The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, March 10, 1922, Image 2

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    The Boardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
Mrs. Claire P. Harter, Local Editor
mark A. Cleveland, Publisher
Entered as second-clans matter Feb.
11, 1921, at the post office at Board
man, Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1879.
If the department of agricultural
would only fin 1 ;i more effective
way of ipreadlug ,ts Information to
the farmers, ir roea.rch work would
more than warrxit the '.Otlonal ex
pi i dlture. ITn.'urtumu ;'y the dep.
attment depends on arihr.Ia method!
of contract and so much of the in
to) mat ion gather 1 never roadie
the spot It is .uea it fur. For e
an. pie how many farmori I. now tie
results of recent experiments in con
riecllon with cows? They have
learned, after manj) years what
could have been told in a f'v mon
ths, that pure breeds are more profit
able than scrub stock. Now it ap
pears to be clearly demonstrated
that within the breeds are grades the
farmer will do well to take into con
sideration, when he learns the fact.
evidence shown that on the aver
age the large cow Is of more yalue
than the small one, though this does
not always hold true in some herds
Of native cattle. The department
cites one test In which were class
lfted lfiO small cows, 201 medium,
and 129 large, The small cows
averaged 24:! pounds of butler fat
a year, making an income of $77,119
over the cost of the feed. The med
ium sized cows made 289 pounds of
butter fat and an income over feed
cost of $88.91, while the large cows
produced 1(45 pounds of butler fat
and an income in excess of feed cost
of $106.74 The results of the ex
periment seem to run true to form.
Whether it be cows or Congressmen,
the pure breed and the well rounded
specimen Invariably spell the best
results. Tin' scrubs and pee wee
minds should be weeded out of leg
islative life as well as agricultural
Some people think, and some pro
pie think they think. Some people
read, and gome people think they
read when they just meander thro
ugh the garden arm in arm with
gral men and never pick a flower.
We'd listen with ears wide open if
we could have a talk with Napoleon,
but we dont listen when we meet
him in a book and have all the time
In the world to think about what he
said and did. We are trying ItO
find out what brings success and
what results In failure, and the les
son is right under our noses. If we
real1 read, we can s i learn what
characteristics brought greatness to
men and turned others into hubbies
that floated up to popularity and
thivn blew up. Seems as If there's
something in meeting dead ones as
well as live ones
The 0, S. Chamber of Commerce
took a referendum thru business
organisation! on the soldiers bonus
Ninety thousand were for it In Idaho,
Montana and California voted ag
lanst II. Vermont and Mississippi,
the only Eastern states to vote for
it They also took a referendum on
reclamation, polling a heavy vote for
It. This Htaml on behalf of the East,
which has always opposed govern
inenl money being spent for reclam
ation augers well for the passing of
the Smith MeNary bill. The bonus
Is to be, whether or no on business
The John Day Irrigation district
has authority to levy an assessment
of 50 cents an acre on the lands held
by the Northwestern Improvement
This was the substance of an opin
ion handed down by Federal Judge
Mean this mornin In dismissing the
case of the Northwestern Improve
ment company against the John Day
Irrigation district and Morrow coun
ty. The Improvement company
sought to restrain the district Trout
levying the assessment
that a clausti In the law, passed by
the 19 17 legislature, providing for
The Improvement company held
the levying of taxes on lands In the
district, was a violation of both the
state and federal constitutions This
claim was held unjustified by Judge
Bean. V? - Hfcal
Did you ever take on fifty pounds
of smelt at one helping. When you
worry down the shipment to 25 lbs.
you find young fins sprouting. You
come up for air in the morning work
ing arms and legs as a trout works
Its fins making for deep water. The
children have trouble working on
their stockings. We found smelt
bones protruding thru their tender
skins. Keen wit doubles out where
wit was unknown before. When you
get down to the last ten pounds, you
are "fed up", and (he whole family
is busy stuffing the house cat, the
cow and any other dogone thing that
will eat them.
M I . in B. Signs, superintendant
of schools at Boardman has booked
in division of the
Will Wall Street blame the Farm (?
Bloc for their recent fifty failures.
, m
from the Ext
Spring is with us and the time is
here to plant trees. We done fine
last year, planting some 16,000 trees
on the project. A year is a y ar
with a tree, so dont put it off till
next year. For your own personal
comfort, the appearance of your
place and the project, the fuiure sale
standpoint, nothing exceeds planting
trees. Aa Idaho farmer planted a
tract to locust trees. The product
cut from the tract in eight years
netted $1,000 an acre. Nearly on a
par with the Alfalfa Kings.
' ! '.: Paper -ends felicitations to
Princess Mary and Henry. We
sibcorely hope their matrimonial
ship has a self oiling rudder. That
Henry will not be fed up with Mother-in-law
chatter. Did you see the
list of presents; Diamonds and sap
hires to the tune of I wo millions.
What a g ratio US act on Mai's pait
if she would lake the collection lo
"Uncles" for collateral to .'?ed 'he
poor of the East E" 1.
University of Oregon, for the stu
dents and people of Boardman, the
educational films, "Julius Ceasar",
which will be shown either March
24 or 25; "Pilgrims Progress," Apr.
21 or 22 and "Last Days of Pompeii"
May 12 or 13.
"Julius Caesar" portrays the life
of the great. Roman from 80 B. C. to
4 1 1!. C. The famous Italian actor,
Anthony Novell!, plays the part of
Ceasar. More than 20,000 persons
apear in some of the scenes. Un
like most historical romances, this
beautiful subject to the smallest de
tail In depicting the customs, dress,
I art and military science of the time.
"Pilgrims Progress " is a four reel
photo narrative from John Bunyon's
I great book, which, next lo the Bible,
is prohgbly the best known book in
: the world, having been translated
' into 84 different languages.
Bulwer Lytton's famous novel has
I been used as the basis of the six
I reel photo masterpiece, "The Last
; Davs of Pompeii". This film was
i produced at Turin and near Vesuvius
Italy. The final reel, in a vivid and
realistic portrayal, shows the smoke
pouring out of Vesuvius and the
boiling lava descending upon the
doomed city.
These educational pictures are
being sent out to the schools of Ore
gon by the Extension Division of the
University of Oregon as part Of Itn
service in visual education.
Would a fiv
orate a roat oi
lioeis clawing
n Til cp.i. dee-
is .vi II U two ii
li We
Max : nl aiatnild.i hae lolhe
en who fromerly respected the f
are now consorting with provey- g
if pint bottles in blind alleys. g
Signs of the times. A seventh
grade pupil when asked by the tea
cher what profession he would like
to adopt, promptly replied, "bootlegger,"
1 1
(T- ij
There is a set of U. S. Senators
termed Irreconcilablcs. Would
WindSUCkers be more appropriate?
The "Home Wives Council", a
woinans club of Portland, called a
meeting and will assist in recalling
the remaining two Public Bervlce
commissioners. It was first feared
that something had come up lo side
track the recall of the commissioners
but it was only Waiting lor the de
cision of the Telephone hearing,
which was unfavorable.
Max Oser, the livery groom, of
Mathilda McCormack lives in quar
tan over his riding stable. A horse
smell mingles amidst the draperies,
hut oil is a sweetener. Besides
what can slil'I'le true love. i
V y. . ON A
'7 ! SHOAL.
1 jr (
Western Newspaper Union.
THE records of past ages are
authority for the fact that cam
paniles or bell toners became very
common In Italy and especially in
Rome bet v, een the eighth nnd elev
enth centuries. Almost everybody lias
at some time s, en a picture of that
famous old one of old St. .Mark's
Church In Venice.
On the ei her band, campaniles are
rarely seen in tie United S ales now-a-dftys
and yet California boasts what
is perhaps the most splendid example
of n bell tower on the western hemis
phere, It is one nf the must-pleasing and
graceful architectural structures "one
can hope to look Upon and is located In
the grounds of the I'niverslty of Cal
ifornia, at Berkeley. The gift of u Mrs.
inter, it cost about sl', is :m
feet high, approximately .Mi feet square
and is constructed of California gran
ite, with the exception of the pyramid-ally-shaped
top-piece which is of white
Within the lower Is an Imnieise
clock ai.d n chime of twelve beautiful
y-toned bells. These precious bells
were safely transported through the
submarine infested waters of the At
lantic, en tbetr journey from the old
world, during the earlier days of the
world war.
These bells, ulsn the gift of Mrs.
Bater, range In weight from 849 to
1,118 pounds. The tenor or largest
hell carries the following inscription,
written especially lor the purpose by
Professor Plagg of the university:
"We rinsj, vc chins, we toll;
J,end ye the silent part,
Seme answer tn the heart,
Home echo in the BOttl"
J1 r " v "
. cn W8fl..VWMS Wf
r ,- -
Mighty Easy Riding
A. B. C.
I i
Loose WIk 1 1
While You
G A S 0 I L S A C C E S S O R I E ,
Expert Guaranteed Repair W
at Reasonable Prices.
Se rvicc Car Any
Time Any Where
f Your CAR Is Sick, We Can Cure
No Cure. No Pay.
Boardman C
To visite
E. P. DODD, Pres.
City Lots for Sale at
Proper Prices
Boardman is a New
Town But Not a
Boom Town
he wtdding ot I ritu-css M iry to Lord Lascellcs in I ondon proved to be the biggest social even- s- -the
coronstioo oi her father. King George, in 1911 riiese pictures, specially posed, are the most recent
o lnt,.v Mary and her husband. The wedding gown ami veil are rerdica of those worn bv Princess
V. . oiv ie.; .e v,i . - . , urn J I Til ,ev
arv in the Westminster Abbey ceremony. r .ess
Thev were made by Rcville of London. "trem.tker to Her Majesty the Queen imported by the Frank
lin SttMM Company ot New otk. and are here exhibited by Mirion Davies. ran-
Ideally located on railroad and
I Columbia river, far enough away
from any large town to naturally
become the trading center of a
wonderful growing country.