The Roardman Mirror Boardman. Oregon PUBLISHES EVERY FRIDAY Mrs. rluire P. Harler, Local Editor MARK A. CLEVELAND, Publisher $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Entered as se(-ond-elass matter Feb. 11, 1921, at the post ollice at Board oian, Ore, under act of Mar. 3, 1879. HIGHWAYS A NO HIGHWAYMEN Morrow county Iiuh bonded Itself some 1300,000 to build (be O. W. highway. The North end of the county voted favorably on the bond issue. It wa3 a road which would give us access to the county seal. This road is now constructed in Mor row county. Nothing has been done towards construction of the ten miles in 0411 lata county. When the state highway map was laid out by the Highway commission, the O. W. Highway was routed from Heppner Junction to Heppner and to Pendle ton. A survey has been made of this unconstructed I en miles in Gilliam County. A controversy has arisen betWMB the County Court and the property owners as to the rlght-of way for this highway. Last wee! lie itatt highway commission met in Portland. Tin y ordered a survey of thll O. W. highway to leave Willow Creek at Rhea siding, thence running in a north-weiterly direction to Arl ington. It Btaui that you will have to pull up out of Willow Creek across the flats and down into tin deep Alkali Canyon. . It means tiia' the O. W Highway will be within ten miles of Heppner Jtc, but that mi will be compelled to go on to Arlington, and then back-track to Ithea siding, soma 25 or l!0 mile: oiii of your way That you will b compelled to pull long 5 per cent grades in both canyons. Is there ; voter In the North end, yea, a vote) living along Willow Creek who WOU have voted1 for this O. W. bond issu if the road had been located via Hhe; Biding to Arlington? What of yoi Willow Cr sale era 7 Will it be nleasttfs for you to travel to Arllng ton When your destination is sonn point east on the' Columbia highway? ' dtf your wheat and pTodtlCtl 1 With a down water grade' North o Khaa siding, what an economic sav Ing you will make by going over tli bills. The highway ootHmlnston sayi that It will be over the hills or thor will be no road. Then let there be no road, that you may keep nu It respect and honor. Do men n pac( the given word or are we beat ers of "scraps of paper"? where ar ou on Ibis matter, Heppner? W "icall a visit of county olllcers and iness men. Of a meeting ail 'd by you gentlemen on a bom' ue of $270,000 to construct I li 0. W. highway. We do not recall O il at that time you routed the high way via Rhea siding and Arlington, ra ,ou content to sit back and per mit the highway commission to gl you any kind of an outlet, just so long as It is an outlet, and In so do Ing break faith with your people ol North end? Is the manhood ol Morrow equal to the political trick cry of Gilliam County. lY TOR NEW York FARM m.ot HOMEY PHILOSOPHY FOR 1922 The national farm bloo eoncieve d und organized by the American Fun i Bureau rad ration in Washington mo lo be a growing Inspiration t. the states where similar blocs ar Portuingi perhaps unooaacloasly, bui none the less certainly. Hroad vis lOOed men have come lo see that lb operation ol the farm bloc In Wash OH have had much to do with tie i-IhIiik tide of returning proaperit) and so tle see the possibility ot beneficial effect if the states come to follow the national example Thet is a distinct trend towards the rare bloc Idea In the stale of New Yoi where It Is Ihot thai such a mov inlKht have the effect of offsetting th. line of cleavage between the counirv districts and the great metropolis New York Cin bus contended for yeara that it has been ruled from Albany by country legislators who know nothing of the requirement of city life. The friction has been 10 Intense that there have sprung up movements even looking to the form Ing of the separate state of Manhat tan The New Yorker pays the major portion of the taxes of ihe state and yet he feels that he has little. If any rolee in legislation, even considering the hroad city charier granted by the slate The city man. however, Is not blind to the needs of agriculture and stands ready lo fur ther the welfare of the farmer The farm hloe Idea in the Empire Stale Is likely to bring about a mutually beneficial compromise When all is said and done, (he spirit of tolerance invariably operates for the benefit of the people. When we are young ambition Is fired with the desire to create something, and (hen as we grow old er we see that mankind can't create anything. Often, when it is too late, we learn the lesson that our time should have been spent in reeogniz in the things that are created for us i rather than trying to creat new things and try to steal the job of the I livinity. There has been a correct j inswer to every problem in arith netlc, even before we knew anything .bout arithmetic, and so there is a olution to every problem in life that onfronts us. All wo have to do is j to find the way. There is no path I o thorny but there is a primrose by way that will lead us out into hap- liness if we only see it. It's there. We don't have to make it. All we need is to recognize it. ITS NOT A BI'o tJUMt3 FROM CRITICISM TO HATE; MOST cd ANYONE CAN DO LT. WITHOUT THINKING. FRANKLIN'S AIMS FOR CONGRESS NEW COUNTIES Contributed A news item tells of a division of Umatilla and Morrow counties to make a new county comprizing the errltpry from Echo to Boardman. 'his is the second proposal that we lave received in the past two months, vrlington submitted a similar sug gestion, cleaving the front stoop rom the back porch of Gilliam co tfity, Morrow county likewise. What s there about us that produces the ippearance of "hicks"? Just why lo these "off-side county mavericks ii D m 1 1 to us plans of a separate vreatness? When the proper time omes, the bell cow will call in these wo long horns and a county will be OCT radiating from Iloardman, 'hlch in time will become a stale. We' view these presenti proposals Ith suspicion. We suspect a "lem tn sour" in the form of a delinquent ax list which runs in the eighties, ruet why should we mingle our pur ly with this European" "skin scaler", 'he farming brother to the west now las Its dirk aimed at our heart in lellberatly pilfering the O. W. high way away from Willow Crec k to Vrlington. And they would call us aunty brothers. If it ever comes to ass, we plan lo wear shirts that ipike to the body. These outbursts for new Counties nine from the smallest ot men. You, rllngton, come to us to form a new ounly because Condon, your county seat Is giving you tho razz. At bis very lime you are doing a Siam ie wilb Condon lo pull a road away rom the very people with whom you igve asked (o berak bread. And 'mat ilia would gather a dynasty to mr folds, because a short-sighted ounly seat persists in fighting a !U( off. In the above you have the inswer why Oregon is Ihe "runt" of he West. In your childish way, you individually try to lick the pink 'rom your candy stick You would route a new county by adding new taxes to your tax-welled body. In our "deep" anger you fail to see lint it will take the concerted effort of all to put over the Umatilla Hap ids. You prefer a new eounly with all its ills in preference to an Elec rlo Empire. Your deep chested deve lopment may have an egotism of a ell Constructed power dam hut the IMC from your round house blocks Ike view at your city limits. I'ma- illa. let Pendleton nurse the county' -rief. Pendleton,, quit trying to whittle the frozen parsnip of a cut-j i (T. Arlington, let the O. W. follow uilures trail of less resistance In itead of trying lo pull it over mount ains for the sake of pelf. Until you lo these things. Oregon will remain he hermitage Of a dolt ridden race. Pill I I ' Mill : C0fVRl6at9E ?U8. AUTOCASnrl Stl'.V. CO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Residents of country towns will learn with interest that the fire loss for 1921 exceeded that of any pre vious year in the history of the coun try, totalling- more that a half bill ion dollars. The National Fire Pro tection Association calls attention to the fact that fully seventy-five pe: cent were preventable. It is inter estaog, too. to know that the country which must depend on the service; of volunteer firemen has a snialle. 'ire loss than cities wilb their highly paid and well skilled fire fighters. There is no local activity doservin; of greater encouragement than i good local fire department. WESTERN BANKS SEE BETTER DAY; From the annual report of condi lions and earnings of banks in west ern states for 11)21, it appears tha banking has come thru a hard year In one state 2!) 3 banks and Iiul companies show net profits of onl $93,093.70 for the year after writing off losses. Losses were charged of totaling $2,321,9(11, of which $254 299,33 had been recovered, and it olher states reports are similar. Seattle suffered one gigantic los: in a big bank that was supposed to b( protected under a state guarantee oi deposits law which failed to alfori protection. Western banks ban also suffered from inroads of stati and national farm loans, raised ot untaxed bond issues. Deposits fel off but demands for farm loans In cicased. Iiui our state and national banking laws have como thru It and all look forward to a brighter year. The banks have met lh' situation b! writing off doubtful paper, by ttsin current ea?nlnga and by volunta1 contributions am MsFtsenienti front the personal funds i.'' ihe Stockholm era, Thar "3 has bevi no taterial re duction in RUipill and undivided profits acco.ii.', a.el 'Oe 'auk" ar; now facing ruore nrosi )ttus o.di Hons with unimpaired capital, but additional security to them selve; and their depositors. FIGHT I'tilt LOWER TAXATION In all western states the peopb are fighting to cut down their heav loads of direct and indirect taxation In Washington the fight is led b Governor Hart who has installed a ten department system instead ol 7 2 boards and commissions. Tha stale has willed out a deficit of $2 00, 000. left as a hang over from 1921 and reduced total levies over A VI ON 4 a! Ellen Duane Davis, great fand daughtcr of Benjamin Franklin, hap announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination to Congress from the second Pennsylvania dis tr:t. " Mighty Easy Riding four million dollars. In Idaho the battle for tax reduction has been led ;jy Governor Davis and Utah is alive with suggestions for reductions. It is the vital issue in the slates of Col orado and Oregon, whore a direct fight is being waged for a cut of 25 per cent. The lumber industry has suffered from over-taxation of saw aills and timber lands, and many uch properties are on the delinquent oils and many operated three or iour months io pay taxes. High fed era and state taxes are driving in lUBtriqp to Ihe Wtill, increasing un lnployment and preventing new dev- ilopment taking place. 'BEAUTIFUL OREGON ROSE' We are printing "Beautiful Ore ron Rose, words and music by II Odward Mills. This has been ad opted as the official song for the Festival of 1922. Every school in the state of Oregon low have the song and fifty per Mmt of them are singing it. Others re waiting until weather conditions ire such that they can plant roses ind use the song as the dedicatory jong. The Victor talking machine com pany have given assurances of mak- Ufcig -records of it, and Ihe Depart ment of the Interior may distribute the song to every school in the Unl ed States. 'A bere the Willamette is winding) Where the Columbia Hows, le e I am everywhere finding, '.cant iiul Oregon rose; Uright ith the flush of the morning, tire ns the towering- snows; 'ottage and mansion adorning, ReautifB) Oregon rose, ('bonis: Beautiful Oregon rose, Beautiful Oregon rose, GowrMd in the robes of Aurora. Itcnntiful Oregon rose, alleys eternal in verdure! Summits imperial, proud; tklee Where in magical merger Mingle the rainbow and cloud I 'oi-est and riv er and ocean, Cfag where the waterfall goes, ay at thy feet their devotion Beautiful Oregon rose. horns ! ' bihl of the sun ami the shower, locked in the breeze's embrace; ueenly yet neighborly flower. Smiling 'to greet every face. ver thee hummingbirds hover, I nder thee fairies repose; hon bast the world for thy lover, ''.'Hit if nl Oregon rose. Chorus; THE MODERN A. B. C. ALWAYS BE CAREFUL! Loose Wheels Tightened While You Wait. GAS OILS ACCESSORIES I ' i Expert Guaranteed Repair Work at Reasonable Prices. Scrvxe Car Any Time Any Where If Your CAR Is Sick, We Can Curt li No Cure. No Pay. Si 1 liarage , 9 " imm'mssssesmmmmammBmoMtms-sr, Making It An Event SO NICE AND 7 OH,ElEft 6ANO! fYOU LCX51C JUST ' like the picket s V.80V WHO IS AvuAH JO SCHOOL1 Btt BIT AS I LAl30eR AVARY- U " '9 ) " XN-tAili . ( , T QUALITY, DUi -1-C V.-r : I ARDNA ite Co WASUQ AiJtilVEO JU'J( n -, . tLiiti? FiUs i LONG suit-' E. P. DODD, Pres City Lots for Sale at Proper Prices Boardman is a New Town But Not a Boom Town Ideally located on railroad and Columbia river, far enough away from any large town to naturally become the trading center of a wonderful growing country.