The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, March 03, 1922, Image 2

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    The Boardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
Mrs. Claire 1'. Mailer. Local Editor
Entered as .second-class matter Feb
U, 1921, at the post ofiice at Board
man, Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1879.
A Stale loseln rint;.'i for a Public
Service Commission. Tim peal t
lead from (lie "High Belfry". Great
and small have their thumbs down
tot this errant child of the people
The Public Service CotnmSfllon In il
re-bearing on leiephone rates upheld
life decision of its first hearing
Hence the call for a recall. Did you
eer look for I he psychology of this
Commission, first, it was born of
the people. Il was christened i'ub
lie Service, n was nuruhed from
I lie jnililic breast with Ihe idea that
Its life duly was lo serve only Ihe
parent, which gave il its life. Thai
there might be two ddee to a ques
lion was never considered, Wt
Christened you Public Service, and
thai service we demand, Iho you rob
lo glte Its The Commission was lo
be the peoples soul within the corp
OrEtiOn, for Ibis soul to give Hid
ace io ihe corporation is treason
and belrayed parents demand a sac
rifice. Our indignalion may only be
satisfied by the sight of warm blood,
hi oa wilh this recall and death to
these Judases. The Public Service
Commission comprises the following
gentlemen, !'. ;, Buchtel, f. a
Williams and il. il Corey. For two
years lliey studied Ihe Telephone
Company al "long distance", four
teen months was given lo bearing
and tnrettlgaling. The last 2 bear
ings consumed MS days, four hun
tired exhibits were displayed, i v
don'l know whal proportion of this
run lo hello gills) and seven Ihou
snad type-written pages of test!
mony was laken. The cost to Stale
and corporal ion Is 1300,000, As an
employer of Ibis commission do you
think they gave a proper amount of
time for Ibis investigation? Did
they secure enough testimony to
give a proper decision'.' Did they
secure loo much testimony to give
a proper decision? Are Ihese com
missioners men of thought or trail
ers Of Sheep? Do they wilfully he
tray the people or honestly decide
the case from the evidence thai is
given? We plead no brief for Com
mission or corporation bul we do
plead lor fair play. If a man be not
honest with himself can be be honest
lo his neighbor? Does your off
hand thumbs down decision contain
the (hough! of seven Ibonsand page
of evidence? lias not your thought
centered more op Ihe rolled sock ol
of the "pihlblt" than the rate? Wi
all love and respect a fighter. Tip
child has publicly spanked Ihe pa r
'lit. We are red with inorlll'lca
lion. To rhnsl Ise I be child, we must
That we mav be wrong never enter
OUr head. Whal of I be paycholOf
of ibis commission. Whats in a
name? Everything, Bring on th
sacrifice if you must but temper n
Willi a seasoning of fairness.
ardless of political opinion or
affiliation the country generally will
shake hands with a feeling of kind
liness if not regret when"Unele Joe"
Cannon passes inlo private life at the
end of the present session of Cong- i
reus, Eighty-six years old and ser-
vir.g his twenty-third term, "Uncle
Joe" lias Mood as one of the last of
the picturesque figures that marked
the American Congress of a decade
ago as something different in the
world of legislation. Nor can it be
denied he has given good service to
the slate as well as to his party.
I.'ncle Joe's saving grace lay in hi;
sense of humor. He took events
more seriously than men. Himself
h' never seemed to take seriously at
all. Whin two years ago his friends
gathered to honor him there was a
delightful Charm in his brief remarks
"The year 1X72 was a memorable
one in many respects," said Uncle
Joe. "Vesuvius had a violent erup
tion, General Isaac Sherwood and I
were elected lo Ihe house and there
Wen oilier happenings -the organ
ization of Ihe Herman Empire, and
Ihe French republic, the emancipa
tioo of Hie slaves in Porlo Rico, the
connection of Australia wilh Ihe rest
of Ihe world by cable, Ihe great Bos
DO fire and the Geneva award,
lint Ihese concerned the world at
large while the election of my friend
and colleague and myself was per
son al." I'nele Joe has never COH
.idered himself a world figure. Pcr-
bapa be Is not. but when he shall pass
lo the slippers and the fireside It will
not be Without having li II his stamp
on American life and legislation.
l least he has taught us not to be
too deeply impressed by the sensa
tion of Ihe hour, but to realize that
i he BUdden S nil seeming
in life are Inn of passing r
and often unimportant in lb
of lime Some of our more
legislators might well read
from lb" life of "Uncle Joe'
tocte Mim tAsfo
iQPiKiC-'jj 7;?i cup Auio.'AiF:7'ji:Xv .o
il ib
A man walks Iwo mile
he sang for Ifi minutes,
lo I lial moonshine.
What would be more
t hat lo pay I lie soldier In
proceeds from I he stile o
of i be God of War '.'
i icn
. P.
a ppropr in t
ins wil b I In
"Better IIo s for Oregon" is the
new slogan around which the prac
tical scientists and scientific pract-
Icers of Oregon home-making will for
rairy ror ineir nrsi separate confer
enco at the state college, CorvalliS
March 20-25.
"And the slogan will be made vilal'
say the leaders of Ihe movement.
"The open in
Ava B. Milan,
new stand point
note." The c
heretofore bee
wilh Farmer's
the w
ed tc
address of
omemaklng from a.
will sound the key-
The conference has always
B been held in connexion
iter's week, when some of
u thought they were expect
ly "second fiddle" in the
Potatoes diseaese cause a greater
reduction in yeild than any other!
faeior. The easiest way to avoid 1 1
these diseases is by purchasing cerl- j I
ttied seed potatoes. There is only f
a limited amount of this stock in the j
State and in order to help out the '
farmers desiring lo get this seed 1 1
located in different points of the!
county, the County Agents office has
fjeen indeavorlng to locate pure seed.
It is evident I hat certified seed will
cost about $3.00 per hundred and
will cost approximately $1.25 per
hundred to get (his seed in by local
freight whereas rates in car lots is
arouhd 30 cents per hundred, tin re- j
fore there would be a great advan
tage in grouping orders. Every
m; n who might be interested should
send in a list to the County Agsnt
Immediately anil we will see if we
can't get enough to make a car ship
ment. All potatoes would, have to
be paid for before Ihe order was
No potatoes should be planted
without first being treated for db
MUe. The best method is to soak
one and one-half lo two hours
a solution made by putting four
ounces of corrosive-sublimate in SO
gallons of water. This is a deadly
poi.on so look out for your solution
Dean 1 an 1 your treated potatoes. Forma
lin can be used but is not near as
C. C. Calkins, County Agent.
men s orchesrla In
velopmen I
lomoH and homemaking,
as been changed to meet
with the de
standard of 1
the method h
the new need
FOB SALE Herd of 1 ." grad
seys. Select your own cows,
tractive prices.
George II. Roof
Hermlston, Oregon
If the American farmer was nol
conformity endowed by an intensified "hoper",
of a better ch:.os would have ruled two cent- ago .New hope is held forth
to bay wranglers by a freight reduc
tion covering hemp braid and hat
material. The hat material covers
irocds, palm leaves, grass and straw.
Th t i. getting close to alfalfa. Also
a decrease has been made on grease
and tallow which is another way of
saying alfalfa. The direct alfalfa
(eduction will be posted the day the
iifil Ion is F. O. II.
1 1
Whal do you think of a man t tint
will give up an annual salary of two
million and go inlo business for him
self. This is what ford's manager.
Wills, did. Musi have a ford hunch.
Wood burn portrays Willamette
v"a!Iey "peii" Population .increased
2B people in in years.
Without a smiling lace do not be
oine a farmer, is a Chinese proverb.
Do you suppose that Is our trouble.
F I'
lent Wilson, Thomas
Edison, Jack Dempsey and Henri
id contributed a cast-off shin to
steaved into dainty aprons to aid
irlty, HOW are you rived? What
thriller a fellow gels when he
- a chance of lis shirt being lex!
I with Wilson's or Dempsey's.
if f:J M
A farmer came
load of potatoes
asked Ihe price he
o town with n
lo sell When
'plied; "doggoni
if I know". Tile farm bloc can legls
late till the cows come home and lb
farmer will be no further abend
than the fanner of the time v, hen
Itanium only had one elephant, Use
your "noodle". If il is dormant,
spring tooth it for dote and dodder
Did it ever occur to you whal a
Calamity WOUld fall on Ihe world
if Ihe monkey supply gave out?
Five 11 II nil led monkoNs are used a
year lo find a toxin to combat man ?
Ilifluen n. Monkey glands are Peine
grafted on eowsddon'l know vhera)
that Ihe; mm out flick Flickinger.
monkeys are used te
or consumption Th.
of them io further
in. Did von ever no
monkey pen "packs
(he leopard pen onl
find n cure fi
man's sducatlo
lice how Ihe
them in" whlli
has a few onlookers The nexi (Inn
oii have a chance (if you enn keep
your own eyes off the monkeys)
mulie a study of Ihe expressions of
the audience. Some seem to hold
their breath In anticipation that tin
will (peak the King's English.
You will see an elbow wireless a
fifth rib when siitiio young devil
pulls a boner We never veiwed
such an Infernal bunch of "pickers".
They ere either ovrly cleanly or
unduly cootie if the monkey sup
ply holds out (he da will come when
mankind will know no ills.
Edwin Seh i
Chronicle, in
Portland Chi
uiid (lie Earn:
by radicals
in her o
Bloc is
t unrest
if ib
a dangeroii'
Hen is how n President 1 1 Mr
which mattes legal, co-opcratin ; m u
signal victory for the Rami f in
farmers to poo! ilicir crops ;i
avvav v, nb the muldL man's tjiolit.
lie declared the men-
ice of radicalism in the North-West
Is grave. lie asserted that the
Farm llloc is a danger signal which
industry should nol overlook. There
hould be applied the most careful
ami pains taking plans for the right
kind of relief. This would lie ae
coinpllshed by business going Into
politics Dont such pilfle cause yoe
lo wish you could submerge this
Chroniclers head beneath six inche
of Summer fallow for I'll minutes?
lias a farmer a right lo be a Irifl.
radical when he can book and eye
ills tummy to uis back bone? When
farmer credil is denied and "Indus!
i v" commands it as it needs it ll
Ihe way, how do they get the title
of Industry. is the farmer's shift of
sixteen hours Industry or "gallopln
consumption.". Business does not
have to go into politics for il has
never been out of it since the charier
member of commercial clubs of the
Garden of Eden ( KlaniatbCounty )
influenced Adam, the rube, to change
Ins apple puck The American
fanner is going inlo politics, nol
a Solvtn radical, but with a whole- ns mu's ' IUM '""'' will: 1 ,v ' fn"
someneas of the soil A viris of sway in its erratic roaming, untill it
purity which a "soiled industry" lands plump at the old cider mill
needs inoculation. The tillers of
an industry that all industrv is built
upon. When its roiinitutton erum
Mgning the Csppcr-Volstcad bill
a tin : by farmers. It is tl. i ist
Congress. This new law pi m.ts
direct to consumer. thus dome.
K Incle John
Tilt: old CIDER Mil. I.
my memory
I i- it in
es bach
Ml mill of my ibol in the nM rtpp
tin- pi idem my boyhood, dwagH
sum- yellow-luekcis contested my
i ,lv , and soinet lines I bunle I U'i
1 ;r Imld hornet that Infill me
wall how a devfl can fi:;lit.
sat n the fence In supn me roiiieni
plation, aJiil M-railiiNl to) liroun leg
a- a In,) kid wilt. and lonmsl for
nVCIMard, the only HHSChlnerj the a tumM-r of liquid tsrffatttoa iorlatio
Id.s radicalism walkes in the Timbs 01,1 x""''.l : it giMunil up n
and a Nulion turns lo the soil for
Saait) Mr. Seh in. vour talents arc
e tlmt POnled hatiSSM, from that ,,,
'. grimier. thai stntimh old si,.,,,.
"culls" anil it squose out th,. I(. (B
that thiilN mo this miiiui ,,.:, uliider. that dtxult mil in., i..:.. in. .
better attuned io the chronicling of ,.,,.r . ..
,. , , ,. . , . uniUi in) wst. I hal .,1,1 rWec-ml I an obi iiiih.iiM uc -still.
Ihe ink fisli ot deep wains.
dilll ,
A. B. C.
Mighty Easy Riding
Loose Wheels
Vt hile You
xpert Guaranteed Repair Worl
at Reasonable Prices.
Si rvi:e Car Any
Time jAny Where
If Your CAR Is Sick, We Can Cure It.
No Cure. No Pay.
Townsite Co.
F. P. DODD, Pres.
City Lots for Sale at
Proper Prices
Boardman is a New
Town But Not a
Boom Town
Ideally located on railroad and
Columbia river, far enough away j
from any large town to naturally
become the trading center of a
wonderful growing country.