'BIANNUAL RED CROSS LOCAL h ROLL CALL TODAY NOTES Jj Lee Mead has moved to Messner again for awhile. Mrs. Lee Mead is in The Dalles, visiting with friends and relatives. The Board man cheese factory be gan active operations on Wednes day. Iietter Speech Week has been ob served in the various grades of the school. Pul Smith, L. V. Kulzner and W King are building barns for their new cows. John Jenkins Is having an addi tion built onto his house. Mr. Blay den is doing the work. Horn at the Larson ranch to M. L. Morgan and wife, on Sunday, Nov. (i, 1921, a 6 pound boy. e e MM. Deweese, Mrs., nooi, Chaffee and little ones spent Sunday at the W. H. Mefford ranch. 0, B, Hall was in town on busines: Saturday, returning Sunday to Wal la Walla, wliere he is now making his homo. Mr. and Mrs. E. Snyder, daughter, Miss Velma, and little son, Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs. T. (i. Smith ol Echo, visited the F. E. Klitz family on Erlday last. Several dual proofs were being made last week: Col. Calahan, Fri day, and Ralph and Claude Finley, Joseph l'rlngle, and W. H. Hoard man of Lexington, Saturday. The population of Hoard man is in creasing -two fine boys one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mul key, and one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W H. Morgan. All are happ and well. A small gathering of the l'.-T. A. met in the school auditorium; !on Tuesday, all present favoring the school budget as presented for con sideration next Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. N A. flleakney and little daughter, Aurllda Claire, came down from Echo Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hleakney's mother, Mrs. Harter. Mr. Illeakney returned that evening, but Mrs Illeakney will remain for several days. About twenty farmers, embryo dairymen of Board man, met a. the school house on Tuesday night in the interests of the cheese factory which has begun operations. A prior of $2 per hundred pounds for whole milk Is being offered and there Is a capacity for all the present supply of milk on the project. President Harding has asked the American people to give their liberal support to the annual campaign of the Red Cross for relief contribu tions, which begins Armistice day and continues for two weeks. The call of the fled Cross, he said, in a statement, should be regarded as the call of "our country and hu manity." He set Sunday, next, as Red Cross Sunday, and suggested that churches devote that day to em phasizing the "gospel of service." CHAUTAUQUA BNTBRTAINMSN1 COMING TO UMATILLA is HHilll-Y BNTKBTAININO We are printing the following from the Paget Sound Mail, publish ed at LaConner, Wash . which shows what an enjoyable program will bt given by these same Chautauqua ar lists when thev appear in Umatilla Nov. 22-26: "LaCoantr'i Third winter Chau tauu.ua will close In a blaze of glory this evening, when the Old Fashioned airla' Trio will give the tlfth and concluding number on the program It opened with great tn-lat Satin day evening, Oct. 2!, when the Ski bliiBky Hoed Duo gave their lucom parable concert, Fraternal Hall being tilled to capacity. Alexander Ski blnsky proved himself a violin vir uoso of great ability. Htl tone quail ty was wonderful, his technique brilliant, and IiIb Interpretation all that could be desired. From the first notes of "Ave Maria" to the last note of "To a Wild Rose" he held his audience spellbound. Myra Reed, the coloratura soprano delimited her audience with her beautiful solo work, her voice being nweet. sympathetic and highly tram ed. Her urit number was rendered In Italian, Caro Nome from Rigolot to Her easy ubllity to negotiate (he upper register and her sustained notes, clear as a bell, made a wonder ful Impression on her audience. Her rolce somewhat reeemble that of Madame 9111 Curcl. Cummins, the Conjurer, provided the entertainment, for the second night. It provided clean, wholesome fun for both adult and youug America Trick after trick followed each other in quick succession, com pletely baftlliiK and outwitting his audience He produced two slates, walked down the aisle, had a gentleman tie them together and had (our young people in a group hold them. Then lie came down the other aisle with a book in his hand, told Rev. L. L. Simmons to place his pen knife on any page in the book, then opened it up and asked the reverend gentle man what was the number of the ,age, to which he replied: "Page 13." Then Cummins read the pas age, and later, by some process ol iegardeHMlB, he opened the slates-. :ind there as big as life was recordec' he Identical pass-ages recorded ii. the book on Page 43. His popcorn stunt, rat tricK, ring rick, dice trick, water stunt, etc. HTOfe all exceedingly clever and brot forth liberal applause. The earner jubilee Singers were lie bright stars that sclntilat j on the 'ocal Chautauqua platform the thirti OVening. From start to finish they had the audience with them being compelled to raspond to numerous encores, with which they were ven liberal. They gave both operatic and concert numbers, as well as indulg ing in a large number of negro cam! meeting selections and songs of th( siiinny Southland, which are dear ti jvery heart. Each member of tht company Is an artist and a star from Prof. George Garner down. Last evening before a crowded house, Dr. J. Franklin Babb gave hi: great inspirational lecture, the IOC per cent Man." To say It surpassed anything previously given here in I.aConner, either on the Chautauqua or any other lecture platform would be speaking the gospel truth. It wa a masterpiece, being replete with wit, wisdom, and logic. Mr. Babb lias a keen analytical mind, grasps tne greni luuaaiuenuu . . j i i lilies of the (lay, uraws iuuui lessons from the past, and sees Into the future. He drew vivid pictures of the lawyer, the doctor and the minister. The doctor believes in lilting up humanity and narrated he case of a church member in Massachusetts that had temporarily fallen into temptation. The official board wanted to expel him, but he lemurred and admonished them to give him another chance and to vote him their faith for his future con duct. It had splendid results. He told of his experience In France and his desire to help the soldier boys. He made a strong point, when he said that the Armistice Day should not have been made when It was, for In nine days more the American I'tnops could have marched Into Ber lin and dictated peace terms. in losing he said: "I Introduced you to Jesus of Nazareth, the only 100 per cent man that has ever lived length. Separate examinations for motor routes and wagon routes are no longer held. Appointments to both positions will be made from the same register. The examination will be open only to citizens who are ac tually domiciled in the territory of a post office in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth, in Form 19 7 7. Both men and wo men, If qualified, may enter this ex amination, but appointing oflicers have the legal right to specify the sex desired in requesting certifica tion of eligibles. Women will not be considered for rural carrier ap pointment unless they are the wid ows of U. S. soldiers, sailors or ma rines, or the wives of U. S. soldiers, sailors or marines who are physically disqualified for examination by rea son of injuries received in the line of military duty. Form No. 1977 and application blanks may be obtained Vom the offices mentioned above or ,'rom the United States Civil Service Jonmiission at Washington, D. C. Applications should be forwarded to the Commission at Washington, D. at the earliest practicable date. IGNS WHITES ARTICLE ON MOKKOW COUNTY NEEDS (Continued From First Page) NEIGHBORS When a feller loves his neighbor like the ten commandments means it lifts ut OOl&mon people to the slaue of kinus an' queens; there's music tloatin' everywhere, on every halmv hraeie an' the harmony Is echoed by the robins in the trees. The devil never camps around lovln' neighborhood, an' there ain't no "latest gossip" to pizen people's blood, but there's borrowin' an' lend in' with a willin' heart an' hand, an a wholesome lendln' sperit that th children understand 1 never liked to he areared or trampin' some ones toes, nor to see a skyward angle onto Mrs. Hen peek's nose,--an' the time when I was sickest which it lasted more'n a week, was when I jawed at Hilklns' an' neither wouldn't speak. There's lots of sorry pastime that associates will gall, but fussjn' with neighbor Is the sorriest of 'em all. Hie first unit would develop 180,000 iorse power at a cost of approximate ly $i 0,040,000. When the plant was fully developed the cost would be fl0.25 per primary horse power and .6.15 per secondary horse power an nually which would be materially educed if federal aid were given in the development of the project. The arket for the secondary power de veloped by the first unit could be found in the pumping of water to the irrigable lands adjacent to the power site in the Boardman and Horse Heaven district. Before the final completion of the project to its full capacity of 500,000 horse power Additional markets would have to be ound for the additional power. The estimated cost of development of the Boardman area of 50,000 acres for irrigation would be $75.72 per acre as against present costs from i92 to $110 per acre and as against from $125 to $17 5 per acre for the John Day under the original plan. A total of 59,000 horse power would be necessary to develop the lloardman section. Aside from the irrigation feature I the construction of a dam would im prove the navigation of the Colum bia river by drowning the rapids above Umatilla. This would make possible the development of river freight lines of steamers and barges which would improve marketing of the Inland Empire wheat, hay, live stock and fruit in and through Port land, and make It possible also to realize something on the millions in vested in the Celilo canal which now passes one or two boats per year, usually a government dredge. t'lieap Power Possible Cheap power would be made possi ble immediately to be used in the ir rigation development mentioned above, but later for the development of manufacturing. At the costs esti mated of the $10.26 for primary and $8.15 for secondary enterpr ises would be drawn from all sections of the United States and the Columbia ba sin become one vast Industrial center, the manufactured products of which would concentrate at Portland for distribution. Railway transportation would be greatly Improved with the. use of this power. Not only would the service be cleaner, but It would be more reliable, and vast numbers of cars now utilized for hauling coal would be released for other forms of traffic. Such improved conditions would be reflected in the increase in the value of taxable properties al lowing more funds for civic improve-J mentis in the way of roads, schools, l and public buildings. Home condi tions would come in for a share o! the general advancement. Electrical appliances, lighting, heat, etc., would so improve the home life that enernj and time and money would be avail able for general culture which woultl j reflect itself in a brighter civili74i-! tion. Cost Reasonable Now these things are shown to be feasible. The cost is reasonable anil with state ami federal co-operation j cheap money could be secured for ! the work. Probably as low a rate as 5 per cent could be had under such conditions, while private corpora tions would have to pay at least 7 or 8 per cent and would have to operate at a profit while with state or federal operation there would be no profit charges. So far we have sioketi chiefly of the Boardman area and the area across the river, Horse Heaven, but the proposition goes much farther than that including 20,000 acres near Tasco, the Page area of 7500 acre;! east, and the Attalia area of 18,900 acres southeast of Pasco. A trans mission line would be necessary to reach these sections and the costs would range from $71.82 to $80,138 per acre. We feel that while the Umatilla rapids site is but cue of a series of power sites on tliu Columbia, nil of which are undeveloped, it is the one site offering' the easiest construction, and the quickest return on the In vestment, and at the lowest cost. If work could be taken up on the pro ject shortly it would afford a splen did demonstration for the 1925 Ex position in Portland. Would Aid Unemployed Right now, too, there is a great question of unemployment. Local and national conferences are being held to work out some plan of mak ing a serious situation easier. We note that reclamation work on ap proved projects has been placed be fore the Washington conference for consideration. The Boardman pro ject is established and successful but we need more water to niing in more land. If all the irrigable land in North Morrow county were under ir rigation, no better section of the country could be found. With river, rail and highway transportation, and a climate second to none, all we need Is water. Government statistics show more sunshine between Umatilla and The Dalles than in Southern Califor nia and with the development of the country the warmth and the winds of summer have become so temper ed that they are agreeable rather than otherwise, and the winters are mild and delightful. Phone 609 DR. L. C. RICHEY OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 1 I Eyes Scientifically Examined Lenses Ground and Fitted. American National Bank Building ' PENDLETON, OREGON tllllMIMHIMMIMIMI ASSIST US IN SECURING T MORE SUBSCRIBHRS FOR t THE BOARDMAN MIRROR. X T THE KIND ACT WILL ME T APPRECIATED. 11 ... S'rV;,. .;;::;:i!;!iii!!!B!iilii!iiiuiiilh The Cash Store flHIMIM Leather Puttees $5.50 and $6.50 Men's Leather Vests $8.50 Olympic Flour, per sack $2.00; per barrel $7.50 SUGAR $7.35 Krinkles Corn Flakes, 2 for j 25c Farina, per sack 70c Oat Meal, per sack 65c x SHELLS 12 ga., per box $1.50 16 ga., per box $1.40 x IRA A. BERGER, Boardman. CLEANING anu DYEING Work Called I'or Kvery Wed nesday and Saturday Delivered Wednesday and Saturday. Prices Most Reasonable In Country Work Guaranteed Satisfactory Will call ut every home 1ty Cleaning A Dyeing Kstab. IISll-'M'lIt 118 H. Welil St. P ill-ton "There's H D'ff.Tenee" J. Kuby S M. Ailowoy Driver W. ltOHS COME AGAIN Did You Know we Want Your Mail Order Business? Don't say we can't com pete with outside prices. Give us a trial and see. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Boardman Trading Co. "The West Extension Supply Store" MM MMMMMMM HAVE IT MADE TO MEASURE FROM THE ALL WOOL UNE MHW IU ItAL-CARKIKIt EXAMIN ATION The Pnlted Stated Civil Service Commission lias announced an ex amination for the county of Morrow. Oregon, to be held at ltoarduian, on December 9. 1921, to till the position of rural carrier at Doardman. anil vacancies that may later occur on rural routes from other pool offices in the above mentioned county The salary of a rural carrier on a stan dard dally wagon route of 24 miles Is $1,800 per annum, with an addi tional i'iO per mile per annum for each mile or major fraction thereof in exret of 2 4 miles The salary on motor routes ranges from $2,460 to 12,600 per annum, according to MMMMMMMMMMM.MMMMIIIMMUHmMiMMtt j Umatilla Pharmacy j CLAY RINEHART, Proprietor i is prepared to fill your PRESCRIPTIONS from a fresh stock of Tested Drugs and Chemicals by a Registered Pharmacist (Oregon License No. 1849) and at prices that are as low as the lowest, QUALITY CONSIDERED A new and complete line of sick room supplies and Druggists' Sundries. Soda Fountain. Lowneys Candies. OIVE US A TRIAL. WE'LL TRY TO PLEASE! t X $25, $30, $35 and $40.00 THESE PRICES, as prices go, are not much to pay for a good made-to-measure suit. But when you consider that they buy an International AO Wool Suit of recognized super-quality, you will realize that these prices represent real and positive bargains. Yes, bargains no other word can describe an International at prices so low in com parison to their quality. : : : : J. C. Ballenger, Agent Official Merchant for International Made-to-Measure Clothes Boardman, Oregon. I i