wt3oa R s 11 Febn THE BOARD WAN VOLUME II BOARDMAN, OREGON,FRIDAY MARCH 10,1922 NUMBER S $34,978,033 ASKED TO AID AGRICULTURE Bill Reported By House Appro priations Body Is Under Budget Estimate. Washington, D. C. An appropria tion of $34,978,033 to meet expenses of the agriculture department during the coming year was recommended in a bill reported by the house appropria tion committee. The total is $3,710,026 less than the amount appropriated for the current fiscal year and $1,554,836 less than budget estimates. Discussing the elimination from the bill of $360,000 carried last year for distribution of seeds by members of congress, the committee in its report said the budget bureau in submitting estimates did not include provision for seed distribution. The item of $2,000,000 carried in last year's bill for loans to farmers for the purpose of seed grain in drought stricken areas is not repeated in the bill, the committee reporting that no estimate was submitted for the pur pose. The bill carries $2,578,800 for the eradication of tuberculosis in animals, $1,728,800 for the payment of indem nities for tubercular cattle slaughtered by the government, $600,000 for the prevention of the spread of moths, $547,840 for eradication of the pink boll worm, $200,000 to prevent the spread of the European corn borer, $50,000 for eradication of the foot and mouth disease, $13,000 for wiping out parlatoria date scale and $25,000 for prevention of the spread of the Mexi can bean beetle. The enforcement of the packers and stockyards act, a $410,500 appropria tion, is recommended, while a total of $103,600 is carried for enforcement of the grain futures trading act. CONFERENCE OVER NARCOTICS HELD Portland, Or. In response to a call for a conference by Governor Olcott. Governor Hart of Washington a:id representatives of Governor Stephens of California and Governor Davis of Idaho, met with Governor Olcott of Oregon in Portland Saturday to per fect plans for unified action to check the traffic in narcotics on the Pacific coast. It was the concensus of opinion that If relief is to be found for the most pernicious moral scourge that ever beset humanity, It must be through international agreements, strengthen ing the hands of law and Immediate elimination of those responsible for the traffic in narcotic drugs. The conference passed resolutions memorializing congress for an Inter national conference on the subject, for the immediate passage of the Jones-Miller bill, which regulates thp manufacture of narcotics and prohib Its shipping, a law whereby aliens ped dllng narcotics can be deported on conviction and adding to the penalties now Imposed by the Harrison act. Anglo-Irish Treaty Wins In Committee London. A spirited debate in the house of commons in the resumption of the discussion in committee stage of the Irish bill, during the course ol which all the Ulster members walked out, was followed by acceptance ol the operative provision of the bill giv tng the Anglo-Irish treaty force of law and the adoption of an amendment dissolving the southern parliament and providing for the holding of elec tlons not later than four months aftei the passage uf the. act. VETERANS ARE PUT FIRST Secretary Fall Replies to Wapato, Wash., Japanese Association. Washington, D. C. Secretary Fall, replying to an inquiry from a Japanese association of Wapato, Wash., regard ing the opportunity of its members leasing land in the Yakima Indian reservation, declared all Indian agents had been notified that leases must be confined to American citizens, with veterans of the world war being given preference. The announcement of the interim department's policy was made in a telegram to W. K. Hirano. presideni of the Yakima Japanese association of Wapato, Wash., who hsd asked what would be the attitude of the de partment regarding leasing of the Yakima Indian reservation to Japan ese farmers. Genoa Conference to Open April 10. Paris. April 10 has been definitely settled upon as the date for the open ing of the Geroa economic conference Italy, from whom a request for delay had been expected, owing to the ex tended cabinet crises last month, in formed the foreign office that she would bt ready on that date. How did you feel Sunday morning when that lark sang under your win dow. And Say! Did you get the fev er in the afternoon? Some folks did and actually began gardening. A rumor ran thru the neighbor hood that there were two or three cases- of scarlet fever in the East End before the case reported in the West End. This for your informa tion: There has been nothing but influenza in the East End. A large crowd attended the dance at Mr. Hang's Friday night. Supper was served at midnight, which was greatly appreciated by all. Little Mildred Kutzner is much improved but is still very weak. Dont forget that all-day meeting of the Aid, at the church March 15, and bring that dish of salad, cream or cake. Oorden Hall, of Willov, Creel;, who has rented the Crawford farm, received the sad news of the death of his mother the past week. A. C. Partlow, who has been oper ating a butcher shop in Hoardman, has closed up. This leaves Board man without a butcher shop. For the present M. L. Morgan Is cutting meat at the Cash Grocery. M. Mor gan's meat is all raised on the pro ject, as he buys direct from the farmer. The road gangs are at last at work improving the roads. They are at present putting in concrete culverts on. the Barnes-Dillabough road. Mrs. Dan Rancier is the proud possessor of a new rug loom. For the next two months she is planning on weaving rugs for all who want them. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett and the Leo Root family were guests of W. H Mefford, last Sunday. Mess s. Edmunds, Weston and Brice were business visitors in Herm iston, Tuesday. Mrs. Brice, who has been on the 1 Coast for the past few months, re turned home last week. She is much improved in health. UiituON NEWS NOTES OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS HAPPENING OUPJNG WEEK If the so-ealled "cabinet" form bl government now in operation In Wash ington, Idaho, Nebraska, New York and other states is found by invest i tlon to be superior to and more eco nomical than the present Oregon sys tem of handling governmental affairs, Governor Olcott will lend every In fluence at hand to obtain its adoption In this state. This statement by Gov ernor Olcott followed the appointment of a committee of five prominent Ore gon men to investigate the measure of success attained by the "cabinet" form of government in states where it has been established and file a re port In his office fir submission to th legislature at Its next session. Oregon's rivers and harbors fared especially well in the bill for improve ments reported out by the house rivers and harbors committee. Provision Is carried in the bill for the improvement of the Columbia and Willamette rivets below Portland by widening of the channel to 600 feet and maintaining a depth of 30 feet. This improvement would eventually cost $1,750,000, ac cording to the engineer's estimates. Another provision is for the Improve ment of Willamette slough and still another for the construction of two jetties and the Improvement of Isth mus slough at Ooob Bay at a final cost of $3,110,000. Improvement of the Clatekanle river also is Included in the bill. Surveys are provided for Umpqua river, Tillamook bay and har bor, Deer Island slough and the North Portland harbor. The lumber shipments by water from the Columbia river during the month of February were heavy, especially tn foreign ports, a total of 38,777.611 i leaving for points across the sea in the 28 dayB. The University of Oregon won a 2-to-l decision at Eugene over the Uni versity of Washington debate team In one of the Oregon-Washington-Stan ford contests for the Pacific coast championship. Miss Willamene Fuller, 17-year-old student of Lincoln high school, was shot through the chest by an uniden ifled masked man or boy as she sang in the choir of St. Stephen's pro-cathe !ral in Portland. Frances Green, 6 years old, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Green of Spring field, died at Mercy hospital In Eu gene as a result of Injuries sustained when she was struck by a car driven by A. R. Gray, Eugene grocer. Sevi n crates of Chinese pheasants were liberated on three Linn county game reserves by E. S. Hawker, dis trict game warden. The birds are the first of a number of shipments to come to this county for propagation pur poses. The sinking of a 1000-foot shaft at an approximate cost of $150,000 for the development of the Ben Harrison mine in the Greenhorn mountains is plan ned by the Ben HarriBon company, ac cording to W. C. Fellows, manager ol the mine. The woodenware plant established recently at the state penitentiary at Salem under an appropriation of $30, 000, authorized by the 1921 legislature, will begin operations early next m k according to L. F. Compton, warden of the Institution. W. H. Cook, for 48 years a resident of Salem, claims the distinction ol having the most productive hen In Ore gon. He suj'B he has a White Leghorn which lays two eggs each day and ev ery other day deposits in its nest ar. egg with a double yolk. Oregon Governor Will Be Candidate Portland, Or.-'-Boii W. Olcott an nounced here Saturday that he would become a candidate for the republicau 1 nomination for governor of Oregon at the coming primary lection. Unless the number of cases of Influ enza at the state hospital at Salem de creases the Institution will be quar antined by the superintendent and vis itors will not be allowed. The state penitentiary hes been under quaran tine for more than two weeks. A party 61 500 Swiss farmers is pre paring to come to Oregon tor coloniza tion pui poses, according to Arnold Kel ler, of P :rtland. He has returned from Europe, wh re he was commissioned by the Swiss govi rum. tit to lulu- up the colonization mutter with Governor Olcott. A total of 3210 checks, aggregating $805,879.20, issuui by the secretary of state at the direction of the world war veterans' slate aid Commission to ap plicants for cash binetits under the! 80-cullc d soldier cash bonus and loan law were mailed to the recipient! from Salem Friday. At the request of Crook county post of the American Legion the business and professional nun ol' the city met with the legion member! and the Crook County Co-operative association was formed. The association has as its main object settling-Crook county with white settlers. Damages in the sum of $20,000 for alleged alienation of the affections of his wife, Mrs. Pearl Lindsey, is asked in a "heart-balm" suit filed in the c ir cuit court at The Dalles by II. II. Lind sey of Salem. J. 'f. McCulloch and Noel McCulloch of Antelope are named as the defendants in the suit. When Joseph Lauudy, under two years' sentence lor violation of the Oregon criminal syndicalism act, ar rived at the state penitentiary from Portland to start serving his term, he was agreeably surprised by Wa . i Compton, who refused to accept him for the reason that a lew minutes be fore he reached the prison tils case had been reversed by the supn me court. Approximately 11,500 acres under the proposed Powell butto hlgh-Hm canal will be Irrigated by water stored In the Crane prairie reservoir of the North Canal company if directors ol the district accept an offer made by ex-Governor West, secretary of the North Canal company. Mr. West pro posed to furnish storage, do all ttec B sary engineering and complete canals to the lands for $63.75 an acre. Fred C. Bak- r of Tillamook, secr e tary of the Roosevelt Memorial Coast Highway association, has received a telegram from Washington, l '., stal ing that Senator MeNary bad submit ted data to the secretary of agriculture! urging that the Roosevelt highway be designated a road of primary Import ance. This is the brief that was sub mitted to the state highway commis sion and waB written by the secretary of the association. That the district forester will grant a concession for the operation of a Bummer hotel at Diamond lake within the next few weeks was the Informa tion received at Hi ml by Forest Super visor Plumb, a iu (,r 20-year least would be given and an initial Invest ment of from $12,000 to $16,000 re quired. In the last few years Dia mond lake has become one of the most popular central Oregon camping spots, both from the standpoint of the tour ist and the angler. Members of the Portland city council voted to withdraw its application filed several months ago with the Oregon public service commission, requesting that body to make an appraisal of the j physical properties of the city water department. The withdrawal was made, it was announced by Major ria ker, because It was the belief of mem- bors of the city council that "any con-, fldence reposed In the public service commission by the citizens of Portland has b--n forfeited by tha' commission through rccuilcs and decisions." LOCAL Mr. Warren is here1 from Portland. He is the man with whom Mr. King Sley traded and he has come to lake possession of his business Interests, Mi' Warren has lived in Morrow Co unty before1 so the sage brush is not new to him, and he knows the trials ami visclssitudes of the people who farm in this country. Mr. Warren had a general store in Heppner ab out twenty years ago. Gardening time is at hand and many yards have been plowed and spaded. Mr. Cramer has been leveling the Stewart yard and they intend to plant a lawn. That will make several lawns in town, where as two years ago, the Blayden's, were the only ones who boasted a lawn. S Rev. 1!. Seely, of Portland deliver ed a fine sermon at church last Sun day. "He and Mrs. Lie sang "In the Garden" as a duet and it was greatly enjoyed by all. S Mrs. A. L. Larson did not have hre operation last Sunday as had been planned Word came that Dr. Hall of Portland could not come, and also thai two of the nurses at the hospital were ill with the flu. she plans io leave Saturday, and Dr. Hall is expected Sunday Mr. Lar son came home last week. The ladies annual roll call is to be helil next Wednesdaj and an all -lav I tin;- is planed. Every woman is lo brine, a lunch and the tables will be Bl in the church. The mom hrM if the ladies aid all tODMUtbor wttt'.t a good time they had last yen. The Ladies Aid Is planning to give the Tom Thumb Wedding, the latter' part of the month. At this lime the ('. E3. will also have a candy sale. Tin- Tom Thumb Wedding has be-on given all over the U. S. and is always enjoyed. All the wee lols iu Miss Watkina room are te be in the wedding and a number of the town children who are too young lo go to school. The very best tal ent has been selected for the leading characters. So far, the cast is iib follows: Mildred Allen, liiide; Ted Albright, Groom; Sybil Grace Mae omber, Mother-; Howard Klnges, Father; Dale Albright, Minister. FEDERAL REVENUES DROP January Receipts $65,000,000 Lesi Than Same Month of 1921. Washington, D. C- Government rev enues collected during January the first month ol operation of the revised tax law showed a decrease in re coipts of nearly 186,000,000 compared with January, 1921, according to re ports compiled by the internal revenue bureau Receipts during January aggregated $131. 000 .000, against $1 96,000,000 for the same month last year, the niajot shrinkage being in the Income and profits taxes, which declined from $87,000,000 to $44,000,000. Collections under the national pro hlbltion ae:t Increased nearly $50,000 receipts for January aggregating $214. 000, compared with $164,000 in Janu ary, 1921. The advance waa accounted for by an Increase of $144,000 iu taxei on grape brandy used in fortifying SWeet wines, all the other Items show ing ii4eauses. SENATE ASKS EFFECT OF PACIFIC TREATY Senator New Declares There Is No "Alliance" in the Covenant. Washington, D. C. A resolution ask ing President Harding what effect ra tification of the four power Pacific treaty will have on the Lansing-lshil agreement between the United States and Japan, was adopted by the senate. The resolution was presented by Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, one of the treaty opponents, and was agreed to without a roll call, after a short debate In which Senator Under wood of Alabama, the democratic leader, and a member of the American arms delegation, declared that in his opinion, "that the agreement would be wiped out entirely by the series of conference treaties." There is no "alliance" In the four power Pacific treaty nor any obliga tion to use force. Senator New, of In diana, republican member of the for eign relations committee, declared In opening In the senate discussion of the treaties on behalf of the adminis tration. The four-power Pacific treaty was taken up Momluy by the senate and will be discussed every day until a vote on ratification is obtained under a programme said to have been agreed to at a conference between President Harding and Senator Lodge of Massa chusetts, republican leader. President Harding was said to be In complete accord with Senator Lodge's plans for proceeding with the arms conference treaties. Their con ference at the White House was said to have been to discuss procedure aud Inform the president as to the situa tion, and the effect of legislative mat tors also before, the senate. REPUBLICANS AGREE ON BONUS MEASURE Washington, D. C. Unanimous agreement on a compromise soldiers' bonus bill, under which the cash fea ture would be eliminated, where the ex-service men would he entitled u more than $50 adjusted servie;e pay, was reached by house ways end menus committee republicans, who believed they hail found a solution of the prob lem which has been giving adminis tration and congressional leaders con cern for several weeks. The revised measure, however, still has a long road to travel before It reaches the statute books. As drawn, the bill provides for oesh payments only to those men whose adjusted service pay would not exeeed $50, and these lour optional meaaures: Adjusted service certificates with an added loan provlelon which wouM enable the men to obtain immediately frotn hanks a sum equal to 60 per oant of the adjusted servlee pay; vocation al training, home and farm aid and land settlement. Railway Wage Retfuetlone Aeked. Chlcagu, III. Railroad labor sad the nation's largest transportation linos opened their fight over the pros ent scale of wages Monday before the United States railroad labor board. More than 17S roads have plaeed peti tions for reduotlous averaging 10 per cent before the board. Veauvius In Eruption. Naples Mount Vesuvius again Is in eruption. The phenomenon began with two mild shocks of earthquake which were followed by tha collapse of the eruptive eoa, 204) feet high, which stood Inside the aratar. 4 , ( YDU ' ' )ZT BE ( idBhja, i 7 MY.OMi 4 WHY COOK AT ) I fQM, T IIS IS NERVOUS HUhfiP J?'t,''NI)M jFKtS (M y I MUST fl ( THE jEti.O SO.Iw . -sJ FOLKC DESSf.RT MNT it?; l j-; ; ' ; ' '' ' f '-' "