The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, October 13, 1922, Image 4

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inKiBt pverv able-bodied man 6ft
the project who had a team of horses iM11,tiila. Dnlon and Morrow Counties
was working on the roaua last wee.
Road Supervisor Jenkins had a full
crew, not only on the road, but in
the gravel pit as well. At prerent
work in heme done in the (-and mar
Mike Marshall's place, and it is
planned, providing sufficient funds,
to gravel this road from Al Price's
corner west to the lateral near I)il
lon's. This will give one good gra
velled road east and west of the en
tire project.
Mrs. W. H. at
were Heriniston
art and son, Kay,
iitors on Monday.
rf 9
i.yndeiia Olson,
Caryl Signs
Dorothy Board wan
Ass't Editor
,oke Editor
Henry !. Taylor
The name of Henry .1. Taylor,
pioneer farmer of Umatilla county,
will be on the Democratic Ticket as
a farmer candidate lor Joint Senator.
Mr. Taylor is a consistent advocate of
Tax Reduction
of the Itoartman Mirror, published
weekly al ISoardnian, Oregon, lor
October 1st, I02L'.
Siale of Oregon, County of Mor
row, ss.
Before me, a notary public in and
for the Slate and t'onnly aforoiid,
personally appeared Mail; A. Cleve
land, who having been duly sworn
according to law. deposes and says
I hill he is the publisher of I he Stan
field Standard.
that he is the publisher of the Hoard
man Mirror.
Thai the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing ed
itor and business manager are:
Publisher: Mark A. Cleveland,
SI a n field, Oregon.
Editor: Mark A. .Cleveland,
Slanfield, Oregon!
Managing editors and Business
managers : None.
Thai (he owners are: Mark A.
Cleveland, Slanfield, Oregon.
Thai Hie known bondholders, mort
gages, and other security holders
owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of toUt amount, of bonds, mort
gages or other securities are: None.
Sworn lo and subscribed to before
me this 9th du,y of" October, 1022.
Notary Public
(My commission expires March 17,
'avors thi
1 liberal
strictest economy in
of the public's money
support of the public
Two Arlington visitors seen on our
streets Sunday were G. W. Biggs
merchant, and Attorney A. H. Swit
zer. These gentleman, after being
. hown through the school building
pronounced it very good, and pro
ceeded to drive over the project.
The new seals for the high school
arrived last Thursday and the work
of putting them together was ac
comnlished Saturday by Professors
Carroll and Mulkey. The high school
appreciates these seals. .very much as
there were not enough to go around,
and old chairs and benches were be
ing used.
Krom the School Records
5th week of school. The total m
rollment lo date is 131; boys 6 and
girls li!.
rU the grades there are 104, while
the ii b school has enrolled 27. The
percentage of attendance was 97.7.
Number of'pupils neither absent or
tardy, S5. Tolal number tardy, 26.
Those receiving 100 per cent in
deportment are: (Hen Berger, Mary
Chaffee, Jessie Klages, Alma Signs,
Margaret Smith, Gloria Wickland r,
... j j ' I)..- i..,., L. u...., I Vfil
destroy parenlal auinoruy ana ue- mauci lamun, uu.v.ue "-
prtVS the citizens of the constituiionnl dred Allen, Olen iirown, Edith Dein
viiiininleo of religious freedom and psey, I'earl Dempsey, Ezra Hopkins,
of the right lo give their children . Ve.ita Mefford, Sybil Macomber, I'elia
a religious education in additon to j i'arilow, Grace 1'arilow, luiog.'he
lhat afforded by the pubic schools. Wilson, Linda Hango, Nellie P lion.
A vote for Henry J. Taylor is a vote( Elida Olson, Howard Klages, Howard
in the interest of every fireside in Deck, la Vaugn HtThkins, Avis Erwin
this Senatorial llislriel and in the I Mildred Messenger, C.ladys Wilson
Veirel Woodard, Ivye Olson, Corliss
oliools. He is opposed lo the School
Monopoly HIM lor the reason that Us
adoption will mean I he outlay and ex
penditure of about $3, 000,000 for
additional school buildings and i qutp
meni and an annual expense of about
$2, 000, nmi for maintenance and op
eration in addition to the now almost
Intolerable load of tax upon us, and
lor the furl her reason 'hat it would
Stale of Oregon.
A. H. Cox, Chairman.
Wt i 9 eSflfl-
Umatilla Pharmacy i
W. B Bntlth, Prop.
Mai! orders triven special atten
tion. Quick Service
Sidislaet ion Qual anteed
You Qet ALU FOUR cf These
for $2.55 Order Now
SHORT TIIWB OUT, Helen I'oardman, liilli:in Jlrlce
Rachel Johnson, Robert Berger, tea
therine Berger, Nellie Messenger,
Thyra Heck, Helen Chaffee, Caryl
Signs, Mayme Hango, Catherini
Brown, Ida Mefford, Dorothy Hoard
following are names of pupil-
neither absent nor tardy for t he
first month: Marjorie Albright
Doris Drown, Glen Berger, Jessie
Klages, Paul Mead, Alma Signs,
ria Wieklander, Milderd Allen, Sel
ma Ayers, (lien Brown, Warren Brice
Edith Dempsey, Pearl Demptev, Ezra
I Hopkins, Elvira Jenkins, SM1 Mac
ombcr, Albert Miller, Imogen Wilson
Oran ilaib y. Howard Heck, Norma
I Gibbons, Albert Gilbreih, i'- ir!
! Klages, Helen Lain reaux, J.M:th
Richardson, Freda Riehardsoi Nil
lie Dillon, La Vaugn Hopkins, Linda
Hango, Evelyn Mefford, Elida Qlson,
Vernon Root, Carl Wieklander, lor
j den Heck, Mildred Deck, Wanda Beck
Brrotl Hummel, Alive Mefford, John
Webster, Avis Erwin, Mildred Mes
! Bftnger, Melvin Signs, Gladys Wilson,
j Verral W oodard, Rachel Heck, Helen
Chaffee, Robert Berger, Theima Be.dq
i Thyra Deck, Heclor Wieklander. Ka
tharine Merger, Nellie Messfeng r,
; Marie Messenger. Carl Ayers. Earl
. Olson, Edward MCClellan, James
H " H, Caryl Signs, Catherine Brown
and Truman Messenger.
The Hick's family have movfd
here from Cecil and are going to liv?
on Ralph Lamoreaux's' place ihis win
ter Malon and Cecil Hick tnt red
the primary room at school Monday.
Last Wednesday afternoon which
was October the 4th. Mrs. Garrett
brought her cousins, Mrs. Tellington
and children to visit our schoolhouse.
Mrs Tellington was much pleased
with her visit.
New blackboards arrived Monday
and will be used in the grade rooms
to replace some of the old ones, which
are in a very nau eoiiuiuou.
The pupils of the 3rd and 4th
grades' have been supplied wilh new
chairs which will hi' usi-d during re
ciiai ions.
Assembly a week ago Monday
niorning was a very mysterious afia
controlled entirely by tne spirits
just what kind, no one knows. Aft'1'
sinuing two or three familiar tongs,
ai lime claps of Ihe hands, Mo ha' a
Kutzner appeared and tpoke a pi:ee
enihled "Gettin To It". Then when
three more claps were given, Howard
Klages gave a reci'aticn, "In Win er '
After the same proceedings, Mr Lee
room spoke "Weave the Web of Life"
in unison. Mr. Mulkey ihen an?
nounced thai the "town gang" which
leans the hoys and girls who live
in town, were to report the following
Saturday morning and clean the
enhool grounds (but no one report
ed.) The meeting adjourned after
singing another song.
Tuesday, October 10, was election
daj lor Ihe purpose of electing r.
director to the irrigation district.
The election was held in the base
ment of ihe school house with Mee
sis. Signs, Cobb and Doardman as
ludges, The vote was light but cast
unanimously in favor of A. E. McFar
land of t'matiila.
Seventh and Might ii uraae motes
Delberi Johnson has built a read
ing table lor the 7th and 8th grades
rooms, it will come in very handy.
Monday morning the 7th and 8 h
grades elected new officers for the
Literary Society. Those elecied are:
Arthur Bailey, president; Eldon Wil
son, ice president ; Mabel Drown,
secretary; Theima neck, serge intat
arms; and Helen Chaffee, e ditor.
&. -r- 0
Tires and Tubes
30 x Vz
Zeroline, per quart
Aristol, per quart,
Hyvis, per quart,
Monoaram, per quart,
lllitlill ilMl
M. L. Morgan, Pres.
Mr. Carioll What insect require
the least nourishment?
Wahnona The moth; it eats holes
Mr. Mulkey And what was Wash
inglon's farewell address?
Truman Heav. n, sir.
Delbert Didn't you see me down
town yesterday I saw you twice.
Caryl I never notice anybody In
(hat cohdttioh.
bubut-tipnoa auty bo uew or rntwaL All renrwul nul"' u"' ,;
yia iruu tirsswul ditto ui UtpirauOQa
"will in cMentlcJ oi.o
We Have Added a
1 i
Complete Line
The Boardman Mlirror
Itig Family Oiler
People's lopUlar Monthly, one year
ihe rami Journal, -Hie year
the Household one cnr
Hood Sloi lex, one yenr
lloi:iM MUtBOR, one year
All live for only
You get all 5 puUieatioiui bj returning this coupon
and $2.55
This Offer expires In SO days. Order Now and make this big saving.
Boat dman. Oreuou.
Getsileraetki i am returnlni ibis
(o receive (he Itig b'amlly Offer
My Name Is
Street of R. I". I)
'oniou with S, SI
us listed hereon
Tow n
lor which I an
Farmers and $tockgrowers
national Bank
Oficrs hank Service that suits the
m ds of Ranchers and Business nun
The high school boys entertained
the girls at the high school Thursday
evening A very nice program had
been arranged by (he boys together
with eals for ihe occasion. ,
The plant for Hit big Hi Jinx and
Carnival is iirogre sing rapidly. The
hoys have located a real Alabama
Nigg t. a big broad faced fel ow, wilh
a month from one side two inches
h&OS of ihe ear and reaching over
to the oilier side within a hair's
breadth of tickling Ihe Other ear. His
nose comes well over the cenl r per
tlon of the mouth and the grand
nri'.e again Ihis year will he awarded
o the first man or woman who can
.pot the nose with a rotten egg. Mr
Ma. Walkins won the prize of 10(
ast j ear and he has promised lo be
on the grounds early lo protect hil
title on the ( v ning of ihe big do ng
Fifty-two cases of rotten eggs havt
'een di ted to (he Carnivart com
panv sod . everal dozen baseballs pro
v ii ense the i gg supply runs out
Mvoni initial Hi-Jinx 11M ea n
.al rc to he much grea er ih.t
ihe l one lasl fall and great
crowd have n'r- signlfifHl their
Intentloti of lal V. iheir vacation at
this time r ui tlend f1 ; big doings
Don't tot iie dot Saturday even
ing. Ottobor 28. 1 '.'2
Mtsa Claxa I rrl , of Pcrtlanq
has been eciploye ,vy the school
board for second teach in Ihe high
school. She arrive-' Saturday
look ii 1 1 her duties Monday morning
Mr. and Mrs M K. Rand, of I. inn
'on. are linden, visitors this we. k
They motored up Monday and picked
I up Harry Lester below The Dalles
j who was headed for Irrigon on
I motor cycle but broke down and left
j Ihe machine at Hosier. Harry re-
Portland lh Best dat on
account of having 10 return to his!
rTMtK Ktner reports naving soia ,
out to Mr. Rsncier, Mr. Raftcier is
taking charge of the place linmi diate
ly and Mr. Rider is moving to Spray
Oregon. We understand they niadi
a trade as pari of the deal.
Mrs. Ohas Dempsey and Snow Mr- I
Coy made a business trip to Herinis
ton Tuesday, leturnlng the same evening
C. C. Call ins. our county agent
rei ortr. h. I. l ojny, ine poultry sie
Ciaiutl iioni ine ii. J. w win ue v.mi
us on the morning of October 18 Hi
Tl: plans tire lo have the lecture at
Clasgovv's hu( thitv may he changed
as Mr. and Ml. Glasgow expect to
be away on Iheir vacation a( that
time. At any rate, tho.-e who ate ln-
tereeted in feeding and culling of
birds should arrange to watch Mr.
Cror'iy on thai date.
The weather conditions are ideal
for fall sowing of alfalfa, i'urmers
11 report having secured fine Standi
There has been no wind worth men- j
Boning and the ground la still warm,:
bringing rapid growth.
Watch Irrigon next summer. With
i he" success N. Seaman and Son ljave
had with iheir New Irrigons. this
year, they are going ahead with big
acreage next year They have also
secured cantaloupe seed on which
(hey will specialize from now on.
These cantaloupt s will be almost like
the New Irrigons. probably a little
sweeter and running niudi smaller
In size. They carry a very heavy
rind and will ship across Mie contin
ent. They will cross and recross
these with the New Irrigons from
war to year and let prove both the
New Irrigons and the Prtde of Irrigon
under which name the new canta
loupe will mcke its appearance rext
season. We are here to becom i ihe
world's famous cantaloupe district.
(let Our Latest Prices On
Building Material
Cedar Flume
W.A. Murchie
Ikiasdman, Oregon.