The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 10, 1922, Image 1

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    gOtsOu E
, s H Feb 21
Compulsory School Bill Car
ried, But Single Tax and
Income Tax Lose.
Portland, Or. On the face of re
turns from over the state, Walter M.
Pierce has been elected governor of
Oregon over Ben W. Olcott by about
20,000 votes.
Olcott lost both in the state outside
of Multnomah county, considered as a
whole, and also in Multnomah.
He apparently has carried Benton,
Curry, Gilliam, Hood River, Klamath,
Lake, Washington and Wheeler, while
Pierce has all the other counties.
m i a 1 1 a
c )
Democratic Candidate, Elected Gover
nor of Oregon.
Strong majorities were rolled up
against the republican candidate in
Multnomah, Coos, Douglas, Jackson,
Josephine, Linn, Lane, Umatilla all
the counties in which the larger towns
are located, except that returns from
Salem and Astoria, in Marion and
Clatsop counties, respectively, are
somewhat closely drawn between the
two candidates.
All other republican candidates for
state office have been elected.
The public school compulsory meas
ure has, it is i-ndicated by the returns,
been adopted by a majority perhaps
in excess of 10,000.
The exposition enabling amendment
voted on in the state at large is in
doubt. It apparently has a majority
in Multnomah county. In the state at
large the vote is almost even, but the
slight difference is against the bill.
Single tax has again been defeated,
this time two and one-half times to
one. The income tax amendment is
also defeated by better than two to
Republican Candidate for Governor in
Idaho is Winner.
Boise, Ida. The republicans have
captured the governorship of Idaho,
it was conceded early Wednesday
when Moore. G. O P. candidate was
reported to be leading Alexander, dein
ocrat. by more than 3400 votes. Moore
was gaining steadily in all the out
state counts. H. F. Samuels, progres
aive candidate, is coming up strong on
the two leaders and the fight may
develop into a contest between Moore
and Samuels Addison T. Smith, re
publican, was declared winner over
Whitaker, democrat, in the race for
California Remains Republican.
San Francisco. California definite
ly refused to join the movement to
ward democratic majorities noticeable
in eastern states, returns available on
Tuesday's election showed. A repub
lican governor, senator, full state
ticket and a congressional majority
have been elected, while the legisla
ture will be the same party.
Do you complain of weariness or
ennui and lack of social advantage?
If so, move out to the East End
of the project and you'll have no
just grounds for such complaint. So
much is going on that the husbands
feel neglected. Last Friday a num
ber of the neighbors went to the
Kutzner home and spent the day in
pulling wool. (Now, don't misinter-
terpret that). Everyone had a jolly i
time and a great heap of wool wad'
pulled and carded and put aside to bA
made into guilts later. Not the lea t i
part of the day's pleasure was the!
bounteous feast the surprisers
brought with them, which was en
joyed at noon time. Let me see.
there was hot mashed potatoes, meat
mince pie, apple pie, sandwiches, cof
fee, cakes' galore, cookies, etc., etc.
Tlie neighbor! who enjoyed the de
lightful and unconventional affair
Fine Dinner By the Aid.
The Ladies Aid dinner was quite
successful on election day. Hot-chicken
fricassee, hot biscuits, mashed po
tatoes, cold slaw, pickles, creamed
carrots, coffee and cake were served.
at 35 cents per plate. The dinner 1 Kindly contributing their time
was well managed and nicely served.
There was no confusion and every
thing went well. About $30 Was
cleared. Mrs. M. L. Morgan, Mrs.
J. R. Johnson and Mrs. Nick Paler
were the members of the committee
who had this successful affair in
charge and were ably assisted by
i omer gins ana women oi ine com
muni I. v.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cummins, and
son, Loren and Wahnona Rands were
dinner guests at the Howell home
Sunday. They enjoyed a lovely dinnt
Mrs. W. D. King and children and
Mrs. Christenson were dinner guests
at the Herein home Sunday.
were Mesdames King, Christenson,
Mead, Welch, R. Brown, Garrett
Richardson, Howell, E. K. M't'.kcv. I
T. Miller Hereim We can't take time
to say and ci ildren" after so nnny' ALICE R0BEBTS0N LOSES
Pines, but the children ware present
and enjoyai 'he day as mu h as ;ho
Did you know that Mrs. Jack
Oorham is one of the ladies in the
Heppner Herald contest and we all ,
have aspirations of her becoming
the owner of the Ford sedan. If you
are interested in the Heppner paper
at all be sure to give Mrs. Gorham
your subscription and help her win
the car. The Herald is to carry
Loardman items from now on and
an historical column is to be acV
which will carry stories of early
Morrow county and eastern Oregon
history. .
Only Woman Representative Beaten
for Re-election to Congress.
Oklahoma City. Miss Alice Robert
son of Muskogee, republican) the only
woman merabor oi the 67th congress,
was defeated ior reelection by the
man over whom siie won in the rc
publican landslide oi l!i2n, the returns
W W Hastings, democrat, vetrr
an of three terms, who was unseated
by Miss Robertson in the last election,
had a b :nl of almost 2 to 1
semi In the News
We need more news items for our
Mirror. Please send them in either
iirectly to Stanfteld, or call Mrs.
Root, Mrs. Morgan or Mrs. Earl
Cramer, all of whom have been
make the paper a success.
The tiny daughter of Mr. and Mrs,.
Clay Warren was seriously ill Mon
day night and Tuesday with acute
indigestion. Dr. Johnston was called
Monday night. Last reports are thai
the baby is slowly improving.
' M. B. Signs and family have
moved to Portland after three years
residence here. Mr Signs completed
final proof on his homes! rad before
leaving. He has a position at
Orenco, Ore., a suburb of Port
IT n movie
Hoard man is forging aheii. Her
cili.ens can now boast, of having
heard a radio concert. The directors
of the cent'' 'iv association gave ih"
the cemetery plot. The auditorium
packed and everyone was so in
radio most of
rhts was a bit
affair Tuesday t, ning to -ii- '
necessary funds for the pay met
Wahnona Rands has returned to
school after two weeks absence on ac
count of illness.
Eenator Kellogg Apparently Defeated.
St. Paul, Minn. Increasing his lead
as each additional precinct was coun
ted Dr. Henrik Shipstead, non-parti-san,
appeared to be victor over Frank
R. Kellogg, republican, for United
States senator. Anna Dickie Olesen,
first woman nominee for the senate,
running on the democratic ticket, ran
a poor third.
t smocrats Elect Senator in Michigan.
Detroit, Mich With but 631 pro
Cinctl of the 2906 in the state missing
this morning, former Governor Wood
bridge N. Ferris, democrat, apparent
ly had been elected to the United
States senate over Senator Charles E.
Townsend, republican.
Election has passed oil' quietly.
Irrigon appears to have indicated
about the average vote for the state.
The compulsory educational bill hav
ing carried by a safe margin and Pie
rce 47 to Olcott's 24. Two to one in
a Republican stronghold would in
dicate people are of one mind, name
ly, in need of some changes in the
present administration. Patriotic
organizations have come to the front
in no uncertain force These men
are all obligated to work for the re
i, .oval of all forelgnlsm among us
nt deal just such death blows to
ail rotten politicians, it's up to
candidates in the future to mark out
the straight and narrow path and
demonstrate their ability to walk the
same before announcing their candi
dacy for any office.
Mr and Mrs. F. H. Harris are now
arrivals among US from Bo yds, Wash
ington and have rented the Michael
Donnelly place for the time being.
Mr. Harris is here for his health and
if he improves, will try to find him
a small farm in this district.
Mr. Geo. Satow will be the new
foreman in charge of the extra gang
at work on the back relay work for
the railroad company, Gang No. !)
has been laid off and gang 11 sent to
replace them.
Senior class of Irrigon scho'l will
Berger Again Strong in Wisconsin. writ" i,PmH on s'no"1 V
Milwaukee, Wis One hundred and bfttalB not later than next week
forty-eight precincts out of 153 in the an1 slace has been arrang . both
sixth Wisconsin congressional district 'he Spokesman anil the Mirror. The
gave Berger, socialist, 28, S'j'J; Stafford, regular correspondent confine
republican, 25,205. himself to other news ej, vely.
was packed and
interested to hear tin
for the first time.
of a disappointment at first because
of some difficulty and so the films'
run instead and the audience thor
oughly enjoyed "Alfalfa Love" a
light comedy in which a trained dog I
was the leading actor. Then came
Harold Lloyd ( who is always good )
in a screaming comedy; the bouse
I rocked with laughter from start to
finish of the film. Following this we'
heard splendid solo very clearly
and distinctly on the radio, and then!
a violin solo which came over the
air waves so pltainly lhat t was al
most impossible to believe that the
violinist was hundreds of miles
away. Then more difficulty was en
countered, the sounds becoming
scratchy and blurred and harsh, but
those who staved later rannrtari
hearing some excellent music
Contest Is One of the Hottest
In the History of the State
of Washington.
Seattle, Wash The state of Wash
ington will probably send a solid re
publlcan delegation to the lower house
of congress, returns from Tuesday's
election Indicated, but it may take
Hie official count to determine whether
or not former Congressman ". I'. Dill
defeated the present republican Incum
bent, Miles Poindexter, for the United
Stales senate.
The senatorial contest, coming at
the end of an especially bitter cam-
San Fi-a icisco "Wets" Win Eleeti-r
Sr.n Francisco. Ban Francisco vot
ers by a vote of 2 to 1 directed th,
city hoard of supervisors to memorial
Ize congress, asking modification of
the Volstead act to permit light wines
and beer, returns showed
Senator Reed is Missouri Favorite.
St. Louis, Mo. United States Sena
tor James A. Reed, democrat, held a
lead of more than 1ti,500 votes over
N. R. Brewster, his republican op
ponent for re-election.
Chicago Votes for Modified Dry Law.
Chicago, 111. Returns from Illinois,
with the city of Chicago virtually com
plete, on the beer and wine referen
dum, gave: For 594383, against 1S3,-SG4.
The ladies aid met in regular SM
lion at the ch'irch Wednesday after
noon of last .v."-, mil tltlHaj a
little business v.. e, trt'is'icted. !;
was voted lhat the Aid pay $10 tow
ards tin- moving expenses if ihe ew
minister, Mr. Q-ilso i. v. b ,s to
preach his farewell sermon neytl
Sunday. He will have charge of the
Umatilla ami Boardman pa4iuratH,
Rev. Benson preached his farewell
sen ion last Sunday. Clans are being
discussed concerning the excavation
of ihe basement, It is planned to
have it excavated and a lull sized
cellar under Ihe church, and the
first thing is to have the big bent
nig StOVe moved to ihe basement and
Ihe church heated in that manner BS
that every one can lie Comfortable
during the winter months and not
just those nearest Ihe ove.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ci run and Mr.
and Mrs. Ernew Shyro, of Milton,
were guests at the home ( : .Mr. and
Mrs Rands last week The girls
are neices of Mrs Itands and wi re
on their honeymoon They will make
their home in California.
Dr. Donnelly was in Koardman on
business over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank llrown return
ed to their ranch on the west side
this, WMk after spending some time
In camp.
Mrs Dick Johnson is on the .sick
list this week.
The afePbersoni or Wasco vj.i:,.i
in Hie Mallonger home last week
end On Tuesday the Murchlos came
for a few days visit
Howard Packard has recovered
from his Illness and is back in school
feeling fine..
Mr. and
Milton, On
Rand homi
motoring through (0 OllfOTttU
T B, Stanford, Of
on, wen- visitors at the
thi week. They are
M rs .
Another Year
. tlfJ O ' 3STT el . A TM VOUNGtflW 1
x 1W " ' u I Stanford is a
I 'red rick Dames stop- u( Uourd
inan on his way through last VM1
Apparently Defeated for Re-election to
United States Senate.
paign, was one of the closest in re
lent history of the state. Until mid
night Tuesday night Poindexter main
tained a lead, but later returns added
strength to the democratic nominee.
Two years ago Senator Wesley L.
JOuee, republican, defeated his demo
crat ,e opponent, George F. Cotterlll,
by MS.r,11 votes, and six years ago
Poindexter defeated former Senator
George Turner, democrat, by li7,(IU0.
In the congressional elections the
rive incumbent repiihllcun representa
tives in congress maintained apparent
ly safe lends over tlielr opponents.
The closest congressional fight was
!n ihe fifth district, where 1N3 pre
cincts gave J. Stanley Webster, re
publican, tiii':i4 votes and Sam It. Hills,
democrat, 11212.
OUUlde of the senatorial campaign,
republicans have evidently won a
sweeping state victory. All or the five
republican congressional candidates
have been returned to the national
capital ami no marked defections have
been reported in any of the legislative
dint rlcls.
The King county I Seattle) republi
can ticket was swept Into office by its
usual overwhelming majority.
Of the nine measures on the ballot,
only one seems sure of having carried.
This is Initiative measure No 40, pro
viding for the repeal of the poll tax.
The unpopular rive dollar a head POT
year law has be. u w iped out by at
b ast I to 1.
db ion,
will find Hotel
homelike, ami
Dorion, Pen
rales reason-10-13
Farmers anu Stckgrowcrs
national Bank
Offers ha- 1 Service that suits the
needs of lynchers and Uusinessmeti