was feeling half frightened, and
many thrills were experienced.
When the bus hove in sight of the
Hadley's ranch house ther,. was a
light seen in the house and I lie
shadow of some one moving within.
Of course everyone thought it the
man who was not in his right mind,
so the Hadieys, with reinforcements,
marched up only to find it some old
friends who had come and flndinu
of the! no one home proceeded to make
able to i themselves at ho-i, while awaiting
represented indulged in a rounu ..,,. , ,.,,.,. Iha ,, .,
ble discussion at the afternoon sea- the order in whi(,h (he , fc
sion of the conference. Pert F. Sav
age of Lewiston, Idaho, pledged the!
ooperation of northern Idaho toward
the ambitions of the Open River as
sociation. Hen F. Hill, mayor of
Walla Walla, Wash., expressed a be
lief that the power of large interests
to hamper development were shat
tered, drawing the conclusion from!
the recent elections in which he read
a purpose on the part of the people to
take matters into their own hands
and retire members of congress
I whom they believe under the power
of the monetary Interests.
W. A. Goodwin of Hoardnian
touched upon the history of the I' ma-,
tilla project and gave his experiences j
and observations along lines of de
velopment through irrigation.
dams should be constructed to over-'
come the most serious obstructions!
to navigation for the economical de-'
velopnient of power.
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by this association that
the secretary of war be reuuested to!
forthwith appoint such board of en- ollr imagination
gineers and see that a full report no- Mrs. Boardman
on the above question is submitted,
in order that the same may be had
for consideration by the reclamation
department or the federal power com
mission, or any other power of the
federal government or board author
ized by congress to proceed with such
work if the same is found to be feas
ible, and be it further
Resolved that as part of the can
alization of said Columbia river and
boast of hair like the famous "Seven! the return of the Hadieys, To pro
Sutherland Sisters." The latest ac- ceed with our grtie, OMe tale: The
quisilions are Mrs. E. K. gfulkey, Cohoons on reaching home found
Mrs. Leon Kutzner, Mrs. Jack Gor- some one striking IB lies out by
ham, Mrs. W. O. King, Mrs Olen the haystack. They left the Portland
.Mitchell, Mrs. Glen flrown. Mrs. H. bo's at Ihe house am: rushed down
Dillabaugh and let us remark from to liny Itrown's to call lor the depu
Ihe standpoint of tin ob: -rver that ty sheriff. The emergency ring called
all are "passing fair" In. v won- everybody on the line but failed to
der when- it will end Let us use awaken central, so Cohoon's drove
a bit d picture
with her hair
bobbed, or Mrs. C Ins, for In
stance or Mrs. H. L. w'eston, with
the Castle Hair Cut, or Mrs. Gar
rett. The list is unlimited. Who next?
Hut all who have had their hair cut
have hopes of having it grow so rap
Idly that within few months they
will have a sufficient amount so thai
It can be dressed in the new and Up-to-date!
fashion displayed by some of
the girls from our neighboring citv
Plans are being formulated for the
carnival and bazaar, which is to he
given Dec. 8. Don't forget the date,
nor all the big attractions. Uosco, the
Snake Eater, "The Zoo", "The Baby
Show, rhe Country Store,", the
fancy work booth, where all sorts of
dainty fancy articles may be pur
chased, the Plain Work booth, where
practical things such as aprons and
bibs and dresses may be bought for
a small sum. the Fortune Teller, who
is to be, we understand, a native of
Romany, imported for the occasion.
Lunch will be served hot dogs, pies
and hot, COf fee. ,'Pen cents for a
good big hoi dog sandwich, ! cents
lor a CUP of colli-,, and live cents for
a piece of pie, a real honest lo good
ness chef from the Milt more will
hnv,, charge of the hot dog stand.
There will be genuine spielers for
tin- side shows who win tell you vo
ciferously Of the merits of their
particular shows.
Tin- next Aid meeting will be hold
al the church Dec 6, just two days
before the bazaar ami each woman
on Ihe project is asked lo bring her
Contribution lor the Country Store.
Articles lor this will range in prle
from Hve cents to BO cents but each
article must be well worth the price
asked lor it so that all buyers will
gel lull value, Some suggestions for
this: Last year some one gave pop
corn balls which were fished out at
fiv,, cents per fish (same principle)
and proved immensely popular. Small
Stuffed animals, frilly little pin cush
ions, a lacy boudoir cap. handker
chiefs, holders for hot pans, a variety
of articles will be acceptable. In this
country store each article will he
Wrapped and priced and Ihe elemeni
of chance enters in the same as in
the always popular fish pond. Num
erous five und 10 cent articles are
especially desired for the benefit of
the children, but any article valued
from fiV to BO cents Is asked for.
The ladles are all asked to save
empty boxes and wrapping paper for
the Country Store. More next week
about the bazaar
With llf.4 Injured World War
veterans or this district rehabilita
ted, l hi Pacific Northwest section of
Walter E. Meacham of linker
county. A. R. Gardner of Ker.newick,
V. R. Cox of Pasco, and William
for Ihe development of hydro-electric tin- night of the Auxiliary dance who
power and for the irrigation of now-
waste land this association believes
that the Umatilla rapids presents
a project worthy of immediate con
sideration and action by the general
Warner of Alderdale, expressed the
interest of their section of Washing
ton in mans lor tne improvement oi government, and be it further
and development of the association ,he Columbia and its tributaries. Ben Resolved, that as one means of
explaining that the Interior cou.i-H. Rice, assistant secretary of the procuring necessary government
try had reached the limit of Its finan j Columbia Basin Irrigation league, an fullds for tne purpoS(, of reclaiming
ana mat an appeal must now he organization endeavoring to develop a,.iu and
had such a vast amount protruding
from both sides and back that a per
son could almost, as some one re
mai -!-:"d bask under it In case of rain.
Vade to the larger cities, such
Portland, which he termed the chief
heinef iciary of development of the
Columbia river. Judge Phelps said
l htit . while the I'matilla rapids plan
had been discussed at meetings of the
chamber of commerce of Portland
and apparently had bien favorably
received yet there had, thus far
been little activity apparent and that
Portland's more vigorous cooperation
in the matter of financial and politi-i completion. R. A. Pinneo of Astoria,
cal influence is needed to inspire the! pledged the support of that city to
northwestern members of congress to ward anv move for the development
take up more vigorously the develop ! of Oregon's water ways. Phillips
ment of the Columbia basin and the Dater, a representative of the 1'nlted
I'matilla rapids project. j States forest service, explained the
Judge S. A. Lowell of Pendleton. 1 government's attitude toward all en-
this association stronglv
lands in east central Washington, ex- urKes the enactment of what is
press-d his sympathy with the aims kllown ,he McNary-Smith bill, now
of open river association. Whitney p.du before congress, and be it
L Boise explained the efforts of the further
Portlrnd chamber of commerce to Resolved, That the National Rivers
to raise $150,000 for the furtherance and Harbors congress have Its forth
coming meeting in Washington and
likewise the National congress be
Increased building operations" in
Portland have stimulated the brick
and tile trade to such an extent that
the clay yards at W illamina have
been reopem d These deposits have
been idle since war days. Several
million face bricks have he. n
to town after Mr. Gorham who Is the
present incumbent and he with M.
L. Morgan and H Blnns came out
but could find no one. Mr. Morgan
remained in the neighborhood nil
morning, the olhers returning to
People were all agog by this lime
and some sal up till t a. in., and
some till ,'i o'clock, but still nothing
happened Sunday Mr. Cohoon SOU I
a telegram lo Filzhugh's brother,
who came up Immediately, reaching
Hi per Monday morning He, with
Tom Miller and Bob Smith, operator
at Messner, started out horseback lo
the desert to find young Fitzhugh.
loin dy came down from hist
camp , , the spillway and told some
one that the 1 -,y was up at his camp:
ho the thr men rode up there and
found Fitzhugh ,lmly sleeping In
Brady's bed, sxhausfed after his
strenuous eSpertejP ,.e had thrown'
away his shoes an,, both his coals,;
and when asked why 1 did Dial he
said he thought he could r" faster
of development enterprises. V. L.
Brownell of Umatilla, called the
father of the I'matilla rapids project,
traced the history of that project and
the advantages he saw following its
furnished copies of the above resolu
tion and information of the solicitude
felt by the civic and commercial
teresis of the Pacific northwest for
the forwarding of the plan:- tier
set forth, and be It further
Resolved, That copies of the above
the United Stales Veterans' Mureau
leads all other districts of the coun
try in the number of vocationally
rebuilt former service people as com
pared with the QUmber entering
training This announcement was
made by L. C. Jessepb. northwest
I district manager r the bureau, who
I slated that there are f,7 olhers
in training at the expense of the
, government now. Only veterans who
received disabilities In war service
which prevented them from r-estim-i
ing their pre war vocations were
Warded training.
I This dl-trici which Includes Wash
ing-Ion. Oregon and Idaho Is also om
"'e two leaders In II,,. United
I Slates in ovpeditioiis ad hid leu I Inn ,f
compensation claims, ir. Jtsenpn
slated. Only 47K such eisims oui
of a tOtel of N,.M7 rilled by veterans
in the district are pending action al
the present lime. This is three per
cent plus or tlw total number Wilh
less than one per cent of lis malj
unanswered, th,, northwest district
of the bureau leads all OtBerS In the
mailer of prompt answering of cor-
i.:.oncieice When this work
" 1 'd tliroiighoul tht
OOVntry re-
shipped this year to Portland from
Los Angeles, tfpokane and Canadian Ills feet were swollen bc4tj and full
cities at sales rates ranging from $65 of cactus. It seems that he h- ,.an
upward. The Willamlna brick are dered around in the desert Saturday
again In Ihe market. iiHmmi .,.i -k, ..j
are 7 G li disabled war vt.
' . wif on nunuay. ins '
The Associated Industries of Ore- brother asked him If he had done "ra"H BBetttaUgseJ n ihls district at
gon has made surveys of Ihe medical, anything so that he need be afraid Present time, U slight decrease
surgical end dental professions of of the officers but seemed wv.r- ""lHr ,m' ""'"her , hospitals In Oc-
tbs late to determine ihe amount of rtej fttgjfcsjfg gsj ass hegltng I Th" '"'ak "' hospitalization
nitrous oxide, or "laughing gas" used He had said at Here . . thai it was ra,h,"l 'arb in the spring of
In Oregon, so thai Indication may be his first experience and would be',hl11 V"Hr' M"""11- nervous and tu-
obtalned as lo whether local manu- tils Inst and the Other hovs told rr"'"HlH rasft" are still Increasing.
it was stated
di-ctiss'pg the possibility of the
I'matilla rapids power project, spoke
of the "greet .avitailon tha the
states of the northwest offer to th--
terprises of this kind. He said that
there were numerous applications on
file for the investigation of hydro
electric power sites along the Coluiu-
would be Albright Ihe same tiling The bro'h
dng made ST asked him why he dldn"t tele-
resolution be furnished the press
the chief of engineers 1'nlted Stafs factoring of the product
army, the secretary of war, secretary welcomes), Efforts are h
ot agriculture, secretary or Interior DJ a Portland concern to develop graph for monej and be said he bad
. . A ,... . I , . 1 . I. I . J ... . .
w,u tun unr iur ui .ii i wis i urn m- iraw wirn a rieii.-r pas. .Nitrous no money to pay for the
service, to tne senators and congress- oxide now Is supplied from Clev.--iun
representing Idaho, Washington land, O.
tale of excitement, all of which goes
pay for the me-sage to prove that Iloardman ix n..v,.r A
with They went to Portland by the void of excitement of one kind or an
flrst train out so here endeth my other.