Hot rb2i MIRROR VOLUME II BQARDMAN, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1922 NUMBER 6 CHANGES IN TREATY. REJECTED IN SENATE Opposition Lacks Enough Votes to Secure Adoption of Two Amendments. Washington, D. C. After a stormy debate, the senate rejected by a di vision almost on party lines the first two of the proposed amendments to the four-power Pacific pact. At the peak of their strength, with 11 short of the full membership pres ent and voting, the opposition to the treaty marshaled 26 democratic and four republican yotes, within two of a third of the full senate membership, but three less than enough to upset the two-thirds needed for final ratifi cation when all senators participate In this vote. The first of the two amendments acted upon was offered by Senato Robinson, democrat, Arkansas, and provided that the four powers should refrain from aggression against non signatory as well as signatory nations, and that all interested nations, wheth er signatories to the treaty or not, should be invited to any conference over a Pacific controversy. The pro posal was lost, 30 to 56. Later a similar amendment in different form was presented by Senator Walsh, dem ocrat, Montana, and was voted down, 27 to 50. On both rollcalls four republicans, Borah of Idaho, Johnson of California, France of Maryland and La Follette of Wisconsin, voted in the affirmative, while an equal number of democrats, Pomerene of Ohio, Ransdell of Louis iana, Underwood of Alabama and Williams of Mississippi, joined the opposition. DATE FOB TOM THUMB WEDDING IS SET The date for the Tom Thumb Wedding has been definitely set for March 30. It was planned to have it sooner but there were so many so- I cial attractions this week and next it was decided to give it on March 30, so remember the. date. The little folks have been practicing daily and I this will be good. An entire even ing's program by the little folks. Remember the date and be prepared to come and enjoy the evening. It is planned to charge as before, 10 15 and 25c the 10c for grade pupils 15c for H. S. students and 25c for adults. The ladies are to make the costumes soon. The boys will wear black full evening dress, swallow tail, etc. and the girls dres sed in different, colored grownup gowns, some blue, some pink, some lavender, etc. AMERICAN CLAIM IS IGNORED BY ALLIES Paris. The allied finance ministers signed an agreement here for the dis tribution of the first billion gold marks Of German reparations. The agree ment disregards the American claim of priority for its expenses in connec tion with occupation of the Rhineland, so far as the actual sharing of this money is concerned. It recognises the claim, however, by a special clause which states that all the agreement? on this question are subject to Amer lean rights as the various governments may establish them, the finance minis ters contending that they do not have the power to decide this question. The memorandum handed to the reparations commission by Roland W. Boyden, representative of the United States with the' commission, states that the cost of the American army of occupation up to May 1, 1921, was about $241,000,000. Syndicalist! Sentenced at Montesano. Montesano, Wash. Following a jury conviction on a criminal syndicalism charge Judge Sheeks sentenced Wil liam Holley to one year in the peni tentiary, Edward Pluya to one day in jail, and Emtl Seigert to pay a $160 fine. 23 Killed in Southern Storm. New Orleans. At least 23 persons were killed and many others were seri ously injured as a result of a series of storms, at places reaching propor tion! of tornadoes, which visited Iso lated section! of Louisiana, Missis stppi, Aikanaa! and Oklahoma. First Cabinet Baby Comes to Oavliaa. Waihington, D. C The first cab inet baby of the Harding adminiitra tlon arrived at the home of Secretary of Labor and Mrs Jamei J. Davis. It waa a 10-pound girl. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS HAPPENING DURING WEEK Miss Esther Chaffee was a guest at the W. H. Mefford home on Sat urday. ST. PATRICK PARTY The members of the C. E. are to have a St. Patrick's party on Sat urday night, March 18 at the Leo Root home. Each C. E. member is privileged to ask one guest. The social committee has planned a jolly evening and C. E. parties are al ways fun, so a good time is antici pated. DON'T FORGET .IUI.1LS CAESAR His Life From SO U. C. to 44 a. c. A Photo Masterpiece O Reels Anthony Novell! as Caius Julius Caesar In poini of sheer spectacle this subject has no tew equals. More than 20,000 persons appear in some of the big scenes. Julius Caesar is portrayed by Anthony Novelli, who bears a striking resemblance to Cae sar. In many respects "Julius Caesar" is the masteh-picture. Unlike most historical romances, this beautiful subject is correct to the smallest detail, in depicting the customs, dress, art and millitary science of the times. This picture is being secured through the Extension Division Of the University of Oregon. Place, IioardiHan H. S. Bate, Mar. 24-25. Admission, 25c and 15c. $7700 IN LCNDS IS FOUND Securities Are Identified as From Centerville, Wash., Bank. Portland, Or. Liberty bonds total ing $7700, identified as having been taken from the Farmer' State bank of Conterville, Wash., when that institu tion wa looted by burglars last week, were found on the east bank of the Willamette river, about three-quarters of a mile below Municipal Terminal No. 4, by John R. Frank of St. Johns. In addition to the bonds there was a note for $370, eight shares in the Centerville Klevator company and ether papers. Frank was fishing, he told pollca, when he noticed a brown cardboard folder lying on the sand at his feet. When he picked it up he found that lie held a small fortune. When Frank found the bonds he took them home, dried them out and counted them. Then he carried them to the police substation at St. Johns. The I ..nds weTe in denominations of $1000, $r,00, $100 and $50. They were all registered, and the news of their location was telegraphed to Center ville, together with the names of their owners. Instruction and operating expend in the Rend schools averages $65 the pupil a year. A realty hoard, made up of all re d estate dealers in the city, was formed ! at The Dalles. Half a ton of seed potatoes arrived in Oakland by parcel post from a grower at Gresham. Because of the cold January weath r the Umpqua valley broccoli crop is about two weeks late. Joe Dhooghe of Molalla will receive $1C0 in scalp bounties on four cougars which he has killed this year. The annual jubilee of the Guernc y breeders of Oregon will be held In Til lamook county on June 13, 14 and 15. No dance in Portland, wherein whites and negroes intermingle, will be tolerated by members of the Btty council. Captain Leroy Hewlltt has resign ed as commander of Company F, Ore gon national guard, with headquarters in Salem. An election to vote bonds in the sum of $47,500 for a new high school build ing in Wallowa was carried by a vote of 71 to 5. Frank Stephens, 65 years old, a farm er living near Hopewell, nine miles from Dayton, was killed while blast ing stumps. The Smith-Powers Logging company will open a camp In the vicinity of Sunnier, 12 miles from Marshfield. within three weeks. August Huckenstein leads the list of eligibles certified by the civil setv ice commission for appointment to the postmastership at Salem. Frank O. Northrup was reconimi jti ed jointly by Senators McNary and Stanfield for appointment as receiver of the Portland land office. StockB of wheat remaining on farms in Oregon on March 1 are estimated at 2,675.000 bushels, according to a gov ernment rt port on farm reserves. Jackson county now boasts of a pro fessional dog catcher, whose services have been employed by Sheriff Terrlll to help him enforce the state ltoi n dog tax law. The Oregon Flax Fiber company's plant at Turner has been sold to the Willamette Valley Flax and Hemp Growers' association, w ith ' headquar ters in Salem. Eight tons of drug dispensary equip ment arriv (1 in Portland last week to be used by the United States Veterans' burtau lor the benefit of disabled war veterans of the state. The next postmaster of Halsey will he selected by popular vote of the patrons of the office. At least an election will be held soon to see who is to be recommended. The stale deseit land board ap proved the proposition of the Walker Basin Irrigation company for the sale of its rights in Crescent lake to the Tumilo Irrigation district. The first pool for dried loganberrleB hus been closed by the Willamette Valley Prune association on a bfttifl of 27.17 cents a pound and clucks have pads) inal!ed to members of the pool Contractors on the piers for the Ore gon shore abutment of the Bridge of the Gods, to be constructed ueross the Columbia river just below the Cas cade locks, soon will start pouting con crete for the piers. Representatives of Sisters, Grange Hall, Bend, Tumalo. Metolius and the Redmond National Farm ho. asso ciation met recently at Redmond to start a drive for an appraiser to be sta I Uoned in central Oregon. Fines iinpos' d upon traffic violator due to the activities of state officer! under the direction of T. H. Kaffety, chief Inspector for the state notor ve hicle di partment, during the mo b of Kebrusrv ajiireeatcd $1746.50. Early development of the Harney valley in eastern Oregon was foreseen in the president's approval of the bill providing for land exchanges in the Maiheur national forest in Harney and Grant counties. By the enactment in to law of this bill the government w ill be able to put its 10. 000. 000,000 feet of timbi r imo a compact block, while pri vate oweeis can assemble their -,000,-000,000 Ret of hofdings Into a single tract on thi border of the forest, where it will be easily aceps-sihle to the mill mau aud the logger. 0. A. Park, president of the state board of horticulture, has issued a quarantine order prohibiting the Im portation into Oregon of any trees, plants, sraLs, cutlinf s or scions of the cultivat.d filbert or hazel from all por tions of the United States lying east of the states of Idaho, Utah and Ari zona and that por;ion of the Dominion of Canada which lies east of the prov ince of Alberta. The Quarantine was established to protect the filbert in dustry from the ravages of filbert bll?ht which has resulted in heavy loss in the eastern stales this year. A representative of the department of agriculture now on the Pacific coast has teen ordered to go to Roseburg and arrange for a study of broccoli, or winter cauliflower, in shipment. It appears that bteccoli promise! big re sults for farmers and gardeners In the Umpqua valio, but they art hatull capptd by the fact that the outside leaves take on a Ui ad color in tram-it. which scares the eastern housewife away from it when she is making the market purchases. Another depart" nent expert will instruct southern Ore gon fruil growers in the use of p ar ed paper for packing pears, and ; :iii another will experiment in the growth of Manclmrian walnuts In the Wiliam ette valley. Porl Orford cedar owned by the gov rnment probably will sell her' aft r on the stump at $5 u thousand f it, ue cording to R. S. Shelley, supervisor oi the Siuslsw national (west. This is the highest price the govt 1'iir.u it ver placed on standing timber, lie 'aid. There was one fatality in On gon due to industrial accidents during the week ending March 9, according to a report prepared by the state industrial accident commission. The victim as John Pierce, pitman, of Knappa. A total of 207 accidents were report' d. C. H. Gram of Portland has filed with the secretary of state bis di dera tion of candidacy for the republican nomination, for commissioner of labor and Inspector of factories and work shops from the state at lurge. Mr. Glum Is the incumbent of the office. H. L. I ouper, a ix-ecri io,,;. .- j.. southern Curry county, found killing a cow elk an expensive pastime, for he was sentenced to one year In the coun ty jail when brought before JustlCS of the Peace Siarr at Marsh field. As a preventive measure against the spread of the Influenza, which seems to be gaining a foothold in Toledo, Health Officer Burgess ordered the schools, church, s, picture shows and other public meeting houses closed Abe Kvans, slt.yer of James I)oran of Me.Mlnnville, who recently was rll clared to be sane by physicians at thf state hospital, has been returned t the pi n it en tin ry to await execution Kvans' case is now on appeal to tht supreme court. Stockmen of the Tiller vicinity havi lost heavily by the cold weather ol last January. The ranges, which are usually open during the winter were covered with snow for several weeks Snow at SO average depth of 18 inches waB encountered. Ah many it toek men had failed to provide Uay for their stock there were a large percentage of loss r LOCAL t W. A. Price is enjoying a visit from his father and mother of Port land. Mrs. Clias. Goodwin left this week for Umatilla whre she will keep house for her husband and his fath er who are working on. a new house between Umatilla and lrrigon. Word comes that Mrs. W. A. Price is improving rapidly since going to White Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Al Murchie left Wed nesday for a few days at Wasco. They have been here since last Oc tober. Mrs, Lee Mead returned Saturnday from The Dalles where she went tor a few days visit. The baby was sivk and seemed to have a touch of bron chitis so Mrs. Mead took her down there until she became better. Mrs. Richardson is expecting her mother to visit her sometime during next month. She has not seen her mother for 1 fi years so her visit is greatly anticipated.. Mrs. Shaw's home is in Oxford, Saskatchewan There is a possibility that she may purchase property in lloardinan and make her home here. Mrs. Klags has returned home aft er a long siege at the Umatilla hos pital and is feeling very well and gaining rapidly. S. W. Aniey, principal of the high school at Joseph, was a guest at the M. L. Morgan home over the week end. Mr Morgan and Mr. Amey Were classmates at Whitman Col lege for four years. I! B, Orth and Howard (Reed, superintendent arid principal of the Stan f laid schools, respectively were Uoardman visitors on Saturday. Mrs. Art bur Larson went to the Umatilla hospital Saturday afternoon and was Operated n Sunday morning by Dr. Hall, of Portland and Dr. Logan, of Umatilla, for a very serious condition. Msr. Larsen is making B most satisfactory recovery and will soon lie home. Hi Hall and his attendant nurse, Miss Ida Rittey, wars very much surprised and pleas ed over the hlh efficiency of the local hospital and can SOS a bright future, for this Institution. MELLON ATTACKS NEW BONUS BILL $1,200,000,000 Is Estimated as Cost Under Measure In Four Years. HUGHES DEFENDS TREATY Failure to Ratify It Would be National Calamity. Washington, D. C. Secretary of State Hughs! iiij'-eted himself Into the treaty fight In the senate by writ ing a lengthy letter to Senator Under wood, one of the American delegates at the conference, in which he scored the thinly veiled intimations made In the senate that the American dele gates wire "Imposed on" In the mak ing of the lourpower pact. The secretary's letter hinged about Questions that have been ralsod in the senate as to the authorship of the treaty and the open charges made b; some senators that it "was conceived' by Balfour and written by Knto. While not answnriiig the question of "who wrote the treaty" directly, Sec retary of State Hughes Indicated in his letter that hi; himself was the author of the pact. 'I In- failure of the senate to ratify the treaty, Hughes declared, would be nothing short of a national calamity. Washington, D. C. The new sol diers' bonus bill, as drawn by house republicans, was attacked by Secre tary Mellon as involving a "dangeroue abuse of government credit." Replying to a request for the seo retary'e comment on the new bonus bill, Mr. Mellon, in a letter to Chair man Fordaey of the house ways sad means committee, made public by the treasury, sharply criticised the feat ures of the proposed measure provid ing for loans by banks upon adjusted service certificates as indirect and "forced" borrowing by the govern ment. He suggested that the "direct and regular way" to provide tor a paid-up endowment insurance feature would be to authorlie Insurance cer tificates with provision for direct pol ioy loans to be financed by the govern ment. A favorable report on the long con troverted soldiers' bonus bill was or dered by the house ways aud means committee by a vote of 19 to S. The vote on the measure was taken ten minutes after Secretary Mellon, Controller of the Currency Crlssinger and Governor Harding of the federal reserve board had been questioned for two hours In open session as to their ideas of the bank loan adjusted cer tificate plan. The five members vot ing against a favorable report were Garner of Texas, Kltchln of North Carolina and Collier, Mississippi, dem ocrats, and Treadway of Massuchua etts and Tllson of Connecticut, republicans. MANY KILLED IN TRANSVAAL STRIKE Johannesburg. The mine war that has blazed up over the Transvaal rands in the vicinity of Johaaaeaburg threatened to develop Into lasurrec tlon against the government. Heavy casualties were reported oa both sldeB as fierce fighting la te Fordsburg and Joppe district coa tlnued. The Union of South Africa government tskes a most serines view of the situation. General Smuts hae characterized It as "one of the gravest crises that ever has arisen la South Africa " The government feara the nttae war, which is the climax of a three mouths' strike at the gold mlnee, may grow Into rebellion Worse than this, it was said here it would be a raoe war between-whites and blacks. The tact that Boere have sided with the strikers and taken part in the fighting, Including the capture of towns, lends weight to suggestiaas that the trouble may be more serious than a battle between strikers and police. Olympla Woman Is 100 Yeere Old. Olympla, Wash.--Mrs. Amanda Wy man, the oldest woman In Olympla, celebrated her 100th birthday aa ulvnrsary Sunday She has been a member of the Order of the Beatera Htar since It was organised in list and so far as is kaown is the aldeat living member of the order la Ska United Statea. Oklahoma Swept By TernaaV Mcalester, Okie. Nine persons were killed and a number seriously lajured by a tornado that levelled e path through Qowan, a mlalaf village fif teen miles east of hera. I . i w SAY YOUNG flArtj IS THAT TUNE HARD TO Pur?y' J - CAUSE ITS IT lj DERN HARD TO C's e USTEU "TO 1 j 1 jn A