The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, February 24, 1922, Image 2

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    The Boardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
I'Liillshld evi:kv
Mrs. CI aire P. Harter, Local Editor
Entered as second-class matter Fob.
11, 1931, at the post ollice at Board
uian, Ore., under act of -Mar. 3, 18711.
To give an Insight how the war
yoke 1b shouldered on the common
people the mil estate bearing in St.
Paul provides an apt illustration.
Seven of the Hill heirs ask that the
Ni.rthwtstern Trust Co. he made ad
adliUnistrator. L. W. Ililf chair
man of the Great Northern objects,
asking that he be made administra
tor. The court asks for his qual
ifications. He cite that at the be
ginning ol unit the revenue from
his mother's estate was $1000
day. He increased it to $2000 a
day by selling or Interchanging the
taxable securities for non-taxable
securities. How many such eases
do you suppose there are in the
I'nited States? When will congress
wake up to this leak? it should bi
corked. Would it provide a solution
for the soldier bonus? Wonder what
a feller thinks and does who has
two thousand iron men rollin his
way every day. is it possible in th
hay business?
It will be only a question of 1 1 in
when, the great railroads of our
rouniry will be largely owned by the
-iMpiiici'.i m i no i nion t'acilic sys
tem the men and women on the pay
rolls are radually acquiring more
and tnOTU ownership in the prop
erly. The great; Southern Pacific
system has now put on an employe,
ownership campaign to enable the
workers on its lines to buy stock on
easy terms. Beginning Februai-y
1st. 1022, any employ,' can apply
to purchase one to fifteen shares- ol
the Common stock at I lie open mar
ket price. The purchases can be
made at the rate of live dollars per
month withheld from the monthly
pay check as a miuiinun and mor.
quoted at B1.6Q last week, and pay:
six percent dividends, seven and one
hulf percent on tins investment.
Bmployei are not limited to flvi
dollar a month payment but can pa;
off their subscription in a lump sum
and ul.;s iil,e lor more.
Hoover plan of settlint
ennei between employe
player without strikes
storks should steadily I
Under tin
: all diltei
s and cm
, railroad,
dvai ce
: ll
111 I I V . I'lIBLIQ UK. UN AYs
A nip over the h
wayB is ull that is ueccessary foi
anyone to appraise the damage thai
is being don,. l,y the nperatio
heavy uuto trucks and busses. II
these vehicles are not regulated a
kind or llres and weight ,,i i,,,id ii
Is only a matter of a year or so un
tlll the roads will he ruined ami lax
Payer confronted with heavy bills
tor repairs,
Nothing will more quickly damage
an Improved hi: , ay than the op
' ra' on over ii of a heavy truck und
ue taster it moves the more dam.
it does
Public highways have hern Im
proved at large public expense. The
government has borne part of the
en i ,i construction hut ii bears
hone of the cost of reimlri and
p. Some ot the roads const not
' '' couple of years ago are
now breaking down from fast hur
dr lug and heavy truck loads. If
: - ' kept up. our supposedly im
proved highways will be worse tham
before improvement and cose of re
pairs will hear heavily on the al
ready bent shoulders of ihe tax pay
or The situation has become ser
lous and county boards or other pub
lie authorities should take Immed
iate action to regulate the load ol
auto trucks, as well as to Impose a
I'll, license or tax for the ptiwlodgc
of .using public highways sufflceinl
at least to balance the amount ot
damage being done.
I Bent it funny how some foil.
Cttdy the science of being Dllserabli
in a world filled with good things
If a fellow had potatoes in his gar
del! and would rather go hungry i
than dig them up, every body would
laugh at him, and by and by he'd
dig. Then he,d feel better. Why
not dig the good things out of life
and throw aside the weeds. They.d
all rot if they were dumped into the
sunlight an' maybe from them would
grow something better. You can al
ways get a crop if you sew right
and work up the ground now and '
l hen. Theres one thing certain
you cant buck old dame nature,, so !
fOV might as well fall In line and !
watch your stop. The old lady in
sists that eventually everyone mus;
ie happy and if eventually, why not !
Merrill E. Doble made a busincs;
irip to Pendleton Friday, reluming
Sunday morning.
Thomas Alexander has hired out
to Mr. Suddarth and is in charge of
his place. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Koard'nan, who have been on the j
rlnrinir the winter nionins,
We settled in our tavorite chair
(or mi eveatng'a gleaning ot the
Jail news. Being a :.2 Jogrue light
fun this headline cuuglu jur .yts.
Offtn and ilishop light to a liuidli.
miuwuig the record ot tighten from
.ue day;, of Patsy Caidill, wu racK
d our orain lo place Dean anu
Liisliop. v e knew oi a ' i,.ui...
jui.iup out who was .Dean. iieiv
,s what we ran into.
lb la. it. v, Mr. Summer, bishop
ji I lie Epiacopal Oiocosu ol Oregon requested the very Kevtrctiu Mr.
'Ui..s io move to new pastures. The
ery Reverend Mr. nicks nas ioiu
no Rigut Reverend Air. Bommarh
pun ina present range is preferable
o new pastures. 1'ei.sonalilies air
ed back and toilii qualifying
itb-jr lor a lour or ten round rout
ine iiiontli uoes not go by ui i orl-
.anu inai Uwre is not a muUBteral
lending oi too cloth. e raalfta
ha Way ot the Cloth is of the same
,e.iniu is ini) lay man. i lie same
unrest ol the times discords Hit,,
no., us weil as ours, but when tin
.lines cull fur leadership, whether
fStfpa oi government of high stand
nd and cooperation, pergonal! tea
UULt ' be forgot t eu.
There are two remedies if diplo
macy be unknown. A private laundry
ior tin soiled linen of the pulpit, oi
he sixteen loot ring with the laws
f the Marquis of Queensbury rul-
uy is it
... .
that you
no .ulvi.iion Aiuiv
because they are so I
Lord's v. orb t tiat tin
ir ie lor personal I it
Itignl I,, verend and
rend have their slghti
over the mat
never heai
:.v d
Us shooting
iii ug.
w inn
.on in
V ry
lb tli
nl l
o l,'
ekers of
if t he 1 1 a i hers ol
Iways preened ami
they lo give iol.u i
light. They whirl
oi Doubt and then
I submit my candidacy to the Repub
licans of Orison for the nomination
for Governor. Following are some of
the principles for which I stand:
1. I have made no pre-election prom
ises and I will make none, except
those herein stated.
2. Taes on general property must be
reduced. I favor substituting ' not
to exceed ten departments for the
tcventy or mora existing Stste
Commissions. (Illinois By&tcm.)
3. Not only reduction of t es, t'.'.
improved marketing facilities and
ir.crcr.sed credit arc essential to in
sure '.he prosperity of the farmer.
A more equitable adjustment of the
rutomobile license tax with due re
gard to the actual value of the car.
Casol ne tix for highways only.
As to my attitude on the labor
question, I refer to my employes,
and my Legislative record.
Completion of the Stcrte Highway
Eysten with special attention to
market roads.
The publi; school is one of the
fundamental factors in our syotem
of Govermnent. I favor compul
sory attei rlance in 'the primary
grades. Teach pure Americanism
to all pupi's, beginning at an enrly
rge. Continue to strengthen and
I uild up this typical American in
stitution. Strict enforcement of all laws.
I am cgairst Japanese land owner
s'lip or control.
Senator Charles Hall of Marshfleld.
who has long been mentioned as onr
of the strop .est prospective candi
dates for tlovernor, has announced
definitely that he
natorlal race. Tfc
been expected by
'inie, as strong
brought i') bi lt
Curry 8 inator i
will enter the guber
is announcement hat
his friends for some
pressure has beei
upon the Coos ana
iuee his Dame war
s B prospective ean-
A C'licngo man states that he
rive million dollars and has
leM than a thousand to pa. it with.
Does this make you feel any better"
What do you say to a two thirds
majority deciding the third Arburkle
trial. Why would not this be a wise
procedure In all Court cases? With
ftMJ percent of the population qual
tfyins as Moron is, nt it expecting
too much for a hundred percent Jury
Witt the dis armnment Treaty a
reality, why not Junk that standing
The country will never be in better
position to asslnilate that many Idle
Kv.rvbodjrH doing It.
N. J. 6
in (he
ion as i'ii
innotl will be
May primaries
igiessiuiin lor
district. A rumor wi lulso. .nr.
lie did
.-ice thai
reelect inn.
Joe La n in
I I'lllHl
for re
he 2 m
'1 hi
n's rt
mid suppress ihe lat
or or Representative
Not that i
ItUde ol a Se
nit tin' following caught my eye.
'Senator Staniield is busy in Wash
ngton working on a fifty cent tarifl
Hi shingles. Congre: small McAl tliui
time Is taken up combating the Par til
tur. an and tirange because they
land lor the excess profits tax".
As it is (lie shingle vole of Mull
tomah oounty thai permits MoArtniti
o hold office, let Mr Arthur do the
ihlngling and Staniield come home
to his sheep.
Doll) Gardner's movie career
me continuous round of grief. Citit
her ,1 is play her ware:
fund to restore Hoy'
ft use to lei
me seeks a
'Tain to BOD
With a
n would
n lo.iv.
Just uunoriual?
Does the controversy over tin
'onus tax. tin. isriff tax or any tax
on the fact thai the poor wair
o be rich and the rich are not will
ng to be poor
The "elephant" does
where it steps The sales
Ik a mouse.
loo i
The poor mans brains, smelt, will
soon he with htm
He was born on a farm in JeffefBOJ
Com ty, Pennsylvania, and crime t
On-' m in l'.iiil. Shortly thereafter hi
begin his bit; mess career as a ol rk
in a drug store at ChUskanle, Oreg
Kvertually he acquired ownership of
the drug Store, sold it and bought a
drug store in Hood River, where
lived until 191 4. In Hood Hiver Ire
ability for organisation asserted it
ii If. During the eight yents he spent
in that town, e was one of the build
i rs t f the toll" hone system there, the
Oregan-Waahii gton Telephone Com
pany, ami tmi t the central Buildinei
Oregon Hotel and the Hall Building,
and owned an 1 planted a number ot
orchards in the Hoad River Valley. 11.
also served as Director and President
of the I Io, 'd K . or Club.
His activith j were transferred t"
Coob Day in 1914 and immediate!.''
thereafter a number of new org.iniza
fills in ll"it -triet came int.' heiir:
lie org:. . I tl'.e Coos ami Curry
Telephone Cdi pany of which he U
President today; organized the Bank
of Southwester l Oregon In 1917 am'
vvus President of that institution until
Outside of h -i business activities ir
Marshfleld, he soon became one of thf
prominent citizens of that district. He
was one cf the original promoters of
the State Highway program. Ho w .-.
elect. 'd Senator from the Bighth s
torla! District comprising Com and
Curry counties ;n
Senator Hall soon became one of
the leaders in state-wide politics as a
fearless exponi it of the iy pre
gram. As a 1 eglslator he played a
pron incut part in all imp Itant legis
lation during Ooth sess;:ms in l!e"
He risked osMisure from the cxp neni
of the 19:."5 Fxposltion BUI when he
re.ui .'d to listen to any proposed in
ro.uls into the ioa.1 funds for tli pa:
pose of financing the Fair. Hall's ui
deviating course In this latter action
brought forth the highest praise Iron
all parti of the State.
Since his debut into state-wide po'i
tic, the leadership in ntrloui
polit od nun e.neuts has gravitatet
naturally to him He is a member o
the Oregon Laud Settlement Commit '
slon and served for three s a
President of the Or-gfm State Chan
ber of Commerce ami is now a directo
of that organization.
Friends of Sentlrir Hall prochrir
him as a n leader, and p l it will
pride to his record of achiev m.-nts i
public and private life. Otiieis em
cede that hi.- jiutgmort is j ar.
admit that no outside pressur, or lej.
rolling can swerve him from any pr;
gram or movement to which he ha
dedleated himself.
Mr Hail wa married In 1906 h
Portland to Ann Kut They-hav.
three children two boys thirteen an
sc. en. one girl mue.
have returned to their own place
near Lexington to get in the spring
Mrs. Harry Lester arrived from
S attle Friday and is going to make
lirigon her home for a while.
George J. Frederickson of Juli
oi io, Idaho, is visiting his brother,
F. C. Frederickson for a few days.
-t- -t-
Vane E. Jones reports having pur
cbused the fourteen acres from Ray
C. Beckle) on the south side of the
Columbia River highway adjoining
the townsite.. This is an elegant
place and Vane will know how to
make a paying proposition of this
farm, lie is going into early pota
toes and melons quite extensively
this season.
Rev. Dr. Allen, who was first pas
tor of the Irrigon church some years
ago, visited Irrigon theother day,
acompanied by Rev, Seeley, suporin
tendenl of the home mission work
in this district; Rev. Dr. Hayes, pas
tor of the Uruapine church, and
Kev. ii. F. Harper. They had all
been, attending! tue Preabytjery in
Pendleton, and on their way back
stopped at Final ilia lo organize a
church i hero, then motored on to
irrigon to look over the field here,
ur. Allen occupied the pulpit Sun
day morning here and Rev. Watson
Adventlst church in the eve
uing. Dr. Alien spent several yeara
ji Siberia and, encountered many
hardships and difficulties! but re
turned to this country a couple of
years ago and has since been em
ployed as one of the professors at
Whitman college. He says they are
planning to resume work in Siberia
!ii 'all. It was reported at various
line., that lie and Mrs. Allen had
.not the fate of many others, but
ihese reports originated from their
.liability to communicate with this
country in those days
The I nion Pacific system has sent
out the firsL atrricultuial
known as Bulletin No. 14, and it is
. ii.g displayed in the postoffice and
the depot. These will be issued the
middle of each month, and any one
who has some high class seed or
thorobnd stock for sale, or wishes
io secure something along this line
can have their iioins inserted in
this bulletin by mailing such items
io R .A. Smith, superintendent of
agriculture, I'nion Pacifiq system,
Dm ha, Neb. Items should reach
him by the first of ouch month to
insure their publication in the fol
lowing issue. The idea is to get
ihe seller and buyer together in the
Union Pacific territory and save the
.laltons every' unnecessary expense
.u locating their wants. The bul
letins are the best of their kind and
CAT superior to information (rot
Other sourcesquoting car load move
ments or iales made during the past
week or past number of days, etc.
That class ot information is not
dealt with but products for sale
and wanted are quoted.
The Irrigon school staff arranged
ory appropriate Lincoln and Wash
ington birthday exercises Tuesday
evening in the school auditorium.
It was one of the best known in the
history of the Irrigon school and
the entertainment lasted nearly two j
hours. There was one continual ap
plause' arid the auditorium was
leai'-y filled to capacity. The pro-'
gram con isted of dialogues, speak-j
ing, singl' g and various flag drills. I
ach carefully selected for the occa
vvas required by the school laws of
he state irnd to take in both worthy I
occasions they figured a joint ex. i
noise on the 2 1st. The parents re
;urnel to their homes with much
riore knowledge of the lives of Lin
coln and Washington than taugh:
in their school davs.
I hereby
MMMkf: v
MM. L- M
and Tubes
Mighty Easy Riding
v - y v
il. Li. Kj,
Loose Wheels
While You
Expert Guaranteed Repair Work
at Reasonable Prices.
Service Car Any
Time Any Where
If Your CAR Is Sick, We Can Cure It.
No Cure. No Pay.
Boardman Garage
"rant rsat awLigiaogagsr
E. P. DODD, Pres.
City Lots for Sale at
Proper Prices
Boardman is a New
Town But Not a
Boom Town
announce mvself as a
aiuiidate for the nomination to the
otllee of County Commissioner, sub-
jeet to the rtU of the Republicans'
of Morrow county, to be expressed.
;it the Primaries in May, 1922 Pre-i
sent Ineumhoot.
50 llardiuau. Qmsm
Ideally located on railroad and
Columbia river, far enough away
from any large town to naturally
become the trading center of a
wonderful growing country.