wmmmmmmmmmm wmmmm&e: w I The Only Restaurant in 1 1 Pendleton Employing a I full crew of white help. the frenchI 1 restaurant I HOHI1ACH BUOS., PROPS. I Elegant Furnished Rooms In Connection. 5 IIIMIHMMIIIIHll ; ALFALFA FARMS Diversified Tracts t Small Acreage Town Property ITnlnmproved I an. I With Water City Lots in Boaithuaii Town Lots In New Town of COLD SPRINGS Farms and City Property i in all parts of Oregon, Washington and Idaho FOR EXCHANGE ' E. P. Dodd, Hermiston ; mmmmmmmmmmmmrrs PROFESSIONAL ( ARDS S. E. NOTSON A T T O R N K V - A T - 1, A W Offlo ill Court House HEPPNBR . . . OREGON IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS IS ordered to Portland The X Continental Insurance Co. of New York ARTHUR L. LARSEN ? Resident Agent Boardman - Oregon f HMtMHMHHMlMir FRANCIS McMEN AM IN Lawyer HEPPVLR. 0R8OON Robert! nui;:ing. Thone 64m JAMES D. ZURt HER .ttonioy-at-l,av PANFIBMJ . . OREGO? Will ou at the Highway Inn Wed nesday of each week. DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Thone Hes. 711 Oflice 551 mice over Bank lildg., Hermiatoii Calls answered at all hours. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-A i-LAW Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon. HMtMMM MltilCMtC ii GRADUATION GIFTS l are in order now. Come in ' ; and let me show yon what I 1 have in watches and jewelry i i etc. ) W M . H . OGDEN X tarts that Last. X Herniislon - - Oregon HmiiHMHIlMHHIUv DR. F. V. PRIME 1) E N T 1 S I IC Y Dental X-ray and Diagnosis HERMiKTOX. URE. Hank lluilding Phones: Office !);i. Residence 751 DP. FRANCIS P. A I) IMi PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON HERMISTON. ORB. Hank BUIk. 'Phonea: Ollice 92 Residence 595. Oflice Hours 8-12, 3-6. Calls Answered Ray or Night. DR RAY W. LOGAN P II V SIC 1 .. X & S V K ii E O X Gulls answered al all hours promptl Edwards Building I MATH, I, A - - OREGON tn Irrigon on Wednesdays, in Boardmah Tuesdays & Thursdayi Dr. A. H. Johnston Physcian and Surgeon Calls answered at all- hours In Boardman Wednesday and Satur day mornings. Office phone M 151 Res. M S3! Arlington. Oregon. - - " 'a i- Hi R. N. Stanfleld, President Ralph A. Holte, Cashier Prank Sloan, 1st Vice-President M. R. l ing. 2nd Vice-President Bank of Stanfteld Capital Stock and Surplus $37,500.00 pjpM i. m at" sTHI Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit. iiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiriiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiinrw r ; 1 tMMIMIIIMIMMOMMOMIIBlllllltl ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7:5,000.00 OFFICERS A. Wheelhouse, Pres. E. J. Clough, Vice Pres. H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. T. Story, Assistant Cashier X ARLINGTON - - OREGON 1 J Mill The Highway Inn L. S. BONNEY, Proprietor Roardman, Oregon In Connection BOARDMAN AUTO LIVERY m or0 auywInTi' nigltl or flay" Now is the time to Subscribe for the Boardman Mirror About ono o'clock on the morning 01 the iSSthi a number of people W aroused by the bright light reflecting luto their bed rooms and tin ned out ) see what was oi It appear fume hobos had made thetr Way into the old Corey store building and pro i smoking cigarettes had set the building on tire. The Seetton cre tad a number of resident In th nst end turned out with bucket! and shovels and saved other bullciing tear by in the face of a strong wind lowing directly towards tliem. umber of other buildings cauuht fir ut ware iut out without any damage oetng done. Ldttts insurance wius carried bv ;.. Cciey on in Ii lifti ng. Sir. and Mrs. W. A. .Moore had just moved out of the building abdut a week ago and some furniture r mined stored in the building. The hay growers have received the Wrd and probably the final payment 11 the H)J crop. Now lets move foi (or a big crop and big money this 'asm. Mr. Kniiiht, of Maupin, Oregon ha -traded Ids place at Maupin to M and I,. W. Jordan and Wallace Mc kenzie for their places ou the Hive. . lew Boulevard, a total of ;o acre rid will move on the place this fall l as. Dempscj has the places leased or ibis season ami Mr. Knight is laudling his place at Maupin Ibis Ummer. This will add one mine Ui lie school iist. (ilen Hlder has gone to Hood It i v r to work for the season, having se cured employment on farm new; that city Mr. Brtutdage, of Iowa M sl "' iag some time in Irrigon, on his w) to UervalS, Oregon whiere lilmsell and family exped in farm With Ws brother, I uV i!t Iowa on Vpii. i in a I'ord and are broke down here, ie is working at odd jobs while waiting for repairs on WUl bo able to locate the . in brtgofl in the future. m. ITadSWOTth has pnl up a sign to com ply with the department requlra- ments. . Seaman is now Inioking up a- ii o; 'nd ra for delivery In 'lul. Soiuethpii; terrible will have to hap DOO now to reduce the yield HOW- v r. apricots win be searce U ' iis from other districts are true. Wend in your orders now. Early potatoes are looking fine. I is expected some digging will begin out the tenth. Line up your tasters for the livlgoi melons abiml August first Mm ire taking runners now and if wea har conditions from now on ccntto ue as in ordinary seasons, ibis wil ie a Close iig'iie. B. B. Lane has moved into the 1-oe' house on ilie i iv, r. Mr. and Mr. Monroe expeeis to fix up their hour and live in it for awhile anyway. Ralph ti. Walpole and Miss Ann: Kilertson were married last week a 'a'sUaatc. vi n aceording to received hy i heir iriends. i'hr came as quite a surprise as it wa not expected for some time, Balpl went to rorlhind a week ago saylB) that he had promises of a position with the Standard Oil CO., and WOttld lay in wait for it 'I'his still se to be true hut the rest of the story was not foretold. Tin ir many trl ad o n in wishing Mr. and Mr.s. WalpOh 3 long, Ul .-.ad iitosperon '." I life. The L. A. Doble trull farm look. Ilke a picnic grounds these days ot account, of men, women and child en frolicking around under the tree pieklOg gcoscberrieH. Orov h of peo pie have come in Horn various ilace o .at her irooseberries which Mr Do ble is selling very n asonahle where psriles do . ir n picki... ueorge Hentirick returned from Portland Tuesday evening winner in he suite and possessor of the money rig.ltly hi- He also purchased I Kord truck which he drove in rmni Portland with a load of eats and other things. NOTICE FOR I'llU.K V I ION DEPARTMENT or THE IWTKIUOB v. s. land office at tiik dal t.F.S, ORB. MAY 28, 122. NO'l'ICE is hereby given that Art hur It. Iirsen, of Hriardman, Oregon who on June 11, 191!), made Home Btead entry No. 02(1709. for SW1 HKVi, (I being 1'nlt "C" of Umatilla t'roieet) tsecnon 11. Township North, Kange 25 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make three-year proof, to e tablish claim to the land above d-s-crthed, before C. O. Hlavd'-n. I'nilel States Commissioner, at Hoard man, ir nn tt,i 14th dav ot Job. 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: L. V Kutsner, Olen Brown, Thof Miller and John C. (lorham, all of Iloardman. Oregon. J V. DONNKI.I.Y. 17-21 Register Jud.?e o. W, Phelps has baa ord ered u. the siate supremo court o report at Portland by Juiil' u, -h ri he will serve on the bench in circuit court there until the Bummer vaca tion, in term of court in Morrpv county which begins June 12 v ill b In charw of Judge David Paj' t c Cordon Op Juna 1$ Ju-. Tti-k'' vill come to Pendleton where' 09 Will it in the ease of Peters and other: igainst the county in tth ease caused by alleged damage don. 10 property owners in the west end 0 the city by the overflow of TJUullla Creek, The transfer of Judge lJiielii to Multnomah county is made at this time to assist in clearing up a mas of court business i n RliV BUNCH 1 Vio PICMO AT BOI I 1811 A lively bunch of East-enders wen1 io Moulder on Sunday to enjoy the laluion feed. As soon as the newt of the picnic was published, nearly Hvery one clamored ior a place ir Earl Cramer's truck, which we found Capable of seating forty-nine occu pants. Air. and Mrs. Kay Hrow gathered the crowd and results show their wonderful ability at such worl The truck he- 1, fi journey at a. 111. and al 7:30 p. in. a tired bu happy bunch returned to their home Mr. and Mrs. Tag. of Deer hart, sir. guests al the home of their daughtC Mrs VV. 0. King. Meattamea i.arsen. Urowni and Cyamer were entertained 'iuesdii; aliernoon at Mrs. Hereim'g in , home in Ihe country. Tin afternoo. was pleasantly spent in sowing and disctlssHig topics Of social interest M.U HAY HIU.NOS I All! PtUCKis So far as known t lie first sale oi lew hay conns from the off ice of th. jregon co-poeratlye Hay urpwer't The local inanager has been in tht Coasi dalrj sec ions looking over th tnaiket prospects and reports hai n sold several car loads of Ihe new CrO hue ul 3114 III! IMr Ion I o Ii Harm islon. While Ibis is not a lar.cy prlci i' is much h 'U-. than last BOgtOil LiOcal sheep nun are repelled a Ottering from $K to $9 in ihe stack. MaMpe the hay men will yel see bat ter limes. GOlMuk "OOODRCH I rOH SANE A oal littl" ffofi hug Oooi running order Hetl I'easoimhle or will trade for louring car or I ord ,iih light delivery body. Musi make oine sort of exchange eilhei through -eiiing and re-buying, or trading, to cure car more suitable (or the frull anil melon business. Yv'hai ive you.' N. Seaman & Son, 2 tf Irrigon, Oregon 'AKp WANTED Wanted to hear iiom owner oi a farm for sale :ie lowest price, and lull parlicular .. Jones. Dox 5B1, Olney, 111. Up I have for sale one team of mares 1 :ood set of harness and jour choie if two (arm Wrfgons. The oulfii can le seen at Irrigon, Will sell all 01 Bart. W. R. Walpole. Iliing your cleaning and pressing 10 Mrs. Alice Ditigman. 39lf POK SALE I-ton truck, ood on itlon. Inquire Standard oinca. Stan field; Oregon tl B When In Hermiston, sal al !. ' Cafe a good place, 181 itriiliKTlN OF BOARDMAN COMMUNITY CHURCH BERVICf Eiery Siindny Sunday School 10:30 a m Church Service UsSfl a. ni. Christian E-ndeavor 7::!0 p. m Prayer Meeting, every Thurs day at 8 , m All are welcome Drs. MeKenzie & Lienallen Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offre: Rooms 1. 2, and :J, Inland Empire Hank Building (Over new inland Empire Bat FENVLMtON - - OIUGOON and Tubes Gasoline, per gal. 'Vzc Zeroline, per quart 20c Aristo, por quart 20c Hyvis, per quart 30c Monogram,per quart 30c Service Car Anv Time Any Where FOAROMAN ARAGE M. L. Morgan, Pics. GAS OILS A C (ESS 0 it 1 E S Beardman Butter Makers Should Order Their Butter Vrappei s I'roni The Boardman Mirror because OCR PRICES ARE CHEAPER I C. W. Mc bley i ACt'l'IONKEIt S I A V I El.lt, UHIMION If you contemplate holding a public sale of live stock, or household i'iodn or per::on..! effecis, call up MOHLEY. at Stanrield. He known how to cry your nale in a HatiHfactory manner. 100 (any size) 200 (any size) 300 (any size) 500 (any size) $1.00 1.76 2.50 3.50 If you want them imprinted we sell for less OUR WORKMANSHIP EQUAL TO ANY The Boardman Mirror is the only paper in the world thai is boosting il ihe time :ind ex clusively for Boardman. THE FIELD IS TOO SMALL TO BE DIVIDED. Spend your money where there is some hope of getting it back and not to build up another place. DON'T PEA Y TEE OTHER FELLOW'S GAME