DEtJlvAMATlON CONTEST AND FOIR KEEL FILM A combination program consisting of a declamation contest and u tout reel film "Pilgrims Progress', will be given at the school auditoriun on Saturday night as follows: IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS Division III. Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 The Inventor's, Wife Mahava Kutzne House Cleaning Sadie Larsor The Duel Nellie Part low Trials of a Twin John Webstei Jonnies history lesson Dale Albrigh A boy's remarks to his stomach Gladys VVicklander Grandma's Minuet Freda Uicbardsoi I'm Manima'slittle Housekeeper Mildred Allei My Dolly Sybil Macombet Itastus' Lesson Norma (iibbon Little Hoy's Lament Ted Albrigh DIvlBion II Grades 5, fi, 7, and 8 old Glory Helen Boardmai My little Sailor hat Gladys WllsO The best I can Mildred Messing" The Dead Doll Violei Gilbrel Little Yacob Strauss Ks.sie Snivel Huskin' Lden Larsei The White Footed Deer Brma firoyle Evening at the Farm Weldon Ayer Division I Grades fr, 10 11 and 11 Bugle Song Dorothy Boardmai Out to Old Aunt Mary's Caryl Sign The Party Wahnona Rand Break, Break, Break Ethel Broyle The films will be shown betweei the divisions of the contest. Admission 10 cents for children and 25 for adults. Contestant! free Bring your cleaning and pressini to Mrs. Alice Dingiuan. 39: WONDERS OF AMERICA By T. T.MAXEY Mr. Thurston Grim, pioneer of Oregon and one of the first sot tiers in Irrigon passed away at his home on the Riverview Boulevard Saturdaj April 8th after a long period of ill less from leakage of the heart. The uneral services were held at th oukh Monday at 12:30 and con iucled by Rev B, F. Harper, of Mil On, Oregon and the church choir !r. Etarper ii a, friend of Mr. am Irs. Grim and has called upon thei. .hen ever time would permit on hi uany visits to Irrigon. Tre inter .icnt was made in the Irrigon Ceme ary. Tho school was closed at nooi tnd the entire community turned ou o the services. Several large spray if pink and white carnations made i ery beautiful display. He was wol iked by every one. He Is survive! iy his wife and three sons, Ciydi ugh and Chauncey, of Irrigon am nir brothers and two sisters. Mr. Grim first bought six acre Ottth of town in 1903 and set It ou 0 orchard, living in town. He sol te place to J. H, Smith in 190: ..oving back to his boyhood (ommui y near Aurora, Oregon, being bor :ear Aurora and growing tip to mar ood there and married MLss Ell ones In 1 X 7 3 . He farmed near Pa tuse, Washington for a few year, id spent the seasons of 18!)8 am SO!) in Alaska but each time, Orego: died him back. l'Wsahi highs statement ok ladies aid of doahdman community church (fi), Wtmtarn Newspaper Union. THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL Those who have vtaited Corel n lunilH say thut no other similar structure compares favorably, in uithei flrtf, beauty or location, with the great, simple and iidmlrnhly-slluiited uiniiu inent creeled by the people of Amer ica, in the capital or the nation, as H lltllnjj tribute to the memory of Hie kindness ami the greatness of our Lincoln. Near the White House and the Washington Monument, and between tin' Capitol building and the National cemetery, this memorial is destined tO becOtUe one of the most visited of ull the pibllc buildings of I be world. The building Is 202 feet long, 82 feet wide ami surrounded by a row of marble columns, several feet In di ameter at the base and I I I. ,1 bigb. In the center of the Interior is h cod -ill stat ue of Lincoln, in a seated ignition. Including the base, it is HO ten high. It weighs 175 ions. It took iwenty marble cutlers eighteen men tits In carve this statue, 111 tach of the side walls are set Monumental bronze tablets- one of Lincoln's famous Gettysburg address, the other of his masterful second In augural address, while between these ami the stulue is a row of 3(1 columns, representing tile slales which existed when Lincoln died; on the walls above are 48 memorial wreaths, supported by eagles, representative of the smios of today. At either end Is a massive 'Minting L' feet high and 00 feet long. Prof Jamleson, of o. A c, by ar rangement of Mr. C. C. Calkins, Co inty agent, lectured on various sub nets on the dairy business at liiek' SttCb at 2 p, m. Wednesday. H poke mainly on breeding, this sub eel not being touched upon in lib ormer lectures at Irrigon. On ac ount of the very busy season, the attendance was smaller than on othei Similar occasions. There was a light frost on tin morning of April 12 but apparently to damage was done. The apricots are in lull bloom ami promise a record crop at this writing We seem to have been favord as the frost was much heavier in other fruit sections. M. ES, Lund and son arrived on tho Monday morning train from Port land lor a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal,pole. Mrs. ('. B, Glasgow made a busi neas trip t Portland Tuesday, re i ui Ding t be same day. -March 1(1, l12i2 April 1, IMS Receipts ! Cash on hand at last statement $13.60 'ood sales 39.72 Election dinner 12.44 Contributions 211.60 Sewing 6.20 ilazaar 60.28 iplnter's Convention 51.22 .tummage Sale 16.00 .Mendits 27.55 Total Receipts Payments. $252.42 I'lowers for Sick 3.00 Church Treasurer - 18.00 Insurance! 9.00 Delegation to Pendleton 2.50 Pinal Payment on Piano 37.38 looks for 1'lay 1.00 , umber for Table 3.65 "inal Pay't on Church debt. 60.93 lyster Supper 7.30 v'indow Fasteners 1.30 issionary Magazines 1.5 5 anitor Work 34. (.0 ostage .22 Total payments $190. '17 Balance on hand April 1 61.75 FEDERAL JUDGE BILL PASSED BY SENATE Washington, D. C The bill to pro vide a score more of federal judges, advocated as a measure to relieve con gestion in federal courts, and opposed as a political patronage "pork barrel," was passed by the senate anil sent to conference with the bouse. Twenty three more federal district Judges distributed throughout the country and ore more judge for the fourth circuit are provided by the sen ate hill, as against 22 district judges under the ori'n il bill passed by the house last December. The senate vote on final passage was 44 to 21, with party lines broken. The bill provides- for an annual fall confeience of circuit judges at Wash ington, with the chief justice and attorney-general of the United States, to make a comprehensive survey of judicial business of the country bench assignments. It provides also for as signment by the chief justice of judges to districts where there Is congestion or where the public interests generally require such assignment. Boardman Utellem Boardman High School, Boardman, Ore. Editor in Chief . Literary El'.'or Frances Blayden '2 3 Joke Editor Delia Olson 'i'S irf Roy Gilbreth '22 Another T. Ii. Totd has been coin id 'ted of the cows in this district Wo understand no tuberculosis was found. We hear the next test will be on goata, preparatory to getting clean stock lor the big goat ranch. This I is no Josh: We expect to hear of a big deal dosed in the near future, M I negotiation are on for a big tract of I land The only apparent difficulties. Hev llenson, of I'nmtlll.ii was In I Irrigon the first of the week looking ooi the field here in connection ' wlih the work at I'matilla and lloard ' man. for the purposes of rendering Ids opinion on the advisability ol the Joint pastor for the three places. Mr Benson may fill the pit I pi t here tem porarily. It is hoped this will be accomplished or the church thrown open to other denominations who are handling the work here quite I satisfactory but under difficulties Tor waul ot a suitable church building. Edith B. Crawford, Sec'y-Treas. Are you eating Iloardman Cheese' if not, why not? FAEItAM) GRAY WILL SPEND HOME TIME HERE The religious interests of the ommunity have taken added impel -is with the coming of Rev. W. L. Iray, of Portland who plans to spend some time in this section with a view f improving local religious activities, r. llenson, of Portland, who is jusl iow in charge of the newly Organ ized church in Umatilla, preached a Hong sermon on "Salvation" In he evening Rev. Gray took up Willi 1 he local workers plans for increasing ae efficiency of the church activities i thei community. Next Sunday, he observances of Easter will In lude a program by I lie Sunday sch ool and a special sermon by Rpv. Gray, BULLETIN OI' BOARDMAN IMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICE Kvery Sunday Sunday School 10:30 a. in. Church Service 11:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m Prayer Meeting, every Thurs day at 8 m All are welcome SMALL TOWNS We used to think that the delin quenl girls were recruited from the cities or innocent farm girls, bu in a recent survey an army officer of the Salvation Army tells us thai o! the 5,000 girls gone astray mo have come under their care during the pas) year, the great majority came from the small towns and were rei CUed and educated In the largeer cil ies. It is safe to say that the modern forms of dances, like the Camel waltz and the moonlight dances are no Improvement to the ethics of the young town girls. Moonshine may be responsible for much of it. Inwntor of Telephone Sees Radio Future wmm a : WANT ROAD BUILb TO COST LESS 1 imrto Wireless, days for commercial telephoning have arrived. The radio phone baa tetn taken I10111 the "plaything class. Alexander Graham 1 ",. inventor of the telephone, smiles as he recalls that his invention received the s.iu-.e public reception. The Hell Company announced the opentnf of a million dollar radio broadcasting station at New Vork. similar plants are to he built in other cities throughout the V. S. S rvkci i lay be It l tot my purposes except advertising, say officials. '. :us new photo ol Mi Hell was taken at Atlantic City. With him is Iwi daug'-.tcr, Mrs. Oilbut Orosvcuor. Thomas H. MacDonald, cl the Hureau of Public Roads, . to cut down the cost of road bail ing throiiRhout the United Sti.. He called highway officials of ma. j states to Washington, and askec1 fm itandardiass specifications whiefc would permit plants to furnish sjsM terials to all states at greatly M duced cost. tH TROOPS FOR STRIKE DENIED Rsquest of Governor of New Mexico For Federal Soldiers Refused. Washington, D. C. The administra tion's determination not to use federal troops in the coal strike unless all state agencies fail in preserving order was set forth clearly after a confer ence between President Harding and Secretary Weeks. A request for troops from the governor of New Mexico was denied flatly. As a public announcement of the administration's hands-off policy so far as use of federal troops is con cerned, Secretary Weeks mde public alter bis visit to the White House a telegram to Governor Mechem of New Mexico, replying to an appeal for help In handling the situation in his state "Unless disorder develops to a point where state authorities are unable to preserve order," said the message, "federal troops cannot be used in con nectton with the coal strike." Explorer Amundsen Nearly Killed. Clarion, Pa. Captain Roald Amund sen, the Arctic explorer, and four fly ing companions narrowly escaped death at Miola, near here, when the monoplane in which they were making a flight from New York to Cleveland, the first lap of a transcontinental journey, turned over when it was forced to land in a field. Floods in Middle Western States. Ch'cago, ML Spriug freshets which have already flooded many lowlands threatened serious damage In many middle western states. Rains almost torrential sent the rivets up In Michi gan. Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Kan sas. Oklahoma and Arkansas. Representative McArthur has intro duced a bill authorizing the secretary of the treasury to pay the sum of $:.'".. 000 to school district No. 1 of the coun ty of Multnomah, in full settlement of the claim of the Benson Polytechnic high school on account of moneys ad vanced at the behest of the federal board for vocational training for the purchase and installation of machinery for vocational rehabilitation work at this school. Motor vehicle operators apparently are little interested in signal beil and "wig wag" systems at grade cro ings, according to a report prepared by T. A. Raffety. chief inspector for the law enforcement bureau of the state motor vehicle department. Mr. Uaffety has prepared a letter calling the attention of his field operatives to the apparent lack of interest taken by drivers in avoiding accidents 01 crossings. Mr. Raffety advises hir. men to require all drivers using cross ings to bring their machines down to a speed not In excesa of 16 mile." an hour. Drivers who refuse to com ply with this law, Mr. Raffety said should be arrested and prosecuted. WOVE TO DEPORT SEMEN0FF "Butchery" of Americans By Russian General in Siberia Is Charged. Washington. D. C. Chairman Borah of the senate labor committee, declar ing that he had received chnrgts that American men. women and children had been "butchered" in Siberia b QeiMiral Semenoff. announced he woubl endeavor to bring about d portatun of the anti bolshevik leader, new under ball in New York after arrest in con nection with a civil suit. Senator Horah said the charges ha ! been laid before h.m by officers an ' enlisted men of the American exp. dltionary force that strved in S ' er and were supported in part if n N fully by an official report to the Ame: lean government by Maj r-Generai William S. Graves, who coinmaudeo the expeditionary force. Marie, Nellie and Mildred Messen c ir have returned to school after a seven weeks absence, during which liey were quarantined for the scarlet i'ever. , At assembly Friday morning, two jw tongs were learned. One was n arbor day song sung to the tune of America, and the other was the I'ose Festival song "Beautiful Ore iron Hose". Mr, Signs announced tha soiree form off entertainment would be given on the evening of May filh to raise funds to help pay our share on the amount expended by the county for prizes for the field and track meet last year. Friday morning, April 14th, there Will be a short arbor day program alter which each class is to plant a 1 roe. In the evening the Junior class 1 '.ay "A man without a Country" will be given. Everybody come. Thi , American Ilistorv; rlass Js taking up the study of Oregon. Marvin Rancier has returned to 1 , hool. Are you eating Boardman Cheese? If nol. why not? Ititrry Have you heard Of the Home Economics girls latest inven tion? ,'at No -what is it? Hairy Boiling knives with their clothes to cut the dirt A mothers heart gives 4th joy af. her baton 1st ath. I have for sale one team of mares, a good set of harness, your choice of ivo farm wagons and a Chevrolet 4 90 chassis that can be made into a good .arm truck. Cash value is cheap for $500. The outfit can be seen at Irrigon. Might figure trade ior automobile. W. R. Walpole, Irrigon, Ore. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination to the elliee of County Commissioner, sub ject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow county, to be expressed at the Primaries in May, 192 2. Pre sent Incumbent. G. A. BBEAKMAN, 50 Hardman, Oregon. Ed Whats a baseball match? Lee I guess one that strikes in the box. Al Say! Do you know Lincoln's address at Getteysburg? Doris "Why, I thot his adrress was at Washington, D. C. NOTICE FOR PUBWGATSON DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S, LAND OFFICE at The Dal les, Oregon, March 13, 1922. Notice is hereby given that Ru dolph Wasmer, of Boardman, Ore gon, who, on April 5th, 1917, Homestead Entry, No. 018G 41, for SW14 NE4 (Being Unit "C "j I'ma tilla project, Section 18, Township 4 North, Range 25 East, Willamette; Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make three-year Proof, 10 es tablish claim to the land above de scribed before C. G. Blayden, Unit ed States Commissioner, at his of fice, at Boardman, Oregon, on the 28th day of April, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: J. R. Johnson, A. P. Ayers, Frank Otto, and Ingvard Skovbo, all of Boardman, Oregon. 6-11 Register J. W. DONNELLY, Dr. A. H. Johnston Phyaclan and Surgeon Calls answered at all hours In Boardman Wednesday and Satur day mornings. Office phone M 151 Res. M 332 Arlington, Oregon. For Lumber, Building Material and anything usually carried in a Modern Uptodate Lumber Yard 6 : 1 See W. A. Murchie Boardman, Oregon. Let The Boardman Mirror Print Your Butter Wrappers