The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, June 23, 1922, Image 4

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    I ft - W
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cooper ot San
Diego, Cal., were guests of their un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Blayden this week. Mr. Cooper Is an
employe ot the Southern Pacific anil
in on a vacation.
J uii K Fred Wilson, E. o. (Dutch)
McCoy and Kdward C. Pease wen
Boardman visllors from The Dallas
Tuesday. Judge Wilson had been In
Pendleton on business and Mr. Mi
uoy naa been to his old home in
Walla Walla, while Mr. Peas;' Tn
along lor company. Judge Wilson
is one of the brighests lawyers in the
state, Mr. VI cf oy is one of th" larg
est la idhoideri in Sherman count'
and president of the Wosco and
Moro ! links, i-nd Mr. Pease is i he
Dalles biggest merchant.
Mr and Mrs. L, Mead, Sr. left on
Wednesday for Toi l land to visit
wilh a brother whose home is there.
They will be back later before re
turning to their borne in Michigan.
Mrs. Dodge of Walla Walla is vis
iting wilh Mrs. Cahoot) this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner and daught
er, Mrs. John Heck, and her two
children of Redding, Calif., were
dinner guests at Mrs. Hereim'i on
Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T Herein were
dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L, Larsen on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer, with
their daughter Mrs. Gibbons and
granddaughter, Norma were guests
for a chicken dinner at Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Cramer's on Sunday.
The foundation for the new de
pot is completed and the frame work
will start at once.
The Tloardinan Cheese Co. has de
cided to make arrangements ry soon
as possible (o move their factory to
a location adjoining the Columbia
highway. A basement and cellar is
soon to be dug and a founds tion for
the present building 'which wll be
moved, will be aid.
Washington Fsrrr Aggregate 84,818.
Olympla, Wash. Washington, an
agricultural and dairying stats, had
54,513 farms reporting a total of 672,
644 head of cattle, according to figures
compiled by J. S. Mcintosh, deputy
commissioner of the state bureau of
statistics and Immigration in the of
fice of Secretary of State Hinkie from
1920 farm census statistics Just re
ceived. The average is 10.5 head of
cattle to the farm or two head less
than the average fur all farm , in the
United States.
To Report McCumber Bonus Proposal.
Washington, D. C. The McCumber
soldier bonus bill probably will be re
ported to the senate by the flnancs
committee this week. At a meeting
of the full committee it was clearly
indicated that democratic members
of the committee would vote for the
McCumber plan of paying the bonus
vith long time certificates having a
loan value. In preference to the Smoot
20-year Insurance plan with no loan
Chinese Deportation Upheld By Court.
Washington, D. C. Chinese arriving
in the Uttittd States prior to the im
migration act of February 15, 1917.
can be deported by an administration
rder, It was held by the supemu
ourt in a case involving deportation
if four Chinese by order of the com
nlsslouer of immigration at San Fran
Scientists Find Nothing New by Study
But Will Continue Observations.
Washington, D. C. Mars paid its
t 'annual visit to earth, but revealed
none of its secrets. The giant tele
scope at the naval observatory hers
bus been trained on the planet steadily
for the lost few days as it approached
the earth, but Professor Asa Hall Jr.,
in charge of the observations, said that
nothing not already known had been
gleaned, The observations will be con
tinued from here, however, as the
planet recedes.
Professor Hull remarked that in
11124 Mars will approach to within 34,
800000 miles of the earth, and ob
servers will have a better chance to
study it than now, when the closest
point of approach Is about 42,000,000
miles away.
J. M. lasgow and son, Cordon, of
Hunters, Wash., surprised his broth
er, C. B, Glasgow Saturday nigbi
by MOT tOT lag in at eleven o'clock at
night. They woke up several farm
era in the district before finding the
Glasgow ranch and then only local
ed him In the dark when they saw
a light out In the field where Mr
Clasgow was spreading water with i
shovel. They made a hurried trip
from Hunters via (tattle, Taroma.
Portland and other coast (Mints and
left here for their home the follow
ing day.
It. II Spencer of the Poultrv Sup
ply Co. was In Irrigon Monday with
a load of poultry and other feeds
Mr. Sicneer intends to make regular
trips lo Irrigon during Ihe summer
months and has contracted to hand
le greater port ion of the melon ami
tpriCOl crop Of N, Seaman and Son.
He also buys eggs and other farm
fanners the best prices. In order for
w;i regular, he would have to have
loads both ways and those in need of
aii Poultry or other reeds mIioii 'I
drop him a llti" or leave word at the
dOPOl wilh Mr. Seaman.
The annual school election Is ger
ting to b. tin biggest thing of the
Mason. T i's a oulu bo icade a so
ft picnic M in Irrigon as it in;
i " lie tli i nl lime our people hnvt
tune to away from (heir woi N
at all A ''er , heavy vote was tail
fOi one director and clerk. H. V
Jones being elected as director an
lta l.arinai eou clerk of the dlslri'
Cherries are about all gone. 1
vie.i WM any of Itrlgon's cherrle
' ill i to bur, y.
I i. were sbipp
nd i ill h mo
, eek and soui
in price Is expected.
Tin- Oregon Washington It. R.
N.i Co. Is replacing the old cu'
vert In the west end of the ynr
wilh concrete box 2X6 feet and hav
a crew of men here now workin
under the direction of Mr. H. F
1 ndson.
I. vie Seaman and Ishiuael Hen
rick motored to Heppner last Frtrtn
via Butter Creek and returned I
Willow Creek highwiv The repo
the road svery rough rtS. Wlllo
Of gsj highway with the exceptio
u! seven mile south of Hep; -le
Junction and thU Is much bette
than lfc beet via other route
ii 11 Warner of Hoard man wa
a busln MM visitor In Irrigon the firs
p fthe syoojL
Bandit Shot By Cashier at Knappa.
Astoria, Ore Robert Drake, 36, Is
In the county jail as a result of his at
tempt to loot the Knappa State bank
by daylight Saturday. He hoped, he
says, to Find no one but the cashier
in the bank when he walked in at 3
o'clock In the morning with a .38 cali
ber Colts revolver in his hand. Drake's
plans went awry when he found W. C.
Koatman u-id two other men iu the
bank conv sing with David Stewart,
president ul cashier.
D K. ' inter and other local stock
holders have purchased the interest
ir CsrlStOB B Swift of Portland if
lie Central Oregon bank of Prinevilk
.Hid control of the institution lias been
transferred from Portland lo Bend.
The state highway commission In
ranted authority, in an order of tht
- ii lil ic service commission to construct
ind undergrade highway crossing be
:eath the tracks of the Southern Pa
rifle company within the limits ul
Iregon City.
Fire of undetermined origin threat
ned an entire block In the OQltaosi
listrlct of Marshfield. did $50,000 dam
ige and was only extinguished aflei
lie North Bend fire department had
responded to a call for aid About
Kali' the Ions Is covered bv insurance
tij&a!$W l,at.hv'a) so often trod by President lb
, orial Hattl niorial
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murchie ar- Mr, and i'.-s. Vic Smith of Was o
rived last Saturday and were visit- and Mi's. K. lith's father, O. J Bales,
ore at the Ballenger home until of The I Vi were icokine- over the
There have been ever so many
now items which should have been
sent In and weren't. One thing that
should have been mentioned wa.-j
the old fashioned charivari whicn
project TllOtM hJT.
The various committees for the
itii of Jul arrangements mot at the
Real Room for further plans for the
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Chaffee, and
the people of the project gave the I Qjjdren, accompanied by their
newly-weds a week or so ago. Al- daughter, Mrs! N. Chaffee were cal
most everybody was there. Mr. and j er8 al Earl Cramer's Sunday after
Mrs. Weston showed themselves to noon. Mr. Chalice ato loooked up
be good sports as they had a big ,, !eplione trouble while out in the
freezer full of Ice cream, bushels country that day.
of lemonade, cigars and candy and
the uninvited guests brought cakes Dl'S. McKenzie & Lieuallt'Il
jo everybody had lots of eats and Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
a good time. We wish to extend 1 Offce: Rooms 1, 2, and 3, Inland
heartiest congratulations to this Empire Bank Building
couple and wish them many happy (Over new Inland Empire Baui. )
.rosperous years of life together. VHSUIJSHOtt - - OKIlXJON
; is said that the wonderful cathedrals of Europe were co-.tructed
ie laymen and skilled workers of the church. L. D. Cornuclle, formerly
a i ii c in nati man, built this elaborate edifice single-handed, filling the
rol- of architect, mason and carpenter. He worked from a pencil sketch
only and finished the work in a year and eight months. The church
stands at Sierra Madre, California, and nestles in the foothills back of
the tittle town.
At the boosters meeting held in
Irrigon on Wednesday of last week
in the interests of the 'Juiatilla
regard to representation at the
Portand meeting June 2 6, a plan
was suggested for creating Irrigation
districts covering about 150.000
acres in Oregon and Washington,
the land to be bonded for construc
tion of the power plant and the ex
cess lower sold to local consumers
for heat, light, farm power and to
manufacturers. Efforts will be made
to interest the railroads in the use
of such power, which would practi
cally result in the sauccess of the
proposed enterprise.
In city affairs C. G. Blayden is
the head of the government as may
or and as a gardener he keeps in
the front rank at Boardman. He has
ihe finest lawn and this year besides
many varieties of beautiful roses he
that is not only very beautiful but
has in full bloom a blue rambler
is very rare.
iae s j iibiiiisms ms s i
HTANFIKLD, ORE., JUNE 28, 2, SO and JUDY 1, and U
IIM I is gli.OO SIT DENTS, gl.50 CHILDREN, $1.00
Chautauqua Director
Loren Bates and Co
Loren Bates and Co
Dr. Wm. E. Bohr,
'.fternoon Opening announcements of the week,
Music and entertainment
Evening Entertainment,
Lecture "America Among .Nations"
Afternoon- Musical prelude Junior Chautauqua, Lundgren-Boyce-Voorhees
One Act Play (to be announced) Elias Day Players, Chicagi
Evening the Play "Happiness" Elias Day Players
afternoon Musical Entertainment -Junior Chautauqua, Patricia Trio
Featuring Patricia Hale, soprano, of New York
McCoy Heads Oregon Commission
slogs. Newton McCoy of Portland
was elected chairman of the rcorganlz
d public service commission at a con
'erence, following the qualification of
McCoy and T. M Kerrigan for the
ifficee to which they ware eleetsd in
the recall election of May 18.
Evening Prelude
Lecture "The Powder and the Match"
Afternoon- Concert Prelude Junior Chautauqua
Lecture "The House We Live In"
Evening Concert
1FTH DAY ,11 LI 2nd
Vfternoon Concert Junior Chautauqua, Garner Jubilee Singers
Junior 1'agcnt Direction Junior Supervise
Cvonlug Orand Closing concert (tarner lubilee Singer.
.Featuring Plantation Lullabies folk songs of the south and
Operatic and concert numbers.
Patricia Trio
Judge Geo. D. Allcr
Biltmore Orchestra
V. I Shepherd
Biltmore Orchestra
Sunday program will lie in keeping xvlth the sacred clmractor of the day
Sulgle admissions to the various sessions amount to almost three time
a much as the season ticket. Even though you attend but a few number:
It is economy to buy a season ticket Hour for Junior Chautauqua will be
announced from the platform.
Officml WrfsMngrton Sees Hughes' Daughter Wed
Hfe " H M
Mr. Wells, our assessor, and Joe
Waters were here this week looking
out for county interests in the form
of taxes.
FOR SALE I-ton truck, ood con
dition. Inquire Standard oltice.
Stanfieid, Oregon tf 5-26
Mr. V. H. Smith was a visitor at
the Ballenger home on Tuesday. He
is president of the North Western
Wheat Growers' association and is
moving to Pendleton where he will
have his headquarters. He has been
living in Wasco. He has made four
trips to Chicago, and one to New
York in interest of the Growers'
The Ballengers took him for a ride
over our project and he is greatly
enthused over our project, and an
ticipates great things for this place.
Another item that was omitted
was the christening of Mr. and Mrs.
W. O. King's baby daughter, Ruth
Eleanor, on June 4. At this time
the baby wore a christening robe
which had been worn by both Mrs.
King and Mrs. King's mother and
others of the Tagg family. Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Goiham also had their
daughter Janet christened al; this
time, that date being Janet's first
birthday. Rev. Benson baptized the
When in Hermiston, eat at Lowe's
Cafe a good place. b -12tr
c.W. Mcbley f
If you contemplate holding
a public sale of live stock, or
household goods or personal
effects, call up MOBLEY, at
Stanfieid. He knows how to
cry your sale in a satisfactory
i he most distinguished gathering of official Washington saw Miss Catherine Hughes, daughter of
S oi utr. married to Chauncev Locfchart Wadded of New City
I his picture ihe bride and bridegroom, with Secretary and Mrs. Hughes in the rear, parad.
after ihe reception SJ tbe Pan American Union. ' pau.
Get Our Latest Prices On
Building Material
Cedar Flume
Screen Doors
Screen Door Sets
Our Ice is Good and Cold
Try It
W. A. Murchie
Boardman, Oregon.