The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, January 13, 1922, Image 1

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Feb 21
NUMB El I 49.
Except several fills and the bridge
over Lake creek, the Oregon Caves
highway near Grants Pass is about
There were a total of 242 accidents
reported to the state industrial acci
dent commission during the week end
ing January 5.
H. J. Eberly, assistant state forester,
while on his way to Seattle Sunday by
automobile, suffered a fractured arm
and other Injuries.
During the past season Clatsop coui
ty operated five state-owned trucks on
highway improvement work at an ex
pense of $21,466.45.
The farmers of the Rickreall vicinity
will meet January 11 to take action
With relation to acquiring flax acre
age for the year 1922.
The former Clatsop mill in Astoria,
recently purchased by the Astoria Box
company! will soon begin operations
with 130 men at work.
A block of $150,000 5 1-2 per cent
Tillamook county road bonds was sohi
at Tillamook to a Portland bond hour
at a premium of $3773.30.
A lath mill will be installed in Al
bany this month by the Anderson Fir I
company, which will also, operate a
lumber yard with its mill.
The county agent work in Coos coun
ty has been cut from t lie expense ac
count of the budget, as well as the
demonstrator appropriation.
A short course for commercial chili
secretaries will be offered by the Unl
verslty of Oregon during Easter vaca
tion from March 27 to April 1.
The Pendleton Packing company ha:;
nearly doubled its output during the
few weeks it has been in existence and
now has 24 men on its payroll.
The Oregon Aggies in the season oi
1921 won 10 championships, broke two
coast records and played Oregon to a
scoreless tie for the state football title.
S. II, Calkins of Eugene, for 15 years
reporter of the circuit court of the dis
trict comprising Lane, Benton and Lin
coln counties, has resigned his posi
tion. A rotary diamond drill capable of
drilling a 4 1-2 inch hole to a depth of
4000 feet has been shipped to Med
ford for use by the Western Oil com
Arrests by the Clackamas county
sheriff's office for the year of 1921,
more than doubled those for 1920, ac
cording to a report compiled by Sher
iff Wilson.
Evidence of Medford's continued
prosperity and growth of postuffice
receipts lies in the fact that the Mi d
ford postoffice Is now in the first class
of postoffice's.
Thirty-live thousand cords of white
fir wood to be used in the manufacture
of paper has been cut during the year
In the upper basin of McDowell creek
in Linn county.
Many of the small sawmills on the
lower Siuslaw river and in adjacent
territory are resuming operations af
ter an idleness In some cases of a
year's duration.
The Oregon Agricultural col!. gc
bask'tball team opened the northwest
conference season at Corvallls with a
victory over the Whitman college five
by a score of 36 tc 18.
The industrial rush at Marshfidd
and stories of d' mand for large lum
ber shipments during 1922 are bring
ing into the Coos county district more
laborers than can get employment.
The state limestone plant at Gold
Hill, authorized by the legislature for
the purpose of supplying Oregon farm
ers with limestone fertilizer at cost,
has become a white elephant. Esti
mates were that from 20,000 to 60,000
tons of limestone fertilizer were nee.l
ed annually on Oregon farms, whereas
total sales during the existance of the
plant have aggregated only 4128 tons.
Mrs. Grace Cunningham has been
appointed postmaster at Chico, Wallo
wa county.
Active preparations arc bung made
for the erection of a number of new
rc sldenci in Monmouth.
Miss Luby O. Engelman has been
appointed postmistress at lone to suc
ceed Mrs. Earl Blake, resigned.
The Scottish Rite Club of Southern
O.'ogon was organized by 32d-degree
Masons at a dinner in Medford.
Approximately $1 0,000 less in taxes
will be assessed in Baker county this
year than were collected In 1921.
Mrs. Martha A. Williams, 58 years
of age, committed suicide at Salem by
jumping off a bridle into Mill Creek.
During the year just closed Clatsop
ccunty has spent $08 .254 for new
bridges and repairs to old Structures.
Total fire loss in Astoria for the
year 1921 was $157,300, for which in
surance amounting to $132, 2uo was
Mrs. C. E. Ccpple, wife of a Hood
River orchardist and bariker, received
from D. Tancred of Kent, Wash., a
White Legh orn cockerel lor which sk 1
paid $250. This is the highest-priced
chicken ever brought to the valley.
Portland is to have a new Orpheum
theater. In addition to the four-day-a-week
show now running in Portland,
a $l,0e0,000 structure to house shows
under the junior Orpheum plan will
be opened within the next 18 month's.
Methodist Episcopal churches of tin:
Portland area, which includes Wash
ington and Oregon, have set aside the
first 'week of next April as "clean-up"
week, when churches and parsonages
and surrounding grounds wdl be reno
Tbe largest gain In postal receipts
ever made in Oregon City was record
ed at the local postoftice for the year
1921. The gain is 19.7 per cent over
last year and places the office high
among the others of Us class in the
A well defined plan Is said to be un
der way at Astoria to form an organi
zation which will control the output
of the various logging camps in the
lower Columbia river district and thus
regulate the prices at which logs shall
be sold.
Only 67 out of a total of 7642 claims
for cash bonus and loans examined
by the world war veterans' state aid
commission have been rejected, accord
ing tO a report prepared by .Captain
Harry Brumbaugh, secretary of the
The Lakeview chamber of commerce
has adopted a resolution urging that
from the money to be derived from thi
sale of Lake county road bonds the
sum of $90,000 be set apart for con
struction of a road from Lakeview to
Klamath Kails.
Seaside probably will be the site of
the next state Elks' convention, accord
ing to a decision reached at a meeting
of the officers of the Oregon State Uks
association at Portland. Final deci
sion was left to George Collins of Med
ford, president of the association.
w. c. Henderson, acting chief of the
United Stau'S biological survey, will
be In Portland January 20 to confer
with the attorney-general of Oregon
on the controversy over the Malheur
blid reserve, raised by the settlers in
the Harney valley irrigation district.
Owners of automobile stage lines op
erating between Portland and galea
intimate that some action probably
will be taken in the near future to
test the constitutionality of at least
two of the highway conservation laws,
approved at the recent special session
of the legislature. The must objection
able of these laws, it was said, is the
one providing for an increase in the
license fees.
The rabbit drive Friday night turn
ed out to be almost a failure pn ac
count of the rabbits not having mov
ed about any to speak of. Only 17
of the pests were found and killed
outright. However, the poison cam
paign is going on merrily and re
sults continue very satisfactory,
Not so many are being killed on ac
count of the rabbits not being so
thick anil having to scatter the bait
over greater areas. Another big
been scheduled for Sun
15th south of the Watkins
place. The plans call lor all to meet ;
at Mrs. Watkins at 12 noon Sunday,
and get instructions. A big feed .has
been arranged and invitations have
been sent to Umatilla and Hoard-,
man, and Chas. Powell, chairman of j
the rodent control, hopes to make;
this drive the biggest success of the
year and clean out the pests where
tlie poison cannot be put out on ac- ':-
cotint ot stock and sheep in the
A very interesting game of basket
ball was-playcd Saturday evening in
Irrigon's old school house by the Ir-;
rigon high school vs. Boardman high
school. In the first half Irrigon j
tend 7 to 5 but failed to make any
: 'ivs in the second half, the game i
go ng to the Boardman boys by a I
score of 11 to 7. The two teams ,
are well matched with the exception
of the Boardman boys being a little
uie Heavier. irrigon Doys go to
Arlington Friday evening, Jan. 13th
to play the Arlington high school,
The Farm Bureau held its regular
monthly meeting Saturday evening,
followed by a big dance and a gooe
crowd. Many ot the Boardman peo
ple who had come up to witness the
game, maid over lor the dan e and
much of the crowd was n.ib i".
from Umatilla and Hermlston. The
annual election of the farm bureau
was held at this meeting, and the
following officers elected: Hugh W.
Grim, chairman; Chas. E. Glasgow,
secretary-treasurer; Chas. Powell, ro
dent control. Road committeemen,
Chas. E. Glasgow, F. C. Frederick
son and John Beaveit; Fruit, Hugh
W. Grim; Alfalfa, II. C. Wolfe;
Poultry, W. T. Fggleston; Live1 stock
and dairying, F. 11. Rieks; and .Mrs.
Chas. E. Glasgow, chairman of the
social Committee, to select her own
It does nol
your board hi
Kulucha, who
lar place, fou:
short order It
tried to arrant
pay to attempt to beat
ill at Irrigon. Leo J.
hails from no partlcu
ind out these facts in
ast Friday when lie
appearing before the Justice of the
Peace. This man was given thirty
days in tht County Jail and request
pay t h i'ill and eosi .
Hurrah;- They tell us that the
Umatilla - Wallula cut-off will be
designated as a federal highway and
will be built soon as assignment of
funds fan be had for this work. We
hope it goes through before the 1925
Word has been received that I he
federal loans may bo made in this
district probably early In March.
This is good HOWS and will start the
SeaBOQ out better. No returns have
CO ae in for hay as yet and money
will be scarce for a while.
Merrill E. Doble made a business
trip to Ilcppner last week, return
ing Sunday.
Mrs, Edyth Puckott is here Visiting
witli her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Mr. Bollinger of Patterson, Wash,
accompanied by his son and one of
tiic neighbors, were in irrigon on
business Tuesday. They motored
over via the Irrigon ferry and report
the ferry has not encountered any
Serious trouble crossing so far this
winter. Captain Holmes wishes that
all who desire to ferry across be
tween 10 in the morning and 3 in
th" afternoon, the river being more
re of ice between these hours.
Chas. Dempsey has pufchased the
ten acre tract Worn w. H, Pierce
I; ng Just northwest of his oilier
and facing the River View
llouifevard south of the Glasgow
rani h. This when improved as Mr.
Dempsey has planned It, will make
very attractive place lor him and he
lnOWS bow to move the dirt.
r room ami board
for a week at the Irrigon Inn. This
gentleman who was reasonably well
dressed arrived at the Inn Thursday
noon and was assigned to his mid
day meal, supper and bed for the
night by Mrs. Hendricks but the
morning after M r,
eel the gentleman
not having any
have to put up ci
fore making his I
Inn for any longi
Hendricks Infoi ui
that owing to his ,
aggage he would
ish in advance be- j
eadquarters a t lie
r period. Thti lad
was most 'illing to do this ami said
he would go to I lie store and hook
up the merchant and get some
change and would return soon. He
claimed to represent Gross and Co.,
Wholesale Groceries, Portland, Ore.,
and forgot to return to settle his
bill. Mr. Hendricks later told his
story to the depot agent who located
bim in the next station west and
message was sent to have the man
arrested. Inside of ten minutes he
was pulled out of a box car on a
west bound freight train and taken
to Boardman by deputy sheriff Har
per of Boardman. Mr. Harper is on
the job day and night and dead
beats, criminals and tnoonshin-rs
cannot pass through there without
V itilla's new hospital is now
Functioning as a regular Institution,
The name of Umatilla hospital has
been chosen, but the hospital in Itself
has been established for the whole
v. 1st end of Umatilla county ami the
north end of Morrow. It is a putilic
Institution ami is not controlled bj
any religious denomination or priyate
corporation. Patients are invited
from anywhere, and the best of at
sntion is assured at very reason
able rates.
Wednesday the official organiza
tion was i I'll with the following
board of directors: Clay Rtnehart,
Ait Hammond, P. s. Tiiisen, lid
Baylor and Frank Paine, Besides
these il is exp-dod that Ralph Hollo
of Stanfleld and N. Seaman of Ir
rigon will be added to the board.
The Bank of Stanfleld has been
designated as depository,
Congressman Sinnott has sent the
Mirror a few packages of garden
si" ils to r f ii disl ribut Ion. a n ;. one
who will promise to plant the seeds
may have a package free of (lunge
by asking the postmasier for same.
The lloardman high school basket
ball team is rounding Into shape,
l.asi week-td they broke even losing
to Arlington IS It and winning
from Irrigon 11-7. Considering Ihat
the team has had no floor lo prac
tice on and thai since Dec. 1st It
lias been Impossible to use the out
door court, the showing is good.
This Week Friday they Journey lo
Lexington for a game with that high
Why no get Henry Ford to take
over the Umatilla Rapids Power
Bite, while he is out after hydro
electric plants?
Pursuant to authority given in
Chapter 127 of the lUlU Session laws,
of the Slate of Oregon, the Morrow
County Court has instructed the
County Agent to serve notice to the
parties owning, leasing, occupying,
iit)..sessing, or having charge of or
dominion over land infested with
jack rabbits, that steps must be
taken immediately ii exterminate
the same under supervision of the
county agent.-
1. Poison will be furnished as
long ;'s funds voted for the purpose
are available.
2. Each Individual will bo reyuir
tt io provide proper bait, treat, put
same oui on lands he owns or con
trols, which are infested with rab
bits. 3. Poison will be placed in the
hands ot the committeemen in areas
that are Infested from whom it can
be secured. It is also available at
the county agent's office,
I. Prepare poison baits as follows:
Dissolve one ounce sulphate strych
nine in one gallon of boiling water
and sprinkle on 10 to 12 pounds of
alfalfa leaves, chopped alfalfa, last
cutting of alfalfa hay. wheat or rye
heads, or short cuttings. Stir the
bait constantly so" that all will be
come thoroughly dampened,
5. Put out in the trails in the
canyons where the rabbits are con-1
grt gating While sheep are off the!
range. When the .sheep are on the
range the pens can be used. These
must be prtbaited however before
putting out the poison to gel the
rabbits accustomed to feeding there,
Otherwise the pens are absolutely
rSJSNMtJM i si! th poison put in Ibem
practically wasted.
8, In the wheal growing sections
the wheal bladings are much more
effective Ihanliy other bait. Alfalfa
is best in alfalfa growing sections.
7. Poison put out by parlies on
land which they own or control need
nol endanger stock which will later
be pastured on that range, provid
ing it is scattered properly. Don't
pile ii up. I'm out a few straws or
heads in a place. If put out in
piles you can take up what is left
before stock are turned out. The
strychnine sulphate Is soluble in
water antl is washed off into the
ground With the rain that usually
comes about the time the snow
leaves, providing the bait is not put
out in piles.
8. In places where drives can be
organized successfully or other
means put into effect for Immediate
control of the post, they can be sub
stituted fen poison.
9. Tbe law provides that every
man shall proceed to act promptly
ami that this announcement publish
ed iii the newspapers gives sufficient
nol ice The law also provides that
unless the holdings are rid of the
pest, that the court shall hire the
work done and the expense will be
assessed to the individuals and col
lected in I lie man&er taxes are col
lected. The law is nol designated to
and will not work hardships on any
man who attempts lo comply with
iis. provisions. Because of the great
damage done by these rodents, the
court deem it Imperative that con
certed action be taken and it is ex
pected thai every individual owning
or occupying land Infested with jack
rabbits will comply promptly lo the
end that these rodents may be ron
trolled ami exterminated while con
dtttons are favorable.
('round squirrels will also come
under this provision of Oils act and
action expected in season.
Published by order of the County
Court of .Morrow counly on January
5, 1922."
it ii County Agricultural Agent.
D01is Henley and Dorothy Board,
man were Leaders Sunday evening at
Christian ESndeavor. Th) had a
irerj interesting meeting planned
wiih I wo special numbers which were
greatly enjoyed: a piano- solo by
Caryl Signs and one by Mrs.
A new recording secretary was
elected at this time lo 1)11 Mrs. Fin
nell's place. Delberl Johnson was
dected to this ollicc. Caryl Signs
was elected corresponding secretary.
A number of vacancies on the eom-
ii n i s weirt filled.
Tie' president read a loiter from
Mrs. lithe Kitchey of Freewalir,
Union president, who is coming on
Wednesday) January 1Sth. She ask-
d to havi
few toas
venlflg io
simple banquet with
nl a big rally in the
ll o c i ; inn , old II ml
She slated that one of the Union
!ilcers from Stanfleld would be pro
mt and perhaps some of the of-
eri from Pendleton, so t hp 6n
ilea voi i are planning to make i his
a real rally.
Melvin Signs was admitted as a
member of the society.
The list of committees follow:
l,ool:oui committee: Mr., chair
man, (appointed to fill Mrs. FinneH's
place), Irani Messenger, iJeibert
Johnson, Helen Boardman, Weldon
Avers, l newly appointed).
Prayer meeting committee: Mrs.
Messenger, chairman; Caryl Signs,
Kssie Snively, Nelly Messenger, (new
l appointed).
Missionary: Mrs. lloardman, chair
man; Frances lllayden, Marie Mes
senger, Rachel Johnson.
Social Committee: Mrs., chair
man, tto fill Mrs. I'inneH's place);
TrumaO Messenger, Dorothy lloard
man, Doris Healey, Carl Ayers, (new
ly appointed ) .
The members of the social com-
JUittes are lo have charge of the re-
FVeshmenti mi the isth.
Itv AHUM. ton TEAM
The Arlington, high school bas
ket ball team defeated the Hoard
man high Qttlntet on the Arling
ton Moor Friday by a score of 18
to II. This was Arlington's first
game of the season. The Arlington
boys outplayed their opponents dur
ing the first half and piled up a
'mi' of 10 to 2. lloardman came
back strong in the second half and
made 12 points to Arlington's 8.
Million and Douglas showed up best
for Arlington, while Gilhreth, T.
Messenger and U. Messenger starred
for lloardman.
The class In dairy herd record
keeping is testing milk regularly,
the school board having installed a
simplex luster.
Earl ,
should i throw