The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, January 20, 1922, Image 4

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Local Happenings
The high school pupils are having
examinations this week.
Mr. Mulkey helped Mr. Kutmer
with his butchering Saturday.
Lela Hecker of The Dalles, Is here
visiting at the Gilhreth home.
Mrs. Glenn Mitchell was a visitor
at the home of Mrs. Mulkey on Sat
urday last.
The school board has placed an
order with Ira Berger for a carload
of coal as hla hid was the lowest.
Commissioner G. A. Bleakman, of
Hardman, announces his candidacy
for re-election in another column.
The members of the Boardman
election board are receiving appoint
ment slips from the county clerk
this week.
W. A. Murchle is putting up ice
from the Columbia this week. About
sixty Ions will be packed for next
season's use.
The West Side bus route has been
changed to go directly south from
the school house as long as (the
roads are in suitable shape.
A new call for outstanding war
rants Is being made by the school
clerk covering the last installment
of tax money received from the
rounly treasurer.
The school closes its first seme
ster's work this week with most of
the usual examinations and an
nouncements of the second semester's
work which begins next Monday.
M. L. Morgan was the host at his
home In the country to a very pleas
ant stag affair last Friday evening.
Cards were grontly enjoyed by the
guests who were Ralph) WasmBr,
Stanley Hatch and W. A. Price.
A daily rabbit drive has been the
order of the day for some time past
as a supplement to the poison cam
paign. It is estimated that at least
15,000 rabbits have been killed by
both methods this winter.
The cooking class of the Junior
Higft School department staged, a
pie sale at the cafeteria luncheon on
Monday. Three kinds were served:
apple, lemon, and chocolate. The de
mand greatly exceeded the supply.
Mrs. Kutzner and Mrs. King, leav
ing their babes in charge of their
fathers, attended the dance Saturday
night. Those mothers like to trip
the light fantastic toe, too. That
reminds this is Woman's Rights
1 The rabbit drive In the East End
last week was well supported by
people from all over the project.
Lunch was served at the Roy Brown
home. About fifty men were pre
sent. We are just going after the
Dumpy Cohoon observed his sixth
birthday last Wednesday, Jan. 11th.
He invited his little playmate, Basil
Cramer to dinner In the evening.
Others present were Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Cramer. All enjoyed the dainty
repast which the Missus so ably plan
ned for them.
No mention was made last week of
the surprise given for Ralph Hum
phrey. Of course Ralph was in town,
but came hastening home when a
neighbor sent a hurry up call for
him to come and attend to his horse
which was sick (?). He brought
Lyle Blayden with him, and Lyle was
champion pedro player.
Mrs. Eflle Richie, who Is president
of Dnlon 17, visited at the Herelm
home during her stay in Boardman.
She attended rallies at Stanfteld and
Nolin before coming here. Unfortu
nately she suffered a severe attack of
tonsllitls while here so was unahle
to go to Irrigon where a rally was to
be held on Friday night.
How to Be Healthy
The Crusade of the Double-Barred Cross
Practical Talks on Disease Prevention
Prepared by the
(Practically every adult person ta Infected with tuberculous. Th's Infection need not be
a eeurce of danger. Te keep the latent Infect. on from becoming disease, bodily resist
ance must be kept at Its best. This series of articles shows you ho to keep healthy.)
Building Material
and anything: usually carried in a
Lumber Yard
W. A. Murchie
Boardman, Oregon.
New York.
EVERYBODY kuows what a cold is bj us eliects, but perhaps not everybody
knows that It is due to a germ sometimes culled uiicrocoocus-eatunhalls.
We may get this germ from the careless cougiiei, sneezer, or excited talker,
through tiny droplet or sprays. The cold may develop at once, or It Is quite
possible that we also carry the germs for some time within us. When our
. system Is rendered less resistant by chills, overeating, or Intemperate acts
of some kind or other, or by being badly nourished or overworked, these
germs have a chance to multiply and then produce the symptoms of a cold.
To prevent Infection, it is of course best to avoid the close proximity
of a careless sneezer, cougher, spltter, or excited talker who expells small
particles of sullva (droplets) when speaking. If one la on fumlllur terms
with the Individual, he can advise caution such as sneezing or coughing In
a handkerchief, or at least holding the hand before the mouth during a
so-called dry cough, which is In reality never dry, for droplets are expelled
whenever there Is a cough.
The Individual who expectorates should, of course, always try to deposit his
sputum In a receptacle (spittoon, cheese-cloth, or handkerchief) when Indoors
and In the gutter When out-of-doors. In crowded assemblies, street cars and
subways, the dangers of becoming Infected by others with the catarrh germs of
course always exists.
What can we do to protect ourselves by making our system less sus
ceptible when we are exposed? It most be remembered that when we are In
good health, the germs of a cold coming from one afflicted with the dlseasi
have little effect on us, nor will those which may lurk within us have mud
chance to multiply and do harm. In the healthy individual the white blood
corpuscle! In our blood Stream take care of the Invading microbe. The;
swallow It; hence the name "phagocytes." Thus the best way to protect
oneself from catching cold is to keep In the best physical condition.
In order to make the body resistant to contracting colds, breathe as muct
good, pure air as possible all the time, breathing quietly and deeply, partlcu
larly when out-of-doors. When indoors try to be In a well ventilated room
Whenever convenient, take special breathing exercise every hour or two
raising and rolling the shoulders upward and backward during the act of i
slow and deep Inhalation, retaining the air for about 5 seconds while holdln
the shoulders backward, then exhaling a little more rapidly than It took fo'
the Inhalation, during which act the shoulders move forward and downward
Accustom the body to a daily application of cold water in the form of .
plunge, shower bath, or a cold sponge. One unaccustomed to the use of cob
water must of course begin gradually. This can best be done by standin,.
in water at a temperature of about 105 ft and squeezing out a sponge soakei
In cold water at a temperature of 85" over the buck of the neck, jn front of tin
neck, and over the left and right shoulder, so tha't the whole body receive.
the ablution, the head remaining dry. Should t lie Individual not react, thai
is to say, feel wurm after the bath, he should return to a warm bed for a few
moments. In a few days reduce the temperature of the cold water to 80"
then to 7ft, until he comes down gradually to 45", which is the average
temperature as It comes from the faucet.
The judicious use of cold water, us Just Indicated, Is the best means
to guard the system against what Is commonly called "catching cold." The
circulation will be Improved, the respiration will become deeper and more
regular, the skin more resistant, and l he whole system less susceptible to
Besides the external use of cold water, always bear in mind that the
drinking Of five to six glasses of cold water a day between meals, will
materially help in the preservation of good health. The constipated individual
produce! an auto-intoxication, that is to say, creates a poison in his system
which renders him below par and more susceptible to the Invasion of the
germs of common colds.
Pursuant to authority given in
Chapter 127 of the 1919 Session laws
of the State of Oregon, the Morrow f
County Court has instructed the
County Agent to serve notice to the
parties owning, leasing, occupying,
possessing, or having charge of or
dominion over land infested with
jack rabbits, that steph mubt be
taken immediately' toi exterminate
the same under supervision of the
county agent.
1. I'oison will be , furnished as
long as funds voted for that purpose
are available.
2 Each Individual will be requir
ed to provide proper bait, treat, put
same out on lands he owns or con
trols, which are infested with rab
blts. 5. Poison will be placed in the
hands of the committeemen in areas
that are infested from whom it can
be. secured. It Is also available at
the county agent's olllce.
4. Prepare poison baits as follows:
Dissolve one ounce sulphate strych
nine In one gallon of boiling water
and sprinkle on 10 to 12 pounds of
alfalfa leaves, chopped alfalfa, last
cutting of alfalfa hay, wheat or rye
heads, or short cuttings. Stir the
bait constantly so that all will be
come thoroughly dampened.
6. Put out in the (rails in the
cAiiyons where the rabbits are con
gregating while sheep are off the
ihihi' When the Hheep are on the
range the pens can be used. These
must be prebaited however before
putting out the poison to get tin
rabbits accustomed to feeding then'
otherwise the liens are ahsolufeh
valueless and the poison put In them
practically wasted.
6. In the wheat growing sections
the wheat headings are much more
effective than any other bait. Alfalfa
Is beet In alfalfa growing sections.
7. Poison put out by parties on
land which they own or control need
not endanger stock which will later
be pastured on that range, provld
ing it Is scattered properly. Don't
pile It up Put out a few straws or
heads In a place. If put out In
piles you can take up what Is left
before stock are turned out. The
ttrvchnlne sulphate Is soluble in
water and Is washed off Into the
ground with the rain that usually
comes about the time the snow
leaves, providing the bait is not put
out In piles.
8. In places where drives can he
orgaalied successfully or other
aieans put into effect for immediate
control of the pest, they can be sub
stituted for poison.
9. The law provides that every
man shall proceed to act promptly
and that this announcement publish
ed in the newspapers gives sufficient
notice. The law also provides that
unless the holdings are rid of the
pest, that the court shall hire the
work done and the expense will be
assessed to the individuals and col
lected in the manner taxes are col
lected. The law is not dsignated to
and will not work hardships on any
man who attempts to comply with
Its provisions Because of the great
damage done by these rodents, the
court deem it imperative that con
certed action be taken and it is ex
pected that every individual owning
or occupying land infested with jack
rabbits will comply promptly to the
end that these rodents may be con
trolled and exterminated while con
ditions are favorable.
Ground squirrels will also come
under this provision of this act and
action expected in season.
Published by order of the County
Court of Morrow county on January
5, 1922. C. C. CALKINS,
49-31 County Agricultural Agent.
Food Prices Show Decrease.
Washington, D. C. Hetail food
prices in 16 principal cities lu the
United Stall's decreased 12 to 18 per
cent In the 12 months ended Decem
ber 15, last, the bureau of labor sta
tistics announced.
u t i i i cct-oek
Engineer Purcell, the federal bu
reau road representative, has Inform
ed the state highway commission
that he is placing the Wallula cut
off on the state map as a primary or
inter-state highway.
The state of Washington has
placed this road on their program,
they having about six mllee to con
struct. They will construct as soon
as Oregon designates this road The
Eastern Oregon member of the com
mission stated (his road would aot
go on the map until the present
mapped roads of the state were con
structed. There Is some two nullum of fed
eral road money available for Ore
gon this year Can the State Com
mission afford to be arbitrary In tell
ing (he Federal Commission where
they shall spend (his federal money?
The Federal Commission Is la ac
cord with the State Commission In
allotlng a portion of the federal
funds for the Oregon trail. If the
Federal Commission were to be ar
bitrary and transfer the Oregon trail
funds, let us say to the Iloosevelt
Highway, would not they be stand
ing in the way of the betterment of
the state?
The Oregon trail and the Columbia
highway Wallula connections are
roads inter-state in character. The
Oregon trail from a traffic or con
structive standpoint to the state of
Oregon, will never compare to the
Wallula cut-off with its Yellowstone,
Hvergreen and Lewis & Clark con
nections. Is the federal road money for the
state of Oregon to be stalemated
thru the manipulation to control
traffic over certain routes? The Port
land Telegram quoted Commissioner
Barrett as follows: "The location of
the Columbia River highway was a
mistake in the first place. It should
have followed up the Deschutes and
then gone thru central Oregon. The
people who come to this state from
the East should not be taken down
a sand and sagebrush road instead
of thru the great grain fields of the
It does, not seem that Mr. Barrett
would make this as a statement of
fact, though his time has been short
aa commissioner. The Columbia
highway was located down the Col
umbia River for the very same rea
son that the railroad was so located.
A matter of grades and the down
grade tributaries to the trunk road.
With the welfare of the tourist In
view, why not the railroad, along
with the highway, back thru the
eheatflelds? While it would place
us on a "rubber neck" transporta
tion basis, the tourist would at least
see wheat.
The Wallula cut-off is a necessary
addition to this trunk road. The
Lewis & Clark highway has just been
placed on the map, starting at Mis
soula, Montana, and routing thru to
Wallula. From the summit of the
Bitter Roots, a water grade to the
The government engineer aided
with a common sense federal road
law sees things in a broad construc
tive way, and is not bound by col
lective "Main Streets" in his find
ings. Let's find ourselves for a
Greater Oregon.
I Bargain Offer
I February 1st
Your little paper will soon be a year old. Started
at the beginning of the slump, under adverse cir
cumstances, the Mirror has enjoyed some prosperi
ty, nevertheless, and the solution of the small iown
paper has been solved.
Boardman is not large enough to support a printing
plant and publish a paper of her own, but under the
present arrangement she is getting a bigger and
better paper than many other towns of three i mes
the size.
The publisher knows you have your own little set
backs and "getting by" is the chief interest in life
just now. But when things go "fluey" with the
farmer, the printer has hard sledding too.
So, to co-operate with you and share the loss. are
going to offer the Mirror at a reduced price I r a
few weeks.
I Most of you are in arrears to some extent, but it is
I because money is scarce. But money is just as
scarce with us as it is with you.
To all who will pay their subscriptions in advance
Tor one year between now and February 1. 1922,
we will make a rat" of
$1.50 Per Year
We have never asked you to pay the second install
ment of your subscription, fully appreciating the
condition of the rancher these days, but by meeting
you half way, may we not expect renewals from all
of you and new subscriptions from the few who
do not take the paper.
Is your subscription paid in advance?