The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, May 19, 1922, Image 1

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Held That Same Difficulties
Would Come Up Again i
New Conference.
Washington, D. C. The Btate de
partinetit made public the text of S
message to Ambassador Child a'
Genoa declining the invitation to pa:
ticipate in the new European economic
conference at The Hague.
"This government," the American
communication said, "is unable to bob
elude that it can helpfully participate
in the meeting at The Hague, as this
would appear to be the continuance
under a different nomenclative of the
Genoa conference and destined to en
counter the same difficulties if the
attitude disclosed in the Russian mem
orandum of May 11 remains un
changed." The state department's communica
tion said the American govern! n
"has always been ready" to join ptbi
governments in an inquiry by ejtP
into the economic situation in i isla
and the necessary remedy. an
inquiry, it was added, could deal as
propiiately "with the economic P?
requisite" for restoration of K i ...
production, without which a sound ba
sis for credits would be lacking.
In conclusion the American com
munication renewed the of. or to .. .
serious attention to any "propc 18
issuing from a Genoa conference i r
any later conference," but added thai
the suggestions for the meeting at
The Hague, in view of the Rum .
memorandum of May 11, lacked "th
definiteness which, would make possi
ble the concurrence of this govern
ment in the proposed plan."
The school board met at its rei
j monthly session on Saturday,
i ieciion of teachers was poatpon
allow the clerk time to sort out the
I many applications. The question of
installing a radio outfit in the audit
, orium for com tunity use was aken
up and it was thought that it could
be financed without an additional
item in the budget, and the plan will
be presented at the annual meeting
in June. At that time discussion on
manual training and domestic sci n".
will come up. Screen-; were order d
for the lower windows on tile east
end tooth Bides of i he basement.
The report, left by thr county
nurse shows 8 7 pupils examined, ti
Tucson, Ariz. W'th two well di
rected bullets, Express Messenger H.
Stewart frustrated a spectai uiai at
tempt by eiglit masked bandits to rol
Chicago, Rock Island .& Pacific train
No. 3, the Golden State limited, bound
fro n Chicago to Los Angeles. Stewart
killed one of the octet, apparently
wounded a second and routed the.
band empty handed.
Passengers were not molested In the
holdup, which was staged near James,
a flag station ejght miles west of
The body of the slain bandit, whose
hands were encased in rubber gloves,
was recognized by Sheriff Daniels of
Pinal county as that of a pool room
habitue. Beside the body was found
a sack of dynamite with which the
bandits evidently intended to bl :w
Btrong boxes in the mail and baggage
The robbprs stopped the train by
placing torpedoes on the rails. They
planned to blow open the express safe,
said to contain valuable shipments of
money, when Stewart opeird tire. 1
gang, when St Waft opened lire, rush
ed to their automobiles and fled tc
a nearby desoiate district, pursued by
a posse.
Long-Term Credits For "arrrers.
Washington, D. C. Federal reserve
banks would be empowered to buy and
tell farm land bonds under a bill in
troduced by Senator ditcher, " n
crat, Florida. The measure is de
signed to provide long term indits for
farmers and also would estabiibh a
farm ere. lit - department m e; vh fed
eral land bank.
li. M. Schilling, manager at Dermis-:
a for the Umatilla project, lias re
ived instructions to begin on July
as for the purchase of
I tot
had defective eyi
glands. (I'lftean
Corrected and ram
-onnl hygeine of
improved greatly
Health Crusade.
! 39 ton
cases havi
E will he.
ill-;; 10
i been
The p-r
thepupils has be
by ilie Mode
Victor Hai.jro, who was the suc
cessful candidate for rural carrier
at the examination of December 8,
has taken up his work.
Mr. and Mrs. Messenger, Mildred
and Lois were guests at the Elick
iuger home for Sunday dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Herrim onter
tained the Ballengers at dinner la3t
Thursday evening,
1 negotiatic
lands lying above the proposed Mc
Kay creek dam which will be inun
dated when the waters are Impounded
for irrigation It is under-:
stood that high prices will not be paid
for the lands. The move to purchase es-.mnt
is considered proof that the govern
ment expects to complete the McKay
creek project as quickly as possible.
After a conference With Forester
Qreeley, Representative Haw icy an
nounced that three units of the Roose
velt highway in Oregon are to be con
structed this summer through forest
reserves. The first is from Tidewater
bridge to Waldport, in Lincoln county,
c i ill miles, at a cost of $100,000. The
second will be from Brush creek to
Mussel creek, In Curry county, six
miles, at a enst of $K0,000. The third,
south of Noskowin, in Tillamook and
Lincoln counties, 20 miles, will cost
A lulen arch type steel and concrete
bridge was selected by officers and di
rectors of The Dalles-Oregon-Washing'
ton Toll Bridge company, meeting at
The Dalb s, for the span across the Co
lumbia river three miles above The
Dalles. The plan was one of three
submitted by President Sears of the
Union Bridge company. The complete
working plans for the construction of f
the brlcl ;e will new be made, the fl-i ing to D. C
mm week
rtor wheat contl'tion consider
er than the condition of the
year ago, and unusually heavy
of livestock, particularly of
ttd lambs', are features of the
crop and livestock report for
just issued b,y the Unite;',
bin an of markets and ctop
B Pacific
d In Al-
T. prists
r!l he loan- urn
ill ht of May 24.
of the northwestern states a
from British Columbia will gather hi
for the trip, which will take them o
many pans of the Willamette vail
on visits to famoUs Jersey herds.
' w
ggs over
ad Rock
margin of twi
o 88. of tho Oregon Agricultural
v, is the high point holder at
nd of the first six months of the
trn Washington e ",;-!. ;y I eon
for Barred H cfcs at fsuyallup,
ingtou, attending ever one year.
g'.;'e hen has laid 159 eggs,
lomraendnttorjs that a road up the
North Urupqun i her be sponsored by
the goveinrhent for the purpose of iir
pisaslng the value of its range aird
grazing lands in the Hehae, Big Ca
mas aird Diamond lake districts will
jbe contained in the ran;.re appraisal
report being prepared by the forest
teervice to submtl to congress, accord-
i, appraiser.
, The
, R
The Boardmau cheese asBOCiath n
director met Tuesday night in th pro
motion of the business of the associa
tion which is on the upgrade. C. O.
Albribht, w..o has toon appointed
secreirwy found it necessary to pro
sent hi a resignation owinji to oth r
interests -ai .1 L'o Root iias been ele
cted and will L gin service as soon as
properly bonded. A plan being
formed includes a neat building on
the Columbia Highway in Boardman
which will be used for increased
factory facilities and also a d pay
ment for the serving of dairy lunch
as a means of advertising their pro
duct .
naneing campaign
contract awarded
mer, It was decide d
but. three of the hi
over and the
,bly thin sum
re meeting All
spans will b'-
of the Btat
planning ti
ier to patri
se'ne law, are
ubmarlne chas
te prevent vio-
I of concrete. The longest span-, of steel
will cover (he main river channel, ft
j distance of 2C1 feet. The total eotl-
mated cost, is fS5.3S!.
Wool sales in central Oregon aat
week amounted to nearly -tOO.uOO
pouiids, with the announcum nt of tin
purchase by Charli s H. Greon of Port
land of the 20,000-pound fine wool clip
of Ned Murphy of Summer Lake at 3."
cents, with otl e I ake county clips to
taling about 40 000 r ounds, at 32 to 34
iatlon of the law by purse seine flsh
en operating within the three-mile
limit. Report', have bean received that
J-WTfif pitrse seiners fr in Wash
lngton is planning to come to tht
mouth of the Columbia river July 1.
Lumber production of the 127 mills
of the northwest reporting to the
We st Coast Lumbermen's assm Iatlon
duiiug the past week, continued to
bnprove and the reports Indicated
that the output was 2 per cent above
;itH KliKt KD
Meeting Deol to Hulk In Vision of
Expectant World.
Genoa. The Economic conference ot
C rea, li ng heralded as tho- m t D
of minds out of which would a ise a
rejuvenated Europe and a new order
of international concord and peace,
stands a dtsolate hulk in the vis' ri of
an expectant world.
Out of weeks of negoti-tlno have
come ti e Faster treaty of Uupullo be
tween Germany and Russia, v.i .ualiy
rr -establishing the old order ct "bat
ance of power"; decision to continue
discussion of Russian rehabilitation at
Tae Hague, without Rus.s'an represen
tation, and the manifestation of irre
concilable difference between Great
Britain and Prance on v. tys and
ni:ans of Russian restoration.
ihocil ! oanl meeting la t night, ?.liss Stella Gunter of Sin
i off t rod the position c
sar, ai rangonints mad
xhciol buiMtng with a layer of gra.
ioa clas3 ioo i work on Wcdmiada
be Senior hiss night, Thursday nigli
"The Call of CivillKation" by Prof. I
be throe graduates, Edna Broyles, ar
The Program follows:
eeebi-r in Iho fifth and sixth gr
to Improve the walk loading to
! eiei i indera, and permission give
Of next week. Wednesday night
Lano ;'olo
pitormAM of c
Baccalaureate Sera
Sen'or Class Night,
erety, b Seeling
, Commencement, with
. H. Corinish of O.A.C.
Wilms and Li r O) Glib
ion, Sunday, May 21st.
w dneaday, May 2 1 1 h
the address
There are to
DhlPOT Will, I'M lit IL1
'I'll? lollowing loners have been
received by the Commercial curb
from (It Portland oiliees of the o. v.
R, R. N. Co.;
"In answer lo your letter of May 9
am pleased to advise you that we
have received authority for i He con-
I tructton of the depot at Boardman
and will Commence actual work as
soon as the material now under ordee
can be assembled.
Yours very truly,
J. 1. O'brien
"Inanswer to yours of May I am
please) to Ihform you thai I have ar
ranged with the operating deparimen
to show Boardman as s "flag stop"
for trains 23 and 2-t, in the new time
eai d, effective May 21.
"Yours very truly,
"Win McMurray".
The above Information will be a
cause of real rejoicing In this dislrie
and ends a lorrg campaign of effort
for such service and accomodations.
We understand the depot will be of
the standard type like the one at
Messner, and wiih the possibility or
travelers being able to take or leave
uv.ins at Boardman should be appre
ciated by our traveling population.
New Invention Perfected by Army
Officer Ends Static Trouble.
Chicago. Elimination of the crack
ling add bussing accompanying radio
Signals, which has proved the greatest
ObStai in the development of wire
lets communication, has bien accom
plished by army experts, It was an
nounced here.
The invention, which separates all
static noises from the radio signal,
wub perloctod by Major J. 0. Mau
borgne, signal officer of the sixth
pOfps area, and Dr. Louis Cohen of
(i orgs Washington university, con
sulting engineer of the war depart
ment, ui'tcr more than two years' ex
porimi illation.
Another Invention announced in
eoo ci ion with tho elimination of
(hstirra-ng noises was
wiuo poll by which I r
set may l.e pledged into
a resonance
dlo receiving
ani ordinary
elei ' He ii
Washington Fruit Vr.lue Is !, 48,1 C2 038
Olvmpv S, Wa-h. The total value of
vtBhingtou's H-21 fruit crop v. is $48,
l?2,f 38 and the total output was 40,774
cits, accordibS to the annual crcii rd
censiiSi compilation of retttfKs from
u lartette, Littli
Piano Duel, C
r Chroinatique; Godaud
the I'i'test,
boy blue, by Parks
Mesdi met I
oodwin, and
Ldna Jiroyles
Mrs. Lee
,'ilma Gilbreth
Lee, Claw ford.
! e
received as v ell SI with mi aerial.
House Cits Highway Money.
Washington, D. C. The bouse voted
to cli: .iiinte 'rem th post it'i 'eo ap
propriation i ill the senate amend
msnl under which of fed funds v. anil J be made available
luring the next three years for state
Id for highway improvements, in
ilaei of this provision, however, the
house attached as a rider to the
measure tins "good roads" bill, passed
recently by the house but iih yet not
eii i on by the senate, which pro
vided appropriations of 186,000)000 for
the coming finance year and $7.",ooo,
j00 for the twelve months period be
ginning July 1, VJZ'.i.
Leroy Cilbieih
Belle Packard and Ethel Broyles
COMMKiNCfciilKNT, TiiuiKilay, May ZBth
c it
410 c
cr p.
is Just been completed by
ibinson, state supervisor of
ire. The apple ouri;ut of :J2,
with an estimated value of
f, n - de up practically four
the value of the stute's fruit
Piano Duet, Car -less ie
Address, "Tho Caal of Ci
Presentation ofDlploi ,as,
.' ijiiouncoiiient of Hoe.ora
iluai on'
Mra. Lee, Miss Runner
proi. N. H. Ourmlsh
W. O King
M. II. Signs
' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leo
tecoinpanisl, Miss Runner.
Washington Republicans Meet June 10
Spokane, Wash. Calling of county
lOOVeatlonS in the first part Oi June,
Within two weeks of the state con
vention in Chehalls June 10, Is asked
In Instructions in the call for the
republican state convention, Issued
ten by Charles Uebberd, state party
hair n.ii ii.
Carpertier Defeats Kid Levis.
London. Georges Carpentier kr.ock-
d out Ted (Kid) Lewis III the first
round pi what wan to have BMO a
2li-round bout for the light-heavy-wi
I 1 1 1 cbanipioiishlp of tho world,
: by Carpsntiar.
Department of Justice Asked
For Report on Purchase
of Lackawanna.
Washington, D. C. An order from
the senate to the department of justice
aird thS fedtral trade commission to
make an investigation followed closely
upon the announcement In New York
of the purchase of the Lackawanna
Steel company by the Bethlehem
Si eel corporation and upon reports re
cently circulated of a prospective
merger Of six large independent Bteel
The order, embodied in a resolution
offered by Senator La Follette, repub
lican, Wisconsin, and adopted with
little discussion except for an address
by the Wisconsin senator, directed the
federal agents to inform the senate
what steps have been taken or pro
posed to ascertain the probable ef
fects of the merger and what action
lias been Instituted "to protect the
public Interests."
The department of justice was fur
ther requested to advise the senate If
proceedings under the Sherman and
Clayton acts lo restrain the combina
tion were advisable.
Washington, D. C. The department
of justice, acting on a complaint filed
witlr it in behalf of parties whose
names were not disclosed, has instl
tuted an Investigation into the recent
Increase la the price of gasoline put
into effect by the largest producers.
ThS senate passed the McKcllar res
olution providing for an investigation
of increases in the price of oil and
McKellar nsked that Invest igntton
be conducted to explain why tho price
of gasoline has been increased
throughout the country, despite the
dei reased cost of crude oil, and hint
el that there has been an agreement
I twesn c panics to make price in-
I n ases simultaneously.
I'ui iliei men ases in gasoline prices
win be made effective soon in ail parts
Of the country, it was I mad at the
interior department.
These increase! may total 4- or 5
cents per gallon by the middle of
.lone, it was stated.
'Ibis is in addition to Increases
mads during the lust six weeks, rang
ing from 4 to ti cents on the gallon.
Governor Olcolt bns sent a letter to
Charles B, Huffhes, secretary of state,
urging Mint bis department dispatch a
request to the Canadian government to
alio a detachment of Itoyal Mounted
polios to attend the annual Hose festi
val lo be held III Portland during the
month of June Ibis year.
Klre losses in Oregon outside of the
city of Portland for the month of April
aggregated 160,S7S, according to a re
port, prepared by the slate fire mar
shal. There were a total of 36 fires
leported. The most disastrous fire
was at Elgin, where a warehouse burn
ed with a loss or $41,000.
More I ban $iiou whs netted as a re
sult of the So-Called cherrlngo held In in. This money win be turned
over to the committee la charge of the
i oust ruction of Salem's new hospital.
The event, was staged by the Salem
; Cherrians ami was attended by people
from all parts of the Willamette valley.
H 0 lu t
ae aion!
t well i 6o6i? I'll Co in ano
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