The Boardman Mirror Boardman, Oregon PUBLISHED EVKIiY FRIDAY Mrs. Claire P. Ilarlcr, Local Editor MARK A. OIjEVBJIiAND, Publisher 12.00 I'KI; YEAR IN ADVANCE Entored as aeeond-rlass matter Feb II, IMt, "i tfcfl post office at rtoard Diaa, Or:'., under act of Mar. 1879. I ()K EVER WD EVER, AMEN! Judge Frank Irvine, of Ithaca, New York, formerly dean at the law school of Cornell University, who now Beeki a seat In Congress from the Empire State, discusses the farm bloc in a direct manner, expressing his unqualified disapproval of org anised minorities that seek to accom pli h. for selfish purposes through ail artificial balance of power. Quite aparl froni any political afliliations or considerat ion it seems amazing thai so warped a vision could find place in the make-up of any man of menial training. If the distingu ished jurist would bark back to hi' Collage and review his logic surely h' won 111 see that his conclusion' spell (Ureal opposition to the ver. foundation Ot the American nation 11 it bad not been for an organized minority Here would be no Americai r public today, llow si riking a con trust io ie remark of Judge Irvine is that of Orover Cleveland, who, ii Hie midst ot ihe Venezuelan contro versy when this country verged 01 v. ,11 vnii Ureal Britain stood lire hi mi the principal thai "there is m calartlty so great as supine submit glOri io wrong". Judge Irvine know thai the tiearl of ibis nation is iin fanner. lie knows be would neve blue had the opportunity to twiddl his thumb; on the bench in drows: ease while lawyers argued back am forth Were it not for the farmer. II must know Ihe American farmer ha been the victim of gross injustice am exploitation, ami if he will consldei the political machinery of which hi holies to be a part be will see thai the farm bloc was born of oppression thai It was nurtured in desperation and that It has thrived In the sun light of a more prosperous condition from coast Io coast II will be a sad day if America ever bows Io He perpetual rule of the majority wllb out opposition from an organised minority. THE WORLD OF HroUMiEBS WAV! The ipcetacular development or (be wireless telephony commands more serious attention than any dti OOVery within the recollection of I Ii present generation. Thai it is bound to prove (he greatest civilizing Influ ence of Hie OentUry there can be no doubt it will far out sh ip i In talk ing machine and even Hie million pic (ure because us potentiality I lei nearer to (he root of (hlngs. When the American farmer can be brought into conversational contuet with the rcniotes( purl of his country, things are going to move. What is to hap pen lo Ihe local band when the boys and gills of every town and hamlet dance to Ihe music of the world's greatest master ofja.z broadcasted from a cenlral point. Business men will bo well to give serious and im mediate though! to this new deel opmcnt. Already the effect of Ihe wireless In being fell In the talking machine induslry. True human mU ure likes to pick concerts to its own liking, to "put on" Ihe record ihul (ileuses lor Hie moment, but when (lie standard of (he ready made con cert, as It will, (ukes into consider at Ion the vuriety of tastes and wisbe the home reproducer is destined lo the discard. Quite apart from Hs commercial aspect . however, let us hope the go eminent will not lot slip by unused, this great potential service for the people. Wireless communication can he made to lower the death rate. It can he made to check the growth of insanity, It cult be the means of making healthier and happier moth ers and children, it can spot) the spread of sanitation. It can cure the cold and halt the fever Its bless ings can be reflected In the remote hamletH where pi. un Cod fearing American people find (heir homes and do (he work of ihe hour far re moved from medical skill und simple social science For the farmer the ossihilitlen are llmltlesH Five yearn or e en less should see in the cabinet of the I'nltiHl States a Sivre tary of Coinmunieat ions Ihe big Kost Job in America. Is your subscription paid in advance iiomi: m ri -DING im; All signs point to 1922 as a big year for home builders, according to the Department of Commerce. Be fore the year is out the United States w ill have began lo reduce its housing Ik rtage of about one million homes. Measured in floor space, the aver age conlraCts awarded during the last three months stands well above the 1921 average and very close to the high year of 1919. With such a start, the year 1922 could easily rank ahead of any year since the beginning of the war. Residential buildings have ac counted for 4 7 per cent, or nearly half of all the new construction dur ing the past three months, whereas during the years 1919 to 1921 resi dential buildings was only 31 per cent, or less than one third of the total. Homebuilders are having first call on the resources of this onstruction industry. This assures lermanence to the revival of the lumbering industry in the west WHERE 'ROSPERITY STARTS In the fall of 1 920, prices paid to farmer for their products entered a leriod of drastic decline. From ben until a lew months ago the in ns! rial depression was duo largely 0 I heshrunkon purchasing power of he American farmer. Four months he values of crops were calculated iy the Department of Agriculture at light billion dollars less than two ears before. While ihe Farmer's income was blinking, the prices of Hie manu factured articles lie needed did hot i top in proportion, The farmer OUld not afford lo .sell eight bushels 1 grain lo pay eight dollars for a air of shoes. He sold the wheat ause he had lo. Bui he found he new .shoe--. In fact he got along or a year or so without buying any bing. Slowly bill surely Ihe wide Ifferenee between the prices of farm uoducts and of merchandise the inner buys is being wiped out by he law of supply and demand. The business situation of Ihe na ino is improving. The backbone of ur prosperity is found in the fertll tyof our soil. We are able lo pro luce, moes than any other nation, a vide variety of tilings the world l eds When our farmers are given i fair return on their Investment and anor, they insure lo (he nation as i whole, a fail- degree of prosperity, The first and most Interesting sign l better business is that prices paid o the farmer are going up. It is now plain lo be seen that these prices fell below levels win rented by actual lOndttlons. Downward prices were issisted by involved COnditiOM in Europe. A nation-wide at'ak in train exchanges by ihe farming ii ter sis Weakened considerably the .lation's grain market. Then, when armors expected $H a bushel for heir wheal, they were Urged by Iholr grange organ izul io is, and their lead ers not lo sell. When prices fi II lo some where near M a bushel, end farmers were oblii.el to sell, (hey came lo the rondos 0,1 lhat lie y had been penalised for noli tig Revers ing their methods, in the f.tll if l!tl they marketed whe;l at a speed next r equaled In Ihe history of Hie coilAtrv. selves unprepared tO handle mr .vh U, W llob' an I l his sil iiatlon I tige (iiuinl it les of helped to make the p 1'iiormal. Confidence in Ib.j future ba in a c lUvlderablc an n '. lie i r. . tori I While the relative value of the price the fanner receives and (he price he pays for Ihe things he must buy is still unsettled, much progress s being made in (he right direction. BIG IMPROVEMENTS BY THE RAILROADS May Be Regarded as Encour aging Signs of Returning Prosperity. The disbursement of fifteen millioi. dollars, most of which will be paid oul in Oregon and Washington during 1 922, is one of the encouraging signs of returning prosperity. The Union Pacific System is to add largely to its aquipment, to relay portions of its track with rails of greater weight, to ballast anew its roadbed, to replace wooden bridges with structures of steel, and construct a steel bridge bridge across the Columbia River be 'ween Waila Walla and Kennewick, his one project to cost $1,500,000. An order for 4,500 new freight cars, to coiit 810,000,000, and for 2,500 re-'.-iterator cars at a cost of ?.S,750,00t vtis made public several weeks ago The refrigerator cars are for the Pa :'.fc Fruit Express, one-half of which s owned by the U. P. System. General Manager O'Brien of the Ore 'on-Washiiigton Railroad & Naviga ion Company (Western unit of tie (Tnion Pacific System) has just an liounced the selling aside of $5,000,001 for improvements and additions or. this unit of the System during 1922. Most of these millions will be ex ponded in Oregon anil Washington The forest and the saw mills wil supply all of t: s e lumber which will b used in car construction and the arm. of railroad workers will be enlarsi" until it will be of sufficient magnitu:! to complete the work. The paid for material and labor will be pi nto general circulation. Service wll he Increased, labor in demand an business conditions improved by th millions to be spent by the great tran. continental railroad. BROOKLYN MINISTER HP a i c ZICV Spiritual perception which makes possible physical healings seem to be developed with more frequent regularity of late years, as indicated by newspaper reports in world ai fairs. The most recent, is by Rei Charles W. Dane of St. Mark's Co:: erregational Church in Brooklyn N. Y., whose cures by simply lay ing on the hanc's has aroused con tiderable attention throughout the East. ALWAYS FIRST The Smith-McNary bill is so fram ed in wording that the Umatilla Ra pids Power Dam will come under It from the construction standpoint. Every town and city which will come under this project should be up and doing. In 1901 the Imperial valley was a desert. In 1921 it had a pop ulation of 50.000 and had a valua tion of $72,000,000. Yotr final Shroud contains no pockets. bsg your worldly acts live after you. O. W. HIGHWAY Messrs. Weston, Cobb, Shell, Ber ger, Morgan, Dillabaugh, Warren and Boardman went to Willow Creek to meet with the State highway com missioner and State engineer relating to the proposed change of the O. W highwaj from Rhea siding to Arling ton. The final decision was that the highway would follow down Wil low Creek lo lleppner Jet., the orig inal location. HAPPY FARMERS Prom the Administration down to! the economists of the Main streets j is prayerful praise because farm pro - Miss Sylva Thurlow, of Philadel phia, has never failed to win frst place every year throughout her school life. This year she hps been awarded a European scholarship a: Bry n Mawr college. When she wa: graduated from high school, she won the Bryn Miiwr scholarship. ducts are coming into their own. With wheat out of the farmers hands (farmers are now contracting their wheat for 1922 crop at $1.00 a bushel that they may have a dollar to live on and get by) with cattle liquidated into federal reserve tallow (200 per cent profit, the 12 banks show) with every wooly tagged with a Columbia basin meal ticket, with alfalfa manfully struggling to partly pay taxes, why should not the farm er join on in this praise. I tried it and i hen I w ent out behind the barn and said a plain "dam". I liked the dam the best. S Poem ty? Uncle John In (he everlasting tussle with (he literary jnix, we need a heap more muscle than the average poet thinks. I always have contended, that there's nothing in a "gilt" when you want to build a poem thai can punch as well as lift. 1 never had much pat lance with the literary hen, that dreams of hatching custards while she's setting on her pen. But the verbal sausage staffer, with the devil in Jiis arm, is the evrylasting duffer that can boost as well as charm. I couldn't play a dew dad, that a fellow has (o pick, but l hey always hear my hew-gag, when I welt her with a slick and I've got a sneaking no tion that the rhyme (he country needs, ort to sparkle with devotion and reVerbefatS: with deeds. Spring Planting DIAMOND and Tubes Mighty Easy Riding mm THE MODERN A. B. C. ALWAYS BE CAREFUL! Loose Wheels Tightened While You Wait. G A S OILS - ACCESSORIES Expert Guaranteed Repair Work at Reasonable Prices. Service Car Any Time Any Where H Your CAR Is Sick, We Can Cure It. No C ure. No Pay. oardman Garage DMAN Townsite Co. E. P. DODD, Pres. City Lots for Sale at ProperPrices Boardman is a New Town But Not a Boom Town Ideally located on railroad and Columbia river, far enough away from any large town to naturally become the trading center of a wonderful growing country.