PEOPLE ASKED TO HbXP O.X STATE-WIDE ( AMI'AUIV With an appeal to the people in every part of Oregon to concentrate on a campaign of state-wide develop went by filling the state with visitors from all over the world and by pre senting to the world the scnic, farm lug and industrial attractions and op portunlties, the 1925 exposition com mittee in Portland has launched its campaign in behalf of the measure to be voted on at the state election November 6, The measure amends the state constitution so ai to permit Portland to lax itself to finance the fair. No tax Is provided outside of the city of Portland. "We have a state full of resources opportunities and scenic attractions says Mayor Maker of Portland who hi-ads the exposition committee. "Ore gOO now is the leasfl advertised state In the union and consequently Is de veloping slowly. We must do like store or a business concern does when business is slack advertise, and the exposition Is the best known way to ad vi rtise. To bring thousands of people to Oregon from all over the world will bring money to the state and will bring business people, farmers and Investors, We have the advantages and we must show I hem in order to place them on the market and in or der to develop our slate to the ex tern that what, we already have In the way of products can be utilized. The 1025 exposition is not a Portland venture although thai city will stand the expense. It is an all Oregon ex position and all Portland asks is that the stale sanction it. The state which is now talking aboul Ihe need toi adverising our attractions cotml ask for no hel'er proposition," Plans have hern made for n in I ii-jve eampa y. between now iioj Xcvf tuber ttb. The exposition a i vocates expect to exlend Ihe cam paign throughout the stale in an ef fore to organize he state as a unit for state development which Is the underlying purpose of the exposition. SADIES All) HOI,l A IX DAY MEElINti Wednesday was Ladies Aid day at Moardman. The Ladies Aid socie ties all over the county were invited to meet with the Boardman ladies. The following Umatilla ladies at tended the all day meeting of the Lariir Aid Wednesday at Boardman: Madams J. H. Cherry, C. A. Smith, D. W. Jackson, R. F. Paulu, O. S, Stangeby, and W. T. Lambert. They reported a very enjoyable time. A number of Pendleton ladies also attended coming in three cars. There was one man In the crowd but he did not register and kept out of sight except at eating time. We failed to get his name but we are very thank ful to him lor bringing his car full of ladies to the meeting. This was said to be ihe best meeting the Aid baa ever held here. The Pendleton ladies were the first to arrive, The church was already arranged wilh set tables and chairs In a circle and after registering the guests proceed ed to gel acquainted. Hev. Benson wan present to assist in any way he could. The good things to eat were soon put on the tables and lunch was served promptly al 12 noon.. Thi vi.siiors were elaborate in their praise of the dinner and the hospitality in general. Mrs. Edith U. Crawford secretary Of Ihe local BOOiSty was presented With a silver gilt, as she is closing tier work and leaves I his week for Corvallis. The local Society present ed the lie Moss Family III concert TneKdav iiitht realizing $20.45 as I heir share of the proceeus. C. O. Blayden has the contract for the school year 11)22-192:1 to carry tin. school children from Coyote to Boardman. The Dew Drop Inn is again occu pied. This year the guests are the Missj-s Powell and Markham and Mrs. Hummel and son. Mrs. Tom Hendricks has as guest, her cousin Miss Connor. her K-4MKM Go to Echo to see the.. 1923 flodel Ford Car Equipped with sloping windshield, gypsy top 1 one-man top) with starter and demountable rims $548.07 Filled with gas and oil F. O B. licho ECHO AUTO CO. All other models, new and second hand, on reasonable terms 'kvpK ;l"---""ss' i A Wat v " - BUCK. ' ' If M at the k vkJ& m m 'Mr mJ ML 1 I- 1 ! L ti FROM SUBSCRIBER FAVORS FAIR XEXT YEAR It appeared that the secretary of our fair association. made a very good guess when he informed Irrigon that we could not hold a fair this year as It is very plain that very little in terest has been shown hero. Now thai our president has sent his resign at 'on to Mr. Crawford eaying that ir mof(t enl 113 rstlc fair support ers don't wisn 10 take part in a U this fall, we think we had bet'e drop the matter for this season. Wt cannot sonsistently ask Irrigon change their plans at this late date and I am opposed to holding a fa here until we have held one at Irrl gon, which let us endeavor to do the next season, unless Irrigon abs utelv refuses to entertain us. Had Boardman responded to Irrigon's firs call for a fair meeting, the chances are verv good that we would hav had a fair as planned. They are n doubt considerably disappointed and perhaps they think they have reason to be a little offended also. I agrc with them on both counts'. Our sec retary perhaps Is considerably blame but we all should have been inquiring about it long before the matter was brought to our attention by the article in the Mirror. It is now too late to think of getting thing gathered together even though all was harmonious. I am very sorry that the $600.00 has to be sent back to Salem to be squandered by our state ollicials. Let us make a strong retjolve to never let it occur again We had better take no action upon our president's resignation but con slder Ihe old officer as holding over until next year, then if we don't hear from them by the first day of August let us remind them of their duties In the mean time let us be plannin for our exhibits from the time the first field ifi planted. The ladies can begin on their fancy work im mediallely. Remember you cannot place your old work In competition the second time. Let us not forget the grain and hay s,how at Pendle ton. (let your bale of alfalfa cu before it is in full bloom if you want to win the big money. Parties in charge of the Broadview ranch neg lected so far to prepare their bales so 1 think competition trom that source is eliminated. This makes It a little better for the other growers I hope 1 hat we will be better repre sented this year and that every bale sent will win a prize, as they did lasvt year. Yours for a big North Morrow County Pair at Irrigon early in Sept ember, 1U23. C. H. lMllabough ; t 1 1 111; 1 1 OI'KMNtl OF XKV DICPOI' HERE Three hundred people celebraled the opening of the new depot 0 jollification Friday evening, Diem ber 1st. The evening began with i community feed lollo.ved by sech maUirg. S. H. Board 1.1 1 1 eci.vl ai director of efforts and th first to re spond was C. O. Blayden, Board man's first mayor and contestant with O. H. Warner for the honor of 1 einj the first settler in Board. nun. Other local people to relicitate the o ( asior. were Mrs. Margaret Cramer, who re cited an original poem setting forth Ihe snuggles of Sam Boardman and Anna, his wife, to get a depot located at the town site; Principal P. J Mutiny of the local schools, O. H. Warner, and the agent. Ralph 8. Davis. Visitors from out of town who contributed to the tjuccess of Ihe evening were: Messrs. Swayze, Dodd, Hunt, and Young, of Hermis ton, C. C. Calkins, county agent, and A. Vanderwater, district freight and passenger agent of Walla Witlla Mrs. CrOWder of WasCO a member ol OUV school raculty is living with the J C Mallenger faintly. Mrs Chas. Dillon has been bedfast for :levera 1 days. PINPLtlON, OlfEGON SEPTEMBER 21, 22, 2 3, 1922 ihv wbolr Woild thrrv f no eon utt o inti nriy i xi iVtiir, and with nor thrilling and fix tabular fit ne. than Mm ndtnii of "outlaw" by t"jl tyi add cwwiftrU. UKT FAliKti PAUTHM'LAUS FKOM YOUR LOCAL AUK NT WM JltMUltHAY. I Hmmmr Ant ! i . i - i. Orj on , ,int.t. tho wiM hon n, -. wiM Ht,T ixu'inn mid l.ullJoif ktt'tr. lint tt iln-c and iuw wuwi Arv all that rrtna:n of the y,uriE. wll.l. vtcurrtua. yrt livublc Wwt. NOTICK FOR PUBUOATfON D. .i, .ment of the Interior I is. LAN: OFFICE at The Dalle t regon, S litem Imt t, 1922. No'1 . is hereby given that Melvin P. Signs, of Board' l&a, Oregon, who on September 24. r.9. made Home tttmi Kntr No. 02099" for NW V SKVt tl'nii II, I matil la Project I Sc tlon S. Township : North, .-.nge 2 2 KiLst. Willamef Merit" i, has filed notice of Intention b milk" three year proof, to est; ulish .int to the land above described, uefore C. Q. Blayden. I'nlted States Commissioner at Boardman. Oregon, on the 27th day of October, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses. Nick Paler, Paul M Smith. O Warner, and Sam H Boardman of Boardman, Oregon. J. W. Donnelly. 30-34 hatwr Hfc)PP.KB F6tMLSTlC ABOUT llfl FAIR (Editorial) A spirit of pessimism fogs to the Heaven from the caverns of our county seat. The stopper to the bot tom of the abyss hee been lifted and a blue mirk befogs the brain cells of those who are still able to wander aimlessly about. A commercial house tells a worr that their business died in 1921, and now in 1922 it is dead again The funeral is spon to be held and the mourners request that mon ey be brought instead of lilies. It literally breathes a spirit of hope lessness which permeates a- com munity. A caravan of Portland business men asik Heppner for their good will and vote that they may tax them selves to hold a fair for a HOregon. The haunting bugbear of a possible legislature request for a state ap propriation dampened the county seat's response. Have you no hope for the future Are you of all men, the burden bearers? Do not others spin and reap not? Shall all curse the hand of fate and live without hop. Why not at least a showing of op timism to the fellow across the line thopgh we steep in pessimism? He may help us from the slough of des pair. Let's be up and doing. A bath and clean shirt has given a bright er prospectus to many a man.. Why not to a community Miss Ruth Akers, of Wasco is vis iting with her cousin Mrs. J. C. Ball-enger. BEAUTIFUL RACERS TO BO AT POUND-U Twenty-four beautiful racers, rep resenting ihe Eddie McCarty strings and five bucking horses are at the Round -l'p stables in anticipation of the coming Round-Up. Among the fleet-footed animals which come to Pendleton after winning laurels on many tracks are Young Hexler, Alta M., Miss Enora, Apirantna, Orphan Child, Dora Turner, Ruth Van, Mam ie Van, Shamrock Van, Dr. Dugan, Auditor, Skillful S., Karl C and Sul tan. McCarty is now in Spokane and the horses are under the care of Geo rge Langdoh. The Monday before the Round-Up will see the arrival of the patron saint of the show, namely, Charles Irwin, who is a familiar figure in track and arena. He states, in a wire to H. W. Collins, president of the Round-Up, that he will have aboul 29 head of stock. His lady relay riders are Lorena'Trickley, ac claimed world champion woman rider and winner of the Hotel McAIppin trophy, and Vera McCinnis. For the two men's relay strinira he has as Idera "Spider" Kelly and "Red" ITuitt. His trick riders are Harry Walters, Miss Trickley, Miss McGin- nis, ana Boy Kivetl. who is ln .i rie roper. Steer ropers of the Irwin ipprepation areKivett, Claude Saw- er, Buddy Stenling, Cliff King and Phil Yoder. Irwin will have in his old stalls betides his racing stuff. burking mules, five buekinv horse Ceorge Drumheller, of Walla Wat mil one laydown horse. a, long a friend of the Pendleton !iuind-Up, will secure for this year's how the horses for Queen Thelma lioinpson and her attendants. There will be four whitt horsei fo th iiauls and one cream colored animal or the queen. Miss Jessie Druni- teler, daughter of Mr. Drumheller, lias been chosen as one of the maids. She is an accomplished horsewaman Dd has ridden in the Pendleton how. Two other maids are Miss Al- adeco Scroggins of La Grande and Miss Helen Thompson of Pendleton. liss Scroggins has ridden in the nion Stock Show. A Portland Miss yet to be chosen to make up the nmp of attendants. NOTICE FOR PCULICA HON DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR I . S. Land office at The Dalle, Ore gon, July 15, 1922. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Levi Carroll, of Irrigon, Oregon, who on March 6th, 1918, made Reclama tion Homestead entry No. 019690, for W NE4 (being Unit "B" Umatilla Project) Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make three year proof, to est ablish claim to the land above des cribed, before C. G. Blayden, United l-'tate:, Commissioner, at Boardman, Oregon, on the 5th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: D. C. Chapman, Umatilla, Oregon. Hugh Grimm, G. W. Hux, and Bert Allen, all of Irrigon, Oegon. J. W. DONNELLY, 2 4-29 Register Drs. McKenzie & Lieuallen Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offce: Rooms 1, 2, and 3, Inland Empire Bank Building (Over new Inland Empire Bank) PKNDLKTOI - - OREGON () fi- lUarner Boardman, Oregon Real Estate and Insurance AUTO LIVERY Will go Anywhere Anytime Arlington Cash Market Pat Mooney, Prop. Fresh and Cured Meat Green Groceries and Fruits Arlington, - - Oregon Dt Severinsen DENTIST Office in Bank Building BOARDMAN - - OREGON 4KH I We Have Added a Complete Line of Builders Hardware i IHIIIIIIIHlli!lliilll!lllil!iaillll li. all Widows of Veterans' Pensions Raised W ashington, D. C. President Hard ug signed a bin increasing the pen ious of widows of Spanish-American war veterans from $12 to $20 a month, nnd the pensions of their dependent children from $2 to $4 a month. BARTHOLOMEW'S ORCHESTRA PHONE 41 StanfieUI. Oregon Plays luteal dance I n Dr. W. T. Tiller, Dentist Arlington, Oregon UVIJJCTIN OK BOARDMAN ''OMMI'MTY CHURCH SERVICE Ererjr Sundy Sunday School 10: SO a Church Service 11: It a. Christ Ian fci.deavor 7: SO p. All are welcome E. Bunsou, Pastor u. v Get Our Latest Prices On Building Material Cedar Flume Screen Doors Screen Door Sets Our Ice is Good and Cold Try It W.A. Murchie Boardman, Oregon.