The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 28, 1922, Image 2

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    H Hi
The lioardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
MARK . CliEVBLAND, Publisher
$2.(io pei: yi:.u in advance
Entered ns second-class matter Feb.
Li, at the )osl office at Board'
man. Ore., under acl of Mar. 1879.
A vision of the useful purpose o
which wireless telephony eventually
must he put cornea to us in the broad
cast in4 ftom Newark, N J., station
of a bedtime story telling the child
ren of the country how the children
of the groat city of New York are
undernourished in need of milk,
asking the Suburban little ones
help their tiny brothers and sister.
of the tenements A Wonderful, a
splendid work., bul lei it not stop
there. How soon will the govern
ment see the wisdom as well as the
duty of talking to the mothers of the
nation and advising them how to fos
ter the health of their children?
When are thy to he taughl how sci
ence'fo some extent at least can Check
the death rate raistii by landlord
profiteers who force the poor into
unhealthy dwelling conditions? The
opportunity of tin' government to
help the health of lie- nation has
been knocking at the doors of Wash
ington lor years through the medium
of government slgn-d advertising in
formation for.the public, hut political
chicanery plus the influence of the
corporation press agents has blocked
the way. Now t hat Information can
Over a hundred bats are now in
the ring for the various offices from
congressman to justice of the peace.
Ten want 'o he governor, and each
one has a panacea for curing all the
ills of the government Hero's a
li' of the ones we're most interested
For Governor:
Charied Hall, Marshfield, Republican.
E. Bean, Eugene, Republican
Patterson, Salem, Republl
Portland, Republican
Pierce, la Grande, Detii-
r the talking
an awakening.
ItiOBI the pill.
answered: 1.
is a result of
money gather
he spread g Derail;
possibly there may
There are just two
lie would like to h
Has tile governmci
spending the people
ed in Washington any information ol
public value? 2. If it has. why i:
that information not given to the
people who nave paid lor It?
IIINKI.E i i:i.i.s I tCI's IN
In accepting a Challenge from R
J. Kitchen, of Lc Grande, to a joint
dehate between Kitchen, Eliorliard
and Hinkle, who are the candidate
for republican nomination lor sens
tort hip in the Utfa district,, ,i t
Hinkle set forth :omo Tacts thai an
Interesting to all taxpayers.
He- aaked that each candidntt
make public a list of the specific re
duct Ions he favors in the slate bud
get, so I ho debaters may have an is
sue for Hie debate and attacks Eber
hard' record as follows:
"The liliM legislature appropriat
ed $7,6o,HI. which was 3S,63
more than usked in the budget, and
I,ltltt44 more than Tor the SUM
purposes in I !i 1 !i HO, according to
tile Ori gun Voter.
"Senator I .'hot hard was not In a
position lo cut laves, had he so dei Ir
ed because of the SpproprlatiOB of
$ilO..i0i for the stale ualei board
of licit his partner, (leorge Coch
ran, was chief benellclary. An
sngr slions ill tuts on his part could,
and in all probabltit would havi
ciilh ,1 for a c in in his own Const-
quenti), as i at am her oi nu myt
and Uieanj committee, he atood for
evei tilling und ever) bod) mi long .t
the private interest of himself and
law ptinuei were protected.
"liuueralitios and platitudes will
not go in this campaign We must
point out the specuic Hem- we wish
to cut. This involves the loss til Jobs
for uituiy und reduction of sulariet
and expense accouuts for all. This
make the uveruge candtdute squirm
because, iliit-cll) or indirectly, then
are about as many people in oltlce a
there are out and the politician h
itute.i to antagonize such a large ant
untied voting power It the eir
are falrl -.ell divided at the poll
the "Swivel chair brigade" patnpi
ed and fed by the public purse can
swing the balance of power. ,,nd si
Hi. mad loot of the public treason
will continue until the common ta
payers are taved lo death. "
MOW Ai i IMCi'lON IOiHlilfl.
ft TOO Cftnyon City eleratlon V
the "dajn, 0.1 3" ei.iulalt, the man
ageititnt of the Snerameiito "days o
4ti" a tiif persuade the women ani
girls to wear hoop skirt during the
cel:-rahu, i h tin-te- ,Ci u:m-t
may well heed iht advice of a p en
eer woiuan who says:
"You tell ihome wot.ion and girls
that if Uie, a going to ttmr hoop
skills, and ttdV' ally ihi wld
the had b ttt i Is i in now to train
theiusvlvv tv ait down in that liar
ne - oi Ihuj "will iiav4 n show that
will taring jnori- r-eoplr to Cnon
City than rfce-ttnm can ever hold"
Condon ti lot, e Times
Are you eating Hoard man Chee.-,- '
'If not, why not?
Lou It
r,. ti
3, I). I.c
Walter M
Will IS. Purdy, Salera, Democratic
Hen w. Olcott, Salem, Republican
George A. White, Salem, Republl
Harvey Starkweather, Portland,
Democrat ic.
iVebster Holmes, Tillamook, Dem
ocratic. For State Treasurer only two men
feel able to safely keep the state
futt4s and pay the state bills:
6, v. Doff, Portland, Republican.
Thomas F. Ilyan, Oregon City, Republican-
Other candidates who have filed
for various state and district offices
are the following:
National 'ommitteemen
(One of each party to elect)
Veddec3 as Atlantic Sr in'-'es Benedict'r
Ralph E, Willia
publit an.
.1. W. Morrow,
crat ic.
crat Ic.
O. H
I lean.
us, Portland, Re
Portland, Demo
I!. King, Ontario, Denio
Fithian, Portland, Repub
An unusual wedding was the heart desire of May O'Keefe and Emma
Cassidy, so the bridegrooms thought ol a ceremony off the steel pier at
Atlantic- City, the party to wear waterproof suits and with waves sprink
ling a benediction. Prank Fisher and Howard Detwillcr are ihpwg here
with tin. n itapp) brides.
Judge Oary, presiding genius of
tin United States Steel Corporation
informs us the steel business has
doubled in the past year. Have the
profits of the farmer doubled? The
Twice two are four this year. Next
year twice two may be five not
rai roads have greatly improved their, )ji , ,-ourse. but maybe. Twice
income in t he nasi year. Has the
Itofxreeentativee in Congreee,
Second District
N .1 Sinnott, The Dalles, Repub
I ica n .
James H. Owinn, Pendleton, Re
publicaa, Jane's Harvey Graham,, Baker,
Nineteenth Senatorial District
Morrow-Union I'mat ilia 1 to elect )
Colon It
I tepubl lean.
Joseph T.
public n.
Rodney T.
Hinkle, n
riniston, I'e-
Kitchen, La Grande
'IVentiotb Senatorial District
Lieuallen, Adams. Demo-
Roy W. Ritner, Pendleton, Repub
lican. Repreeentative Und District
(Umatilla-Morrow 1 to elect)
B. i' Dodd, Herralaton, Ripuh
liean, R M, Kutdea, Heppner, Republi
can. J. Perrj Oonder, Heppner. Repub-
liea ii
.lames T.
Alfred J
Twenty-third District
t Final ilia L' lo fleet i
Frank Sloan. Stanlield, H
l. i Temple! Pendleton, i;
I lean.
S. A Miler, Milton. Republic,
Niri oi uc Berkley, Pendleton,
1.. L. Mann, I'endlelon, Rt pul
cost of living for those who work
on the railroads shown any proport
ion te decline for the workers? Bust
lies i is up approximately 50 per cent
and so is the cost of living even com
pared with l14. Where are the
pro.lts going? The meat packers are
now considering a still closer com
bination by which they can effect
greater economies and increase their
profits. What about the man who
rah es and sells the ..leer? When he
talks combination, an alarum is
lou.ided that echoes among the
money changers fromooaat to coast.
When are we to find thai financial
Moses who will lead the people to
some sort of combination that works
for the public? We have developed
the exploitation of the cow until the
meal of the animal is only a small
portion of the profit accruing from
his predestined slaughter. We turn
i he beast into everything from hair
combs to floor varnish to pay a hun
dred profit in every hair of his hide.
We have made the by-product more
valuable than the product itself, and
yet by some strange hocus pocus, the
people are hungering, and paying ex-
Pro WW be five as soon as the people
sa; CO- If everybody agrees, then
that setttles it. We put men to
death and praise ourselves for doing
it because everybody agrees. We
Tame up laws that spell the gather
ing of great wealth because every
body agrees. Then we take the
pealth away from the nun who have
done what we said they might do,
and we tax the eternal lights out of
them, because everybody agrees.
Come to think o lit, the people who
go into the game of inducing people
to trunk their way will have some
Bxcounta to settle when the time
co tea if they are not on the level.
Maybe if each of us was honest with
himself, everybody would agree to
do the thing that isright, and then
v.-t would have justice.
i m 1
a iiues
Mighty Easy Riding
! hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Joint Rep
res, mat ive of Umatilla and Morrow
Counties, on the Republican ticket.
If elected, I promise to faithfully and
tortlonate prices for the bit of meat ' honestly perform the duties of the
they can afford to buy. Our meat office, working at all times for the
Is sold abroad at figures Americans best interests of (he people of this
despair of seeing in this country, district and the State of Oregon.
Expert Guaranteed Repair Work
at Reasonable Prices.
Service Car Any
Time Any Where
Boardman Garage
ML L. MOROAN, Proprietor
When the public voice is raised, how
ever, it is soon quieted by our old
Smith, I'etitiieto
v .,ITTLE i-iONEr
I favor legislation tending to eli
minate waste in public expenditures
and reduction of the taxes where
ever possible, onsistent with sound
public, policy.
suotiA.N: Constructive economy.
and a fairer distribution of the tax
;tiv. E. M. Hulden.
I have lor sale one team of mares, I
a good .-i t oi harness, our choice of
two farm wagon ami a Chevrolet
4!!0 chassis that can be made into a
good latm truck. Cash value is
Cheap tor tfiOd 00. The outfit can i
be seen nt Itrigon. Might rigure
trade for sntomobUa,
W. I! Walpole
r . r x v i
I'm-msr j, Fj
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berger. and
children arrived last week from
Marxland, to settle on the project, as
th have purchased the lower Ira
Berger farm. At present they are
staying with his brother. Ira Berger,
until they can build a modern home
on their own place.
friend Staiistirs, who proves to us
beyond a doubt, that the margin of
profit on a tow is so small that it can
not be cut without disappearing alto
gether. It will be a good thing when
the public schools give to the rising
generation a course in corporation
arithmetic and business analysis. As
we stand the Chinese puzzle is a sim
ple proposition compared to the men
tal fog caused by economic juggling.
Townsite Co.
E. P. DODD, Pres.
City Lots for Sale at
Proper Prices
Like Father, Like Son
" I ir
1 i j um -t m
v-.j if i . a i i imi :
rv7 t .
A t$K . K 1 1. L V WORK
1 f3 ST?1
i, t i 2 N A 't S- .
'jr . 1 wukutf ' -M- m s in i wi i u v i if - - r i j
, . . . v,. -w -:sv-..,;
- V
I Boardman is a New
Town But Not a
Boom Town
ideally located on railroad and
Columbia river, far enough away
from any large tow n to naturally
become the trading center of a
wonderful growincountry.