The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, August 18, 1922, Image 4

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"How'e the Round-Up coming on,"
a:(ked a Heppm-r Herald reporter of
C. W. McNamer yesterday.
"CominK on! repeated Mac, who
Is chairman of the Round-Up general
committee, "you can tell the world it
is coming on fine and that Heppner
is going to put this thing over and
put It over BIO."
And Mac's opinion seems to be re
flected in the mind of everybody in
tln town.
Everybody seems to feel that Mor
row county people are entitled to a
few play days during the year and
what belter form of amusement could
Ix- devised for red-blooded bunch
grassers that a Kound-lJp? There
is tmething about the bucking
bronco, the charging steer, the hil
arious cowboy, that western people
take to, as witness the great success
attained along this line by Pendle
ton. Yes, Heppner will put 'er over
big", because Heppner has the spirit
to do it and we also have as leaders;
in the enterprise, three of the livest
live wires In this part of the state
C. W. McNamer, L. V. Gentry, and
Charlie Latourell- all men who have
the disposition and the ability to
make a success of any project they
Work is now under way making
Improvements at Gentry field where
till' spectacular entertainment will be
staged, which includes a new quarter
mile track which will be fenced and
ample bleacher accomodation lor
spectators. The lay of the ground
is such that seats can be placed at
small expense and while no attempt
will be made to put on a root this
year, it is probably that by another
year a regulation grandstand will be
The committee announce that ar
rangements are being completed to
have a bit of first class bucking slock
here from the Pendleton show and
thb( will Insure plenty of thrills for
l he spectators and riders as well.
The committee lias practically
agreed lo cut out all outside carnival
features unless It might be a merry-go-round
or a ferrls wheel for the
youngsters and instead the com
mittee will put on a '49 dance in the
pavillion each night during the meet
ing. All sorlH of old time western
run-making stunt!) will have place
ht these dancea but the objectionable
features of the regulation traveling
'49 dances will, of course be absent.
The dances like all other parts of the
entertainment, will be of home folks,
by home folks, and for home folks,
and Vee Gentry is willing to bet that
when the affair is over the news
papers can truthfully report that a
"good time was had by all".
Two accidents occurred at the
coal bunk.-rs at Messner during the
past week. On Saturday eveniifft,
A. T. Irvine, who has worked at Mess
ner and made his home there for a
number of years, got bis hand caught
between the pump and I he bell
in such a manner as to crush it l.-ad-1;-
Fort'inf tcly the belt bi )' :
he might have lost an arm. He was
laken to Umatilla at once and Dr.
Gale called who dressbd his hand and
found it badly crushed but no bones
On Monday afternoon A. T Hereim
went through a hair raising experi
ence. He was cleaning the coal off
the coal track preparatory lo having
the car moved, when the engine of
(he local came on the coal track, he,
neither seeing or hearing it. The car
hit him and he lost his balance. He
put his hand on the rail to catch
himself and was forced to sit there
.md watch the wheel run over the
middle linger of his right hand.
Moth men are very fortunate in
having such narrow escape t and from
serious injury.
The Ladies Aid had a pleasant
afternoon at the Mulkey home on
Wednesday, 2 4 being present. A
great deal of business was transacted
Plans for a bazaar are being formu
lated. The food sale is to be held
nr xt Saturday, August 19. The com
ing ot the i)e Mass Concert troupe
was discussed and plans made for
their entertainment. Many people
attended the concert given by them
two years ago and all are glad to hear
they are to return. People living in
so small a town are handicapped in
being neldom able to hear really good
entertainment in the way of lect
ures, music, etc., and Hoardman is
fortunate in being able to have the
De Mass troupe. The next meeting
of the Aid will be September 6. It
will be an all day meeting at the
church. Ladies from Pendleton and
also from Umatilla will be present.
Teachers reception will be given:
on Tuesday evening, Septcmb r 5,
between 7 and 8 o'clock. Mrs. Mul
key is In charge of the reception and
Mrs. Ballanger is In charge of the
The depot is nearing completion
and we must not forget the eats we
will have to celebrate the event.
Dr. W. T. Tiller,
Arlington, Oregon
J. H. Pruter, an extensive potato
grower of Boardman, was in Heppner
Saturday on business looking up
marketing arrangements for a part
of his early crop which is now ready
to harvest, says the Heppner Herald.
Mr. Pruter came to Boardman from
Montana three years ago and not be
ing satisfied with .alfalfa business
decided to go in for potatoes. He
has 24 acres of the tubers In this
year and says they will average about
250 sacks per acre or around 12,000
bushels on the 24 acre tract.
Mr. Pruter says he plants only the
purest certified seed he can procure
and his product is consequently first
class. He expects a price of about
?2.00 per sack for the later crop this
fall - Heppner Herald.
Cast end road work is progressing
in fine shape. The new road down
lateral 36, is being built to connect
with the old road at Mr. Larson's
corner. This will be a great boost
to the east end. The new graveled
road from Mr. King's corner to Mr.
Kutsner's place will also prove of
great benefit to east enders.
We wish to announce that
an authorized
deater has been appointed in
The Latourell Auto Co.
of Heppner, which owns and operates the nifty
new service station on the highway has a
full Ford agency, and will ccrry an
adequate stock of genuine
Ford parts and
will have cars and tractors on display soon.
Latourell Auto Co.
Boardman, Oregon
It appears according to an item
in the last issue of the Mirror, that
the president of the North Morrow
County Fair Association had request
ed the Boardman people to meet with
them in the interest of the fair which
was planned to be held at Irrigon. As
a member of (he Fair board I did not
get any word of this meeting either
through the president or the secre
tary of the association. It also ap
pears that the secretary had inform
ed the people of Irrigon that we could
not bold a fair this fall. By what
authority our secretary has decided
the question for all North Morrow
county, I am unable to say but arc
we all satisfied with the decision?
I understand that W. W. Smead,
secretary of the county fair associa
tion has informed Mr. Glasgow that
$30i). 00, one half of ifci state appro
priation is ours for the asking if we
hold a fair. Mr. onifad also says
that Heppner will no1, hold a fair
but a ltound-up .i.stcad and he is
ol the opii'iou that ihey will not be
permitted to us any ot the fair r
i.ropi iai'o i ft r the ; ( jnd-up so that
there is a very ,'0.d clarce that the
whole (H- I Ciii (r pulled down
by us. Do : Ml -..ant it?
Let us trk lor t with the under
standing that Heppner shall have it
two yeas out of Ihiee if they hold
a fair until such time that we have
a permanently organized county fair
association and a well equipped
place for holding a county fair, then
I am in favor of a general fair for
the whole county. Get busy on the
phone and let all know what you
want Phone, write and personally
call upon our secretary and learn
if he still inslstq that we cannot hold
a fair this fall. Let everybody see
his neighbor and learn if they can
make use oT any part of this $600.
Also write an item and mail it to the
Mirror by Wednesday and by Satur
day the woild will know what North
Morrow county wants. Last Sun
day we proved to the Portland 19 25
fair caravan that lloardmnn was th
little town which does things. Now
with the assistance of Irrigon are
we unable to hold a community fair
and therefore forfeit $600.00. If we
don't take the money, it will be re
turned to Salem to be squandered by
our state officials. We have time for
the fair so let's keep our promise to
Irrigon to the letter.
Dont forget the Grain and Hay
show at Pendleton. Boardman was
not as well represented last year as
it should have been. Every bale of
hay sent from here won a prize. Ow
ing to carelessness on the part of the
hay grower's here so few entries
wen made that Broadview's ranch
walked away with first and secohd
prlSM, receiving $75.00 for two bales
ot hay; that is more than was paid
by the hay grower's association, if
your hay chanced to be better than
No. 2 .
Are you going to let the same
parties win again this year? They
will unless you make an effort.
C. H. Dillabough.
Mr. Warner brought a truck load
ot ladles to Aid on Wednesday. They
gave him an unaminous vote of
thanks for his kindness.
Harry Crawford also brought a car
load of ladies from the West End.
The Logan Oil Development Com
pany tiled incorporation papers Wed
nesday with the county clerk for a
capitalisation of $75,000, 7500 shares
at $10, but it is not thought that the
stock will be ottered for general sale.
Headquarters are at Umatilla.
The incorporators are W. J. Logan,
R. w. Galbralth, W. C. Kirk, S. S
l ulmer, Thomas Hunter, C. J. Johns,
W T. Roberts, K. L. Jewett and the
central office will be at Umatilla.
Drilling is expected to start shortly
en one of the several pi.cee of leased
land held by the corporation.
Strong traces of oil is noticeable
in Mr. Logan's well and some of the
clay from the bottom of the well has
I . m analyzed and pronounced oil
l. uing shale. On the water from
the well, minute parUcles of paraffin-
may be seen with any sort of a
magnifying glass-.
Assurance has been given by State
Highway Engineer Nunn, that four
inches of crushed rock will be put on
the highway from Boardman to Her
miston right away. No comment
i n.-cesstiry upon the need of this
work to anyone who has driven this
stretch of roadway.
V. S. Land office at The DaUes, Ore
gon, July 19, 1922.
Levi Carroll, of Irrigon, Oregon, who
on March 6th, 1918, made Reclama
tion Homestead entry No. 019690, for
W NE (being Unit "B" Umatilla
Project) Section 26, Township 5j
North, Range 26 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make three year proof, to est
ablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before C. G. Blayden, United
States Commissioner, at Boardman,
Oregon, on the 5th day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. C. Chapman, Umatilla, Oregon.
Hugh Grimm, G. W. Hux, and
Bert Allen, all of Irrigon, Oegon.
24-29 Register
Drs. McKenzie & Lieuallen
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Offce: Rooms 1, 2, and 3, Inland
Empire Bank Building
(Over new Inland Empire Bank)
I ) fi. Warner
Boardman, Oregon
Real Estate
Will go Anywhere Anytime
Successful Graduates
Are the Best Recommendation of
O. A. C.
This institution offers r thorough, practical, and standard education
at a cost within reach of the high school graduate.
It offers training for collegiate degrees in:
Agriculture Mines Commerce
Pharmacy Engineering and Mechanic Arts
Vocational education Forestry Chemical Engineering
Home Economics Military Science and Tactics
It offers training also in:
Industrial Journalism.
The School of Music, Physical Education
Fall Term Opens September 18
For circulars of information and illustrated booklet write 'o
The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Oregon
Dr. C. Scucrinscn
Office in Bank Building
We Have Added a
Complete Line
Get Our Latest Prices On
Building Material
Cedar Flume
Screen Doors
Screen Door Sets
Our Ice is Good and Cold
Try It
W. A. Murchie
Boardman, Oregon.