IK 'I 14 HA VOLUME 2 W. F. HALLORAN !.-.-.."v.- If 11 m zJ 1a UdM JAPANESE 10" HIP SiiiT ELECTION AFTEI MATH Former Governor Lynn Frazior of North Dakota was elected to Senator McCumber's seat by a plurality oyer J. Y. T. O'Connor, democrat, that will exceed 5000. There was a majority of 33,181 in favor of making the eighteenth amend ment to the constitution of the United States and the Volstead act statute law of California. Walter M. Pierce had a lead of 34. 43S votes over lien W. Oh t lor the goveruship in Oregon. The con- .il sory education bill had an affirma tive majority exceeding 13,000. Unofficial figures on the Indiana contest fcr United States senator (how ad that Samuel M. Ralston, demo crat, defeated former Senator Albert J. Beveridge, republican, by 30 599 votes. Returns from the election shows the prohibitionists rolled up a majority of approximately 175,000 against a pro posed amendment to tae constitution to permit tne mam: acture and sale of wine and beer in Ohio. Petitions for state-wide recount of the vote for United States senator in Massachusettes were prepared by a campaign manager for Olonel W. A Gaston, democratic opponent of Sen ator. Henry Cabot Lodge. The latter's plurality stand at 8425 rates. Nebraska voted two to one against rat :'. cation of a law passed by the lar-t legislature which would have made it possible for slate conventions , BO 'DM T ..L'iit.f ki , OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1922 NUMBER 41 to s"ieet delegates to nation. il nomi nating conventions of the various pol itical parties and to name national committeemen. re Bill nipisoaes 10C9 Boxcars Daily to Relieve Farmers Washington, 1). C. 'One thousand empty box cars a day in solid tra'ns will begin moving to the northwest from Chicago within a few days, and the movement wiil continue unfil the demand for equipment to transport farm and forest products has been met. ! I Patton Brothers Bring io Chautauqua Festival a Pro-ram Sparkling With Originality Italy to Ratify Arms' Agree -neitj. Rome. All agreements reached at the Washington disarmament confer ence will be ratiried by Italy, Premie!- Mussolini ic'.d American correspondents. LOAN LIMIT MUST BE R VISED AT ONCE TO PREVENT FAILURES i-arm Bureau Moderation Pind Thai Lgrlculrnrists tie in Mo Condition to Liquidate Debts Matthew F. Halloran. an employee of the civil service com mission for 39 years, who has been appointed the commission's representative with the government departments. Washington, D. C. Japanese cannot be naturalized in the United States and cannot become citizens of this country, the supreme court of the United States decided, in its first construction of federal statutes bear ing on the subject. The decision was the first delivered by Justice Suther land as a member Of the court and was handed down in a case brought by Taka Ozawa, who in 1914 applied for citizenship In Hawaii. The government did not object to the argument of the case when it was reached at this term and the court advanced and heard at the same time the case brought by Takuji Yaniashita and Charles ilio Kono against the secretary of state of Washington, In the latter case the two Japan, st had been naturalised by a IUP rior court of Washington prior to 1806, the date of the present federal naturalization statute, and at a time when it was conceded section 21C9 of the revised statutes, which restricts naturaliza tion to "free white persons" and those of African birth or descent was in full force. Written Specially for ths paper by Robert Fuller. Chicago, Nov. 23. A wholesale bankruptcy among mid-west for men threatens on March 1, 1923, uni ;s immediate steps are taken 10 p.o viUe machinery for advancing a long i line credit to agriculture. Whatever happens on .March 1, it cannot he a liquidation of present debts, according to a statement just Issued by H. W. Moorhouse, director of the research department of the American Farm Bureau fediation. A new credit arrangement will save formers from bankruptcy and p r mil a refunding. Mr, Moorhousie points out that the total farm mortgage debt is now es'i umted to be around $8,000,000,000. This represents an increase of 132 per cent since 1910. The biggst vol ume of loans is in Iowa. Fifty-eight per cent of the loans are outstand ing in the 12 east north-Central and west north-central slates. A great part of them' loans are in form of five-year mongag s and S taken out during the earl; days he war to make possible the nec essary expansion to meet increased food requirements for the armies, , resent Farm Loan Limits Operation. In discussing the present credit stem, Mr. Moorhouse's report showf that the Federal Farm Loan system has served very effectively In financing small land farmers. Federal Land banks at pn sent can loan but $10,000 to one p rcon. "1 his limitation bars farmers op- p. A program giv "Ceioi all are in the pro;.;, a tanelt; effort! a dasi SIX-D.W llr.r," "Chinese." "Sacred," "Russian" am! "Patrit u!l costume. The boys have already established tli ff.si.ern audiences on uccount of the unique feature; tarate talents of each of the three young men; the si work: and the musical background that lies behind t igh-elasi program which will delight music lovers who ;, nal In 'heir entertainment. CHAUTAUQUA A fATlLLA, NOVEMBER 82-27 he why the and Ives 111 neir like AMSICAN LEGION 'ifi The fourth quarter was t repttl- WINS ON A FUMBLE Touchdown Against Boardman Made In i ''! Period. BoardMon siiim-s On Defensive. In the game played on Armistice day between American Legion and Boardmon High School boys at Hon of the other three, umil a fum bi by the high tychool on their 28 yard line was recovered by the Le gion, who in, mediately set out to KOrS tOUChdOWB on the vavl side of the field, The Legion made two t'i !! do iv lis and then wan penalised I" e yards tor off-side play, a forward in is ww Incompleted and a split b ti k i T ol tackle the Legion was on HoariLuan. which was a moot stub- (h0 ht, ., school's five-yard line. Here (he wet of I bom fought and a wry spectacular gaeie. and In which the thrills and excitement, which held the crowd In a siate of greatest suspense and which taxed the players to their ut moat, ihe American Legion triumphed oyer the Boardman h gt school In the last 1 w minutes 'of play by a single touchdown made Rion kir)pd to the b,Kh g(,. rrom a lnmule by he high school, Boardmaa won the (osb and select ed to kick-off to tha Legion. The ball was returned 15 yards, : f er which a aeri"1-' Of lino bucks failed to gain tt:r (I rardri g" tlie high ichool held and took the ball, in an attempt to punt out of danger behind their own goal line h nigh school fumbled and the L ions back charged throug'h and fell oh the ball tor a touchdown. The try for point aft touchdown was a failure after which !!" L"- 'fter an end run the whistle blev, ith the hall in the high sc' " nosses s!on nn their own 20-yard . e. it was ;h" first ga i aver played by a rioardman hL, til team, The ball wnl and it was a very credlta. to showing areas in the United Slaten. The Fed tal Farm Loan act does not limit he amount of the loan that can be lade by the Joint Land banks, but the Federal Farm Loan board has imposed the limitation of $50,000. "The Federal Farm Loan system provides for loans on farm land for a maximum period of 40 years and for the payment or the loan on install ment basis spread over the entire loan period. The initial stock of the twelve Federal Land banks was sup plied in the first instance bv th United States government, but has gradually been purchased b th bor- to r an t high school which t led geveral th 'use which were not sufficient a;-, in th' required yardage. Aft r th de for their first time and were outweighed and lacked Sad experience of their op- nge of pun's which wan ponents the benefit they derived stand-off the first period from their experience will be vry utefu) in their future games of which we hope the) will have several, The lineups and -core by periods and of fi ials was as follr, - : Ainorican Legion, it High School, O four off of a forwa rd fhich nef He ball on On a dr.'" rs from the banks until nt of stock owned by the ent is about one-eighth 0,000 out of $32,000,000." ' t Per Cent on Pa mo the Mr. Moorhouse necessity for p; anKs. 'With th iphasiM leral Farm Loan removal of this limit farmers can make their loans through this agency and will be able to re-fir.anee th-ir business. On a to'al i nd ebt ed tiess of $8,000,000 -000 the farmers are paying an aver age yearly interest of Hj per cent Th'-y are paying In inte-rst $600. "00.000 a year. With the $10,000 removed from Federal Land 'tanks and farmer loans tra".''ferred to fhig agency there would, be a saving In interest rat alone of over $200,000,000 a year." fed a fir:! down and put the Legion's It-yard line, kick formation I "o boob squarely between the legions gc posts, but the kick was? Illegal as tl ball did not touch the ground befoi It was kicked. It then was tl Legion's ball on thlr own 20--ai line as a first down, a couple of lit bucks, rained little and a forwni pi?:! was incomplete the Legion tie punted and as the hl"h school !ir up for their scrimmage the half en ! with the ball in 'he cf-nter of tl field The Letrion kicked off to open tl second half rind the play gee-Rawr Sack and fvrh in about the cen" of the field. The high irhool too the ball on downit and in the mo spe-atcnlar punt of the day KIli punted for nearly 55 yards and tl Leeion recovered on their 12-yar ti-e. T.'no buci- again wtp -n'uff clent to gain vardairp. hut a -peetac-lar forward ras to Waggoner wt coo for a first down, line bucli pratn were inpffetlvf and the Li -pvrifod o the high school, who pi tp -. vi (p nlBv flft as the thlr quarter ended, v aggon r i le) baU OUbreth tltj ajIWitchel f Ik, AlcCouilier lc ( re ) Olson (III I) G Ipenler frg) Johnson ( ) Alterbuiy pemer (rt) comber i re i (le) Mens ng. tqi Carroll (Capl epi ) (lh) t rh j Lee tih i .Score by i American Le Boardman II Officials Mfllkey, hea Time of 1' MT. turned jrot her '.'en in i; hot. ilon 0 0 0 66 gh 0 0 0 0 0 King (O. A. C. I ref ree, an, timekeepei; i'. .1, linesman. iorin 1 r, minutes each. is No&ev m was In Heppner this 'ial business. n. M. L. Morgan rr on Monday from a in in Portland. VVUUe Wortilig Oil IUS :j.tw tile a, .vlcSSueC tt lev. Uu.S ago, ... i,. iuuiiu had iiie mistortune io ma ig oroiveu, i ae u'uucil was bug in vvaicn io i'iacc iiie lie, ana n,r to, ,ie reOfiOU lie SttippeO lUlO uie I lt.tflttt jusl as tlie otner men u, .e 1 piaoiug in cross lit la place, ih.s c.o,iieii nis wg against tne iron and Lio... one Pout? oi me Kg. Tae American Legion and auxiliary I wu stage '"l he Tvystlng rlace" oy ! iioo.n larking ton on Saturday, Nov. I IS, ui the auditorium, After me play j to. re will in- a Jitne dance apd SUp- Per. ' RHV. .IIISI, MOW MIMSILH, P1U3AOHHH FlUDT WfiltMOSi Sunday morning Lev. Cihson gave fihis first sermon in Boardman and it K M a fine address. It is to be nop d that mole peopli will be out next Sunday morning to hear him as it Will ;e well worm wlnle lor any one and in the evening we had a I verj Interesting christian Bjndeayor - meeting, oxter wnicn urs. Auiaricn, a 1 national missionary worker, told us i so. ne ol per 6J parlenoes she has had in d ii'fi rent parts of i in country. She as a Cine talker and has prom Ised tO come back again and bring b some color, d slides with her, wheal j she comes, no one on the projeel I should miss hearing iier. Mondaj evening the president of , the Christian Kndeavor society was s With US, after partaking of one of ! those fine lunches the people here are noted for at which between 50 ! and 60 were present, Miss Cooper told US of her work and gave us some verj good advice on how to make it a better endeavor. There is plenty of room for mote in the society so come in rt Sunday night at seven and join us. LAOUM AID MEHTMTfl AT MI!S. MI KI IM s Ladies Aid mi l With Mrs. llereiiu oil Wednesday with about 1 ladiat present, Mrs. Healey d the niis, sionary meetlngwlth ateresting items regarding missions in India, and aiuong our Aiiniiian Indians, some Bterestlng items Slipped ftfoi I I news paper were read by Mi, iloardman, Showing hOW too Indians n- taking up our pies; in habits oi civilisation, speciall) in regard to the marriage ceremony. Keporis of various com DlltteeS were called lor. Oregon Pro duets dinner reported about III in I he Clear, Plans lor the bazaar were! discussed and sollcilal Ions were tali en, and commit Icon were appointed to complete plans lor this bazaar. AIM planned tor a reception lor Hie new minister to be bald on I'riday, j Nov. 2t, in the church If it does not tonfltel with any other date. Our hostess i hen bfOUght in dej licious refreshments that lasted like PUmpklfl pie, cocoa, and cakes with whipped cream. BSD moss postkks oi r FOB m i, DB1VS I Led CroSt posters are on display, and pa,' s have been seal out.; Lei v, ( en ,,c and Nov 30 It is hoped that citizens o .oardmaii and OOB) munily will uo i heb' part in asBlst-'; Ing the Hid fro ,ork. Those di.-slrin io co- ibute to the caftse will please cr the follow ing persons: Margaret Crsner, Mrs Pool, Mrs Stewart, Mr. orha n and Mr. Hatch, Captain of ibe Le ,n. j WINIFRED M. KUCK Mrs. Winifred M. Huck, elected con-gressmdn-at-large from Illinois to fill vacancy caused by death of her father W. E. Mason, waa the only woman elected to congress in the recent elections. PRIMARY ADVOCATES CONTROL LEGISLATURE Boise, Idaho The advocates of the statewide priinan law have control of Maho'l new leghriMttfi, if the pledges or members-eteel to the house and senate are kept, and republicans domi nate that body. The greatest gain ill members over the record i of previous yi lis were made by the progressives, who elected five members () the tenate ami seven members to the In use. Progressives and democrats, of whom there are 17 111 the senate, are a'l pledged to the ciiacti il or a primary law anil a sufficient number or republicans are pledged to the en act nient of such a law to give the pri mary advocates a clear majority In both bOUSeS, The Idaho slate repub lican primary league claims Hie pri mary advocates control both the house and the senate MAIL FRAUDS ENORMOUS 500 Cases Now Being Investigated by Authorities, Washington, I). 0, Approximately Dun cases Involving fraudulent use of the mails are In the hands of United States attorneys for Investigation to determine whether criminal proceed ings should he Instituted, Il was an BOUnced at the department of Justice. Officials estimated that the cases already under consideration represent ed a loss to lh. Anui-baii public through postal swindles of more than 1140,000)00, Big Liquor Leak Found. Peoria, in Robbery or possibly more than tf.OOO gallons of whisky, valued at $",0(1,11011, rrom the Wooliner distillery here, was uncovered by authorities. A tunnel was discovered under a roadway leading to a whisky srebonee, Italians Want Immigration Bar Raited. Rotas The new Italian govern ment plans to ask the United States government to Increase the annual quote of Italian emigrants allowed to enter the Lnited Slates rrom 42,000 to 1 (10,(100. m Anderegg received 'h Kad onday of the death of his in Portland. He left that for Portland. The Iloardman com mere Ial ub hel l a very enthusiastic meeting on Wednesday evening with President Ooodwin presiding Various topics or interest were discussed, and one of particular interest ihe free weenie roast for the tttre project, which is planned for the first Wed nesday In December .he school house. On Krldav evening, Nov. 24, there Will be a public reecption at the com 'ii 11 i". church for Rev, and Mrs 01b son and family. All are invited to at tend. I HI WIslllM. Hill i: "Hurrah I sail for Nova Scotia S, : urday." "What a coincide . rather said only last night h la bed ou were in Halifax." MOTOR PA MIL) Hubby "This milk is turned." wite "Impossible! it can't be. This is a one way street." II ST Til if "What have you been doing for th" last six months?" "Six months." i