The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 07, 1922, Image 4

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    Local Happenin
It was reported In error last week
that Marvinl Raneier has tecarlet
fever. He is fully recovered from
a slight iilness and will return to
school next week.
Glen R. Iladley, of Hardman, In
here this week looking for a location.
It Is interesting to remember that his
mother was a visitor here last sum
mer and is a sister to Frank Cramer.
We are wore than glad to welcome
him to our community.
Mr. Warner took Mrs. Klit and
Mrs Klages to Ilcrmiston Tuesday
to have some dental work done.
Little Leona Kutzner is getting
along fine this week and is gaining
rapidly in weight.
Frank Cramer and Mr. Klages are
doing some ditch work this week on
their respective places.
U. S, Smith is taking a few (lavs
vacation, and is now in Tort land.
It. Yorxes is relieving him as oper
ator. Mrs. Lindsoy, Mrs. It S. Smiths
mother left for Los Angeles Monday.
I,. V. Woodard, and Claude Meyi rs
are no longer employed at the 6oal
chute This since April first. T ie
It. It. Company has contracted the
chute and contractors are working
forces ten hours a day instead of
Mrs. Karl Cramer is confined to
her home this week with a severe
Mrs. a. I..' Larson came nome
lat Saturday. At this writing she
Is getting along well excepting that
she is very weak.
Mamis HangS is helping Mrs. Lai
sen this week.
A. T. Herelm is at work OB the
Sltotiho place this week.
Twenty nine applicants tor rederal
district have been able to OOnSUin
farm loans in the Boardman-Irrlgon
mate. The total amount distributed
is $ii7.'.l00. Practically no one re
ceived as large a loan as asked and
a few were turned down for some
technicality, Some homesteaders
who applied, were not allowed loans,
though it is hoped that owln gto new
legislation, this prlvlledge will be
allowed to one who has not yel pro
ved up. i tie nomesteaaing years
are critical limes, and if
help could he had there would be
fewer failures.
The entertainment put on by the
American Legion Importing the Will
lams Jazz Orchestra last night was
well attended and enjoyed. Dancing
followed tin- program
'; Mrs Dun Pander has been very
busy since the purchase of her rag
,rug loom. She has hud the loom
only three weeks and has made L'tl
Word has been received from W.
L Finnell at Colter d'.Mene, Idaho,
that he lias been very ill.
The school auditorium was packet
Friday night wh cut he little lots id'
the community presented the most
.'enjoyable program o the season. Tin"
best professional entertainers could
well covet the applause given every
number. There were songs and re
citations and the main attracliim was
Tom' Thumb's Wedding, and the
bride and groom, brides maids and
Kroomsmen, the minister and the
ladies and gentlemen all can ted their
parts to perfection, The "Rrtdo"
was Mildred Allen, the "('.loom" T. d
Albright and the 'minister" Dale 1
bright. The program which follows
was developed by the Ladies Aid and
netted $:0 for their church fund
Sadie 1 41 iso it
llasil Cramer
.lessix Klages
Norma Gibbon
Hid and 4th grades
Muhuve Kutzner
K. K. Edmunds who has been here
for the past week making improve
ments on his farm, returned to Port
land Sunday.
Miss Vesta Mefford, daughter of
Geo. Mefford, Is visiting with her
i prand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Dr. Curry an dwife, eye specialist,
of Seattle, were here on Wednesday,
enroute home from Long lieach, Cal.
Dr. Curry plans to return here for
another visit about July 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunha. of Echo,
and Mr. and Mrs. Art Spinning, of
Hermiston, were lloardman visitors
Monday evening.
Have you a little lamb in your
home? Its the latest fad on the
project to adopt an orphan, and they
are getting plentiful.
Mrs. Klitz and son and Mrs. Klages
motored with O H. Warner to Herni
i on on Tuesday, and made calls on
tlie dentist.
One of the most successful meet
ings that have been held in the local
cfliirch was held last Sunday morning
vhen Lev. Gary, of Portland, a pros
pective pastor spoke. Mr. Gray is
a comparatively young man for the
has a good delivery and appearance,
ami is broadminded in his views.
The trustees of the chinch have ask
ed Rev. Gray to speak again, and it
would be well for all those who can
to come and hear him.
On Faster Sunday the Community
Church is planing to hold all day
services. Sunday school will com
mence at the usual time, with church
following at 11:80, and a basket
dinner after the services,
Col. Bin met! Callahan has re
turned home after spending the win
ter at the Arlington Club In Portland
Loyal Lands is loading a car of
hay at Peters, for F. L. Drown, to be
shipped to .Mr. Urown's farm near
AUGUST 24, 1912
of the Boardman Minor, publish
weekly at Loardnian, Oregon for
April, 1 ! 2 2
State of Oregon, County of Mor
row, ss.
Before mo, a notary public in and
for the Siate and County al'oreslad,
personally appeared Mark A. Cleve
land, who having been duly sworn
according to law, deposes and says
that he is the publisher of the Hoard
man Mirror.
Thai the names and addresses of
tin- publisher, editor, managing ed
itor and business manager are:
Publisher: Murk A. Cleveland,
Stanfield. Oregon.
Editor: Mark A. Cleveland, stan
field. Oregon.
Managing editors and Business
managers: None.
That the owners are: Mark A.
Cleveland, stanfield, Oregon.
That the known bondholder!, mort
gages, and other security holders
owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort
gages or other securities are: None.
Sworn lo nrd subscribed before
me this 7th day of April. I !L':'.
(SEAL) JULIA lle:i
Notary Public
(My commission expires March 17,
C. C. Grim arrived with his car of i
house hold goods, stock and other
things Tuesday morning and is on
the job getting things lined up for
his service station. Mr. Whitlock,
his father-in-law and Mrs. Grim ar
rived on No. 2 the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Jacobson, of
Paterson, Washington, motored over
via the irrigon ferry to meet frknds
arriving on train no. 1 Mr. Jacob
son reported that the county court of
Benton county has definitely decided
upon the Prosser-Patterson-flrrigon
road and wiil start graveling in the
near future. The question had
come up whether to inako this the
i, lain road or to go to a point oppo
site Arlington. The Patterson peo
ple rejoice with us in having this
road established as the main connec
tino with the south side roads.
W. W. Lord, Special deputy and
S. C. Blake, assistant deputy of Ben
Ion county, motored to Irrigon early
Friday morning in search of Orville
Allen. It was learned that he cros
sed the ferry late Wednesday even
ing and the telephone lines were
kept hot during the night and Allen
arrested at Arlington Friday night.
I! is alleged that Allen had attacked
a little girl near Prosser in the Horse
Heaven country. Messrs Lord and
Blake took Allen to Prosser from
Arlington the same day.
Walter Wright, fif!" years old, of
Cleveland, Ohio, passed thru Irrigon
March 31, on his way back to Cleve
land hiking. He started from
Cleveland last summer and walked
down lo Neyv Orleans, Los Angele;,
then to Portland and up the North
bank to Patterson, crossing on the
ferry and stopped at the station in
have his hook stamped by the agent.
He proceeded on his way to Umatilla
p.: d will go via Spokane and the
northern routes home. He Is walk
in for his health and sleeping out of
doors whenever the weather permits.
The Irrigon Commercial Club Sat
urday evening sidetracked the nues
tion of a new county for the time be
ing. While admitting the many ad
vantages that might be gained by
such action, it was agreed that our
county officials treated us pretty lib
erally al the persent time and noih
iug could he gained except additional
taxes. The opinion being thai the
matter could be handled when it be
came necessary ut any later dale.
The farm bureau meeting Sat urt' ly
evening was of more than usual n-
Lorest, Mr. Schuster, horticulturist
of the experiment station, remained
rith us tor the evening after holding
pruning demonstrations on Glasgow
ranch in thfl afternoon and gnve us
i very Interesting talk C. C. Calk
!iis. our county agent, and Clu.s.
w. Powell, who returned during the
day from the trip lo Yakima lo gain
Ideas on quick crop production, out
lined results' of their trip. Potatoes,
strawberries and many other little
possibilil ies were disctiBsed. This
was the first lime Mr. Calkins has
been able to be with us at our regu
lar meetings and he gave us a long
talk. He urges us lo realize the
necessity of rodent control fund a; d
the need of the same was the opinion
of those present.
Retired Financier, His Wife and Seven
Servants Bound.
New York. The most amazing day
light robbery New York has known in
many years occurred in the home of
All ert R. Shattuck, retired financier,
IS Washington square north, when
four armed bandits overpowered Mr.
and Mrs. Shattuck and their seven
servants, bound them all with rope,
locked them in a wine cellar and stole
jewelry valued at $90,000.
The robbers ransacked the dwelling
for an hour and a half, but as they
were leaving, one was captured and,
in an overcoat he had abandoned In
his flight through Washington square,
jewels alued at $20,000 were found.
The alarm was given by the butler,
who freed himself from his bonds and,
running to'a neighbor's house, while
the thieves were still at work, tele
phoned the police.
Two Million:; Paid For Timber Tract.
Hoquiam, Wash. What is said to be
the largest deal ever consummated in
the timber bj:;iness on Grays Harbor
v as oi mpleted here when William E.
Boel&g and associates of Seattle soli
6 id, 000,000 feet of timber at the head
rf the Hoquiam river to H. J. Miller
of the Miller Lumber & Logging com
pany of Everett for a consideration
s lid to have been more than $2,000,000,
mostly cash. The timber Is mostly fir.
Boardman Utellem
Boardman High School, Boardman, Ore.
Editor in Chief .. Literary EL or DeiK Olson 'i!3
Frances Blayden '23 Joke Editor 13 Hov Gilbreth '22
Saturday night, April 22 is the
date set for the annual Declamation
contest for the Boardman schools, fn
Connection will lie shown the four
reel film Pilgrims Progress. A cha
rge of 10 cents for children and 2 5
cents for adults will be made. Con
t( slants will be admitted free.
The girls have a new indoor base
ball and they are thinking some of
organizing a. team like they had last
year. They would play under the
indoor rules and regulations as they
did before.
Mr. Signs has announced the com
ing of Arbor Day and has asked the
students to secure good trees that
ma) be planted on the occasion by
the different classes.
The Junior high school students
are learning their parts in the play,
"The man without a country" yvhich
they plan to give in the near future.
Edward McClellan is to play the part
Of Philip Nolan.
Small Demands Women on Jury.
Waukegan, 111. Governor Len Small
demanded that women sit on the jury
'. hich is to try him on charges of con
spiracy to embezzle state funds.
Through his attorneys he challenged
Lie entire jury list of Lake county
because only men had been called.
lloyd g:c,;ge is upheld
Vote of Confidence Given By House
of Commons.
London, The house of commons,
after an unexciting debate, adopted
by the substantial majority of 278
Premier Lloyd George's resolution
calling for confidence in the govern
t ient'8 policy on the coming economic
conference at Genoa. The vote was
372 to 04.
In the earlier part of thee session
the house passed an hour and 20 min
utts of such tenseness as it had not
experienced for many months, when
the prime1 minister, fresh from his re
tirement in the country, threw down
the gauntlet to his opponents and de
clared that a vote on the hitherto
Innocuous Genoa ri solution was tanta
mount to a vote of confidence or lack
of confidence in the government.
The baseball game between the
Arlington and Boardman teams was
played under difficulties as a hard
w ind was blowing. Arlington scored
most of her runs in one inning, after
which Boardman held her down but
couldn't seem to catch up. The
score stood 12 to 4 in Arlington's
MiSK Price took her cooking class
up to the cheese factory Wednesday
morning from 10:30 to 12, so that
the girls might see the process of
cheese making. Mr. Andhreg kindly
explained the lifferent steps, showed
the girls the cheese cellar, and gave
them a brick of cheese to eat. Cheese
making is an interesting process and
the trip was enjoyed by all the girls.
Earl Say Jim, What have you
got in that box?
James Why, a compass
Earl . What are you going to do
with it ?
the ball in some game, I could tell
James- If I should happen to hit
which direction to run.
Webster Coffee Sir?
Customer Coffee without cream.
Webster Sorry Sir, but you will
have to take it without milk as we
are out of cream.
"The Yanks are Coming" hummed
the dentist as he prepared for an ex
traction. A Souvenir She held out her
hand and the young man took it and
Ray You sit down on every joke
I write.
Francis Well I wouldn't If there
was any point to them.
A number of the girls in the sew- i
ing class are making spring dresses, !
two of which have been completed.!
They are neat and pretty and suited j
to the wearers.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination to the
oflice of County Commissioner, sub
ject to the will of the Republicans
of Morrow county, to be expressed
at the Primaries in May, 1922. Pre
sent Incumbent.
50 Hardman, Oregon.
Bring your cleaning and pressing
to Mrs. Alice Dingman. 39t
The manual training class have
just finished making some hope
chests which are certainly good look
ing and very well made.
Dr. A. H. Johnston.
Physcian and Surgeon
Calls answered at all hours
In Boardman Wednesday and Satur
day mornings.
Office phone M 151 Res, M 332
Arlington, Oregon.
Recital ion
a H.'JG TO
' WHO puys
Tom Thumb's wedding
Whenyou and I were young. Mugg
Sadie Lai .en and Dan Snlvely,
One of our subscribers writes thus:
Editor: Boardman Mirror:
What is the matter with the school
board, couldn't furnish water lor the
I town and get paid for it. but cun fur
nlsh light and heat FHEK foi any
kind of an entertainment or meet
Ing any one wants In the school
house any time Think It over.
We dont know a thine about
. it. Fditor. j
( V
"Siar-ese Twins" Joined.
.CSicagO. The "Siamese twins,"
Josefs and Rosa iSlazek, who died last
w k, were Joined ut the spine and
severing thorn would have been fatal,
according to X-ray photographs taken
alter their death. The pictures, it was
declared, showed a continuous U
shaped spine and also several vital
Organs la common. The death was
due to intestinal obstruction, accord
ing to George V. Brady, radiographer.
' X
, Western Newspaper Union.
CHICAGO'S municipal pier, one nf
the largest and most useful
public structures, is likew e i lie ul
the stupendous eniiiee: in,; feats ef
the times. It not only provides &SQ0
feel of dockage space dial ininr than
4BO,X)0 square feel of freight storage
apace, but Is nhu a in:; .net of enor
mous proportions to; recreational pur
poses. This great structure Jum out Into
Lake Michigan for BttM feet and is
M feet wide, in lis construction
there were used JO.OOO p. bug l,'"tH,.
(Hit) cubic yards of sand and in,, an. I
elUHKl cubic feel of i e-.i,tV. ed eon
ciete; SO ears nt Steel sash and dives
and so.iHHl window panes. Althomh
sub-divided Into a Jieadlmuse (the
there end), a freijmt-aDOVpasxeuaei !
section, h terminal building and a e.
national section, It Is all under one j
roof. SpPwi
Street car ascend nn incline to ,
the second floor and run out to the
terminal building. Foot tragic ts j
teeXMumodattd by ltt-feoi-wble board
walks. i,:mo feet long, reaching out
to the recreation end of the building. )
In addition to spacious waiting and
rest rooms, there In a hospital re tun
rum. art room, auditor uu used tor
diuiclng. concerts uod bumjucs. und i
a root garden.
orah for U. S. Mine Operation.
Washington. D. C, Government op
eration of the coal mines wns sug
gested in a statement by Senator
lb rah. republican, Idaho, chairman of
the senate tabar committee, after con
ference with representatives of miners
mid operators. The senator said this
was the alternative if the coal Indus
try was not reorganized.
The O.-W. R. a N. will rpend
600,(100 of the $5,000,liic to he semi
on improvements this year on ta 1 di
vision betwen Pendleton and Hunt
ington. The work to he undertaken
Is mainly ballasting and replacing ihe
Old tails in many places.
There ure between 25 and 30 youths
In the state training school for boys
at Salem who are eligible to parole,
but under present conditions they can
not be released because they have no
homes and the state has made no
provision for their alter care.
A schedule of payment far piece
work In canneries of the state, which
had been drawn up at previous con
ference of employers, employes and
representatives of the public, was
adopted at a meeting of the industrial
welfare commission at Portland.
Senators McNary and Stanfield have
telegraphed to Individuals and organ
izations In Roaeburg that they will
lend their support to the effort to i
obtain Ui amendment of the rivers
Md hnrbors bill to make provisions '
for work on the I'mpqua harbor.
No reduction in the n timber of units, j
or withdrawals of federal allotments J
for the Oregon national guard will r I
suit from the annual Inspections by
the government, just complete!, ac
cording to Information received by ;
George A. White, adjutant-gevic-al.
The Orego" I' b' c scv'ce comm's- j
sion has denie-1 the petpton of the
Oregon Short LI - Rsttma company
to esta'ol'sh tri-vck!:. train service on
its so called Grant and Brogan
branches la eastera Oregon in place 1
of the present d. d traiu serv-
1 bS B
' W Mim i
S I si
I m
1 fMi : - ' 'ffj 1 2
3 9
m m
v H
E er iiUBiiiiiiil a
m 2
I -J
i Building; Material
and anything; usually carried in a
Lumber Yard
W. A. Murchie
Boardman, Oregon.
Let The Boardman Mirror Print Your Butter Wrappers