The Boaidman Mirror Boardman, Oregon TC I.1SUED EVERY FRIDAY M VI v n.KVKl..VI. lublisher liiuill UK V1) tt i IHif'kK V l'l Th- 'hriviug little town oi Vstoria offers an object lesson to many ano ther town and city in this and other Ma m. At the time of the lamented From IVparunent Industrial Jour- pABMlOPTS iJ HO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE red as second -class matter Feb LI ' '11 th" post office at Board- T" indr act of Mar. 3, LS79. Print hu is t(tjBpj yanion of achievement. - coui-Porte demise of the Oregon Dairymen league a few months ago the Clatsop cou.ity branch "of the league deter mined 'o continue Its activities and. ip e,-de- 'n .J p T-'k OVr h- IOCttI plan' "i the U-.i-'i, :i ud ronimued to iiulisiii. O. . C. Oregon's 6a wheat varitiea are 52 ".oo many, is the teaching of the farm crops department of the O. A. C. ex perinicnt siauon at the state fair. operate it and market their products The remaining LI varieties bes NK K K VI TH HK VLIXtl coo perariTely. Reirliziajc the value of the dairy industry and the prosperity of th- dairvmen to that section and to As- v.-u-on the hsel-of near beer tuna herself, the business men of .ire sow to have near Christian! that link city .k-'-rtiiined to s and Science ! lienih both uiidittiae and th- church' have" failed to withsfan t the inroads mac of faith and mil he ad-. world to macule but from th tree thus brought to blowout, there svm sprang, innumerable ofEsiuxira r nd gradually the 'heory of mind over matter began to force it way. Charlton there were aplenty, but bit by bit the barriers of ititdU'-.'.l ct-nv servatisiu were broken dowa. and "ow there are simis of modifieaf uu on the part of the churches. Th !aet erS- oat rlers j3 , concession to the newer il:ou:ht largi- or two small comes in the eniabtiMiiing in New buck oi the milk producer hi a ht-lp fill and practical way J U. Mickle, 0f the Oregon Dairymen's council. 13 former! y statj dairy and food inspec ts tor. expressed the idea in a nuishell fn? the other day when he said 'o a rep i"ee re.sentanve of The Oreson Farmer: " -The business houses of Astoria will not buv a dollar's worth of dairy products from outride sources if the local dairy organization can supply the demand " Not . very town or city is in a posi tion whore the business men have so good an opportunity io aid 'he farni- ity or town too r the eiisiance II U.' . a . ... " oi a v.-r actual anu nervr-rial co- '"' ' '- ' il "-!.iUl operation between the busing men is hopeful to be headed by Dr. Edward . Ok and the protlucer3. tr per' 'ii psveho-the rayv u.nd By- ,.v.,i. ,.r- . ,., ,r,)V,j conditions to see leaders in city life beginning to recognize he importance of prosper- i ii me institution the most et i n- of Episcopal Church Ministry of Heah is- backed by soni -in in i lusters. phsiciiis iaj ocists in the United States It permit simultaneous treatment physical and menni! ailments. Through medical experts and rain- r)!mover iatenal faith healers. Dr. Cowles says the hospital will be the means of breaking up the work of "half baked religious enthusiasts and faith heal ing pretenders '. There will he wards for philoso phers, clergymen, medical experts, psychoanalysists, metaphysicians, -o cilogisfs, Christian Scientists. Eman uel isis and every denomination of ed to all Oregon conditions have been usted and ar recomm-nded for the districts and tor -pring planting as may be required. The new type recirculation prune on exhibition ill I he station bum ft at the fair ems down labor, erst and time of drying prunes fully oi --half in many cases It also im proves the weight and quality of the dried prunes by giving greater uni formity and eliminating "dummies". The new eopper carbonate dust treatment for wheat smut on dispra. at the fair calls for two ounces copper carbonate dust to one bushel of the grain. It is mixed either in a churn or in large quantities in a mixer in vented by C. C. Calkins, county agent of Morrow county No injury results from the treatment, the grain can be he d before seeding, standing is good and vigorous, and so far as tried protection is good. J- Potato fields intended for certifi cation should have all diseased hills removed before digging the erop. All and a high living standard on the dauiaged. ruugh.or misshappen pota- it country's farms. Oregon Farmer We use i he turkey is these parts to kill the grasshoppers. Across the pond Turkey is an effective Greece .U!tri Ken .ire; Sign n a millinery store: "Young iman wanted to trim rough sailors'" lO'S should be sorted out at digging time. Select corn from stalks having one -tood ear. Take no ars from fallen or down stalks which are often dis eased Avoid selections from thin places in the field Save seed now and dry it promptly. H bliss s n true that ignorance fou look happy enough. I'l l rien-el Knimu Fall work is facilitated by early dry plowing on noist soils. Dry is plowing is easily done on irrigated ground. Ground that has been is cultivated crops will generally plow weil before the rains. Spring grain stubble is more easiiv drv plowed healers -v maB :" ta to met a beautiful than winter stubble land which has When the doctor find paMvnts ' ,unit iaily ar rne o( flwn H t been worked for a year. Thor- wh fail to respond io treatment for ,,pl"Hl ,h" 0Pak,'s- HV his hat and ough dtstking in the faU makes early su io vi on t you nave an ride ' JiB thank. I'm just walking back from one now physical adments. ihey will itillabo' l with healers who will be given a ehanve lo practice their curative methods. I'erhaim out of the com promise or amalgamai ion may come t greater longevity for humanity which has been so buttered from pil lar to poqt by conflicting theories auto plowing eusier by loosening the sur- face, working in stubbie and refuse. ! and helping to trap early fall show-fl ers. thus i-ofteuing the land and lea seiini4 the lower requini. Teacher: Why are you so lat morning ' Johnnv Er-r-r. I had to wa. this Peaches should be fall snravud with Bordeaux 4 The earlier niy the berter The nina Krin. f.,,, of religion and treatment of human neck and ears, teacher, but I promise ahl(. conditions for blight and die- back infections. Get ahead of them ills. it won't happen again. S1 s- S r I'i u I MS5 I and prosper tv I I. I hdu t !erp. Aputl'v u trie enemv j Antcnga has neer SOME PROBLEMS FIR". -Apurtiy tnertca's peo-i !r lo gootl 'i.iinor Feed -hem I weil and perm t them to ilccp and the wd tauich throutrh n storm and ride rfirounl aii 'firer Im mediately attt-r th.- di aster at trte . a nvar'i?tv pas:'vt. htwever. tbr, ,,-(tle dotam into a state of J rtMrt TlWrt gomlit'.on is today! etttuwf vpmi na. Muring the war, we preached , preparation, watch fulness, and the I curbing of at? radical forces. VVHcn peace was amnotmcwl we jcitfed S.i k -fto b Haftir of eating. s:cr m. and !aigfiin. Te -red forces dM sleep the powers ' itacmrnr to food irsiemmeiit oi preparation. .e. -adv Nir a-" wr. nd an e-i we cure ipatny we w-.!l neeer be; rr-ttiy lor any ba:-ie. Event boy in ' America should have at least three months dt tmlitare training; every j vonn man m A-ner a should take I a ivin'age ot Oit!en' Ttamtng I Canjp every suminer. SECOMD Broken family altars. S nctv-tli ! wr :.ut ot me bumesi ot America ire without 'amu;. . ars. and wtietv-ome per cent ot the liooie f the world ire without j unntv altars. You cannot rear i lamilv IB an an-God' ataMphere i and giee to the wcmtU v'rrjoos suns And daughters V Jiions ot our pei- i e passed :nr..j i -p : c jivorce court bei i tamiiy aitar was not in the io n j check :hc march toward .)oin--'ic dcstrtiction. TH ! T Sabbath desecraon. Men ; .i n t ignore the law ot Lead nich commands every ma- o stand still and rest on 'he tirs day ot t!-e week. The Sabbath dese cranon hi.h is on the increase in this couutm is largely responsible tor tne confusion, the cituo-. aini tie inj-chy tnat is rampant m th i land, Brng men back to the ob lervancc ot the Holy Sabbath. URTH Neglected spiritual It is the duty of erv man to be in his church pew every un uv inorinng. to give !us -h :.j t spiricual education, to set before his lamily i spiritual example and to Sivc sojne of his time to the spinrual work ot the church. Wen are Beg lectnig "teir churches they are for-' getting their spiritual duties, they arc omitting to pay their obligations America was intended to be a 'and of Christian people You cat- t e Chnsr.a i and negicct your spin- c em. fa UNCLE JOHM Tiki .-tv '-- , m m m at m nr i J---'Va.'JLaV. JL e -9Ai WIRELESS bite, knt spent to At kSMbV wout. the ratn-d.- .s oa i tamers Tali of power. . . II 3 TV scorns the midnht bell. . . We 'ear th squawks from Tiiufliw - dUB-al gruMt trom Waterio... the re- ,. ,h.-n-io :rom beil! We gather m all naoc that's ruaae, -te MUk mm ml every fane brnaaVritd hriwcfl the air. . . Wc tme ur diawoa mm at sight, and k65n bj hymas of oat at-' spite, that let odf even where ' t used to tne 1 psxUtxe Hot. tuc all tfte itai f pams f gjt to Jraw Vn o the s, bat i stmt jot a sen desirt fer mat draw v ttaWot ao wtte, aa" k-6ch h.ster it as. lit -e .j e-.l ex m$m thP- -nee. We list thank we tasah. .Vbea w get t tarty we re r: amis K . seme mi mm aww :t. .. bare a right t egetl tweatjf-taree ars of ate. A: : -- e we au aa c ave- twenty arv at Mtj tr os ioo i vara :o x-een kan tnd i: rirx-tisie. tsnrteea years and the tl wssi ring if d don't nag btsssajLS Vm$mj a feOswr bawtng thnteen . yon to Ke adoag Beat awe nnd-V mg. He sievaa bssV the bsaa. a aat ' cars htm Sown ka wx tarn a hall jeaew taoo jut hoiatavs. Sundays, time for three a day aad he's -aat -t tane ro sort what be hopes to tfsh. Cnse t thaah of h, ssnae o( , as Iga rcr not picking on the -r fetiow and -rt auaj. a sii BOARDMAN Because the Climate is Good, People are Sociable Intelligent Enterprising Town is New and Growing Location Well Chosen Half way between The Dalles and Pendleton On 0-W Railroad On Columbia River Soil Will Raise Anything Water for Irrigation from West Extension of Umatilla Project McKay Creek Dam Will be built, assuring more acreage under water. Boardman is a New Town But Not a Boom Town Write Secretary of Commercial Club