The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, July 22, 1921, Image 1

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It cost Clatsop county f452.093.14
to conduct its schools during the last
More than 600 persons have visited
the Josephine caves near Grants Pass
this year.
Figures for the year 1920 show that
Linn county's dairy products were
valued at $988,460.
Six and one half miles of the Pacific
highway will be paved this summer be
tween Halsey and Shedd.
The St. Helens Ship company has
secured a contract to build 60 pon
toons for the United States engineer
Sheepmen of northern Lake county
have started the u oping of more than
40,000 sheep as a preventive measure
against scab.
Fines imposed in criminal cases dur
ing the month of June in Coos county
totaled $3260, the majority of which
were liquor eases.
The Coos county court has made an
order directing that able-bodied prison
ers in the jail be placed at work on
the county roads.
A crew of men has started the
task of painting the state house at
Salem. The cost of the work probably
will exceed $6000.
Umatilla county's wheat acreage this
year is estimated at 226,000, or about
the same as last year. There is very
little spring wheat.
The newly organized Wheat Grow
ers' Association of Oregon claims that
it will handle one third of the wheat
of the state this year.
Mary Weygandt, Hood River guide,
has been to the top of Mount Hood
489 times and this season intends to
reach the five century mark.
Work on the Columbia highway be
tween Five Mile and Celilo, delayed
for several weeks on account of high
water, will be resumed at once.
Prices ran from 12 to 16 cents
when 274,000 pounds of wool, for the
most part fine staple, were bought at
the annual wool sale held at Bend.
Nearly 300 tons of Royal Anne cher
ries have been shipped to Eastern
points this season from Salem by the
Oregon Growers' Cooperative associa
tion. A part of the $100,000 water bonds
recently voted by the city of Corvallis
have been sold, and the work of im
proving the system will be started at
From 10 to 15 appointments of
deputy fire wardens and district war
dens will be made by F. A. Elliott,
state forester, during the next few
There are still 4720 acres of state
land in Gilliam county not yet sold,
11,000 acres in Grant county, 880
in Morrow, 1500 in Sherman and 213,
000 in Harney.
The Federal Land bank of Spokane
approved $52,000 loans this week for
the Condon National Farm Loan asso
ciation, making the total amount ap
proved to date $439,506.
All assets of the state industrial ac
cident commission at the close of
business, June 30, 1921, aggregated
$4,923,724, according to a report pre
pared by the department.
The Deschutes county court refused
a bid of 96.120 on $50,000 worth of
county road bonds and decided to dis
pose of the county's securities by pri
vate sale as the money is needed.
Following a visit of an I. W. W.
walking delegate to a construction
camp on the state highway in Lake
Creek valley, 64 laborers laid down
their tools and walked out in a body.
More than 20,000 pickers will be
needed to harvest Oregon's hop crop
this year, according to estimates. Ap
proximately half this number will be
required in Marion and Polk counties.
John R. Stites and L. H. Harnett of
Salem sent to Warren G. Hardin?.
Live Irrigon News Items
president of tt.j United States'," a 10
pound crate of Lambert cherries. The
cherries were grown in Marion county.
L. M. Tucker, in charge of the re
cently established state fish Intchery
on Hood River at the mouth of Green
Point creek, has just received ?"0,000
trout eggs from a hatchery at Klamath
There are more than 1500 registered
real estate brokers in Oregon, ac
cording to the annual report of the
state real estate department. This is
an increase of nearly 200 over last
"Grandma" Lockwood of Smith
River in Coos county was tendered a
reception at the community hall at
that place recently in honor of the
one hundredth anniversary of be
Linn county, which boasts the larg
est boys' and girls' Jersey calf club
in the world in the Shedd Jersey
Calf club, and which ranks well it
industrial club work along all lines,
plans in a short time to have the
first boys' and girls' goat club In the
United States.
The state board of control has
awarded the general contract for erect
ing the new wing at the state hospital
at Pendleton to Hilmer Settergreen
of Missoula, Mont. Mr. Settergreen's
bid was $126,500.
With the reentry of the Hunt
Brothers' cannery into the loganberry
market, there are now at least five
concerns in Salem actively buying
berries, at i -ices ranging from 24
to 5 cents a pound.
The Portland division of the South
ern Pacific stands first of all the
Pacific divisions of the company for
the least number of accidents during
the five months of this year, accord
ing to a recent report.
Hood River county Fruit Inspector
Armstrong has discovered fire blight,
one of the most deadly diseases at
tacking fruit trees, in upper valley
orchards. It is believed the pest has
been brought in by birds or high winds
from eastern forests.
Prospects for the heaviest tonnage
of fruit ever shipped out of the Rogue
valley are bright, according to a
census jtiBt completed by the South
ern Pacific Railroad company, work
ing in co-operation with the field staff
of the Oregon growers.
Astoria was the host of approximate
ly 500 delegates, representing 21
camps of the United Spanish War
Veterans and the women's auxiliaries
from 21 cities of Oregon who were
present to attend the 13th annual con
vention of those organizations.
The state superintendent of public
instruction has mailed to all county
and city superintendents pamphlets
setting out the procedure for pre
paring budgets and voting school
! taxes under a new law enacted at the
1 last session of the legislature.
Robert Grant, who escaped from the
state penitentiary at Salem March 27,
I 1920, was captured at Wenatchee,
Wash., and will be returned to Salem
to serve out his unexpired term. Grant
originally was received at the prison
: from Umatilla county to serve four
, years on a charge of burglary.
The Oregon supreme court will not
hear any more cases until after the
August vacation, according to an
, nouncement by Arthur Benson, clerk
of the court. There are more than 30
cases now pending before the court,
a number of which will be disposed of
I before vacation adjournment is taken.
The interstate commerce commis
sion has issued an order of investiga
tion on Its own motion relative to the
reasonableness of interstate rates on
grain and grain products and hay in
the western and Pacific states, ac
cording to a telegram received at the
offices of the public service commission.
The park has been full of tourists
nearly every night recently, and if
we had more conveniences such as
water piped into the park, tables and
stoves, we could have from 20 to
50 autos parked every night. It is
up to the community to keep up
the park and provide necessary
camping equipment for another sea
son as we certainly cannot lose on
such a deal. The amount of water
melons and other produce we could
sell to the tourist would pay us a
thousand times over in one season.
We realize that our parking facili
ties are quite equal to any some dis
tance east and west of us and this of
course, accounts for the tourist now
stopping but with still better and
proper equipment, we could attract
nearly all of the tourists coming
through this part of the country.
David E. Lofgren, attorney from
Portland, who owns and operates the
pumping plant three miles west of
Irrigon, spent several days in Ir
rigon during the week. He had an
expert with him to make some nec
essary repairs on his plant. Mr. Lof
gren tells us that he has plans well
binder way to put in a larger pump
ing plant at some high point on his
section, capable of irrigating several
sections of land. Several land own
ers in his district are going together
and form a company to accomplish
Prof. H. A. Scullen, of the O. A.
C, accompanied by L. A. Hunt, our
retiring county agent, held a meet
ing at Glasgow's ranch Tuesday, and
gave some demonstrations as to the
handling and care of bees. Practi
cally everyone in the community who
has any bees or expects to have in
the future attended this meeting,
and all believe they were well paid
for the time taken. Prof. Scullen ts
a specialist on bees, and is going
over the state assisting the bee men
to make the business a paying prop
osition. M. C. Athey, former editor of the
Herald at Hermiston, and Bernard
Mainwaring, his successor, were in
Irrigon on business Friday. Mr.
Mainwaring promises to visit us
often In the future.
There will be a few less huckle
berries in the mountains by the end
of the week. The Mark hams, Bene-
. fiels, McCoys, Graybeals, Stewards,
I and several others are either on the
way up to Meacham and Kamela or
. will be before this goes to press.
Berries are reported plentiful, and
probably can be had for less money
than for many years past.
N. Seaman and son and T. Grim
and sons report having had rrpe.
melon on the 15th. We will be able
to supply the market in a few day-3.
Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow, Genevi
and Mr. and Mrs. Eggleston motored
to Hermiston Saturday, attending to
business matters and took in the
' movies in the evening,
j G. W. Agee and son spent a couple
of days in Irrigon last week, after
building a vsmall house on their
newly purchased acreage east of Ir
rigon. i Lyle Seaman has purchased the
red bug of Dr. Gale's through the
j Umatilla garage, and is making re
gular trips to Umatilla these days
with cucumbers and other garden
Mrs. H. C. Wolfe and children are
i spending a lew days on a vacation in
j Portland, visiting with her mother,
Mrs. J. Wagner.
! Lyle Seaman spent the week-end
; with friends in Portland.
Don't forget the rabbits. See last
.week's issue for formula to feed 'em.
Several more report even greater
'success, and the writer Is confident
J if this idea is followed up generally
j all over the country, the rabbits
will be made scare everywhere and
I ft is up to the farmers to get busy
1 to accomplish this. Pass the word
along to your neighbor, and get them
all to act at once.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Chisholm
and children of Twisp, Wash., and
Mrs. Schutter, Mrs. Chisholm's mo
;her. were camped in the shades for
two days last week. Mr. Chisholm
is an old timer in this part of the
country, and says he built the light
ing plant at Hermiston some twelve
years ago. Mrs. Schutter was look
ing over the country in view of lo
cating here later. They returned to
' Twisp via the Irrigon ferry 'line,
through Prosser and central Wash
ington Monday morning.
Assist the editor in getting the
news of this section. It will be ap
preciated by us as well as all our
Let us print your Butter Wrappers.
HAT if this pleasant home town of
ours became a "Deserted Village?"
The folks who send their dollars
to other towns and cities to buy their
needs and their luxuries can tell you
iust how to make this a "Deserted
Village." The trick can be done by
everybody following the example of
the lew and buying elsewhere.
Then there would be no money to
pay people who work. There woulrl
be no money at alt to buy farm
produce ; no money for fire and po
lice protection ; no money to keep up
homes ; no money to hold people in
this town at all. And so your prop
erty and home and job would have
little value.
Trade at home. Every dollar spent
1 here helps to make living in your
town better and pleasanter ; every dollar spent at home helps
to make the thing you own more valuable.
With characteristic push and en
terprise 13oardman is now In the city
class with a mayor, six counciltnen.
a recorder, treasurer and marshal
Saturday the first city election was
held and the following were chosen
to look after the interests of the
baby muncipality until the regular
election in December, when officers
will be elected for a term or two
years :
Mayor C. G. Blayden.
Counciltnen J. C. Ballanger; Leo
Root; Harry Murchie; N. A. Ma
comber; Frank Cramer; A. T.
Recorder - W. L. Finnell.
Treasurer W. A. Stewart.
City Marshal H. L. Everett.
Wednesday evening the new eor-
to the postofnee. and lntormally talk
porate body met tn the room next
ed over the several steps necessary
to be taken to properly start off the
first regular meeting which will be
held soon. J. D. Zurcher of Stan
field, was present and advised the
city dads on the regular procedure
to be followed tn the organization
and conduct of newly incorporated
cities. Mr. Zurcher will be city at
torney, and will draft the ordinances
and help with the charter.
The first meeting will be (neld
within a few days, and the new of
j fleers sworn in, bonds of recorder,
I treasurer and marshal accepted or
disapproved, a few necessary ordinan
I ces presented and a draft of the
charter made.
The Importance of the alfalfa
growing industry to the stnte of
Oregon is often overlooked or
minimized by the casunl observer.
According to L, A. Hunt, manager
of the Oregon Hay Growers' associa
tion, the alfalfa producing sections
of Eastern and Central Oregon ship
out a surplus of over 50,000 tons
yearly, at a price to the consumer
in excess of $2,000,000.
Members of the Oregon Hay
Growers' association which repre
sents more than 20,000 tons, are at
present marshalling their forces pre
paratory to making a stand for a
reduced rate on alfalfa hay from
points east of the Cascades to the
Willamette Valley and coast coun
ties. According to Mr. Hunt, who,
as a representative of the associa
tion, is now collecting data on this
question, the present rate on hay is
responsible for the acute situation
both of the growers in Eastern Ore
gon and the dairymen of the western
sections of the state.
The price received by the grower
during the past two or three months,
declared Mr. Hunt, was $13.00 to
$13 50 er ton, while the consumer
in the Willamette Valley and coast
counties are still paying from $28
to $30 a ton. These figures together
with the fart that the price of but
terfat has fallen from 65 to 25 cents
a pound during the past six months
with resultant loss to the dairymen,
form the basis for the proposed ap
peal for an adjusted rate.
Alfalfa producing areas east of the
Cascades are growing yearly, and
the hay produced Is second to none.
Sooner or later the domestic mar
ket will be far below production, and
it Is with the idea of preparing for
the future as well as to afford re
lief to the present situation, that the
foreign market Is being developed.
News Letter.
Unless the rates in telephones are
reduced the farmers of Warren, Ore
gon, declare that they will discon
tinue their phones. Rates have risen
from $12. to $30 per year.
Michael J. Nolan, a shell-shocked
war veteran, eclipsed all professors
and competitors in passing the Edi
son question test. He answered all
of the 60 questions in one minute
and ten seconds.
Munition makers of America and
England place themselves on record
as being in favor of reducing arma
ment. The Du Fonts', Judge Gary of
the United States Steel corporation,
and Hudson Maxim, are among the
Americans favoring disarmament.
On a big ranch in Oklahoma 1 00
new harnesses were required. The
owners, disgusted with the low
price of hides and the high price of
harnesses, installed a tannery, hired
a harnessmaker, and made their own
harnesses. They say in a public
statement that it cost them Just one
fourth the usual price. Necessity is
solving the economic problem. "We
men of the earth have here the stuff
of paradise. We have enough to
build unto the unf ullilled."
Mrs. Enrl Bugg and son, Melvln,
of (irandview, Wash., arrived Thurs
day morning for a visit at the A. T.
Hereim and A. I.. Larsen homes. On
Saturday afternoon Mr. Bugg with
Arthur Iloye and Mr and Mrs. Harry
Moore, all of Grandvlew, flrove
across and all visited until Sunday
evening, when they drove home.
The Misses Dorothy Board man and
Doris Hoaly gave a surprise party at
the home of Mr. Olson on Miss Delia
OlHon Tuesday evening, the occasion
being her sixteenth birthday anniver
sary. Games and dancing were the
order of the evening. A delicious
luncheon of sandwiches, cake and
lemonade was served, after which
la happy but tired crowd wended their
Adolf Kknubo is putting up a mix
ture of alfalfa and hairy vetch, go
ing some four to five tons to the
acre. He thinks the vetch seed will
go about 400 pounds to the acre,
bringing more gross returns per
acre than three cuttings of alfalfa.
Besides the above mixture he will
gel one good crop of clean alfalfa
off the same land. Mr. Hkoubo has
experimented with hairy vetch for
seven years, and thinks there Is
great possibilities in this mixture,
espwially in connection with dairy
ing. It may be worth while for our
dairymen to investigate this proposition.
Kor the first time since the war
the Stars and Stripes floated over
some of the houses In (Jermany on
the Fourth.
way home.
Walt Cohoon, one of the progres
sive East End farmers, seems to be
pursued by the Goddess of III Luck
the past few months. He lost his
cow, then some hogs and now the
greatest loss occured Monday night
when he lost his barn, chickens, and
all of his first crop of hay by fire.
It seems that a fire started In the
manure pile and Mr. Cohoon and a
neighbor extinguished It. Thinking
11 was entirely out he came to town,
but Just a few sparks were left
enough to start a conflagation that
destroyed barn and stacks Fortu
nately the house was not in the path
of the (lames. Mr Cohoon la a
homesteader and has his place in
fine shape and is improving It rapid
ly. The Art means quite a loss to
him at this time
ga i BABY GtfANP FUOM THEIB ViOVM Hgfe EVER &Et rfori (
h MM) YOU- HA!HA!Hty- ' VjVm V-T I
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