Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
NotsonE S ai Feb LI illL ma mm mm ahal VOLUME II BOARDMAN, OREGON, Finn Y, MAY 5, 1922 SIX AIDS FOR HUM CREDITS PROPOSED r LOCAL n Lr"- Definite Turn For Better Seen in Report Given to President. OREGON NEWSNOTES OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS HAPPENING D(Rlf r tirrri iu Ntri Washington, D. C. Legislation to provide six permanent remedies for defects in the agricultural credit ays- I tem of the country was recommended to President Harding by Eugene Mey er Jr., managing director of the war finance corporation, in a report based UPOD his recent survey of conditions J In the west. Mr. Meyer reported that on his western trip, undertaken at the sug gestion of the president, he found ! marked improvement and that "every-1 where hope and confidence are taking the place of the despair which six months ago was so widely prevalent." j As remedial measures he recom-! mended: 1. Enactment of legislation specifi- I cally authorizing the organization of institutions to rediscount the paper of livestock loan companies. 2. Frank recognition of the need for the orderly marketing of agricul tural products In a more gradual way over a longer period, and the adjust ment of banking laws and regulations with this end in view. 3. Establishment of a rediscount facility to make it possible for co operative marketing organizations to obtain adequate funds. 4. Extensions of the powers of the federal reserve banks to include the purchase in the open market of eli gible paper secured by non-perishable agricultural commodities, properly warehoused. 5. Encouragement of state non member banks to enter the federal reserve system. 6. Amendment of the national banking act to permit a limited amount of branch banking within a limited radius of the parent institution. 7. Extension until January 1( 1923, ! of the period during which the war finance corporation may make loans. J. E. Calavan, Industrial club field agent for Oregon, while passing two weeks in Grant, Crook, Deschutes, Baker and Union counties organized a large number of new industrial clubs and inspected the work of others. At an adjourned meeting cf the high way commission in Portland work on 70.41 miles was awarded to contrac tors, the sum involved on these jobs aggregating $888,536. Those were bids which were opened by the commission last week and which were taken under advisement. The 79th anniversary of Founders' day will be celebrated at Champoeg, on the east bank of the Willamette river, 33 miles south of Portland, May 6. Judge P. H. D'Arcy of Salem, pio neer of 1858, and past president of the Oregon Pioneer association, will be president of the day. The eight-hour day in the Industries of Oregon, Washington and Idaho was advocated by the district board of the Four Ls in session at Bend, which adopted a resolution addressed to the board of directors of the general or ganisation asking legislation on this point in each of the states named. Assurance that the Oregon, Califor nia and Eastern railway, "the Stra horn line," will resume construction within 60 days If the city of Klamath Falls will grant a year's extension of the contract, under which $300,000 was subscribed by the city to finance the road, was received from R. E. Stra-horn. Frank Miles is tn possessor of a new Ford touring car which he pur chased from the Echo Auto Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McReynolds have returned to their home at Pilot Rock, after several weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber. Mrs. M. D. Signs returned to Port land on Monday. Little Alene is staying with Mrs. Johnsoi, during her mother's absence. Don't forget .the Auxilliary, fie and Cake sale on Saturday afternoon at the Boardman Trading Company. Dr Carl May, brother of Al May stripped here for a few days visit with his brother enroute to Spokane. Miss Naomi Runner was a Free water visitor Saturday and Sunday. the guest of Miss Daisy Lee. M. B. Signs made a hurried visit to Seaside Friday. T. E. Broylea motored with his family to Pendleton Friday whore Miss Erma had her eyes tested for a pair of glasses. W. H. Mel'ford is busy making cement blocks for his now 8 room house. Victor ITungo is the new rural route carrier. On Thursday Mesdatnes Lee, Binns and Goodwin spent the day with Mrs. M. L. Morgan. " 'liirls: Stop! Look and Listen! Howard Packard has a new Ford car. H. E. Warner, of the Boardman Trading Co., ls a Portland visitor. Mrs. Warner accompanied him on the trip. P. J. Mulkuy, newly elected super intendent of our schools was in (he city on Monday. The J. C. Ballinger family BUT prised us all Monday evening b; driving in unexpectedly from Spring field. They were accompanied bj Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murciiie from Wasco. Ray T. Johnson, of Echo was In Boardman Wednesday to make del ivery on Ford cars sold here by the Echo Auto Co. of which Mr. John son is a member. Mrs. Hirshel Linns is visiting re latives in Portland. Mrs. Cason was called to Portland Wednesday because of the Seriou; illness of her daughter's family. The Ladies Aid held a very enjoy able meeting on Wednesday, with Mrs. Al May. The subject of uniting with the state federation of Woman : Clubs was discussed and approved by all. The third Saturday in each month was designated as the day for the Aid's food sale. The next meet ing is to be held at Mrs. Chas. Wicklander's. At a recent meeting of the board of trustees of the local cheese factory O. W. King was elected president; A. P. Avrs, vice-pr. . ident and S. H. Boardman, secretary. The California Packing association, one of the largest organizations of its kind on the Pacific coast, has leased a warehouse at Salem, form eriy under control of the Phez coni nany. it is announced. The pla t is equipped for the manufacture of jams and jellies. Carson D. Bcebe, accused of mur lering John Painter and his son, Wil lam Painter, near Lebanon last fall, may be rr indicted by the Linn county grand jury. This action may be taken, according to report, so that the state may try Beobe again if he is released from the state hospital. Deposits in the 278 state and na tional banks of Oregon at the time of the call, March 10, aggregated $232,' rBS.694.2!, according to a report pre pared by Frank Bramwell, state super intendent of banks. This represents an increase of $1,228,027.07 over the deposits on December 81, 1921. A lowering of the cost of fuel through improved transportation con ditions, lower freight rates and well organized methods of distribution is "'armed by coal dealers of the state, it was announced at the first annual convention of the Oregon Coal Deal ers' Credit association, held In Port land. The state, through District Attorney Moore, of Jackson county, announced that it has dismissed the indictments igaihst Mrs. Myrtle Blakely, former county treasuier, in connection with the wrecking of the Bank of Jackson ville. Mrs. Blakely was tried twice, a jury disagreement resulting both times. Columbia river mills will ship in the neighborhood of 240.000, OW t'.i of lumber by water to the New York market during the present calon lar year, according to estimates made by lumber exporters. This figure will exceed by several million feet the total amount shipped from all North Pacific ports last year. An extension for one year of the contract between the city of Klamath Falls and the Oregon, California & Eastern Railway company was grant ed R. E. Strahorn by the city council, with the provision that construction work be resumed within 60 days and the road be completed to Sprague river by May 29, 1923. A copy of the so-called compulsory educ::tiou measure which will go bo fore the voters at the general el c tlrn In November was received at tne office of the secretary of state. The measure has been referred to the at torney general for ballot title. The m asure, if approved, will not become effective until September, 1926. Although chemists at the Oregon Agricultural college, in reports to orchardists who sent dead birds for postmorten analysis, state that they could find no poison traces in crops or gizzards, growers of Hood River express the opinion that robins, which have died recently by the hundreds, were killed by eating atmospheric ni trate of soda. At the annual picnic of the Douglas County Oddfellows' association held at Myrtle Creek, I. A. Dean of Riddle was elected president, R A. Hutchin son of Oakland, J. I. Pickens of Rose burg, Mrs. Bessie Hermann of Myrtle Creek and Mrs. Stearns of Yoncalla vic-presidents; M.-s. Bell Stephenson of Rose! urg secretary, and V. T. Jack son of Ros -burg treasurer. A proposed constitutional amend ment initiated by the people's power league of Oregon which Berks occupa tional representation in the condui t of the statfl government was filed with the secretary of state. The amendment has been referred to the attorney-general for ballot title. The amendment probably will be submit ted to the voters of Oregon at the general election next November. Reports received in Salem from the rural districts indicate that the logan berry and strawberry crops in Marion county not only will be larger this Mason than last year, but that the prices will be more satisfactory than at any time since the close of the war. This year, It is estimated, there will be 15,000,000 pounds of logan berries. The strawberry crop pr.'b ably will aggregate 1,000,000 pounds. Tliere were fouf fatalities in Ore gon due to industrial accidents during the week ended Apiil 27, according to a report prepared by the state indus trial accident commission. The vic tims were L. J. Throop, chokermau, Htaldhburg, Cal.; A. M. Danton, la borer, Ne where ; 0, F. Snogging, h gr ger, Oswego, and R. Moriyaser, hog feeder, Astoria. A total of 384 acci dents were reported during the woek. J; M. Ramsdell, Sam Padgct, Phil Molschenbacher and another man from Klamath Falls have gone to Dia mond lake, where they will gather about 8,000.000 trout eggs during the next 60 days. The men will walk from Kirk to the hike and will encounter snow ranging in depth from four feet on the level to 12 feet at the sum mit, according to Harry Stout, county game warden. This season promises to be banner one for trout eggs. At Spencer creek 2,800,000 have been fken, while enough fish are in the pen to furnish 1,000.000 more eggs. At Wood river probably 2,000,000 tggs will be taken. George London, an employe of Otto Hansen, a contractor on the Sliver lake irrigation project, fell 50 feet from the gate tower at the Thompson valley reservoir and sustained two bioken ribs and a broken foot. Contracts for the construction of ap proximately 82 miles of road and one lafge bridge at a cost estimated at $2,5(J0,0ii(! will be awarded at a meet ing of the state highway commsson to be heid in Portland May 9-!o. Arc) nects who have examined the attendant's dormitory at ths state hospital at Salem which was damaged by fire Tuesday, reported to the i tatti board of control thai it will cost ap proximately $13,5.110 to repair the structure. Although the season is baokward, the gialn crop of ths state Is doing fairly well, according to the first weekly crop and weather report of the year, issued by Edward L. Wells, meteorologist for Oregon of the weather bureau. Plans for the Tumalo irrigation proj ect, which it Is proposed to construct at a cost of $350,000, have been receiv ed by the state engineer. The plans later will be submitted to the consid eration of the stale irrigation securi ties commission. Three children were burned to death in a fire which destroyed tlio ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Bcrgstrom, near Deschutes. Mrs. Bergstrom was burned so severely that she riled In Deschutes and lier husband also suffered burns. Employes injured while employed upon the navigable waters of Oregon, where no tort in involved, have the right of compensation from the funds of the state Industrial accident com mission, under an opinion banded down by the Oreg upfenu court. THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII The treatment of the story closely follows the novel by Bulwer Lytton, Romance is interwoven With history. The destruction of Pompeii is far more Impressive in film tlu.n in books. The skies darken and the smoko and firo shoot up from the crater of Vesuvius. Hot cinders and boiling lava begin to descend upon the town. The city is doomed. Such Is on episode of ibis great film filled with many great episodes. Several thousand persons lake part In some of the big scenes. This picture is being secured thru the extension division of the Uni versity Of Oregon. Will be shown In the school nudit orium on Friday, May 12. Admis sion 10 atid 25 cents. Col. Callahan is expecting his son up from California Ibis week, Cordon Hall, who has been in Wash ington for the past 10 days returned Wednesday. H. H, Weston was a business visi tor in irrigon Wednesday. Announcement I have established a complete and up-to-date Dental X-ray unit at my office in Hermlston and am prepared to give you first class films as well SB D I borough and Conscientious dia gnosis. Dr. V. V. Prime SPECIAL EVENTS FOB may May .", Flushes of Action, with War Relic Exhibit. May (t, Regular meeting f orange. Friday or Saturday, May 12 or 13, "Fail of Pompeii film. Ma) i:5. nigh School party, Saturday, May 20. Ladies Auxiliary American Legion play. Sunday, May 2 1 . uacealaureale Sermon. May 84, High school Graduation, j Senior Class night. May t: school Graduation, Commencement address. I Tony Companile Is now riding around in a brand in w Ford, that he gin Wednesday from the K im Aulo Company.. Labor Candidate Loses; in St. Paul. St. I'aul, Minn. Virtually complete returns from Tuesday's city election gave Arthur K. Nelson n majority of more than 13,600 votes for mayor over William ii. Main y, hibor candidate. Nelson is 30 yoars old, and will be one of the youngest mayors this city has ever had. He was elei ted on a nonparty t i kst, Brown Elected Mayor of Seattle. Seattle, Wash. Dr. Kdwln J. llrow dentist, was ejected mayor i 1 Seattle 'by a plurality of 11,915 votes over State Benal t Danlsl Lundon, accord Ing to complete unofficial returns. ; Mrs. Henry Land s, Mrs. Katlieryn Miracle and B. L. Blaitte, for "r coun ' cilman, were elected to the city council. j Move to Prevent Recall Is Denied. Saiem, Or. Judgis Bingham aud i Kciiy, sitting en banc iu the circuit court here refused to issue a tem porary restraining order to prevent ths Ii eretary of stale from calling a sp clal election tor the recall of Fred A. Williams and Fred C. Buchtel, puu I lie sci coi mi .-doners. NUMBER 13 I), S. RECOGNITION IS UP TO RUSSIA Soviet Must First Adopt a Pol icy of Reconstruction, De clares Hughes, Washington, D. C. The American government stands uushaken in Its determination that Russia must put her own house in order before she can expect political recognition by the United States. .Making his first statement of policy regarding Russian affairs Bince the subject came to the fore at Genoa, Secretary Hughes told a delegation of women at the state department that before any outside power could re some full relations with Russia she must herself adopt a policy of sound Internal reconstruction, He added thai the American people were anxi ous to do all they could, but would not attempt to extend credit where there was no sound basis for it. No particular form of government was cited as desirable or undesirable by the secretary, nor did he mention any of the developments which have Influenced the fortunes of the soviet since ths Genoa conference began. He d d suggest, however, that the prin cl le oi b If governmi at In Russia was "scmewhat complicated" by the et 01 a of some soviet officials to inter fere In the domestic affairs of other nations. The delegation to which the secre tary addressed his pronouncement represented the International league for peace and freedom and had brought to the slate department a petition for full political recognition Of the soviet regime. UIIICC i". FIGHTING AL0i3 WISE FRONT Pekln. Civil war In China started with heavy cannonading in the neigh borhood of Pekln, The ivrmles of General Chang Tso Lin, military gov rnor of Manchuria, and General Wu Pel I'll, military leader of central China, who is contending for the mns tery of China's Internal affairs, open ed I ii S along a wide front As near as it is possible to estimate. Hi t ent extends from Mat-hang, south ol Tlen-Tsln, on the Pukov railroad, aerosH the country westward to Pao l ing I'll, on the I'ekin Hankow rall road, thence northward to t'hang Sln I len, 12 miles south of Pekln. According to dispatch Si from Shang hai, the furi es of Sun Yat Sen, head of the South Chinese government at Canton, have captured the entire southern naval iQUadroa. Martial law prevails in this city. G0MPERS AGAINST SOVIET United States Indorsement Would Be Betrayal of Civilization. Chicago. Samuel Dumpers, presi dent hi the American Federation of Labor, Issued a slatement declaring that recognition by ths United states ill Hie "bolshevik tyranny" in Russia WOU14 be a "iienilleMH and base be trayal of civilization." Declaring thHt amerieaa public life was being flooded with propaganda, and that "predatory International fi nance has Its appetite up and believes It sees loot In Russia," be asserted that nothing "would be more fraught w Hi dlsHHter to humanity than Amer lean recognition of the bolshevik power In any form." )! tt.e, fln'a n 1 ( HEee FRAAflCIE.S-O IT ! vov'kl ALL. J iinMr 9Urrf ' " V red m the ach. -cv f HUWL . ygfi n n V SStftZSMg. w will 9 Em-' S. 9 9 ( UUP.T A LOT JU-jT K.KOg.6 HIS tr&4Sni ' h vj! --. r :rv . mm i r. mwmmw 1