The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, September 29, 1922, Image 4

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R. B. Howell, of Omaha, who is the
republican candidate tor United States
senator from Nebraska.
Mlneolt. Firi t Lieutenant Ray
mond 10 Davis, United States army
iiir service, and five enlisted men were
killed when a huge Martin bombing
plane crashed to earth at Mitchell
The enlisted men killed were: First
Sergeant Thomas Benfisld, Corporal
David B. Stlven and I'rivatos Kdward
II. Kane, Henry Ray Nichols and Irv
ing M. Whitney, all stationed at
Mitehell field.
Lieutenant Davis, with his big twin
motor bomber, had participated with
attacking forces in lUoceaslul night
raid on the theoretical fortifications
of the defending forces. The attack
was made with dynamite bombs and
the "theoretical" fortification! ware
At the conclusion of the maneuvers,
Lie planes engaged In a flying circus
before H crowd of S6,000 persons who
had been watching the "attack." Lieu
tenant Davis took five passengers up
with him in his machine, When iome
distance up, Davis went Into a noae
dive, out of which he apparently was
unab'e to pull his cm ft.
It (truck the ground and in an In
stant was a seething mass of flumes
1921 Death Rate 90.7 for Each 100,000
New Vorlt. The death rate from all
forms of tuberculosis In the year 1121
reached the remarkable low level of
90.7 for each loo.uoo population. This
Information hus been obtained by the
National Tuberculosis association from
he registrars of 45 states In the union.
In 1931 returns from 4(1 states
hOWOd u death rate of 108 for each
loo.uoo. The decline In 1921 Is euutva
lent, according to the associ ation, to
H Having of about 1S.000 lives In IN
over 1920.
America To Save Smyrna Refugeei.
London. A Keuter dispatch from
Athens says that Rear Admiral Mark
L. Bristol has Informed the Greek
government thai the United States
will undertake to protect w ith destroy
ers the removal of the remaining 15l,
ooo refugees at Smyrna if Greece pro
vides the means of transportation,
wheat -Bltteetem, IMS; soft white,
western white, $1.09; hard winter.
$1 Og; northern spring, $1.07; western
red. 11.01
Corn Whole. M; cracked, $38.
Hay -Alfalfa, $tS(ilS.50 per ton:
valley timothy, $20; eastern Oregon
timothy. $21.
Batter Kat 4:Mt4fic
K.Rgs--Hunch, :tO(irS5c.
Cheese Tillamook triplets, 28Hc;
Young Ainerti is, . block Swiss,
ISQMo; cream brick, 2628c.
Cuttle Choice steers, $7.50f8.S5;
medium to good, $6.76if 7.50.
sio , p Baal or mountain lamhs,
tUHPU; choke vallev lambs, $10 11.
Hogs Prime light, $1111.50;
smooth heavy. $IO(iiTO..O.
Wheat Hard white, $110; aoft
white, western white, hard red winter,
north 'rn spring, $1 09; soft red winter,
11.01 1 western red, $l.l; Uig Ueud
bill, inn, $1.20.
Hay Alfalfa, $22. timothy, 126;
traw. $17.
llutter 4: Q c.
Kg K Itum h 40c.
Cal do Prime steers, $7.758.26;
medium to choice, $7.
Hom Prime light, $9.7i10;
auioolU heavy, J.vao U..0.
Who's Who in IS. II. S.
At a special meeting of th school
board last Saturday, Mrs. Root was
employed to take charge of the Cafe
teria. The board also authorized
the purchase of additional seats for
the high school and rubber matting
for the hall and stairways). Black
boards in the grade rooms are to be
replaced with new ones.
in older to facilitate class room
work, the manual training and sci
ence departments have exchanged
quarters in the basement. This la
borious task was accomplished by
Messrs. Carroll and Lee, asiisted by
t'n9 manual (raining and sciences
Mrs. Kulxner and Mrs. Garrett vis
ited the "id and 4th grade room last
I K . ':
Rev. W. A. Ganfield, college presi
dent of Milwaukee, who was badly de
feated in the Wisconsin primaries by
Senator LaKollette.
Mrs. Shurte, the counly superten
dent and Mrs. Johnson, county nurse,
were visitors a. the school house last!
Thursday afternoon.
The directors of the Farm Loan
Association met in the auditorium
last Friday afternoon for a short ses
sion. Delia Olson substituted for Mrs.
Walkins Friday afternoon while Mrs.
Watkins attended the Farm Loan
Asitocial ion meet ing.
S. K. Notson, of Heppner, vis
ited last Monday, at which lime he
gave a very enteresting account of
his visll to Castle (Jock school sever
al year sago, and the development of
the country since that tiuie Mr. Not
son Is a former county school super
intendent of Morrow county.
7tli and Mill1 grade News.
Fred, Edward and Donald Klages
were absent from school Tuesday.
Sophia Melford was absent on Mon
day on account of illness.
The first meeting of th 7lh and
Sth grade Literary society of Hoard
man school was held Monday morn
ing of this week. As no program
had been . planned for the exercise,
the propose- constitution was read,
discussed and voted upon after a few
minor change were made. Having
disposed of the constitution, the work
el class organisation was taken up.
Tho following for the 71 h grade were
elected :
Thyra Heck, president; Violet Oil
breth, vice president; Kdna Rhine
hart, secretary-treasurer; Donald
Klages, sargeant at arms.
After many combinations of colors
were suggested, orange and green
were selected as class colors.
The follow ing officers were elected
for the 8th grade:
Marie Messenger, president; Art
hur Bailey, vice presktnti Arthur
Chaffee, secretary -treasurer. Alter
several colors were suggested, a
vote was taken and red and wh''c
were adopied.
Why School Teachers go Orasy
I'eise is the way a Dutchman s.i..s
hoys. A gulf Is a dent in a conlin
nt. The climax of a story Is Where
it sims (to be continued) Copernicus
invented cornucopia.
M:t Is the clock running. Willn ?
W Hie No Ma. it's Just standing
still and wagging' It's tail.
She left he rhubhy alone In their
room at the hotel while she did Mome
hooping. She returned. The
uany doors and numbers confused
hor. ilut she too decided which
was her room. She knocked and
called, "I'm back, honey let me In!
No answer. Hon ay, let DM In! she
ailed sKal'-'. knocking harder Please
honey, It's me! Than a man's voice,
old and full of dignity owns from
(he other lids of the door; Madam,
this Is not a boa hive, its a bathroom
Par's. Georges Carpentier, the
hi ivywelght champion boxer of Eur
Ope, and idol of France, was defeated
by Battling Siki, the Senegalese fight
er, in the sixth round of what was
to have been a 20 round bout.
Car . ".tier never had u chance after
th third round. He was barely able
to respond to the hell at the beginning
of the s xth. With his right eye torn
pit tely closed and his nose broken, he
Sras unable to put up a guard.
Ifl the sixth the negro fighter plant
ed a series of terrific rights to Carpea
tier's head and the French Idol sank
to the floor. One of his legs caught
between the legs of the Senegalese
as he fell.
The defeat of Carpentier was en unexpected. He was the fa
vorite when the men entered the rlr.g
an 1 the crowd was dumfotinded when
they saw their Idol pummeled all over
the ting and subjected to terrific
punishment at the hands of the big
The week October 7 to 14 has been
pr.-ilu un-d fire prevention week
throughout the country.
Bandit activity in the Tampico oil
fields of Mexico, where robberies and
kidnappings of American citizens are
Bgaia rampant, has stirred the state
department to renewed protests.
The wedding of ex-Kaiser Willi lm
of Germany and l'ri"cess Pennine of
Reus has been tentatively fixed for
November 5, according to an an
nouncement In well-informed quarters,
I 'roili hi t ion und unti-prohiLiitien or
ganizations of the country, respective
ly are disappointed and jubilant over
the prospect of referenda In Ohio and
Illinois on the issue of light wine and
Production of lumber mills in the
northwest for the week ending Sep
tember 16 was 8 per cent above nor
mal. according to the weekly lumber
review of the West Coast Lumber
men's association.
Mrs. Harding, wife of Presided
Harding, is improving steadily ind is
now tn splendid condith n, her phy
sician stated. She is taking solid fi.od
und has been able tc spend br ef per
oils sitting up in b;d. Her improve
ment will naturally be very slow, it
vas said.
Don't forgot the all day meeting of
ihe Aid to be held in the "church on
Wednesday. October tth. Everyone
come as there are several surprise
on the program. Bring your thim
bUs, ladies and something to eat.
Hay Slocum hurl his hand with
u piece of wire, which soon develop
ed into blood poisoning. Mrs. Wut
kius says he is hotter and that be
tween hint and Dale WatMns, they
can prepare a chicken dinner.
Japanese-Siberian Conference Fails.
Changchun, Manchuria. The con
ference between Japan, the Chita gov
irnment Of the far eastern republic o;
IbHrla, and representatives of ths
Moscow soviet government ended lr.
failure with Japan's refusal t:i i ;
data for the evacuation of northed
Beverage Tax for Boru; Ur-ed.
Washington, D. C An a.uc.dmfeit.
to the constitution which would pj
ait B on-Wide referendum upoi
?al of 3 per cent beer, with ret.e'pi
.axes a Had o the paymu: t t
.outers' .ouikj, ws proposed in .
.osoli" i Introduced in the hcuse bj
RSV- tentative Br v.;an, republican
Mich gait.
Washlngto" Jh'-ns R. . . Suspend.
Oljun. ,sh.--' . order sustand
ing the new tel . .is Ct JH
Pari tic Tide. ! -c : gra;i ioi
any of Spokane. . for . .., i ,lgi
lomastk rates . . irosl! ing
cent, will be filed by j state UeparJ
: isnt of public wors.
Oregon Republ'cans Hold Carffrrnce
Portland, Or. Approximate y SSC
delegates attended me reptiiillcan
state conference, or precsmp.igu cor.
veution which opened here Tu-sda;
to furnnilate a platform. The came
from eviry county u Oregoa.
F. M. Jordan was an Irrigon visi
tor the first of the week from Oregon
City. He shipped the balance of his
household goods which he left here
last summer.
Only a few of the Irrigon people
took in the Round-(.Tp this year.
Those who went report, it better than
The fourth and last cutting of hay
is drawing to a close for the season
and the grapes are about all gone.
The next week will clean up the late
sei tings.
Musical concerts given by the Fil
ipino boys have been numerous dur
ing the past week. Many of them
are real good on the instruments and
others are good singers. The Ladier)
Society has also scheduled a musical
program Friday evening, September
29, n Wadsworth hall. A quilt will
be sold and ice cream and cake will
be served.
The high school boys played the
Filipino boys an interesting game of
base ball Sunday. The local boys
won by a score of 14 to 10.
Mr. Wilson, of lloardman, motored
to Irrigon.Monday to assist in apprai
sing lands for the federal loans. N.
Seaman and Earl Chaney have been
appointed local appraisers in this
Mrs. Lena Suell Shurte, county
school superintendent and Mrs. Lulu
Johnson, county r.uivo, visited the
rrigon school Friday.
Mrs, J. K. McCoy lias some very
choice sweet potatoes which she rai
sed on the river lands this season.
Some of them are exceptionally large
and smooth. This proves we can
raise sweet potatoes here as a com
mercial crop very profitably.
Tlev. Mumnia has shipped in a
large tent from Walla Walla and is
holding camp meetings for a week or
ten days. The camp is pitched in
a vacant, lot south of Mr. Graybeal's
place on 8th street.
in internal medicine lor the past
eleven years
Will be at
St. George Hotel
Wednesday) and Thursday, October
t and 5. Office hours 10 to 4.
Tires and Tubes
No thargc for Consultation
Dr. Mellenthiii is a regular grad
uate in medicine and surgery and Is
licensed by the state of Oregon. He
visits professionally the more iiuporl
mt town and clues and oners to all
who call on this trip free consultation
except the expense of treatment wheii
According to his method of treat
ment he does not operate for chronic
appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of
stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
EEs has to his credit wonderful re
sults in diseases of the stomach, liv
er, bowclf, blood, skin, nerves, heart,
kidney, bladder, bed-wetting, catar
rah, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica
leg ulcers and rectal ailments.
If yo uhave been ailing for any
length of time and do not get any
bctier, do not fail to call, as inipro
p v measures rather than disease are
very often the cause of your long
standing trouble.
Remember above date, that eon
sultiuion Is free and that his treat
ment is different.
Married women must be accompan
ied by their husbands.
Address: 336 Doston Block, Mlnne
apo'.is. atlnnsaotg.
S. EL Doardman left Tuesday night
Ot Western Oregon points and will
ibo trfctti La 'Grande before return
ing home again. D. C. Klugea ac
:oinpattied htm.
fctrs. Lena Shurte county superinten
i; nt and Mrs. Lulu Johnson, county
uirse, were Boardman visitors on
s S
To:'i Miller and Glen Brown recei
ved the contract for hauling the con
crete piping which is to be used in
crnstruciing a pipe line in the east
Psefsm vwtttfi
Fath-r Why is it that you are al
?.. at the bot'om of the class?
Johnnie It doesn't make any dif
ference, daddy; they teach the -ame
j things at both cuds.- Western i hris-
tlan Advocate.
30 x 3
Zeroline, per quart
Aristol, per quart,
Hyvis, per quart,
Monoaram, per quart,
win l u
M. L. Morgan, Pres
We Have A 1 ed a
Complete Line
Get Our Latest Prices On
Building Material
i Cedar Flume
W. A. Murchie
Ijoaidman, Oregon.