The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, February 10, 1922, Image 2

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    The Boardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
Mrs. Claire P. Harter, Ixcal Rditor
Entered as gpcond -class matter Feb
11, 1921, at the post office at Board
man. Ore., under act of Mar 'i. 1X79
The human race isn't as husky as
it used to be, according to some ex
Ierts, but the fact that it has sur
vived the home brew concoctions dur
Inp the past two years indicates that
it is still pretty hardy.
A story is told of a man who re
cently wrote a will in which he
named six bankers to be his pall
bearers. "They have carried me for
twenty years," he explained, "and
they might as well finish the job."
fi, e
Here's a free adv. for the bankers
and a warning for those who make
their deposits in the old stocking
A Wisconsin farmer, who didn't be
lieve in banks, saved up $2,500. Re
cently his three kiddies found it and
used it to light the kitchen fire.
If from no other reason than from
Ihe standpoint of health, one would
think that several of the parents we
know would prevent their sons and
daughters from roaming around late
at night. Nobody but Edison or a
cross baby can get along on four or
five hours' sleep.
There is food for mental mastica
tion for many of our youth In a
scene which OC cured in a Detroit
(Mich.) court room recently. A boy,
convicted of Btealing, was up for
sent, .nee, and his mother pleaded
with Ihe Judge to allow her to serve
the term. The average bov would
keep ,m the straight road if he real
ized that when he goes wrong his
mother is the real sufTerer.
v - I -h 'r"."-T .1j;"tji - a
iand of our boys removed the "K" A bill has been introduced, in thnv made a mistake, and rave him
irom kuliur and made it lulture. Congress extending water payments the best of the two but Mr. Bullard
What of these money grubbers if on Government irrigation projects says he is not going to tell about all
ihat onward rush of kultur had had for one year. Until this becomes I the nice things he got in his basket,
is sway? Did they raise a hand of law, Mr. Flickenger will please re- ' Mesdames Glasirow. Wolfe. Waloole.
irrttfut u Inn KH lukba want ..., 1 . n 1 t ...... 1. : . , ., . .
,..u.wUL Vu. iviiii ) wuiii iiuin at;rivinii ui ill I .
ave lin n bides and the world
Not even a murmur. They are
ieeply perturbed how the govern
ment will raise the bonus money.
It is simple. Place a bonus tax on
.var fortunes from 150,000 up.
They say the bonus money will be
rincipally a cash one. That the
noney will be taken from the woi li
ng capital of the country and will
disappear from trade channels. What
With the soldiers living on "one
Ack a day" the very necessities of
ife lucking, how likely it is of them
o lake this cash bonus and salt it in
their socks. More the pity that the
loney will be spent in channels that
nape their course back to these very
America pay your debt or forever
t ang your head I
Itecently delegates representint
He- Coast ports met in San Francisco
to tern a SO million dollar shipping
combine. One of the objects is to
take OVW Government owned boats.
Permit me to quote from H. B. Van
Duser, president of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, some of the
salient features of thin meeting:
"Palr.Otl ..i was the big argumen
8 11 potting (in- proposition up t
th! delegates, To this patriot
laW (lie., would buy these tioverr.
i .it boats on the basis of ten cent.''
on tbQ doPar. The Government oi
tV ' ' "' NWl basil to give long tim
credit and a low rate of interest.
rmitract!ng tor the tnuunortAt
atlon of the malls. The army and
' supply carrying contracts intent of naval reserves on the
shllM on a cooperative payment
PWtnH me lo give credit to Mr
Van Purer for not approving of this
brand Dl patriotism. What a rosy
SOtthU till plan would give to agri
" ultttro at (lib particular time. A
I 11 Id -plit on a 30 a month marine
in the hay held. A ten cent govern
mcnl dollar handling your overhead
' oveinment subsidy on your pul
'"' ; Mtd pumpkins. What a blend
of patriotism a farmer could work up
ov.r SMS a plan. Why not? AKri Is as much ship wrecked to
day as American shipping. Can vou
bear the outcry If (ho farm "bloe"
were lo present such a plan to Con
gress? The shipping combine will
i ive the support of the govern
I ' :H What we need in Washington
Bum than a "bloc" is H dam.
' wi
Tfco soldier bonus Is in the final
!ieP1.ratlon for the "over the top
movement he icio hour is here. Arrayed
ng.i .n i tb.. i, ov o is the "kultur" of
!b 1 nlted State Chamber of Com
raeive. ihe Chambers of Commerce
f the l ulled States. th, trade bo
dies of the lulled States, the mel
ons and rhines of a "trusted" aristo-
DM you ever stop to analyse the
"' nuershlp of the above organua
Composed principally of the manu-fa-tunrs,
wholesalers and retailers
of life's necessities The money
lenders, the throttle holders of the
team chest of the nation. The very
peojilo who skimmed the cream of
the war and "stowed" it , non-taxable
ootids and stocks.
Statistics tell us that forty years
ago GO per cent of the people of the
( tilted Slates lived on the farm. To
day it has dwindled to 20 per cent.
What do you say, you remaining 20
per cent, you with the hay seed in
vour hair, you that labor 14 hours a
'. ay. and at the end of ihe jiar ar.
i the red? What do you say to
oving in lo the bright lights, tin
izz nnd the rolled sock? Those t ha'
aave gone before are getting by.'s complete this Roman holiday!
Secretary Fall, of the Interior, an
uncut! ii.' . iii I'osigj i.;, , auii -President,
we of the West r
i 'fully roquest that you promo'
rbOTt Hoover to Se. retary of In
rior, n;.i engineering, organisa
on and constructive ability means
i tool forward step the West ha:
r known. His appointment wil
e oon3denoe ;o Congreas in pass
g the Smtth-.McNnry 500 millloi
IgatlOll and lirainage bill.
ihe Pad era Raeerve Board pre-
uted a Datlpnal financial crash but
wracked the Hilar of the soil in
' doing Inasmuch as the fountaii
the nation Is the soil, what die
PrevantJ The difference between
city in a mad financial panic and a
uintry side littered with silent stole
asantry bereft of a lifetime effort.
A husband and father of Ghicagi
driven to the streets. His credit;
CO frozen as is his soul. A working
apltal of SO cents is invested in :
atchct. A wife and son are sent
"em wh me they come. How man;,
ich cases trace back to that hell
om Arch Conspirator of Kultur?
Keep stick In;: hay wranglers
all rater, have been rut on chocolati
(I3, chi v ing Kuin and ice cream
ins. The railroad guts $5 a ton
or transporting your hay to Port
md. while .vou get the chaff down
i :ir neck. Vou lucky yokel!
A marriage license was Issued io
lenrgc 1.. far., and Anna Martliy
lary Wollsehlag -r l.ut ke. While
:ir German Is a trifle rusty, we will
isk translating Wollschlager Into
Good. H v e are in error, we tender
ur sympathies to lieorge.
What of this farm "bloc"? 1X
on believe the time has arrived that
our voice should bi heard in Wash
,ngton" Wall Street savs no! You
voted to semi representatives to
Washington Ut them know your
fast as they reeled it.
The beautiful crystal freeze illu
minated by the sun or moon is our
onception of beauty. Mary Garden
::ays the most beautiful thing is a
leg immersed in silk. Brethren, take
your choice.
Portland quotes beef on the hoof
at seven cents. You buy it retail
at 25 to 30 cents a pound. What of
the future with the plains littered
with the bleaching bones of starved
Our conception of comedy to trage
dy is 100 people roaring with laugh
ter at the antics of a screen favorite
and the next second crushed to death
by a falling roof.
In observing the destructive whims
ad ways of nature over the punitive
Orta of loan itntw il evor nnwe in i
ii what a lowly sort of a worm
: ou are?
Some one states that the purchas
ig value of the dollar is now 7:
ents. Any farmer having a dollai
:t make ii uuovvn l; iaj u-.
A new air compass eliminates dar
r lo airplanes. Nov for an earil
':iipass that will steer a farnn
from the poor farm.
Tress reports earthquake! in wee
n Oregon. A slight shock of ha
m y WOUld be acceptable in easier
Means are now being "preservi d '
his would cause a "sour dough" t.
'in over in his grave.
What would bp termed free ad
ftis.lng is "political seeds" fro;
'. ashington.
It will take more than a "WMIni
ayes" to remove the dodder fron
io movie industry.
In Inst week's issue we reported
Irs. Ingetson of Kamela, T lilting
'.ere. This was an error. It should
avo rend Mrs. Jones of Kamela, win
I a :ister of Mrs. Ingerson, as both
adies look so near alike that Hi
re easily mistaken one for the other
The past week has been a bu-.
vrk socially. A big dance, two
asket ball games, Farm Bureau
rotratalT 500 party, and Gertrud.
Gr.'.ybeal entertained a number of
he voung folks at her homo Satin
day evening. The high sehc ol girls
. laved the married ladies a basket
ball game Thursday evening, the
married ladies winning by a score of
s to 9 Friday evening the City
earn played I'matilla boys with a
score of 30 to 2 in favor of Irrigon
The regular monthly meeting of the
Farm Bureau was hold Saturday
veping in Wadsworth hall, followed
by a progressive 500 party arranged
'jy the social committee of the bu-
and Eggleston, who were in charge
nf thiu nnnlnl Offal cVtr.,.11 ha nnm.
ihe common herd fall heir to ail plimented and encouraged to have
ills of the flesh. We're going to a number of similar occasions be
miss one. Producers endeavor to fore the summer work opens up. Re
screen the Arbuckle trial. The evi-', freshments were served at midnight
dence burnt up the celluloid film as and everybody reported having had
the best time of the season.
The Farm Bureau is listing up the
farmers for another car of corn in
the near future. You should let Mr.
Glasgow know what you want.
The O. A. C. educational lectures
as scheduled in last week's issue
have been changed to Friday after
noon and evening instead of both
Priday and Saturday afternoons.
Prof. N. C. Jamison will talk on the
dairy business at 1 p. m. Friday,
February 10th in Wadsworth hall,
and Prof. C. S. Brewster on poultry
in the high school auditorium the
same evening at 7 p. m. There will
be no lecture Saturday afternoon.
This accounts for Mr. Brewster hav
ing to return to Portland for Sat
urday. Mrs. C. W. Benefiel went to Walla
Walla Monday afternoon. Word ar
rived here that her sister, Mrs. W.
H. Lawrence, was quite ill.
Aliss Predla Seaman is out of
.school this week on account of some
infection of her left ee. Dr. Gale
attended to same at Hermiston Mon
day and il looks much betfer at this
writing and does not pain her.
The community was quite deserted
-Monday. Many attended the big auc
.on sale near Hermiaton. Few buys
mve been reported.
Mrs. 'thouiaa Johnson, the Bad
oss nur.-:e, who is demonstrating
i tho county under the direction of
e American Ked Cross, spent Tues
y afternoon and Wednesday in the
ligon school, examining and mak
her monthly record of weights
J conditions ol all the pupils in
.e sthool. The American Red Cross
re. ognizod as the best authority
i nursing and prevention of sick
a, and considers this the most im-
ortant work they are taking up to
v ad which may eventually lead
) people being more able to take
ire of themselves. They hope to
daeate the people of the import
:nee of the work, and urge using
ii ounce of preventative before
i greater amount may be needed..
ra. Johnson recommends what
.ouid be done with a child that
:ocs not appear normal in some re
pacts, or herself applies the remedy
Va the writer understands It, her
ork is being paid for by the Reii
'ross for a period of six months In
he county to demonstrate the need
md many advantages for every
unt;. to carry on this work. It is
'.'.ped the county court will provide
leoaaaary funds after the six month
riod ar.d those who do not see the
leal of a county nurse or do not
understand the work, should arrasa
e meet Mrs. Johnson at one of her
nsoection trips to our school which
vtir be along about the. first: of month hereafter. Or hctter still
uutld be to make arr.tng, menu; for
nur.iber of the Daren ta to have her
, ve a talk on the work she is doin"
'Irs. Johnson also offers to lake a
laaa in Homo Hygienics if twaati
adjlfl should wish to do so and will
et once each Week in a ciass for
tteca weeks. The cost would be
ry little to cover tho looks and
i her n:H:ersi!les. The good to them
Ives and the community would
mean much.
Now is the time to Subscribe for the Boardman Mirror
R. N. Stanfteld, President
Ralph A. Holt, Cashier
Prank Sloan, 1st Vice-Prealdeat
M. R. Mug, and VicePreetdent
Bank of Stanfield
Capital Stock and Surplus
Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Certificates I
of Deposit.
Hf Highway Inn
0. H. WARNER, Proprietor
Boardman, Oregon
In Connection
"We go anywhere night or day"
or show you a homestead. We saw it firit. Let
us show you.
A. Wheelhouse, Pres. E. J. Clough, Vice Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier
Chas. T. Story, Assistant Cashier
and Tubes
Mighty Easy Riding
reau. Kiht tables were in the race
from earlv arrivals ami tw. ik...
tables filled afterwards J BValw.4 FOR SALE ONE rtAI lvn ni'Tpm
I . w . .JUI1.HU
A Portland woman divorces her won the lushest honors nH u.Fn
husband because he insisted on Lester layed safe, taking the con- !
spinnlni,- a top on baby's had What ' solatlon prite. in each case, the'
funny ideas some people have This i i'fixe was a fancy basket neatly de
called for Mill, ... . lmm ii k I ....... ...a - - m .
It la a won,! f h. i k a . " " " "'"" nc mttm wt,
"ims "unuer ine courts are cluttered
complete. New Ann Arbor baler
with 10-20 Titan tractor. J 1600
cash. E A. Westervelt. 51-8tp
I'leaninir and uriMnlnr XI-. inu
high srade candies Harry thinks Diugman. 39ti
A. B. C.
Loose Wheels
While You
Expert Guaranteed Repair Work
at Reasonable Prices.
Service Car Any
Time Any Where
If Your CAR Is Sick, We Can Cure It
No Cure. No Pay.
Boardman G