The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 14, 1922, Image 2

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    The Boardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
Mrs. Claire I. Harter, Local BJditoi
Entered as second-class matter Feb
11, 1921, nt the post office at Roard
nian. Or,, under act of Alar. 3, J879.
The, (ireat Laltes-SI. Lawreno
canal oVv.Mo mm .' holds 'he : tao In
the east. Fifty tall! Ion people trib
utary lo this route are awal.euing u.
its importance. ',0 p.-iouil 6" 1 1
aggregate value of all Hi" l jr:i) prop
eriy la the United States is within
thin territory. Q percent of lh
land surface of (he Unltod states i
tributary to ihia or muni -mal. 3'r.i
canal will permit ocojtii olnp vesb'.li
to reach the ports .o'' he t'rit lnj ".
It Is true that, the Mu.urluna or llu
Majestic will not b" able to rse tlr
ritual but statistics show the 70 pel
cejijt of thu commerce of the a j Id
is carried on vessels of S.OOO tons 01
leM; ii inans .1. saving of 10 cenu
a bushel on wheal exported frn
CMealfe to Liverpool, Thlrty-thfei
nifles of the St. Lawnuiee will l.i
canalized. The canal proposed is i
be 220 feel wide with 30 feet ol
water over the sills, Th ' the con
siruction of locks and dams a total o tiiect lira 1 boraepover wil
be tle.Veloie(l. Tile est i Ilia I etl t'tisl l
250 million dollars. The construe
lion will be handled jointly by tlr
Fuller! States and Canada. The lei
rilory trihiilary In Canada anil lie
Fniled slates are a unit behind thll
development, it is natural thai op
position lias ftrrlsen from .New Vor1
and New Kngland ports. It, jiin;
delay, but will not prevent this epoc
development of the (ireal Lakes and
Die contiibulary lerrllory.
From the Ores! Lakes, lei me as
cort yon lo Hut Colorado River ha I
project. The southwestern state
are teaming in unison, lad by Set
I'clary Hoover, of the Department 11
Commerce are preparing dats for a
irrigation development of great mai
nftnde. It is proposed that Hie Ci l
ottido river be dainined at BoUldCI
Canyon. An artificjal reservoir wilt
be formed or 1,r2,000 acres contain
Ing 32 million acre feet of water. Al,
Aij ultimate development of four mil
Hon acres of land An electrical
development of 700,000 primary
horMe power. Uoiings at the ilam
site show bed rOCk overlaid with 18E
fel of loose malerial. Hue lo the
grvul run till til the OoleradO while
In freshet, a coffer -dam will be re
iiilred of a magnitude ami eosi on a
par with the cost of many Completed
Irrigation Hyslems. A railroad will
lurvo l.o b ronUrurted to lite da'
silo for the oonvei uu- of instruction
material. While the Ultimate cos,
of the project is problematical, it hi
bon estimated at S00 million
With your perfjttBBlon, let us Jour
nev to the state of Washington where
Hie Columbia Basin project is belni
railed io the attention of Hie United
states by a progressive state cltlzenr;
With wisdom ami Foresight they re
tallied col. Qeo, Ooethala to submit n
report on Hie feasibility of the pro
Ject. llis findings are as follow ;
A 'project of two million acres. An
acre cost of $115, A y, arlj operaHo"
ami maintenance cost of is rem
uu acre. That the entire , n
Hon be Ulldei tal. 'il ,,i,l lOl built I y
units. A term of i ars is 14 tree
t'l Complete til.' 'Ole, , ,, t oil il l
(lit) project Is m l'li'tl it Hie lam'
Is I-re pun -d al a soul of ' Mo 'iij: ,
par acre. He 'I i m not aUMM-.u '1
development of cl eu'l. al duwim I
tin time, but ,lin tlie inllU au I
dims stand ev r retttfy ') thu (lev -eloomellt
when ti' l-ii.and ca'i
Tli deelopmeit of siieh a
acreage, causes one lo wonder shout
0 settlement of 1 1 i Und The Ool
onVl' quotes Sec,- xVait.- , n.-i e
hi"1ie predicts v popilation if 1T.0
1 ,"loi In ci:J, To malMum the
present per capita aercnge in Mif.u
will require additions of approxl
mutely 8 million acres annually. The
estimated cost this project it 2 5 .
nirtllon. At fKls time we win itate
Hint the three foregoing projects are
considered b their sponsors as Mat
tonal assets, ami that the federal
eminent should finance their con
nd ow I ask jou.lo come to a
Fatherland of dormant, undeveloped
resources which are hidden by the
mists of lethargy, of an earn ism of
self satisfaction. A year ago the
Umatilla Raptdt power dam co
ed into the society of the abov e urea'
A surve of this project showed ..
Ar you eating lloafftrfl!tfi"TTt. ,
If not, why not?
might, developing s
JO.UJMJ horsepower.
' 150,000 acres. Th,
on en t,t r Dam-: . i.oi 11 a
nar It el for the power. Instead
,ig for bed rock,, we have sols
Hi ait iioni 2 to 5 feet below tii
.urfaee of the water. Instead
ong conducting canals to convey th
vatcr to the lands,, you are Irrigatln
.ithin a mile of the dam. The co.
f the dam Is estimated at :i0 ml
;rop 1 about in individual darkne!
villi i sister states collectively wa!
11 God's Bunshlne. A troubled fern
tntalion within us causes a pimple'
ole hills. There are rumors o
.-.mors until the swish of a falliii
leaf calls for a neurotic. Why nt
j n a good fundamental collects
;rasp of cooperation that tends I
c.ild Empires. Team up to th
ipple carl before the blush an
,!oo;n of your state becomes dry roi
Bocause nature quacks In forelg
lands and Ml. Adams developed '
;i :w crevice- is no reason that we be
nine unbaluni ed. Tis true wo hav
'idden Hie crest, of unrest, and th
bort Bhirt. both nerve stimulant'
ainniig the slates. Portland
uu a i; 0 1 endleton behind th
ilia llapids project before i
Bnnyan leads the Oolumbii
into Puget Sound.
ii!-:: si;
1 not, why not: There are men i
our pommunity who have put u
r dollars to build a factory; wh
tave put up their money lo buy cow
0 furnish milk to make the cheesi
1 k, a community enterprise. It It
l condenser for your alfalfa. Th
i.e dollar ir Ighl per Ion i-t wrapp
ip in five eon-id Swi-,s bricks. You
..'.en dollar bay in the sla- k i.-- cure
led and cooked into a $15 a Ion pro
it, The cheese brings from two t'
three cents a pound premium on th
narket over eastern cheese. Ii i
of a high grade quality, It ihouli
be in every home on the project. I
Is a bone builder and a muscle -. 1
ler. A spring Ionic that takes Hi
place of New Orleans drip and sul
lihur. Maybe your taste has nevei
been properly introduced lo this lie.-
pffarlng You may doubt you." abil
ity lo acquire a longing for this pro
Take two slices of rye brand;
I bin slice of Swiss and !a b,
Iweiit; nilil a layer of mu t-ird ami
iprli kle lightly with pepper; 1 el b
lore on an oil painting of Babsi
fvlue Rlol on and ii' j'O'lr 1 11 1 11 -,ie
IS 111- Of ickellec i . .11 voi- Pi.-le in
Treat Si-ed PotAtoaa im
Seed polaloes that have not vet
icon I reined for scab, rhizoctonia.
Me., should be dipped now, while!
lorniiinl. Willi corrosive sublimate!
olUtion. The. should then be stoi ;
d away In sacks sterilized in thei
anie soul t loo to avoid any poaslbilit
of injur lo the growing points when
(he sprouts start. Pull directions
for treatment are given in new e
partment si ti ion circular on potato
iitensep in m. B. McKay, which ma;
! c had free.
'What do 'ou work for?" one fqllow say., 10 1
0 woi k"' comes back the auawef; Th. n the fin
ihy wouldn't it be host for hiia to :,:ari viiei
finish never work at all- ant,- a. the linii
' run. We can reach all sorts of cone jions
id the conculstona wil be logical ami seem rig
twisted root. When we see how surely brail
ie world, we see why we should harness up 0
-fry the cobwebs from our minds and get dov
ur thinking. A fire can give us liio as well 1
e use it. Twisted reasoning is a danger
;ier. "So I won't have
low thinks he thj ks.
e oilier fellow expects
i without
It to lililli-
9 I
: i
as dti
I lung.
Hi, according to how
mo Grace,
itfy in t(
f tn Pt thifthem Sreci Corporalion, one o" th"
sated by Schwab just as Carnegie put S, wa.b into the
ports lhat the steel industry is sound, with business
indications of a steady growth. What a change in a
vision of the cider Morgan molded for the business
a co-ordinated trade, the three or four hundred steel
jtic state. The bold stroke of the h-on hand of finance
along the lane of amazing accomplishment. The peo
(t the result. Th -v had not even thought of the in
:he billion. Th Ii ild shook ihr-ir heads It was ad-
Itted that behind the great issue of common stock, there was not an
;,ct worthy Of the name. The plants had to be replaced every year or
o, and the Industry seemed lo rest on shifting sand. But time, and
i- rgy, backed by the sterling character and ability of men like Schwab,
on turned nebulous assets into a basis for sound credits and today the
1 industry is regarded as the unfailing barometer of the world's trade.
The romance of steel excites the Imagination more than do the tales of
ins Anderson, out 11 will be nothing
rricultofe wlyn some great organizim
rmers to their promised land. Agri
1 ;
I' 1
Mighty Easy Riding
as compared with the romance of
genius shows his head to lead the
:ultural organization is more corn
ice, because where there were only a few hundred steel plants
tlx and one half million tarn.
Ingly great and far more las-t
98S luobleins are almost idei
but the financial returns will be
g when organization is perfected,
sal, the co-ordination of produc-
)f selling and of distribution. The farm bureau and the agricultural
re the first two signs of the times. Upon that foundation is bound
built the emancipation of the fanner from a life of drudgery and a
wide industry that will benefit all mat, kind.
Watch out for Hie wireless fakirs. The new generation, since the scand
ous stock jot, bin;; operations that marked the advent of the Marconi
Ireleaa telegraph concern In which thonsanda of widows and other poor
,1k we re robbed of their life saving;, should read a little history. The
iblie is of short memory. It wlil not be long before the stqck jobbers
111 be ;it work offering all kind of alluring propositions identified with
,e manufacture and operation of w less telephone outfits. The danger
being swindled In these highly speculative enterprises is in proportion
1 the opportunity for profit, and soa double warning 4s necessary, because
' wireless telephone business is destined to stagger the imagination be-
many years have passed, When the thousand per cent per day
opo ,i!s reach this town, let those with loose change be cautious. Cupid
t is a dangerous leader. Follow old Heneral Conservatism and be safe.
A. B, C.
Loose Wheels
While You
Service Car Any
Time Any Where
If Your CAR Is Sick, We Can Cure It.
No Cure. No Pay.
-"rii'ifr'nMaitf- Tiiitii rramwi
1 racle J
in mournful numbers, life is saved by drink in' "Jake"
ic man ;. dead thai alum .-is in a jag from moonshine make. Soft drinks
1 I Inprovi the system near beer aim no bosom friend. Them old high-1
'alls, now we've missed them, staked with barkeep's favorite blend. Now,
I from the aoda fountain soi ow I rant suppress the winks, --when
i thirst could climb a mountain. 1 abhor them fuzzy drinks. No enjoy
ment, and not sorrow, follows In their kickless wake. Man can't steal, or
b g or bo 1 row injfters like he used to take. Like a ose of aiiua-fortis, I
hum m. ul, ticker finds the apot, but the fits and rigor-niortis I would I
jes' as soon be shot. Saw ii lately in the paper- feller made a jug of:
1. Wh- it in went up In a v.i por, neighbors said it beat the Dutch,
'hen it said, another duffer, trying out his private make, awful how it
1 tad s bun suiter, knocked him colder than a snake! Let us then, be up
and doing, with a heart thai ne'er torgeis; Aint no suds ihats worth the
rev. ing since Hie drjs kerflopped the wets. Let us always all remember
that the peopl has the say. Law is law in June, December, or in March,
0 lets obey.
Townsite Co
E. P. DODD, Pres.
In Touch With The Outside Work!
L -N' LISTEN TO). .. 1
f r
1 - f jr.?
t 1 I A
ll'V ,MTVl
k, 4 1 I v-" I
1 Zk
h J -1
i f II -a
I 111" It A
t f5
City Lots for Sale at
Proper Prices
ert Guaranteed Repair Work
at Reasonable Prices.
Boardman is a New
Town But Not a
Boom Town
' .-I I t. I iui ''"" ' e.J a- v :i, 1
Ideally located on railroad and
Columbia river, far enough away
from any large town to naturally
become the trading center of a
wonderful growingcountry.